AutoCAD: Opening a drawing/database from memory, instead of a file - drawing

I am working on a plugin that would enable AutoCAD to open my encrypted drawings. I would like to avoid having to decrypt the drawing to a dwg file on disk. However, the APIs for opening a drawing in AutoCAD all seem to work only with filepaths. Is there any other way to load a drawing/database in AutoCAD, that does not involve having a dwg file on the hard drive?
What has caught my attention was the
AcDbDatabase::readDwgFile(AcDwgFileHandle * pDwgFile, ...)
function, but I was unable to find any information on the AcDwgFileHandle class. If it was just a wrapper for Win32 HANDLE or something, it would easily solve my problems.
Thanks for your help.

As you have already answered there AcDwgFileHandle is internal class (not handle wrapper).
With Dependency Wolker we can find some functions in acdb19.dll:
enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcDwgFileHandle::close(class AcDwgFileHandle * &)
enum Acad::ErrorStatus AcDwgFileHandle::open(wchar_t const *,class AcDwgFileHandle * &,int)
class AcDwgFileHandle * AcDwgFileHandle::open(wchar_t const *,int,enum Acad::ErrorStatus *,int (*)(int,int,int,int))
But unfortunately these functions are useless for you.
You may think to change dwgIn dwgOut somehow. So .dwg will be on disk but already encrypted.


Load a dynamic shared library (DLL) on Mac in C++ using CFBundleCreate

How do I implement a function to load a dll(aka framework) on Mac OS using C++?
void LoadFramework(const char* frameworkPath)
//frameworkPath is the absolute path of the framework
When I google searched for this problem, I mostly ended up with dlopen solution to load the framework. What I am instead looking for is to use CFBundleCreate to load the framework. It seems to me that there are a bunch of methods needed to be called to construct an URL from const char * path. I found the needed code in pieces, and could not write one comprehensive solution.
It typically is just a few lines of straightforward code to open a framework in Mac, something along the lines of :
bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);
bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
assert(bundle != NULL);
and pretty much everything in that snippet is well documented. I would suggest adding more detail in the question, as to the specifics of what exactly is not working for you.
Why not do this?
using DLL_Namespace;
This should give you access to the DLL.

How to load registered COM DLL in C++

I have a C++ COM dll and I have register it with regsvr32. I want tho use the functions and class of the dll Inside my code. Unfortunatly I dont possess any .h and it doesnt come with a .tlb file. I have the documentation how to use the functions and class but there is no information about how to link the dll to my project so I could use it. I am new with using external COM interface so i'm not quite sur where I could find this information.
I have tried #import "example.dll" (dll inserted in the project folder but it looks like it doesn't work I have an unable to load dll error. My program is mixed CLR / unmanaged C++.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
If enough information is provided, you can define the interfaces in a header file yourself. I would recommend using #import to import an existing COM type library and investigate the generated .tlh file for ideas. For a simple interface with functions, for example, the code looks something like this:
struct __declspec(uuid("Interface-Guid-with-Dashes")) IInterfaceName : IUnknown
virtual HRESULT __stdcall get_Value (/*[out,retval]*/ long * result) = 0;
virtual HRESULT __stdcall Execute (/*[in]*/ int value) = 0;

Why do my C# and C++ dlls exhibit different behavior?

I am working on a project that involves the creation of a dll that honours a certain interface in order to plug into some software in order to add functionality to it. This is done by a dll that calls my dll (I do not have the source code for the dll that does the calling). Originally I was given an interface and a C# implementation that created a COM visible dll. However after using this for a while I found I wanted to make use of some large C++ libraries and as creating wrappers would take a long time I thought about creating a C++ ATL COM dll instead. I did this and the methods of my class appear to be called correctly (I register my dll, run the program and the methods appear to be called in the correct order), however I have found some of the behavior to be different.
I am not sure how to go about explaining this as my code relates to a closed source API but perhaps if I describe an example someone might have some ideas as to where I might want look.
For instance, in the C# dll I attempt to open a file by doing this:
FMANFileControl fileControl = new FMANFileControl();
FMANFile wFile = null;
const string filePath = #"C:\Data\April 4\Data_IDA.wiff";
wFile = fileControl.GetFileObject(filePath, 1);
long numSamples = wFile.GetNumberOfSamples();
I get the correct number of samples.
In my C++ dll I have this (with some of the HRESULT checks removed in order to keep the code shorter):
std::string filePath = "C:\\Data\\April 4\\Data_IDA.wiff";
_bstr_t fileName(filePath.c_str());
IFMANFilePtr ipFMANFile;
IFMANFileControlPtr ipFMANFileControl;
hr = ipFMANFileControl.CreateInstance(__uuidof(FMANFileControl));
hr = ipFMANFile.CreateInstance(__uuidof(FMANFile));
ipFMANFile = ipFMANFileControl->GetFileObject(fileName, 1);
long numSamples = ipFMANFile->GetNumberOfSamples();
but the files does not open correctly, resulting is zero samples.
Using oleview I looked at the typelib and it says this for the function:
[id(0x00000001), helpstring("method GetWiffFileObject")]
IFMANWiffFile* GetWiffFileObject( [in] BSTR WiffFileName, [in] long sample);
The file I get information from is one that is being written to during an experiment and just before it obtains more data it calls my method and I should be able to obtain the newest file. In the C# dll this is possible, but in the C++ dll this is not. While I realize the specifics of this is hidden, I am wondering is anyone has any idea why a C++ COM dll and a C#, comvisible dll that make use of the same interface would exhibit different behavour when being called by the same dll.
I am pretty stumped at this moment so any ideas at all would be appreciated, even if they turn out to be way off base. I can share my source code if anyone thinks they might be able to help.
I tried the solution to answer 1, however I could not compile my code. When reading about this I found this post:
Differences between [in, out] and [out, retval] in COM IDL definitions
that seems to suggest that since the FMANFile pointer is marked [out, retval] that the method becomes:
IFMANFilePtr ExploreData::IFMANFileControl(BSTR filename, long sample);
or am I misinterpreting that article?
Got it working though I am not really sure why.
Originally I had the variables declared in the header as private member variables of the class, like this:
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CUserIDA, &CLSID_UserIDAObject>,
public IUserIDA
STDMETHOD(GetSwitchCriteria)(DOUBLE* intensity, DOUBLE* minMass, DOUBLE* maxMass, VARIANT_BOOL *selectIntensity, LONG* numOfDepCycles);
ExploreDataObjects::IFMANWiffFilePtr ipFMANWiffFile;
ExploreDataObjects::IFMANWiffFile2Ptr ipFMANWiffFile2;
Just to try it I moved them to the top of the class delcaration like this:
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CUserIDA, &CLSID_UserIDAObject>,
public IUserIDA
ExploreDataObjects::IFMANWiffFilePtr ipFMANWiffFile;
ExploreDataObjects::IFMANWiffFile2Ptr ipFMANWiffFile2;
I thought that by default these would also be private members and the same as before so I am at a loss to explain why this seemed to work. Can someone explain this?
Your C++ code is correct, except for the following line:
hr = ipFMANFile.CreateInstance(__uuidof(FMANFile));
It doesn't make any sens, because ipFMANFile is initialized once again in the next statement.
Unfortunately, this IDL declaration:
IFMANWiffFile* GetWiffFileObject([in] BSTR WiffFileName, [in] long sample);
is limited for debugging purposes since it doesn't support the native COM mechanisme for the exception reporting via HRESULT. The COM compliant declaration would be:
HRESULT GetWiffFileObject([in] BSTR WiffFileName, [in] long sample, [out, retval] IFMANWiffFile** fileInstance);
I believe that you are unable to change the library's code so I suggest you to try some external debugging tools like 'procmon.exe' and 'dbgview.exe' to inspect the application events when you run the CPP test case. Look for all failed actions.
I hope this will help you somehow

Managed C++ - Importing different DLLs based on configuration file

I am currently writing an application that will serve a similar purpose for multiple clients, but requires adaptations to how it will handle the data it is feed. In essence it will serve the same purpose, but hand out data totally differently.
So I decided to prodeed like this:
-Make common engine library that will hold the common functionalities of all ways and present the default interface ensuring that the different engines will respond the same way.
-Write a specific engine for each way of functioning....each one compiles into its own .dll.
So my project will end up with a bunch of libraries with some looking like this:
Now in the configuration file that we use for the user preferences there will an engine section so that we may decide which engine to use:
So somewhere in the code we will want to do:
If (this->M_ENGINE == "Way1")
//load dll for way1
Else If (this->M_ENGINE == "Way2")
//load dll for way2
//no engines selected...tell user to modify settings and restart application
The question is...How will I import my dll(s) this way? Is it even possible? If not can I get some suggestions on how to achieve a similar way of functioning?
I am aware I could just import all of the dlls right at the start and just choose which engine to use, but the idea was that I didn't want to import too many engines for nothing and waste resources and we didn't want to have to ship all of those dlls to our customers. One customer will use one engine another will use a different one. Some of our customer will use more than one possibly hence the reason why I wanted to externalize this and allow our users to use a configuration file for engine switching.
Any ideas?
Just realized that even though each of my engine would present the same interface if they are loaded dynamically at runtime and not all referenced in the project, my project would not compile. So I don't have a choice but to include them all in my project don't I?
That also means they all have to be shipped to my customers. The settings in the configuration would only dictate with class I would use to initialize my engine member.
I could have each of these engines be compiled to the same name. Only import one dll in my main project and that particular engine would be used all the time. That would render my customers unable to use our application for multiple clients of their own. Unless they were willing to manually switch dlls. Yuck
Any suggestions?
EDIT #2:
At this point seeing my options, I could also juste make one big dll containing the base engine as well as all the child ones and my configuration to let the user chose. Instead of referencing multiple dlls and shipping them all. Just have one huge one and ship/reference that one only. I am not too fond of this either as it means shipping one big dll to all of my customers instead of just one or two small ones that suit there needs. This is still the best solution that I've come up with though.
I am still looking for better suggestions or answers to my original question.
Use separate DLLs for each engine and use LoadLibrary in your main project to load the specific engine based on the configuration.
Have your engine interface in some common header file that all engines will derive from and this interface will be used in your main project aswell.
It might look like this:
// this should be an abstract class
class engine {
virtual void func1() = 0;
virtual void func2() = 0;
In each different engine implementation export a function from the DLL, something like this:
// might aswell use auto_ptr here
engine* getEngine() { return new EngineImplementationNumberOne(); }
Now in your main project simply load the DLL you're interested in using LoadLibrary and then GetProcAddress the getEngine function.
string dllname;
if (this->M_ENGINE == "Way1")
dllname = "dllname1.dll";
else if (this->M_ENGINE == "Way2")
dllname = "dllname2.dll";
throw configuration_error();
HMODULE h = LoadLibraryA(dllname.c_str());
typedef engine* (*TCreateEngine)();
TCreateEngine func = (TCreateEngine)GetProcAddress(h, "getEngine");
engine* e = func();
The name of the exported function will probably get mangled, so you could either use DEF files or extern "C" in your DLLs, also don't forget to check for errors.
The solution I came to is the following:
Engine_Base^ engine_for_app;
Assembly^ SampleAssembly;
Type^ engineType;
if (this->M_ENGINE == "A")
SampleAssembly = Assembly::LoadFrom("path\\Engine_A.dll");
engineType = SampleAssembly->GetType("Engine_A");
engine_for_app = static_cast<Engine_Base^>(Activator::CreateInstance(engineType, param1, param2));
SampleAssembly = Assembly::LoadFrom("path\\Engine_B.dll");
engineType = SampleAssembly->GetType("Engine_B");
engine_for_app = static_cast<Engine_Base^>(Activator::CreateInstance(engineType, param1, param2, param3, param4));
I used the answer from Daniel and the comments that were made on his answer. After some extra research I came across the LoadFrom method.

How to replace WinAPI functions calls in the MS VC++ project with my own implementation (name and parameters set are the same)?

I need to replace all WinAPI calls of the
with my own implementation (which use low-level file reading via Bluetooth).
The code, where functions will be replaced, is Video File Player and it already works with the regular hdd files.
It is also needed, that Video Player still can play files from HDD, if the file in the VideoPlayer input is a regular hdd file.
What is the best practice for such task?
I suggest that you follow these steps:
Write a set of wrapper functions, e.g MyCreateFile, MyReadFile, etc, that initially just call the corresponding API and pass the same arguments along, unmodified.
Use your text editor to search for all calls to the original APIs, and replace these with calls to your new wrapper functions.
Test that the application still functions correctly.
Modify the wrapper functions to suit your own purposes.
Note that CreateFile is a macro which expands to either CreateFileW or CreateFileA, depending on whether UNICODE is defined. Consider using LPCTSTR and the TCHAR functions so that your application can be built as either ANSI or Unicode.
Please don't use #define, as suggested in other responses here, as this will just lead to maintenance problems, and as Maximilian correctly points out, it's not a best-practice.
You could just write your new functions in a custom namespace. e.g.
namespace Bluetooth
void CreateFile(/*params*/);
void etc...
Then in your code, the only thing you would have to change is:
if (::CreateFile(...))
if (Bluetooth::CreateFile(...))
Easy! :)
If you're trying to intercept calls to these APIs from another application, consider Detours.
If you can edit the code, you should just re-write it to use a custom API that does what you want. Failing that, use Maximilian's technique, but be warned that it is a maintenance horror.
If you cannot edit the code, you can patch the import tables to redirect calls to your own code. A description of this technique can be found in this article - search for the section titled "Spying by altering of the Import Address Table".
This is dangerous, but if you're careful you can make it work. Also check out Microsoft Detours, which does the same sort of thing but doesn't require you to mess around with the actual patching.
If you really want to hijack the API, look at syringe.dll (L-GPL).
I don't think this is best practice but it should work if you put it in an include file that's included everywhere the function you want to change is called:
#define CreateFile MyCreateFile
HRESULT MyCreateFile(whatever the params are);
Implementation of MyCreateFile looks something like this:
#undef CreateFile
HRESULT MyCreateFile(NobodyCanRememberParamListsLikeThat params)
if (InputIsNormalFile())
// do your thing
You basically make every CreateFile call a MyCreateFile call where you can decide if you want need to use your own implementation or the orginal one.
Disclaimer: I think doing this is ugly and I wouldn't do it. I'd rather search and replace all occurences or something.