Unparsable MOF Query When Trying to Register Event - c++

Update 2
I accepted an answer and asked a different question elsewhere, where I am still trying to get to the bottom of this.
I don't think that one-lining this query is the answer, as I am still not getting the required results (and multi-lining queries is allowed in .mof, as shown in the URLs in comments to the answer ...
I rewrote the query as a one-liner as suggested, but still got the same error! As it was still talking about lines 11-19 I knew there must be another issue. After saving a new file with the change, I reran mofcomp and it appears to have loaded, but the event which I have subscribed to simply does not work.
I really feel that there is not enough documentation on this topic and it is hard to work out how I am meant to debug this - any help on this would be much appreciated, even if this means using a different more appropriate method.
I have the following .mof file, which I would like to use to register an event on my system :
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")
instance of __EventFilter as $EventFilter
Name = "Event Filter Instance Name";
Query = "Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent within 1 "
"where targetInstance isa \"Cim_DirectoryContainsFile\" "
"and targetInstance.GroupComponent = \"Win32_Directory.Name=\"c:\\\\test\"\"";
QueryLanguage = "WQL";
EventNamespace = "Root\\Cimv2";
instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $Consumer
Name = "TestConsumer";
ScriptingEngine = "VBScript";
ScriptText =
"Set objFSO = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")\n"
"Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(\"c:\\test\\Log.txt\", 8, True)\n"
"objFile.WriteLine Time & \" \" & \" File Created\"\n"
// Specify any other relevant properties.
instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
Filter = $EventFilter;
Consumer = $Consumer;
But whenever I run the command mfcomp myfile.mof I am getting this error:
Parsing MOF file: myfile.mof
MOF file has been successfully parsed
Storing data in the repository...
An error occurred while processing item 1 defined on lines 11 - 19 in file myfile.mof:
Error Number: 0x80041058, Facility: WMI
Description: Unparsable query.
Compiler returned error 0x80041058
This error appears to be caused by incorrect syntax in the query, but I don't understand where I have gone wrong with this - is anyone able to advise?

There are no string concatenation or line continuation characters being used in building "Query". To keep it simple, you could put the entire query on one line.


How to get Body of the email using c++ builder

I want to get the email body from my Gmail account for an email so i use this code i found it in an example for how to read emails using c++ builder pop3
the code to extract body used
TIdText *EText;
int message = SpinEdit1->Value;
MyPoP3->Retrieve(message, MyEmail);
Edit1->Text = MyEmail->Subject + " | " + MyEmail->From->Address;
for (int i = 0; i < MyEmail->MessageParts->Count; i++) {
EText = dynamic_cast<TIdText*>(MyEmail->MessageParts->Items[i]);
the problem is that i got undefine symbol to TidText and what i tried is to change it from TIdText to TIdMessage, but i got that i can't convert to it.
also i tried to try this without loop or something MyEmail->Body->Text
this return empty string.
the video i got this code from it here i don't know maybe the c++ builder he use is old. now i want to know how to extract the body text from the email address.
Thanks in advance.
the problem is that i got undefine symbol to TidText
Your code is missing an #include <IdText.hpp> statement.
what i tried is to change it from TIdText to TIdMessage, but i got that i can't convert to it.
Because TIdMessage does not contain nested TIdMessage objects.
also i tried to try this without loop or something MyEmail->Body->Text this return empty string.
If your email is MIME encoded, its text is not stored in the TIdMessage::Body property, but in a nested TIdText object within the TIdMessage::MessageParts collection. You have to look at the TIdMessage::ContentType property to know what kind of structure the email contains. For instance, if the CT begins with text/, the text is in the TIdMessage::Body. But if the CT begins with multipart/, the text is somewhere in the TIdMessage::MessageParts instead.
You should read this blog article on Indy's website for an example of how emails might be structured:
HTML Messages
the video i got this code from it here i don't know maybe the c++ builder he use is old.
No, it is not.

awk/regex: parsing error logs not always returned error description

I recently asked for help to parse out Java error stacks from a group of log files and got a very nice solution at the link below (using awk).
Pull out Java error stacks from log files
I marked the question answered and after some debugging and studying I found a few potential issues and since they are unrelated to my initial question but rather due to my limited understanding of awk and regular expressions, I thought it might be better to ask a new question.
Here is the solution:
BEGIN{ OFS="," }
/[[:space:]]+*<Error / {
while ( match($0,/[^[:space:]]+="[^"]+/) ) {
name = value = substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
$0 = substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
n2v[name] = value
print name value
code = n2v["ErrorCode"]
desc[code] = n2v["ErrorDescription"]
if (!seen[code,FILENAME]++) {
fnames[code] = (code in fnames ? fnames[code] ", " : "") FILENAME
print "Count", "ErrorCode", "ErrorDescription", "Files"
for (code in desc) {
print count[code], code, desc[code], fnames[code]
One issue I am having with it is that not all ErrorDescriptions are being captured. For example, this error description appears in the output of this script:
ErrorDescription="Database Error."
But this error description does not appear in the results (description copied from actual log file):
ErrorDescription="Operation not allowed for reason code "7" on table "SCHEMA.TABLE".. SQLCODE=-668, SQLSTATE=57016, DRIVER=4.13.127"
Nor does this one:
ErrorDescription="Cannot Find Person For Given Order."
It seems that most error descriptions are not being returned by this script but do exist in the log file. I don't see why some error descriptions would appear and some not. Does anyone have any ideas?
Here is a sample of the XML I am parsing:
<Error ErrorCode="ERR_0139"
ErrorDescription="Cannot Find Person For Given Order." ErrorMoreInfo="">
The pattern in the script will not match your data:
/[[:space:]]+*<Error / {
The "+" tells it to match at least one space.
The space after "Error" tells it to match another space - but your data has no space before the "=".
The "<" is unnecessary (but not part of the problem).
This would be a better pattern:
This regex would only match the error description.
It uses a capturing group to remember your error description.
Demo here. (Tested against a combination of your edit and your previous question error log.)

MAPI, HrQueryAllRows: Filter messages on subject

I'm pretty much new to MAPI and haven't wrote much C++ Code.
Basically I want to read all emails in the inbox and filter them based on their subject text. So far I'm using the source code provided at the microsoft msdn website which basically reads all emails from the inbox. What I want now is to not get all emails but filter them on the subject, lets say: I want all emails in my Inbox with the subject title "test".
So far I figuered out that the following line of code retrieves all the mails:
hRes = HrQueryAllRows(lpContentsTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols, &sres, NULL, 0, &pRows);
The parameter &sres is from the type SRestriction.
I tried to implement a filter on 'test' in the subject:
sres.rt = RES_CONTENT;
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &SvcProps;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
SvcProps.Value.lpszA = "test";
ScvProps is from the type SPropValue.
If i execute the application then I get 0 lines returned. If I change the String test to an empty String then I get all emails.
I'm assuming i'm using the "filter" option wrong, any ideas?
Edit: When I change the FuzzyLevel to:
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_SUBSTRING;
then I can look for subjects that contain a single character but as soon as I add a second character I get 0 rows as result. I'm pretty sure this is just some c++ stuff that I don't understand that causes all this problems ...
I figured the problem out.
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_SUBSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_A;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_A;
fixed the problem.

Pgocaml customizing sql queries

I am trying to write a query that simply drops a table.
let drop_table dbh table_name =
let query = String.concat " " ["drop table"; table_name] in
PGSQL(dbh) query
I am receiving the following error from the query
File "save.ml", line 37, characters 10-11:
Parse error: STRING _ expected after ")" (in [expr])
File "save.ml", line 1:
Error: Preprocessor error
Why am I getting this error? It appears that this function is valid Ocaml syntax.
Thanks guys!
You cannot construct query when using PG'OCaml's syntax extension. You must provide a literal string. This is the tradeoff for getting PG'Ocaml's compile time query validation. If query could be any OCaml expression, PG'OCaml wouldn't know how to validate it at compile time.
Personally, I've stopped using the syntax extension completely. My feeling is it doesn't scale to large projects. Instead I call prepare and execute directly. For example, this function will create a new database connection (assuming the connection parameters are previously defined), run the given query, and close the connection:
let exec query =
let db = PGOCaml.connect ~host ~user ~database ~port ~password ()
PGOCaml.prepare db ~query ();
let ans = PGOCaml.execute db ~params:[] () in
PGOCaml.close db;
Of course, this isn't a robust implementation and shouldn't be used in production code. It doesn't handle errors and isn't asynchronous.

How Do You Call an MSSQL System Function From ADO/C++?

...specifically, the fn_listextendedproperty system function in MSSQL 2005.
I have added an Extended Property to my database object, named 'schemaVersion'. In my MSVC application, using ADO, I need to determine if that Extended Property exists and, if it does, return the string value out of it.
Here is the T-SQL code that does what I want. How do I write this in C++/ADO, or otherwise get the job done?
select value as schemaVer
from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default)
where name=N'schemaVersion'
Here's the code I tried at first. It failed with the error listed below the code:
_CommandPtr cmd;
cmd->ActiveConnection = cnn;
cmd->PutCommandText("select value "
"from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default) "
"where name=N'schemaVersion'");
VARIANT varCount;
cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdText);
...here are the errors I peeled out of the ADO errors collection. The output is from my little utility function which adds the extra text like the thread ID etc, so ignore that.
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : === 1 Provider Error Messages : =======================
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : [ 1] (-2147217900) 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'default'.'
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (SQLState = '42000')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (Source = 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server')
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : (NativeError = 156)
(Proc:0x1930, Thread:0x8A0) INFO : ==========================================================
EDIT: Updated the call according to suggestions. Also changed "SELECT value AS schemaVer" to just "SELECT value".
EDIT: Changed the first parameter of Execute() to NULL per suggestion. This fixed my original problem, and I proceeded to the next. :)
Try specifying NULL rather than default for each parameter of fn_listextendedproperty. This should hopefully then execute without errors, just leaving you to retrieve the result as your next step.
I still have not figured out how to do this directly. To get on with my life, I wrote a stored procedure which called the function:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mh_getSchemaVersion]
#schemaVer VARCHAR(256) OUTPUT
select #schemaVer = CAST( (select value from fn_listextendedproperty(default, default, default, default, default, default, default) where name=N'schemaVersion') AS varchar(256) )
return ##ROWCOUNT
...and then called thst sproc from my ADO/C++ code:
_CommandPtr cmd;
cmd->ActiveConnection = cnn;
_variant_t schemaVar;
_ParameterPtr schemaVarParam = cmd->CreateParameter("#schemaVer", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 256);
cmd->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc);
std::string v = (const char*)(_bstr_t)schemaVarParam->GetValue();
ver->hasVersion_ = true;
...which works, but I didn't want to have to deploy a new stored procedure.
So if anyone can come up with a solution to the original problem and show me how to call the system function directly from ADO/C++, I will accept that as the answer. Otherwise I'll just accept this.