Why TestExplorer in VS2015 failed to load Pester module? - unit-testing

I installed the Powershell Tools for Visual Studio 2015 then I created a tests.ps1 files inside my Powershell project in VS2015. the test explorer recognizes the declared test, but when I try to run the test I get this: "Result Message: Failed to load Pester module. The specified module 'Pester' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory."
I discover that I did not have the Pester in my Pc, I download it from GitHub, then I add the folder to the $env:PSModulePath. Powershell identifies the module, but was not able to import it, so I move the folder from its original location to:
Now any console of powershell is able to import the module: ISE, Powershell console, Powershell interactive window in VS2015.
Then I try to run the test again, I keep getting the same message.

As I stated in my question: I added the folder with the Pester to the environment variable called PSModulePath, but I added to the end of it.
For some reason the adaptor looks for the path of module only under the first folder in that environment variable.
I changed the order and moved the path to the beginning of the string. Voila!! it works.


How to set path at test discovery in visual studio?

How can I set the path to my external binaries during test discovery in visual studio's Test Explorer? After that how to make sure, it uses the correct paths?
I use windows 10 and VS 2019. I have a solution that builds some binaries and some tests into different folders. Also, I have some 3rd party dependencies, each in its own folder.
Something like:
I'd like to use the Test Explorer to run my tests. For this purpose, I use a .runsettings file. I installed Google Test adapter via NuGet (later it will run on CI, so this is the only option). The automatic runsetting discovery is disabled, and this file is selected as the runsettings file. It overrides the workingDir to my ownBinaries folder, and extend the PATH enviroment variable with the externalBinaries. The relevant parts are:
This is works fine, after my tests are discovered, but I have problems when it tries to discover my tests.
I use google test and c++, so the test discovery tries to run those tests with the --gtest-list-tests argument, then populate the view with the test name, case, etc. The binaries are just fine, builds without error, I can run them from the debugger, and they produce the output I want.
But the test explorer won't show them, because it doesn't set the externalBinaries path.
This is what lead me to this situation.
First I copied every binaries next to my test exe, namely into the testBinaries folder. Then, I could run it in the cmd with the --gtest-list-tests argument. Everything was fine, all my test names showed up. Started VS, and Test Explorer discovered all my tests, it was able to run them.
Then I done a clean build, so the external stuff deleted from the testBin folder. The Test Explorer cached the test names, so it was able to run them.
Restart VS. Test Explorer tries to discover my tests. but it fails whit this helping message: (removed date+time)
Google Test Adapter: Test discovery starting...
Failed to run test executable 'D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe': One or more errors occurred.
Check out Google Test Adapter's trouble shooting section at https://github.com/csoltenborn/GoogleTestAdapter#trouble_shooting
In particular: launch command prompt, change into directory '..\ownBinaries', and execute the following command to make sure your tests can be run in general.
D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe --gtest_list_tests -testdirectory=
Found 0 tests in executable D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe
Test discovery completed, overall duration: 00:00:00.3022924
Have you noticed that -testDirectory= is empty despite it is set in the runsettings file?
I'm completely lost how I can proceed with it. This workaround is quite heavy to copy all files, then delete all but the test binaries each time when I start VS.
Here is the link for the Troubleshooting section mentioned in the error message.
I've read through the readme file on github, also the runsetting docs on Microsoft's website.
I made progress with the VsTest.console.exe, I can successfully run all my tests with the proper arguments as below:
& "VSTest.console.exe" *_uTest.exe /Settings:..\MySolution.gta.runsettings /TestAdapterPath:"..\packages\GoogleTestAdapter.0.18.0\build\_common\"
I use the same *.runsettings and *.gta_settings_helper files. Those files are used to get absolute paths for the dependencies. I could run this from different folders, but then I had to adjust the arguments (test discovery pattern, relative path to runsettings, and relative path to GTA).
Great news, that it successfully runs on Azure (it uses vstest.console).
Edit 2
Tried to merge the workingDir and pathExtension nodes, so only one needed (the pathExtension). No success.
Tried to install Test adapter for google test in the VS installer, delete the runsetting file, and set the properties in VS->Tools->Options then Test adapter for google test. Even the example pathExtension didn't worked for me.
Found the extended logs under %AppData%/Local/Temp/TestAdapter/someNumber/*.txt and in that log I've found one line as the runsettings file. I paste here the formatted version of the log
Does anybody know why is there an empty google test adapter setting? Where does it comes from? I think this is overwrites my settings.
It turned out, before first run the relative paths are not known.
Trivial solution
Add the full path to the PATH Extension under Visual Studio -> Options -> Test Adapter for Google Test settings. Meanwhile the custom *.runsetting file is not selected.
Using this method all my tests are discoverable, but it is a manual setting for each repo cloned.

Can't download json schema using gradlew command

I can't figure out how to use the gradlew command to convert my GraphQL schema into a JSON file as it is specified in the documentation.
I opened CMD in my project folder, ran the gradlew command once, and it gave me this error:
Project 'module' not found in root project gradlew
I created a module inside my project with the name "module" and now it's throwing the following error:
Task 'downloadApolloSchema' not found in project ':module'.
I've already added all the dependencies to the latest version (2.0.0 as of the time of posting) so I'm clueless as to why this is happening. I've already searched the web and found nothing about this...
This is the command I'm trying to issue in the CMD:
C:\Users\myuser\AndroidStudioProjects\GraphQLApp\app>..\gradlew :module:downloadApolloSchema -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.endpoint=https://graphql-udemy-android.herokuapp.com/graphql -Pcom.apollographql.apollo.schema=src/main/graphql/com/example/schema.json
I have to go up one directory (..\) since the gradlew command is in the above my app folder.
I'm on Windows, and my Gradle version is 6.4.
You just change ./gradlew to .\gradlew
Open the root terminal
Paste the code below and ENTER!
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint=https://Your Endpoint/graphql --schema=app/src/main/graphql/com/example/Your Path/schema.json
Have a good days!
Sorry about that, the module part was mostly a placeholder for the gradle module where you apply the com.apollographql.apollo plugin. You can ignore it and gradle will find the appropriate task:
./gradlew downloadApolloSchema
This has been updated in the project README as well.
For windows i used
.\gradlew downloadApolloSchema --endpoint="https://rickandmortyapi.com/graphql" --schema=app/src/main/graphql/GetRepositories.json
NOTICE I used:
.\ instead of ./

Error while building WSO2 Microgateway project on Windows 10

I’ve been trying to explore WSO2 Microgateway and set up a Microgateway project. Building the project in Windows 10 with the command “micro-gw build project-name” is giving this error: “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”.
I’ve downloaded the Toolkit and Runtime from https://wso2.com/api-management/api-microgateway/. I've set the Path environment variable to the /bin directory of the Toolkit and Runtime extracted folders, but still the “micro-gw build project-name” command is giving error “Could not find or load main class org.wso2.apimgt.gateway.cli.cmd.Main”. I’ve also cloned the source code from Github (https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/) which has the Main.java class and tried setting environment variables to its path.
I also tried setting the environment variables to the path where Toolkit batch file is present. I also followed the steps mentioned here, https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/#running-the-microgateway.
I'm assuming the Toolkit batch file (micro-gw) would execute the Main.java class coming up in the error.
These steps did not resolve the error. I'm new to Java based product, and I'm sure I'm missing something here.
Problem is with the init command not the build command. Init command is suppose to setup the TOOLKIT after the first use. It should extract the platform.zip file and copy all of the required resources to relevant places for you.
I hope you get the Project ___ successfully initialized message after running the init command. Just check $TOOLKIT_HOME/logs/ directory to see if there are any information on the log file.
If the log file also doesn't help, as a workaround, copy all the .jar files inside $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/platform and $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/gateway/cli to $TOOLKIT_HOME/lib/platform/bre/lib and try again, that should work.
Also please report this issue at https://github.com/wso2/product-microgateway/issues

Use VS Online "Command Line" task with relative paths

I'm trying to use the new VS Online Build process and, specifically, package my app as a NuGet package.
To do so I have to execute something like "nuget pack". My source code is in GitHub and there, under the root folder, I have a folder called .nuget with all necessary to do the packaging.
I've added to my build template a "Command Line" step with this parameters:
tool: C:\a\9ea8689c\myusername\myproject.nuget\nuget.exe
arguments: pack
Everything else is defaults, included working folder. This works. However when I've tried to replace the absolute path for something like ".nuget/nuget.exe" or .nuget/nuget.exe or even changing the working folder to .nuget and from there just type "nuget.exe" it repeatedly fails because it can't find the tool.
Am I missing something? Should the task work with relative paths?
You should use absolute paths leveraging TFS Environment Variables like TF_BUILD_BUILDDIRECTORY.
In a batch file it is something like
echo Launching my own NuGet copy
This worked for me: $(BUILD.SOURCESDIRECTORY)\NuGet.exe.
Notice the dot instead of underscore. I have put my NuGet.exe in the main repository folder, in my case NuGet 3.5 Beta.

Run a jar Rhapsody app file

I have created some Java applications to extend Rhapsody using Java API and I have deployed them successfully to the Rhapsody environment (Right click on the project -> Apps).
I can see the exported .jar files under the directory RhapsodyApps/apps.
My question is, How can I run them from the command line (Under windows 7)???
Thank you in advance
What I managed to do is to create a .bat file, using "Generate Apps Execution Batch File". As I mentioned in my last post it did not exist in the "Apps" menu of rhapsody. Besides, it existed in the "...\share\RhapsodyApps\apps" directory with the name "SynchronousScriptInvocation.jar". I hardcoded the RhapsodyApps.hep file, by adding the following:
#REM: This app generates a script which will invoke each app synchronously one after another. ...
name7=Apps\Generate Apps Execution Batch File
I got the name (Generate Apps Execution Batch File) from the AppInfos.xml file.
Then, the plugin is displayed in the Apps menu in Rhapsody IDE, and I can generate the .bat file. Problems did not stop here. The batch file was not displaying my plugin and the reason was something with my JAVA_PATH configuration. Finally I modified the .bat file as following:
#rem This is auto generated script. Be careful on changing it manually.
#rem Build Order
set APP0=0df8829923eb43f4aab9d33ada1ddbf1
#set APPS= %APP0%
set JAVA_PATH=%JAVA_PATH%\bin\java
set JAVA_API=C:/work/User/Build.TRUNK/ProjectName/RhapsodyShare8/JavaAPI
set RhapsodyApps=C:/work/User/Build.TRUNK/ProjectName/RhapsodyShare8/RhapsodyApps
set CLASS_PATH="%RhapsodyApps%"/apps/RhapsodyAppLauncher.jar;"%RhapsodyApps%"/RhapsodyApps.jar;"%RhapsodyApps%"/apps.jar;"%JAVA_API%"/rhapsody.jar
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Rational\Rhapsody\8.0.5\jre\bin\java" -cp %CLASS_PATH% -Djava.library.path="%JAVA_API%" apps.RhapsodyLauncherApp %APPS%
Finally it works. I hope that this post will help somebody in the future.