Windows: how can I let the child process read the input anonymous pipe without closing it? - c++

As per subject I'm trying to develop a simple piped parent/child program.
Main purpose of this program is to keep the child process alive and use std::cin and std::cout to communicate between parent/child processes.
On Linux all of this works quite well.
On Windows I've been following the example here and there's one peculiar difference with Linux: one has to invoke
To write to the child pipe and flush it. This has the side effect to close the pipe, thus terminating my in-connection to the child process.
I've also tried to use FlushFileBuffers but it doesn't work.
Any idea how can I flush the buffer without having to close the anonymous pipe?
Below sources of both Parent and Child processes.
If the code of the parent process is basically the one in the example above:
// IN_Wr_ is initialized as below with bInheritHandle=TRUE
::CreatePipe(&IN_Rd_, &IN_Wr_, &saAttr, 0);
// and
::SetHandleInformation(IN_Wr_, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)
// When I spawn the child process I do
STARTUPINFO siStartInfo = {0};
siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
siStartInfo.hStdError = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
siStartInfo.hStdOutput = OUT_Wr_;
siStartInfo.hStdInput = IN_Rd_;
siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
// then in order to write to std::cin
const DWORD reqSz = static_cast<DWORD>(std::strlen(request));
DWORD written = 0;
while(true) {
DWORD curWritten = 0;
if(!WriteFile(IN_Wr_, request + written, reqSz-written, &curWritten, NULL))
throw std::runtime_error("Error on WriteFile");
written += curWritten;
if(written == reqSz) {
// all written, done
// only when I do this CloseHandle then the child process
// is able to read data
this child code is a simple echo server, along the lines of:
while(std::cin) {, 2048);
const auto rb = std::cin.gcount();
buf[rb] = '\0';
std::cout << buf << std::endl; // this does flush

Here's your problem:, 2048);
It's doing exactly what you've asked it to: waiting until it has read 2048 characters or reaches the end of file. You're not sending 2048 characters, so nothing happens until the server closes the pipe, which counts as the end of file in this context.
Instead, you should be using something like getline(s, 2048, '\0') which will stop reading when it sees a null character. (And, of course, you will need to modify the sender so that it writes that null character at the end of the string.)
Alternatively, you could use the native API: ReadFile has the semantics you seem to be wanting. Ideally you would use a message-mode pipe, which is designed precisely for this sort of use.

The article here might be helpful: It has a section on flushing problems when printf is used to send data to the redirected pipe, which seems to be done in your case. The suggested solution is to use fflush(NULL) to flush the C run-time IO buffers.

It looks like the issue is a MSFT implementation of std::cin::read (and even fread(..., ..., ..., stdin)).
If instead of relying on:
// C++ API
while(std::cin) {, 2048);
// or also "C" API
int rb = 0;
while(0 < (rb = fread(buf, 2048, 1, stdin))) {
I do
// Low level Win32 "C" API
while(::ReadFile(hStdin, buf, 2048, &rb, 0)) {
// or also low level unix-like "C" API
int rb = 0;
while(0 < (rb = _read(0, buf, 2048))) {
The above example just works fine (funnily enough, the call to FlushFileBuffers is not even needed).


ReadFileEx, variable length - a few questions

I'm trying to read from stderr of a child process. The data is lines of text created with sprintf(stderr, "some debug info\n"). I'm using ReadFileEx with a completion routine. I don't know how many lines of text or how long each line will be. So, what do I put as the nNumberOfBytesToRead parameter?
My guess is I put the max size of my buffer, which I will make 4k; although I don't know if that's an optimal size. I'm guessing that if the line written to stderr is shorter than 4k, the completion routine won't fire. I'm guessing that when the 4k is reached but more data remains, I have to fire off another ReadFileEx within the completion routine. I'll know this is the case because GetLastError will return ERROR_MORE_DATA. I'm hoping that I get a call when the buffer isn't full, but the child process has exited. I'm not sure I get a completion callback when the child process exits, because I passed the stderr write handle to the child when I created it; maybe I get the callback when I close that handle. Are there any race conditions when the child closes wrt to my reading stderr?
Here is the psuedo code of how the process and handles are created:
Attr.bInheritHandle = true
CreatePipe(&hr, &hw, &Attr, 0) and SetHandleInformation(hX, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) on hX the child uses.
Si.hStdXXX = handles from CreatePipe that child uses
CreateProcess(inherit=true, &Si)
Details (Tx extension is a wrapper that throws errors):
HANDLE Create() {
bool fInherit = m_fInherit;
if (m_fStdOut || m_fStdIn || m_fStdErr) {
fInherit = true;
Attr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
Attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
Attr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
if (m_fStdOut) // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT. The child will use the write.
CHandle::CreatePipe(m_hStdOutR, m_hStdOutW, &Attr, CP_INHERIT_WRITE);
if (m_fStdErr) // Create a pipe for the child process's STDERR. The child will use the write.
CHandle::CreatePipe(m_hStdErrR, m_hStdErrW, &Attr, CP_INHERIT_WRITE);
if (m_fStdIn) // Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN. The child will use the read.
CHandle::CreatePipe(m_hStdInR, m_hStdInW, &Attr, CP_INHERIT_READ);
// Set up members of the STARTUPINFO structure.
// This structure specifies the STDIN and STDOUT handles for redirection.
SI.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
SI.hStdError = m_hStdErrW, SI.hStdOutput = m_hStdOutW, SI.hStdInput = m_hStdInR;
pSI = &SI;
// m_fCpu, m_fNuma are masks to set affinity to cpus or numas
CreateProcessTx(NULL, m_szCmdLine, fInherit, m_fFlags, pSI, &m_pi, m_fCpu, m_fNuma, 5);
m_hProc = m_pi.hProcess;
m_hThread = m_pi.hThread;
if (!m_fThread)
return m_hProc;
static void CreatePipe(CHandle &hRead, CHandle &hWrite, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* pAttr, BYTE fInheritMask) {
HANDLE hReadTmp = NULL, hWriteTmp = NULL;
CreatePipeTx(hReadTmp, hWriteTmp, pAttr);
SetHandleInformation(hReadTmp, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, (fInheritMask&CP_INHERIT_READ) ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0);
SetHandleInformation(hWriteTmp, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, (fInheritMask&CP_INHERIT_WRITE) ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0);
hRead = hReadTmp;
hWrite = hWriteTmp;
Anonymous pipes created with CreatePipe can't used asynchronously. From the Windows SDK documentation:
Asynchronous (overlapped) read and write operations are not supported by anonymous pipes.
This means that you cannot use the ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx functions with anonymous pipes. >In addition, the lpOverlapped parameter of ReadFile and WriteFile is ignored when these >functions are used with anonymous pipes.
Basically CreatePipe doesn't accept a FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag, and asynchronous I/O requires that you use the flag when creating the file handle.
You'll have to use CreateNamedPipe to create named pipes. The question Overlapped I/O on anonymous pipe has answer with a link to a replacement function MyCreatePipeEx you can use.
Your completion port should receive a zero length read event after attempting to read from a pipe that has been closed on the other end.
To read a variable amount of data from the client process just issue read requests of whatever size you find convenient and be prepared to handle read events that are shorter than you requested. Don't interpret a short but non-zero length as EOF. Keep issuing read requests until you get a zero length read or an error.
Also WaitForMultipleObjects won't work with completion routines, as they're only called while the thread is in an alterable state. Use WaitForMultipleObjectEx with the bAlertable argument set to to true. This function will return WAIT_IO_COMPLETION after running one or more completion routines. In that case you'll probably want to immediately call WaitForMultipleObjectEx again.

Reading from pipes blocks and deadlock

I am developing a remote shell like program. for running commands on remote machine I create a cmd.exe process and I redirect its stdin and stdout to a pair of pipes.
I use these pipes to send commands and get the result.
I used ReadFile function for returning the output of command from cmd.exe but I don't know the
exact amount of data that I must read from pipe. so if the data is not ready the readfile
goes to blocking mode and waiting for data.
I am using MSVC++ 2010 and my OS is Win7. Here is a part of my code as an example:
void CpipesDlg::OnBnClickedBtnredirstd()
char Cmd[]="dir *.*\r\n";
char Buff[129];
CString str;
HANDLE hStdIn_Read, hStdIn_Write;
HANDLE hStdOut_Read, hStdOut_Write;
DWORD dwBytesToWrite,dwBytesReadFrom;
sAttr.nLength = sizeof(sAttr);
sAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
sAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
//SetHandleInformation(hStdIn_Read, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
//SetHandleInformation(hStdIn_Write, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
memset(&StartInf,0, sizeof(StartInf));
StartInf.cb = sizeof(StartInf);
StartInf.hStdError = hStdOut_Write;
StartInf.hStdOutput = hStdOut_Write;
StartInf.hStdInput = hStdIn_Read;
MessageBoxA(m_hWnd, "Can't Create Process","Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
BOOL bResult = ReadFile(hStdOut_Read,Buff,70,&dwBytesReadFrom,NULL);
str+= Buff;
bSUCCESS = dwBytesReadFrom!=0;
m_Disp = str;
In above code, in debugging mode the first calls to ReadFile function returns
true data but last call of it blocks, because there is no enough data to read.
Here is my Question:
How can I avoid the blocking mode or get the exact number of bytes for reading?
You PROBABLY want to use the PeekNamedPipe function, which allows you to interrogate a pipe to see how much data there is available at any given time. If the lpBuffer is NULL then no data is being read.

How to check if WriteFile function is done

I want to check if the WriteFile function is done writing to UART so that i can call ReadFile on the same ComDev without causing an Exception.
It seems the WriteFile function can return before writing is done.
BOOL WriteCommBlock(HANDLE * pComDev, char *pBuffer , int BytesToWrite)
fComPortInUse = 1;
BOOL bWriteStat = 0;
DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
COMSTAT ComStat = {0};
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
short Errorcode = GetLastError();
if( Errorcode != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
short breakpoint = 5; // Error
Sleep(1000); // complete write operation TBD
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (FALSE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (TRUE);
I used Sleep(1000) as an workaround, but how can i wait for an appropriate time?
You can create a Event, store it in your overlapped structure and wait for it to be signalled. Like this (untested):
BOOL WriteCommBlock(HANDLE * pComDev, char *pBuffer , int BytesToWrite)
fComPortInUse = 1;
BOOL bWriteStat = 0;
DWORD BytesWritten = 0;
COMSTAT ComStat = {0};
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (hEvent != NULL)
osWrite.hEvent = hEvent;
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
short Errorcode = GetLastError();
if( Errorcode != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
short breakpoint = 5; // Error
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (FALSE);
fComPortInUse = 0;
return (TRUE);
Note that depending on what else you are trying to do simply calling WaitForSingleObject() might not be the best idea. And neither might an INFINITE timeout.
Your problem is the incorrect use of the overlapped I/O, regardless to the UART or whatever underlying device.
The easiest (though not necessarily the most optimal) way to fix your code is to use an event to handle the I/O completion.
// ...
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0,0,0};
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(FALSE, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
DWORD Errorcode = GetLastError();
// ensure it's ERROR_IO_PENDING
WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
Note however that the whole I/O is synchronous. It's handles by the OS in an asynchronous way, however your code doesn't go on until it's finished. If so, why do you use the overlapped I/O anyway?
One should use it to enable simultaneous processing of several I/Os (and other tasks) within the same thread. To do this correctly - you should allocate the OVERLAPPED structure on heap and use one of the available completion mechanisms: event, APC, completion port or etc. Your program flow logic should also be changed.
Since you didn't say that you need asynchronous I/O, you should try synchronous. It's easier. I think if you just pass a null pointer for the OVERLAPPED arg you get synchronous, blocking, I/O. Please see the example code I wrote in the "Windows C" section of this document:
Your Sleep(1000); is of no use, it will only execute after the writefile completes its operation.You have to wait till WriteFile is over.
if(WriteFile(*pComDev,pBuffer,BytesToWrite,&BytesWritten,&osWrite) == FALSE)
You must be knowing that anything inside conditionals will only execute if the result is true.
And here the result is sent to the program after completion(whether complete or with error) of WriteFile routine.
OK, I missed the overlapped I/O OVL parameter in the read/write code, so It's just as well I only replied yesterday as a comment else I would be hammered with downvotes:(
The classic way of handling overlapped I/O is to have an _OVL struct as a data member of the buffer class that is issued in the overlapped read/write call. This makes it easy to have read and write calls loaded in at the same time, (or indeed, multiple read/write calls with separate buffer instances).
For COM posrts, I usually use an APC completion routine whose address is passed in the readFileEx/writeFileEx APIs. This leaves the hEvent field of the _OVL free to use to hold the instance pointer of the buffer so it's easy to cast it back inside the completion routine, (this means that each buffer class instance contains an _OVL memebr that contains an hEvent field that points to the buffer class instance - sounds a but weird, but works fine).

Child process is blocked by full pipe, cannot read in parent process

I have roughly created the following code to call a child process:
// pipe meanings
const int READ = 0;
const int WRITE = 1;
int fd[2];
// Create pipes
if (pipe(fd))
throw ...
p_pid = fork();
if (p_pid == 0) // in the child
if (dup2(fd[WRITE], fileno(stdout)) == -1)
throw ...
// Call exec
execv(argv[0], const_cast<char*const*>(&argv[0]));
else if (p_pid < 0) // fork has failed
else // in th parent
p_stdout = new std::ifstream(fd[READ]));
Now, if the subprocess does not write too much to stdout, I can wait for it to finish and then read the stdout from p_stdout. If it writes too much, the write blocks and the parent waits for it forever.
To fix this, I tried to wait with WNOHANG in the parent, if it is not finished, read all available output from p_stdout using readsome, sleep a bit and try again. Unfortunately, readsome never reads anything:
while (true)
if (waitid(P_PID, p_pid, &info, WEXITED | WNOHANG) != 0)
throw ...;
else if (info.si_pid != 0) // waiting has succeeded
char tmp[1024];
size_t sizeRead;
sizeRead = p_stdout->readsome(tmp, 1024);
if (sizeRead > 0)
s_stdout.write(tmp, sizeRead);
The question is: Why does this not work and how can I fix it?
edit: If there is only child, simply using read instead of readsome would probably work, but the process has multiple children and needs to react as soon as one of them terminates.
As sarnold suggested, you need to change the order of your calls. Read first, wait last. Even if your method worked, you might miss the last read. i.e. you exit the loop before you read the last set of bytes that was written.
The problem might be is that ifstream is non-blocking. I've never liked iostreams, even in my C++ projects, I always liked the simplicity of C's stdio functions (i.e. FILE*, fprintf, etc). One way to get around this is to read if the descriptor is readable. You can use select to determine if there is data waiting on that pipe. You're going to need select if you are going to read from multiple children anyway, so might as well learn it now.
As for a quick isreadable function, try something like this (please note I haven't tried compiling this):
bool isreadable(int fd, int timeoutSecs)
struct timeval tv = { timeoutSecs, 0 };
fd_set readSet;
return select(fds, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1;
Then in your parent code, do something like:
while (true) {
if (isreadable(fd[READ], 1)) {
// read fd[READ];
if (bytes <= 0)
I'd suggest re-writing the code so that it doesn't call waitpid(2) until after read(2) calls on the pipe return 0 to signify end-of-file. Once you get the end-of-file return from your read calls, you know the child is dead, and you can finally waitpid(2) for it.
Another option is to de-couple the reading from the reaping even further and perform the wait calls in a SIGCHLD signal handler asynchronously to the reading operations.

Asynchronous I/O with Named Pipes WinAPI

Ok, I have asked a few questions about different facets of trying to accomplish what I want to do. This time I'm having big issues just reading from a named pipe. I think I have harvested enough information to possibly complete the project I am working on if I can set this up properly. I will include all relevant code below, but my mission is this: read the output (continuously) from a program I did not write and post it to the WinAPI. So my problem is that I have just switched from anonymous pipes to named pipes and I am having issues trying to properly set them up so I can retrieve information. I have a framework setup based off of an example from the MSDN.
#define WAIT_TIME 2 // 2s
#define INSTANCES 4 // Number of threads
#define READ_STATE 1
#define WRITE_STATE 2
#define WORLDRD 0
#define WORLDWR 1
#define WORLDINRD 2
#define WORLDINWR 3
#define BUFSIZE 0x1000 // Buffer size 4096 (in bytes)
#define PIPE_TIMEOUT 0x1388 // Timeout 5000 (in ms)
void Arc_Redirect::createProcesses()
TCHAR programName[]=TEXT("EXEC_PROGRAM.exe");
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// Prep pipes
for(int i=0;i<INSTANCES;i++)
hEvents[i] = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if(hEvents[i] == NULL)
throw "Could not init program!";
outStd[i].o1.hEvent = hEvents[i];
outStd[i].hPipeInst = ::CreateNamedPipe(
if(outStd[i].hPipeInst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
throw "Could not init program!";
outStd[i].pendingIO = getState(outStd[i].hPipeInst,&outStd[i].o1);
outStd[i].dwState = outStd[i].pendingIO ?
// Set stuff up
ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
si.hStdError = outStd[WORLDRD].hPipeInst;
si.hStdOutput = outStd[WORLDRD].hPipeInst;
si.hStdInput = outStd[WORLDINWR].hPipeInst;
// Start our process with the si info
BOOL Arc_Redirect::getState(HANDLE hPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpo)
BOOL connected, pendingIO = FALSE;
// Overlap connection for this pipe
connected = ::ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe,lpo);
throw "ConnectNamedPipe(); failed!";
pendingIO = TRUE;
throw "ConnectNamedPipe(); failed!";
return pendingIO;
outStd[INSTANCES] is defined as PIPE_HANDLES (a custom struct) which is below
typedef struct
HANDLE hPipeInst;
DWORD dwRead;
DWORD dwWritten;
DWORD dwState;
DWORD cbRet;
BOOL pendingIO;
Now from here is where I am getting a bit lost. I'm not sure where to go. I tried using the loop in the MSDN example, but it didn't work properly for what I am looking to do. I need to take the read end of the pipe and retrieve the information (again, continuously) while having a write end opened as well for whenever I may need to write to it. Does anyone have any ideas? I have been trying to do a ReadFile() as I would do with an anonymous pipe, but it does not appear to be working in the same fashion.
Also, please note: The code is a bit sloppy because I have been working with it, so I apologize. I will definitely be cleaning it up after I get this to function properly.
You should have two OVERLAPPED structures, one for reading and one for writing. Also you need one event handle per pipe for when you want to close the pipe, and one more event when you want to abort all (and close application). You can have one WaitForMultipleObjects for every operation that all pipes are currently involved with, or separate reading from writing in two threads with one WFMO in each. I would go with only one thread, because closing the pipe is then simpler (otherwise you need to have some reference counting on the pipe handle and close it only when reference count drops to zero).
When you get one event then process it, and try WFMO with 0 seconds on all handles that were in the array after the one you just processed. This way no pipe will get starved. When 0 second WFMO elapses repeat normal WFMO from beginning.
If you need high concurrency then process events in separate threads, and omit the currently processing handles from WFMO. However, tracking all the handles then gets a little complicated.
Have you tried passing PIPE_NOWAIT instead of PIPE_WAIT in the CreateNamedPipe call? This will allow ReadFile and WriteFile to be non-blocking.
Alternatively, have you tried using async IO? You're passing the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag, so this should work. If you've tried it, what problems did you encounter?
In the linux world, one program can write to a named pipe through write/fwrite calls and another program can read it through read/fread().
The FULL path of the named pipe must be used in read/write operations.