Django - User Model for Dating site - Admin -Staff/Agency+ other users - django

I'm trying to make my first django app (a dating site) that consist of varying user models.
Users need to have fields like location,language,religion, height, preferences, family details horoscope etc.
Staff/Agency - users added by Admin from the panel - some contact details like address,phone etc would be enough. No self registration required.
I prefer to have email-id as the USERNAME field.
Can someone please guide me how do I proceed to make User models in this case? I have been struggling to follow the docs and various thread on forums to get some light.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

You should 'extend' the django user class by creating a one to one model, generally called a profile that contains the rest of the information you need to gather on a person.
It is considered bad practise and difficult to extend djangos user class directly.
Have a look at this youtube video, it's a bit out of date so don't copy it word for word, but it gets the general concept across.


Using an alternative model for password reset in Django

Due to the complexities of the application I'm creating, I ended up with three user models. One which is pretty much the normal User which is not used for anything other than admin and two others. I wrote my own set of auth backends to deal with it and it's working well.
Now my problem is having a reset password system. Is there a way to use Django's reset password views while using a custom model?
I've answered your related question about password resets which touches on a lot of similar ground.
I haven't tried password resets with multiple user models myself, but if you look at Django's auth views in django.contrib.auth.views, in PasswordResetConfirmView - the view that handles the reset form - it has a get_user() method which fetches the user model. And the form_valid() method performs user authentication. So if you subclass this view as per my other answer and write your own versions of these methods to handle your non-default user model, that should be the way to go.
I don't know about your specific case, but if you were starting again, the best way would probably be to set the default user (as specified in AUTHOR_USER_MODEL) to an extension of Django's AbstractUser, and from there you can customise your user model with different user types and roles. Apologies if you already did that, and of course changing user models on an existing app is difficult and risky. But I think with that design, one password reset link would cover all users. Here's a good blog post laying out that approach.

How to get django model relations using JSON?

I had no idea how to structure an accurate title for this question, but I did my best so please bear with me.
I am working on a app for my hockey team that consists of a django app and an mobile app that communicates with the django app using JSON (django-rest-framework). However, one problem I am struggeling with figuring out how to solve is as follows:
You create a user (using Token Authentication), and then you create a player and/or a manager.
However, what I am struggling with is what to do when an existing user logs in. How do I check whether or not there is a player or manager associated with that user? When I log in, all I get in return from the rest framework is that user's authentication token, so from a programming perspective, I have no clue what user it actually is since I dont have the user's Id. Even if I did, how can I look up players by anything other than their Id? Currently the only idea I have is to grab all players and loop through them to find one with the same email address as the user currently signed in has.
Hope this made some degree of sense!
This isn't really a question about JSON.
Surely the token is associated with a user ID? I don't use django-rest-framework, but the documentation for TokenAuthentication is pretty clear that once the user logs in with their token, you'll get a normal auth.User instance in request.user just like you would with a standard web-based login.
Your second question is probably made irrelevant by that, but even so, you can always query by an email address, without needing to loop through:
Again this is standard Django querying - if you're not familiar with that syntax, you should do the Django tutorial.
Of course, since you have a User already, you can do a more efficient foreign key lookup:
or even
(assuming you have a one-to-one relationship from User to Manager - it would have been helpful to see your models).

django-tagging like app for specific conditions in django

I am making a project where I want to build a user profile. In this user profile, I want to provide the field for employers and skills. Both of these fields have many to many relationship. One user can have multiple employers and each employer can have different users linked to it. The same is for skills.
To the user I want to provide a field, where it can enter the employers separated by space, and also provide Add another employer button. This is very similar to django-tagging application.
But I cannot put the tagfield there because my tags are very generic and span across different models. I am using an tagging-autocomplete on it. And I just want the employers to come in the autocomplete field and not just any tag.
This can be done using ManyToMany fields but I have not found any good tutorial that shows how I can do that.
Any help or direction is appreciated.
I belive, it is not similar how django-tagging works inside, because what you need is just a widget to select users. And this widget should have autocomplete.
Take a look at the answers on Facebook style JQuery autocomplete plugin question.

Facebook Connect: capturing user data with django-profiles and django-socialregistration

Either my google searching has completely left me or there's hardly any documentation/tutorials for django-socialregistration. Too bad, because it seems like a nice enough app. Through some trial-and-error, I have managed to get it mostly running on my site.
My question, using django-socialregistration how do I request permission for the facebook user's full name, current city and date of birth and store it in my UserProfile table (which is my AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE for django-profiles) in Django upon registration? Also, how do I post to the user's wall from Django once the connection is made?
Currently, when I click the "Connect with Facebook" button the facebook connection is made, a new Django user is created and the user is logged in with that Django account. However, no UserProfile is created and no facebook profile data is saved.
Any facebook connect gurus out there want to help the Django pony fly to Facebookland?
- Django 1.2.1
- Python 2.5.2
- django-socialregistration 0.4.2
- django-registration 0.7
- django-profiles 0.2
"Kind sir, can you please help me find the magical Facebookland?"
In facebook_js.html you need to adjust the following line, by uncommenting items that you need to get from FB:
Then, in FacebookMiddleware you can extract that data from fb_user, like this:
FWIW, I just found this moderately helpful nugget from the app author buried in the "Issues" section on github:
question from "tolano":
I have a profile model associated with the users, and everytime the user is created the profile should be created also. Should we create a new custom setup view for this purpose?
I'm finding several problems because the documentation is poor. Thank you very much.
answer from "flashingpumpkin":
Yes. Ideally you'll overwrite the setup view with your own. An easier method to adjust what is done on user creation is to pass a custom form into the setup view. You'll do that by overriding the standard url.
Here's another relevant nugget (source: Enough of these and this page will become the de facto django-socialregistration documentation ;)
question from "girasquid":
Maybe I'm just missing something, but I'm stuck here - is there a way to 'connect' accounts on other sites to an already-existing user?
For example, I've already signed up on Really Awesome Website, so I don't need to sign up again - but I'd like to connect my Facebook and Twitter accounts so that I can sign in with those as well.
Is there a way to do this already? If there isn' would I do it?
answer from "flashingpumpkin":
Yes there is. Just use the same template tags for Facebook Connect as you would for registration. Depending on if the user is already logged in or not it will create just the FacebookProfile object and link it to the existing user - or create both, the User object and the FacebookProfile object.
Have a look here:

Django admin - limiting access to objects based on the user logged in

I'm working on creating a simple website for an exhibition. It's intended to use django with django CMS as much as possible - so Django admin site will be used.
Now I want to limit user's access to objects they can view/modify/delete.
There's going to be an Admin user, who can do all that admin can in django. But there are going to be Exhibitor types of users, who should be able to only see/modify their own objects (like - Page and Offer, they both would have an ID of the Exhibitor who's their owner).
Can this be done on the model level in django? Best would be to have some method that would take a logged-in-user instance and return the list of objects that this user can see.
There used to be a Row level permissions branch but it appears to have died off before gaining any traction or hope of being included into the trunk, so unfortunately that is out. That link does, however, give you a bit of a hint as to how they claim the admin app currently supports it via the ModelAdmin class.