JPEG-Compression, Time Complexity and Performance - compression

I have a few questions regarding JPEG-compression;
What is the typical time-complexity of a good implementation of a JPEG-compression algorithm? I've tried reading up on the process itself but as it turns out I find it quite hard to pinpoint exactly what processes that needs to be done - I'm still at a pretty basic level in my algorithm-knowledge.. :-)
And I also wonder (I guess this can be derived from the first question) how demanding JPEG-compression is for the CPU compared to different compression algorithms, e.g. .gif - say if I needed to compress 1000 photos for example.

If you mean as a function of the size of the image, it's linear. The compression and decompression time are O(n), where n is the number of pixels.
JPEG and GIF are two different solutions to two different problems. JPEG is lossy generally for natural, photographic images, whereas GIF is lossless, generally for simple graphic images and icons. You would not use GIF for photographs.
Also GIF is obsolete, having been replaced with PNG, except for simple animated GIFs, of cats mostly. (There are better methods for lossless image compression than what PNG uses, but none seem to have caught on. The compression methods in PNG should be obsolete, but they aren't.)


How to efficiently compress thousands of slightly differing JPEG files?

I captured a timelapse sequence from a camera, and saved it as a collection of separate .jpg files.
The files are numbering in the tens of thousands now, and most of them only differ by a slight amount - is there a compression method that would utilize this fact?
Since video codecs are more or less tailored towards compressing "sequences of slightly differing images", they seem like a good choice. However, as the files are already compressed, I would prefer not to lose any more information by further encoding them into a lossy format. So, I experimented with video formats that offer lossless compression like h264 or FFV1, but the resulting filesize was several times larger than a simple gzip of the jpg files - I assume it's because in the encoding step, the jpgs are converted to a bitmap, and then losslessly compressed, resulting in a better filesize than if I had a folder full of uncompressed bitmaps, but falling short of gzipping the original jpgs.
Right now, I'm simply storing them gzipped, but I wonder - is there is a better method, one that might exploit the fact that the files are perceptually very similar? Or, since the files are already compressed jpgs, the best way to go about this is to consider them no different from binary files - and use general purpose compression methods like gzip, bzip, etc.?
(Also, apologies for asking on StackOverflow - there might be a better StackExchange site, but I couldn't find any.)
You'll need to define "slightly differing". It seems that you are demanding lossless compression of the JPEGs, even though each of the JPEGs was compressed with loss. Anyway, depending on how slight the differences are, it might be effective to send the first JPEG, and then PNGs (which are lossless) of the difference between successive images, pixel-by-pixel. If at some point the next PNG is bigger than the JPEG being differenced, then just send the JPEG. That way your stream at least won't get bigger.
If the sequence of images have effectively panning or zooming as part of the difference, then this won't work so well, since pixels in the same locations in the images are differenced. For panning and zooming, you would want a video format. Accepting a little loss goes a long way.

How can I further compress a JPEG to send over a TCP Stream in C/C++ on Windows?

I am making my own version of teamviewer, where you can show your screen to other people so that they can help you with issues and provide support. However, I have ran into a slight issue.
Firstly, when I take a screenshot the .BMP is about 1 MB in memory. After using EncodingParams and converting it to a JPEG with ulong quality = 20, it drops to 92 kb. However, I still feel like this might be a little too big to constantly send over a stream.
Is there any way I can reduce the size of an image or any kind of way I can make it less network intensive? Every single byte I remove would help speed it up for slower connections, and use less bandwidth.
I would appreciate if someone could give me some advice.
Either use a lower quality than 20, or or reduce the size of the image. Both will of course degrade the quality. But there aren't any obvious compression techniques that you can use on a JPEG compressed image - it's about as small as it will get (even high quality JPEG's will compress rather poorly, because JPEG does a good job at compressing the actual data in the image, as well as "destroying" pixels when compression levels are quite high). You can prove this by taking a number of JPEG images and compress them with your favourite compression program (ZIP, GZIP, BZIP, etc).
You can also reduce the number of colours in the image - a 256 (8-bit) or 64K (16-bit) image will compress much better than a 16M (24/32-bit) image.
Other obvious answer is to only send the DIFFERENCE between one frame and another - this can give you pretty decent benefits as long as the picture isn't changing very much - if someone is playing a "shoot-em up" type game, where things explode and the scene changes at 50 fps, it's probably not going to help much, but for regular office type applications, the number of pixels that change each frame is probably minimal.

Appropriate image file format for losslessly compressing series of screenshots

I am building an application which takes a great many number of screenshots during the process of "recording" operations performed by the user on the windows desktop.
For obvious reasons I'd like to store this data in as efficient a manner as possible.
At first I thought about using the PNG format to get this done. But I stumbled upon this:
The best algorithms only managed a 3 to 5 percent improvement on an image of GUI icons. This is highly discouraging and reveals that I'm going to need to do better because just using PNG will not allow me to use previous frames to help the compression ratio. The filesize will continue to grow linearly with time.
I thought about solving this with a bit of a hack: Just save the frames in groups of some number, side by side. For example I could just store the content of 10 1280x1024 captures in a single 1280x10240 image, then the compression should be able to take advantage of repetitions across adjacent images.
But the problem with this is that the algorithms used to compress PNG are not designed for this. I am arbitrarily placing images at 1024 pixel intervals from each other, and only 10 of them can be grouped together at a time. From what I have gathered after a few minutes scanning the PNG spec, the compression operates on individual scanlines (which are filtered) and then chunked together, so there is actually no way that info from 1024 pixels above could be referenced from down below.
So I've found the MNG format which extends PNG to allow animations. This is much more appropriate for what I am doing.
One thing that I am worried about is how much support there is for "extending" an image/animation with new frames. The nature of the data generation in my application is that new frames get added to a list periodically. But I do have a simple semi-solution to this problem, which is to cache a chunk of recently generated data and incrementally produce an "animation", say, every 10 frames. This will allow me to tie up only 10 frames' worth of uncompressed image data in RAM, not as good as offloading it to the filesystem immediately, but it's not terrible. After the entire process is complete (or even using free cycles in a free thread, during execution) I can easily go back and stitch the groups of 10 together, if it's even worth the effort to do it.
Here is my actual question that everything has been leading up to. Is MNG the best format for my requirements? Those reqs are: 1. C/C++ implementation available with a permissive license, 2. 24/32 bit color, 4+ megapixel (some folks run 30 inch monitors) resolution, 3. lossless or near-lossless (retains text clarity) compression with provisions to reference previous frames to aid that compression.
For example, here is another option that I have thought about: video codecs. I'd like to have lossless quality, but I have seen examples of h.264/x264 reproducing remarkably sharp stills, and its performance is such that I can capture at a much faster interval. I suspect that I will just need to implement both of these and do my own benchmarking to adequately satisfy my curiosity.
If you have access to a PNG compression implementation, you could easily optimize the compression without having to use the MNG format by just preprocessing the "next" image as a difference with the previous one. This is naive but effective if the screenshots don't change much, and compression of "almost empty" PNGs will decrease a lot the storage space required.

Is there a faster lossy compression than JPEG?

Is there a compression algorithm that is faster than JPEG yet well supported? I know about jpeg2000 but from what I've heard it's not really that much faster.
Edit: for compressing.
Edit2: It should run on Linux 32 bit and ideally it should be in C or C++.
Jpeg encoding and decoding should be extremely fast. You'll have a hard time finding a faster algorithm. If it's slow, your problem is probably not the format but a bad implementation of the encoder. Try the encoder from libavcodec in the ffmpeg project.
Do you have MMX/SSE2 instructions available on your target architecture? If so, you might try libjpeg-turbo. Alternatively, can you compress the images with something like zlib and then offload the actual reduction to another machine? Is it imperative that actual lossy compression of the images take place on the embedded device itself?
In what context? On a PC or a portable device?
From my experience you've got JPEG, JPEG2000, PNG, and ... uh, that's about it for "well-supported" image types in a broad context (lossy or not!)
(Hooray that GIF is on its way out.)
JPEG2000 isn't faster at all. Is it encoding or decoding that's not fast enough with jpeg? You could probably be alot faster by doing only 4x4 FDCT and IDCT on jpeg.
It's hard to find any documentation on IJG libjpeg, but if you use that, try lowering the quality setting, it might make it faster, also there seems to be a fast FDCT option.
Someone mentioned libjpeg-turbo that uses SIMD instructions and is compatible with the regular libjpeg. If that's an option for you, I think you should try it.
I think wavelet-based compression algorithms are in general slower than the ones using DCT. Maybe you should take a look at the JPEG XR and WebP formats.
You could simply resize the image to a smaller one if you don't require the full image fidelity. Averaging every 2x2 block into a single pixel will reduce the size to 1/4 very quickly.

jpeg compression ratio

Is there a table that gives the compression ratio of a jpeg image at a given quality?
Something like the table given on the wiki page, except for more values.
A formula could also do the trick.
Bonus: Are the [compression ratio] values on the wiki page roughly true for all images? Does the ratio depend on what the image is and the size of the image?
Purpose of these questions: I am trying to determine the upper bound of the size of a compressed image for a given quality.
Note: I am not looking to make a table myself(I already have). I am looking for other data to check with my own.
I had exactly the same question and I was disappointed that no one created such table (studies based on a single classic Lena image or JPEG tombstone are looking ridiculous). That's why I made my own study. I cannot say that it is perfect, but it is definitely better than others.
I took 60 real life photos from different devices with different dimensions. I created a script which compress them with different JPEG quality values (it uses our company imaging library, but it is based on libjpeg, so it should be fine for other software as well) and saved results to CSV file. After some Excel magic, I came to the following values (note, I did not calculated anything for JPEG quality lower than 55 as they seem to be useless to me):
Q=55 43.27
Q=60 36.90
Q=65 34.24
Q=70 31.50
Q=75 26.00
Q=80 25.06
Q=85 19.08
Q=90 14.30
Q=95 9.88
Q=100 5.27
To tell the truth, the dispersion of the values is significant (e.g. for Q=55 min compression ratio is 22.91 while max value is 116.55) and the distribution is not normal. So it is not so easy to understand what value should be taken as typical for a specific JPEG quality. But I think these values are good as a rough estimate.
I wrote a blog post which explains how I received these numbers.
Hopefully anyone will find it useful.
Browsing Wikipedia a little more led to and Kodak's test suite. Although they're a little outdated and small, you could make your own table.
Alternately, pictures of stars and galaxies from should stress the compressor well, being large, almost exclusively composed of tiny speckled detail, and distributed in uncompressed format. In other words, HUBBLE GOTCHOO!
The compression you get will depend on what the image is of as well as the size. Obviously a larger image will produce a larger file even if it's of the same scene.
As an example, a random set of photos from my digital camera (a Canon EOS 450) range from 1.8MB to 3.6MB. Another set has even more variation - 1.5MB to 4.6MB.
If I understand correctly, one of the key mechanisms for attaining compression in JPEG is using frequency analysis on every 8x8 pixel block of the image and scaling the resulting amplitudes with a "quantization matrix" that varies with the specified compression quality.
The scaling of high frequency components often result in the block containing many zeros, which can be encoded at negligible cost.
From this we can deduce that in principle there is no relation between the quality and the final compression ratio that will be independent of the image. The number of frequency components that can be dropped from a block without perceptually altering its content significantly will necessarily depend on the intensity of those components, i.e. whether the block contains a sharp edge, highly variable content, noise, etc.