How to know if computer is in gaming mode - c++

I'm implementing a simple WIN32 application consist of a window.
The user may show/hide the window using a special hotkey. I register the hotkey using RegisterHotKey and respond to WM_HOTKEY
if user plays a game and accidentally (or not accidentally) press the hotkey combination, then my window pops up and as a result the game is minimized.
Is there a (native) way to know that the user is in gaming mode, or any other special mode, that I could disable the hotkey response
I would also like if windows would make this a feature while I play games. For example don't respond to WinKey+D while I'm in gaming mode.

You can use the SHQueryUserNotificationState function to determine whether the user is playing a full screen D3D game. It will report QUNS_RUNNING_D3D_FULL_SCREEN.


How to reliably steal/regain focus for MFC/desktop app on Windows 8.1/10?

OK, I get it: focus stealing is evil. Or at least it is 99.9% of the time. But I really need to steal the focus reliably on Windows 8, and so far I'm thwarted by the hordes of people insisting focus stealing is always evil.
Scenario: we run a custom application on an ordinary PC running Windows 8.1 (soon to be Windows 10). The screen, keyboard and mouse sit roughly 5m off the ground up some stairs that the forklift operator really shouldn't climb. The one input device they have is a numeric keypad on an extender cable down at their level. Everything they need to do they can do from that keypad... so long as some evil program hasn't stolen our application's focus, or some remote user hasn't logged out and left another application with focus.
The application is essentially a maximised desktop application - it fills the screen (but is not strictly a "full screen" or "topmost" application), and therefore allows other applications to appear in front of it when required. But when the mouse goes idle, we want this application to resume its "normal" position in front of all other applications so that it gets focus and the numeric keypad input will work reliably.
On Windows 7, using SetForegroundWindow() (enabled by AllowSetForegroundWindow() works fine - the application can be brought back to the front and resume focus. On Windows 8, SetForegroundWindow() only results in the taskbar icon flashing, but the application does not regain focus, forcing our user to climb the stairs... where the full keyboard and mouse is too tempting for them not to press buttons they shouldn't, and chaos typically ensues.
So please sir: can our (MFC, desktop) application steal back the focus once the mouse has gone idle for 1 minute, because it is more or less the only application that should normally be running anyway. If that is permitted, how do we steal it reliably?
Configure hotkeys on numeric keypad (RegisterHotKey).
Pressing a registered hotkey gives you the foreground activation love by Raymond Chen
After you call the RegisterHotKey function to register a hotkey, the
window manager will send you a WM_HOTKEY message when the user presses
that hotkey, and along with it, you will get the foreground love. If
you call SetForegroundWindow from inside your hotkey handler, the
foreground window will change according to your instructions.
Possible solution (with major limitations): do nothing extra; wait.
One of our service technicians observed that on the third or fourth attempt to regain focus using AllowSetForegroundWindow() and SetForegroundWindow() as had been working on Windows 7, Windows 8 finally allowed our application to regain focus. It is not clear what the conditions are that make this work, or if it works reliably, but we have now observed our application regaining focus from beneath Chrome, from beneath another (self-developed) MFC application, and from beneath a third party application - all desktop applications. Approximately 3-4 minutes needed to elapse in each case before focus was surrendered back to our (desktop) application.
However, we have not witnessed it regain focus from beneath metro applications, and nor do we expect it (e.g. hit the Windows key and leave the system lingering on the Start screen).
In our (restricted) situation, we are willing to take the gamble that our users will not launch a metro application that obscures our desktop application, at least not without restoring our application, since their business relies on it. Our main concern is that one of our busy service technicians will log in remotely, get distracted, and carelessly leave one of our desktop utilities with the focus. Waiting 3-4 minutes appears to be a solution to this specific scenario.
I would try it in this way:
Setup a timer in you application. That checks GetForegroundWindow on a regular basis.
If GetForgroundWindow does not belong to your process (GetWindowThreadProcessId)
If a different process onws the foreground window use AttachThreadInput and attach your input queue to the input queue of the other process.
Now use SetForegoundWindow and detach the thread input again.
Now you can use SetFocus as needed to control the input focus of your program.

Catching ALT+TAB for the window

We have a an application written with wxWidgets (wxGTK) and Qt.It is running on RHEL6 with FVWM window manager.
One of the window we have in that application is "Lock Screen" which is shown in the full-screen mode and does not have any decorations. The only way to get out of it should be to enter the password and press the "Authenticate" button.
However what we discover is that if the user starts up Terminal and then pulls up that "Lock Screen", (s)he can press ALT+TAB, switch to the Terminal and type whatever (s)he wants. We'd like to avoid it.
Is there any way possible to catch the "ALT+TAB" keystroke and do nothing when this "Lock Screen" window is displayed. The window is written with wxWidgets, but I'm asking about c++/Linux/gtk/qt in general.
TIA for any hints/advice community can provide.
All I want is for the user to not be able to switch focus from the password field until the password is given and the "Authenticate" button is pressed.
And before you ask - there are couple of related questions on SO, which says solved, but they are for Windows/C#/WinForms/JAVA. If you can find something that will work on Linux with either GTK or Qt or maybe even FVWM internal settings I will gladly accept the answer.

Differentiating between password and other kind of keyboard inputs in a keylogger

I am writing a keylogger for windows. I am planning to get the pressed key with GetAsyncKeyState(KEY) and a hidden console. After a key press has been identified I will get the current focused windows with GetForegroundWindow and indentify which program was on top when the key was pressed. I also want to be able to Differentiate between key presses for passwords and other kind of inputs. Is there a way to do it? How?
I am not writing a malicious software. This is for an assignment in Advanced Programming course.
If the foreground app is using standard Win32 UI controls, then try this:
use GetForegroundWindow() to get the HWND of the foreground window.
then use GetWindowThreadProcessId() and GetGUIThreadInfo() to get the foreground window's currently focused child control.
then use GetClassName() to check if it is a standard EDIT control (this check might fail in some UI frameworks! You might have to use the UI Automation API to detect the control type)
then use GetWindowLong/Ptr() to check if it has the ES_PASSWORD style applied.
However, if the foreground app is not using standard Win32 UI controls, and/or is custom-drawing them, or the like, then all bets are off.

How to tell if win32 c++ application lost focus after CTRL-ALT-DEL?

I've written a win32 App in C++ (a game) and I want to be able to know if the application has lost focus due to the user pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL and starting the task manager. How can I do this? What I want to do after detecting the event is to minimize the window of my game and pause its processing (animations, audio, etc.). However, if the user returns from the CTRL-ALT-DEL menu to the game then it should keep running as usual. I've thought that I could check for key presses on CTRL, ALT and DEL but that doesn't seem to work and just reacting to the lost the focus (WM_KILLFOCUS) is not what I want.
You can use WTSRegisterSessionNotification(), you'll get the WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE message when the user presses Ctrl+Alt+Del and switches to the secure desktop.
Beware that you cannot tell that it was actually the secure desktop that he switched to, that would be rather nasty security leak. You'll also get the notification when he switches to another logon session. Also a case where you want to stop your game of course.
For that matter, a game ought to automatically pause whenever the game window loses the foreground. Nobody likes to be killed when they switch to their email reader :) Use the WM_ACTIVATEAPP message

How to bring up the on screen keyboard using C++ in Windows 7 tablet devices?

I am developing an application for Windows 7 devices and I'm using an embedded web browser (webkit). Normally touching an edit control on a tablet device causes a little keyboard icon to appear. However, since my edit control is in the browser, it's not a real window with an hwnd and Window's doesn't bring up the icon you can click on to bring up the on screen keyboard.
Is there an API I can use to cause the little keyboard icon to appear as it normally would when focus goes to an edit control?
I tried searching MSDN, no success.
I looked at the Windows keyboard API. No dice.
I tried running OSK.exe. This could bring up multiple instances of the keyboard and it's just sloppy. I want to get the same effect a user would get when tapping a windows edit control so the UI is consistent.
There must be an API that can bring up that on screen keyboard.
Not sure if you have this answered already. I have been looking at doing a similar thing although it is a part of a larger application and the keyboard is rarely used (but nevertheless had to be supported). I assigned a shortcut key (right click Win 7 on screen keyboard application and choose Properties. In the shortcut tab, assign any shortcut you'd like). When I touch a SurfaceTextEdit control, I emulate the shortcut key from my C++ code using SendInput(). I know this is a hack, but it worked well for me because I rarely used the onscreen keyboard in my application.