i have created CMFCPropertyGridCtrl inside an CDockablePane and i want to replace this CMFCPropertyGridCtrl with a new one, then i override OnEraseBkgnd.
OnEraseBkgnd called only in the application start, and when i want to call it by Invalidate or InvalidateRect it didn't fire.
How can i call OnEraseBkgnd?
Thanks in advance.
void CCL2PropertiesPane::HostPropertyGridControl(CMFCPropertyGridCtrl* pPropertyGridControl)
if(NULL == pPropertyGridControl)
m_pPropertyGridControl = pPropertyGridControl;
CRect clientRectangle;
m_pPropertyGridControl->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, clientRectangle, this, PROPERTIES_DOCKABLE_PANE_ID);
void CCL2PropertiesPane::RemoveCurrentPropertyGridControl()
m_pPropertyGridControl = NULL;
CRect clientRectangle;
//here i want to call OnEraseBkgnd
BOOL CCL2PropertiesPane::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CRect clientRectangle;
CBrush whiteBrush(RGB(250, 250, 250));
pDC->FillRect(clientRectangle, &whiteBrush);
return TRUE;
Add ON_WM_ERASEBKGND to CCL2PropertiesPane's message map to properly erase the background. Or move the FillRect function in to OnPaint.
void CCL2PropertiesPane::RemoveCurrentPropertyGridControl()
m_pPropertyGridControl = NULL;
Above code is appropriate for initialization, but it doesn't remove or destroy anything. The control is still there, it only makes the program forget how to find the control. To hide the control use:
To destroy the control use DestroyWindow(), but that's not recommended with above setup.
What I'm trying to achieve
Well, the title might not have explained the problem very well, so here goes:
I am trying to create a Win32 app using MFC that lets you edit and inspect other windows.
I want the user to be able to select other windows.
I got inspired by the "Find Window Process" tool on the toolbar on sysinternals applications such as ProcessExplorer.
The way it works is you click, then the window disappears, and then you drag it over the window you want to select. A border pops up around it and when you let go, it selects the window the mouse is over.
My problem
The problem I was facing is that I don't know how to detect when the user lets go of the mouse on another window.
I detect mouse down using OnClick in CMFCToolBarButton
I tried using SetCapture() but that did nothing.
I tried using OnNcLButtonUp and OnLButtonUp but neither of them worked. (alongside SetCapture)
Here's my code so far (ChildView.cpp):
void CChildView::LocateWindow()
void CChildView::OnNcLButtonUp(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
MessageBox(L"Stuff", L"");
CWnd::OnNcLButtonUp(nHitTest, point);
I want to mention that the LocateWindow function gets called when the toolbar button is clicked (as in mouse down, not mouse down AND up)
It is called from the OnClick function.
Here's the code for that:
(I replace the button with OnToolbarReset)
// CLocateWindowButton.cpp : implementation file
#include "pch.h"
#include "WindowHacker.h"
#include "MainFrm.h"
#include "CLocateWindowButton.h"
// CLocateWindowButton
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CLocateWindowButton, CMFCToolBarButton, 1)
// CLocateWindowButton member functions
CLocateWindowButton::CLocateWindowButton(CMainFrame* mainFrame, UINT uiCmdID, LPCTSTR lpszText) : CMFCToolBarButton(uiCmdID, NULL, lpszText)
this->mainFrame = mainFrame;
BOOL CLocateWindowButton::OnClick(CWnd* pWnd, BOOL bDelay = TRUE) {
return FALSE;
void CLocateWindowButton::CopyFrom(const CMFCToolBarButton& src)
mainFrame = ((CLocateWindowButton&)src).mainFrame;
//void CLocateWindowButton::AssertValid() const
// CMFCToolBarButton::AssertValid();
// // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
It seems to work when I put it inside an LButtonDown event, it just seems to not work when it is being detected from OnClick in CMFCToolBarButton
I found that in CMFCToolBar::OnLButtonUp, after calling OnClick in the button, it recaptures the cursor, invalidating our SetCapture.
BUT if I return TRUE instead of FALSE in OnClick, the mouse is not recaptured.
So changing this:
BOOL CLocateWindowButton::OnClick(CWnd* pWnd, BOOL bDelay = TRUE) {
return FALSE;
To this:
BOOL CLocateWindowButton::OnClick(CWnd* pWnd, BOOL bDelay = TRUE) {
return TRUE; // The line is changed here
The message gets sent to CMainFrame instead.
I have this code :
m_pBtnCom = new CButton();
this = my derived CWnd class
rc = CRect button position
BTN_CMT = button id
Current context:
If I disable the parent CWnd by calling EnableWindow(FALSE), even if I call the function EnableWindow(TRUE) on the button (m_pBtnCom->EnableWindow(TRUE)), the latter remains disabled; Therefore, nothing works on it: click, tooltip, ...
I tried to remove WS_CHILD, without success
Is it possible to activate the button when the window (argument this in my code) is disabled?
Child window can't be independently enabled when parent window is disabled. You can instead enable all children, then go back and enable the particular button.
Note, if you have IDCANCEL button, and you disable it, then the dialog's close button is not functioning either and it gets confusing. You may want to avoid disabling the cancel button and override OnCancel
void CMyDialog::enable_children(bool enable)
auto wnd = GetWindow(GW_CHILD);
while (wnd)
wnd = wnd->GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT);
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
//re-enable one button
if(GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)) GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->EnableWindow(TRUE);
return TRUE;
void OnCancel()
I am trying to change cursor of a button in MFC dialog. i have used
BOOL CStartDlg::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
if ( m_changeCursor )
return TRUE;
return CDialog::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message);
but it is changing cursor for whole dialog box. m_button is object of CButton class.
Please tell me how to change cursor of a button.I have tryed this also but not working
m_button1.SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND));
Call the LoadCursor() function and pass its returned value to the CMFCButton::SetMouseCursor() member function. Here is an example:
BOOL CExerciseDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
return TRUE;
refer http://www.functionx.com/visualc/controls/mfcbtn.htm#subtitle
also refer Api CWinApp::LoadCursor
I'm having a bug in my code that's kicking my ass, so after much attempted debugging I finally decided to see if anyone else knew what my issue was.
I'm trying to add a grid object to a dialog that I have, but I keep hitting the assert mentioned in the title and I don't know why.
LONG myDialog::OnInitDialog(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
BOOL bRet = super::OnInitDialog();
RefMemberDelegate1(*this, &myDialog::OnNewDoc), this); // attach to event so I know when document is created
return bRet;
void myDialog::OnNewDoc(CDerivedDocument* pNewDoc)
pNewDoc->SetMyDialog(this); // when new document is created, set pointer to dialog
void myDialog::InitGridControl()
CRect rect;
// Get the grid area rectangle and set it up.
GetDlgItem(IDC_GRID)->MapWindowPoints(this, &rect); // replacing dummy image with the grid
m_Grid = new myGridCtrl;
bool result = m_Grid->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, rect, this, IDC_GRID);
// Set the appropriate options
m_Grid->InsertColumn(0, _T("Name"), 100); // doesn't seem to crash here, which means grid is created okay?
void myDialog::PopulateGridControl(BOOL bRedraw, CDerivedDocument * pDoc)
if (GetSafeHwnd() == NULL)
// get handles to document and stuff
m_Grid->SetRedraw(FALSE); // ** ASSERT() CALL IS HERE **
// other stuff..
// In CDocument, once it is created...
CDerivedDocument::SetMyDoc(myDialog * pDlg)
Any idea what's going on? I mean, I only create the dialog once everything has been initialized, so there shouldn't be a problem there. m_Grid.Create() returns true, so creation is successful. Why is SetRedraw() hitting the assert that the m_hWnd isn't a handle to a window? Where does m_hWnd get set anyway?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Are you sure the dialog is created when you call
CDerivedDocument::SetMyDoc(myDialog * pDlg)?
What I see is that you are loading the grid (& dialog) from document, you should rather load the dialog and grid from the view using the document.
This may not be the direct cause of your assert trouble but nevertheless an improvement. It might just put things in the right order and fix this issue.
I am trying to display an image in a dialog dynamically, it works no problem if I put the code in the on paint method and use the dc from there, I can't do this though I need to display after the window is shown, the code I am using is as follows, I am getting the dc of the client window creating the bitmap from a resource and "trying" to display it in the window but nothing displays, Any suggestions what might be wrong?
void CProcessSteps::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus)
CDialog::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus);
SetupInstructions();<-----------------Call To Method
void CProcessSteps::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
void CProcessSteps::SetupInstructions()
CDC *pDC = new CDC();<------------------------------Problem starts here
CFontUtil cfu;
CDC memDC;
int stepTop = 10;
int stepEnd = 230;
int imageLeft = 30;
CBitmap iconImage;
iconImage.LoadBitmap ( IDB_TID_CHECK );
CRect iconRect;
BITMAP bmInfo;
iconImage.GetObject ( sizeof ( bmInfo ), &bmInfo );
iconRect.SetRect ( imageLeft, stepTop, imageLeft+bmInfo.bmWidth, stepTop+bmInfo.bmHeight );
pDC = this->GetDC();
pDC->BitBlt(imageLeft, stepTop, imageLeft+bmInfo.bmWidth, stepTop+bmInfo.bmHeight, &memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
//RedrawWindow();<-------- tried this here no luck
int stepCount = m_pageStructure->PageSteps.GetCount();<----------------------------Bellow this works correctly
POSITION pos = m_pageStructure->PageSteps.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos)
step = m_pageStructure->PageSteps.GetNext(pos);
CStatic *label = new CStatic;
label->Create(_T( step->StepInstruction ),WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, CRect(80, stepTop, 480, stepEnd), this);
label->SetFont(&LineFont, true);
pDC = label->GetDC();
pDC->DrawText(step->StepInstruction, &rect, DT_CALCRECT|DT_WORDBREAK);
stepTop += rect.Height();
stepTop += 30;
stepEnd += rect.Height();
Reasons why you can't use OnPaint() are not clear.
The usual strategy when one needs to redraw all or part of a window upon some event is to call InvalidateRect().
Windows will in turn send WM_PAINT (handled by your OnPaint() method) to your app, specifying which part of the window should be redrawn.
I think there's more in the BeginPaint-function than just giving you the CDC. And BeginPaint can only be called from the OnPaint-method.
To solve your problem, use the Invalidate-functions to force a repaint from your "SetupInstructions" method. Then do the drawing inside the OnPaint function.
I suppose CProcessSteps derives from CWnd, perhaps a CDialog?
If you want to draw in the client area of a CWnd derived class you have to get the DC using the CWnd GetDC method. I don't understand why you create your own CDC, you should get the CWnd DC at the beginning of SetupInstructions and use this DC everywhere, also to create your memDC.
Also you should be careful when you allocate memory (new CStatic) if you don't call delete for this variables you will have memory leaks. If you really need to create this CStatics dynamically you will have to keep a pointer to all of them in order to delete them before closing the dialog/view.
As people suggested, I don't think you are following the right way by drawing using OnShowWindow. You should use OnPaint to make your drawing stuff, if you don't want to draw the image until the window is fully initialized you should use a member variable of the window (for instance a bool) initialized to false in the constructor and set it to true when you are ready to draw the image. Then calling Invalidate will draw the image. Something like:
In the .h:
class CProcessSteps : CDialog
bool m_bReadyToDraw;
In the .cpp:
CProcessSteps::CProcessSteps() : CDialog()
m_bReadyToDraw = false;
BOOL CProcessSteps::OnInitDialog()
m_bReadyToDraw = true;
return TRUE;
void CProcessSteps::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CFontUtil cfu;
CDC memDC;
Hope it helps.