I am trying to get my head wrap around lists in Prolog. To do this I am trying to create a sort of game. You pass in a list of numbers 1-9 that can be repeated, the list can be any length. The rules are that starting from the first element(e) you can only move to e+2 or e+3 until you get to the end. The goal is to "land" on the highest numbers. In essence it is kind of like hopscotch. The problem I am running into is determining all the possible permutation for paths. So far I have the following.
paths([], []). %empty list returns empty list
paths([X], [X]). %list with one element returns that one element
paths([X1, X2], [X1]). %list with 2 elements returns the first element
paths([X1, X2, X3], [X1,X3]). %list with three elements returns the first and third element
paths() :- % the recursive case for a list with 4+ elements
An list to use would be: [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,7,9,3,6,5,7,8,9]
I need to determine all possible paths using the rule mentioned about. I wish lists could be indexed in Prolog :(
Any logic guidance would be appreciated.
The requirements aren't completely clear, but it seems that:
The second argument is required to have the same first element as the
first argument (you "hop" on the first "square" first always, using
your hopscotch metaphore)
You aren't requiring that the last element of the first list be the
last element of the second list (you aren't requiring that you "land
on" the last "square").
An empty list succeeds with an empty list result (rather than just failing on an empty list - which is another valid approach).
Then this could be implemented as follows. You do not need many explicit 2- and 3-element list cases since they are handled by the recursive clause and simpler base cases.
path([], []).
path([X], [X]).
path([X,_|T], [X|R]) :- % hop over 1 element
path(T, R).
path([X,_,_|T], [X|R]) :- % hop over 2 elements
path(T, R).
For a simple example:
| ?- path([1,2,3,4,5,6], R).
R = [1,3,5] ? ;
R = [1,3,6] ? ;
R = [1,4,6] ? ;
R = [1,4]
If I don't have your requirements exactly right, you should be able to adjust this to suit your needs as it shows how to handle a recursive case. It also sounds like you are headed in the direction of trying to optimize the values in your hops, which I shall also leave as an exercise.
This can also be done with a DCG (definite clause grammar)
path([]) --> [].
path([X]) --> [X].
path([X|T]) --> ([X,_] | [X,_,_]), path(T).
Which would be exercised:
| ?- phrase(path(R), [1,2,3,4,5,6]).
R = [1,3,5] ? ;
R = [1,3,6] ? ;
R = [1,4,6] ? ;
R = [1,4] ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?-
In light of the extra requirement that the last step taken must be one that falls within the list, here is an updated version of the path/2 predicate:
path([], []).
path([X], [X]).
path([X,_], [X]).
path([X,_,Y|T], [X|R]) :- % hop over 1 element
path([Y|T], R).
path([X,_,_,Y|T], [X|R]) :- % hop over 2 elements
path([Y|T], R).
I think that there is a reason to avoid indexing: simplicity. If you decompose your problem, maybe you could start writing a step/3 predicate like
and then
paths(L,[X|Xs]) :- step(L,X,T), paths(T,Xs).
note: I don't understand very well your game, some example of playground and solution would be welcome.
%passing in a list and return all possible paths using K+2 or K+3 with K being the first element of the list.
%empty list returns empty list
%list with one element returns that one element
%list with 2 elements returns the first element
%list with three elements returns the first and third element
%list with four/four+ elements needs to be called recursively, prefix them with the first element and append them together
%RL means ReturnList
%FL means FinalList
%List is the appended list containing all the paths
paths([], []).
paths([X], [[X]]).
paths([X1, X2], [[X1]]).
paths([X1, X2, X3], [[X1,X3]]).
paths([X1, X2, X3, X4 | T], List) :-
paths([X3,X4|T], RL), paths([X4|T], RL2),
prefix_all(X1, RL, FL1), prefix_all(X1, RL2, FL2),
append(FL1, FL2, List).
So if run with the list [1,2,3,4,5] is would produce the following:
| ?- paths([1,2,3,4,5],X).
X = [[1,3,5],[1,4]] ? ;
Given 2 lists of positiv and negativ literals (representing clauses) I want to to get all possible Resolutions of these 2 clauses.
resolution([pos(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(neg(X), [H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
resolution([neg(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(pos(X),[H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
This works for the first literal of the first list ([H|T]) but for after that due to how I wrote the recursion I lose the Head of the list after every recursion so that I don't get the whole union of my 2 original list but the union of the second list and the the subset of the first list after the deleted literal.
I couldn't figure out how I (try to) do a resolution for every element of the first list with the second whilst keeping all elements of the first list.
My idea is something like this:
resolution([[_]|[pos(X)|T]],[H2|T2],R):- select(neg(X),[H2|T2],L),select(pos(X),[[_]|[pos(X)|T]],Q),union(Q,L,R).
resolution([[_]|[neg(X)|T]],[H2|T2],R):- select(pos(X),[H2|T2],L),select(neg(X),[[_]|[neg(X)|T]],Q),union(Q,L,R).
Trying to shift the element I am using for the resolution while keeping my list how it was but this doesn't work at all at the moment.
What the upper codes outputs:
R = [neg(3), pos(4), pos(3), neg(5)]
R = [pos(4), neg(1), neg(5)]
(resolution with pos(1),neg(1) and neg(3),pos(3))
What it I want it to output:
R = [neg(3), pos(4), pos(3), neg(5)]
R = [pos(1),pos(4), neg(1), neg(5)]
Keeping the pos(1) of the first list.
"Shifting" an element to the "result" list can be done by using the list constructor [_ | _] in the "result" parameter as well, i.e., changing the last clause of your original program to:
resolution([pos(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(neg(X), [H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
resolution([neg(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(pos(X),[H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
resolution([H|T], [H2|T2], [H | R]) :-
resolution(T, [H2|T2], R).
And there you go:
?- resolution([pos(1),neg(3),pos(4)],[neg(1),pos(3),neg(5)],R).
R = [neg(3), pos(4), pos(3), neg(5)] ;
R = [pos(1), pos(4), neg(1), neg(5)] ;
This isn't perfect, for what if H is already present in R? It would be duplicated in the result. So maybe change to this:
resolution([pos(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(neg(X), [H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
resolution([neg(X)|T],[H2|T2],R):- select(pos(X),[H2|T2],L),union(T,L,R).
resolution([H|T], [H2|T2], Resolvent) :-
resolution(T, [H2|T2], R),
union([H], R, Resolvent).
It's a bit of a pity that this loses the tail recursivity of the predicate.
For whatever it's worth, I don't see why you bother with recursion at all. What you are trying to do amounts to selecting an element from a list and keeping all other elements around. Your implementation of this, with the small fix from my first version, is basically an unfolded version of select/3 itself. Why not go full select/3? Like this:
resolution(ClauseA, ClauseB, Resolvent) :-
select(Literal, ClauseA, RestA),
literal_opposite(Literal, OppositeLiteral),
select(OppositeLiteral, ClauseB, RestB),
union(RestA, RestB, Resolvent).
literal_opposite(pos(X), neg(X)).
literal_opposite(neg(X), pos(X)).
This is actually pretty close to a textbook definition of resolution.
I want to find the bigger value from a list's element's pairs.
Ie. list=[5,7,4,5,6,8] the pairs are [5,7], [7,4], [4,5] etc.
Right now I have this little code snippet:
The solution should look like:
?- bigger([5,7,4,5,6,8],X).
X = [7,7,5,6,8,8]
Deleted the remove/3 lines, since they're wrong.
I'll give MY understanding of how the code works.
Empty given list check.
One element list check, adds it to output list end ([H|E1])
More than one element in given list, output list
3.1 First two element check (E1 >/< E2)
3.2 New recursive query without E1 (first element)
3.3 Whichever is bigger is output list's last element now.
First I'll show you my solution of your problem (and the result shouldn't be X = [7,7,5,6,8]? I'll make this version.)
gtr(X,Y,Y) :-
bigger([_], []).
bigger([X,Y|R], [Z|H]) :-
bigger([Y|R],H), gtr(X,Y,Z),!.
If you want to have last element appear in this list anyway than just change second bigger function.
Since the relation is describing lists you could opt to use DCGs for the task:
max_of(X,X,Y) :- X >= Y. % X is maximum if X>=Y
max_of(Y,X,Y) :- Y > X. % Y is maximum if Y>X
list_biggers(L,B) :-
phrase(biggers(L),B). % the DCG biggers//1 describes B based on L
biggers([]) --> % if the list is empty
[]. % there's no element in the biggers list
biggers([X]) --> % if the list contains just one element
[X]. % it is in the biggers list
biggers([X,Y|Xs]) --> % if the list contains at least two elements
{max_of(M,X,Y)}, % the maximum of them
[M], % is in the biggers list
biggers([Y|Xs]). % the same holds for [Y|Xs]
This definition is sticking to your reading of the task, that is, in the case of a one-element list the only element is in the list of bigger elements:
?- list_biggers([5,7,4,5,6,8],B).
B = [7, 7, 5, 6, 8, 8] ;
?- list_biggers([1],B).
B = [1] ;
If you prefer the reading suggested by #Armatorix, just change the second DCG-rule to
biggers([_X]) -->
This way the queries above yields the following results:
?- list_biggers([5,7,4,5,6,8],B).
B = [7, 7, 5, 6, 8] ;
?- list_biggers([1],B).
B = [] ;
Note that the list has to be sufficiently instantiated. Otherwise you get an error:
?- list_biggers([X,Y,Z],B).
ERROR: >=/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
If the list only contains integers, you can remedy this problem by using CLP(FD). Add a line to include the library and change max_of/2 like so:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
max_of(X,X,Y) :- X #>= Y.
max_of(Y,X,Y) :- Y #> X.
Now the query above delivers all 4 expected solutions:
?- list_biggers([X,Y,Z],B).
B = [X, Y, Z],
Y#>=Z ;
B = [X, Z, Z],
Y#=<Z+ -1 ;
B = [Y, Y, Z],
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y#>=Z ;
B = [Y, Z, Z],
X#=<Y+ -1,
Y#=<Z+ -1 ;
In order to construct logical programs, one needs to think logical. Based on the problem statement, there are three possibilities here:
we have an empty list, in that case the result is an empty list as well:
in case we have a list with one element, the problem is underspecified. I would say that the result should be an empty list, but your example seems to suggest that we return that number, since we then have a 1-tuple, and the maximum of a 1-tuple is of course the single element in the tuple:
in case the list contains two or more elements [H1,H2|T], then H1 and H2 are the first two elements. In that case we construct a vitual tuple in our head [H1,H2] and calculate the maximum, which is thus M is max(H1,H2). We prepend M to the resulting list of the recursion. That recursion is done on the list [H2|T]: the list where we popped H1 from:
bigger([H1,H2|T],[M|U]) :-
M is max(H1,H2),
Or putting this all together:
bigger([H1,H2|T],[M|U]) :-
M is max(H1,H2),
I need some help with three prolog predicates for checking and manipulating lists. I'm new to prolog and any help would be much appreciated.
The three predicates are:
double_up(+List1, -List2) is true when List2 has each element of List1 twice. The query double_up([a,b,c],X) should give X=[a,a,b,b,c,c]. The order of the elements in the output list does not matter.
pivot(+List1, +Pivot, -Smaller, -GreaterEq) is true when Smaller is the list of numbers in List1 smaller than Pivot, and GreaterEq is the list of numbers in List1 bigger than or equal to Pivot.
fancy_replace(+List, +Takeout,+Putin, -NewList, -Count) is true when NewList is the same list as the input List, but where each Takeout element in the list is replaced with the Putin element. Count should be the number of Takeouts that got replaced. For example, the query fancy_replace([9,10,1,9,2],9,0, X, C) should give X = [0,10,1,0,2] and C = 2. The order of the elements in the output list does not matter.
The simpler pattern to process lists in Prolog imposes a recursive predicate with 2 arguments, matching - conventionally - input and output data, and a base case, stopping the recursion, matching the empty list. Then
double_up([X|Xs], [X,X|Ys]) :- double_up(Xs, Ys).
double_up([], []).
This predicate it's a bit more general than what's required, because it works also in mode double_up(-List1, +List2). For instance
?- double_up(L,[1,1,2,2]).
L = [1, 2].
To restrict its mode as required, I think it's necessary to uselessly complicate the code, moving that clean loop in a service predicate, and leaving double_up just to test the arguments:
double_up(I, O) :- is_list(I), var(O), double_up_(I, O).
double_up_([X|Xs], [X,X|Ys]) :- double_up_(Xs, Ys).
double_up_([], []).
pivot/4 could be 'one-liner' in SWI-Prolog:
pivot(List1, Pivot, Smaller, GreaterEq) :-
partition(>(Pivot), List1, Smaller, GreaterEq).
like partition, foldl from library(apply) it's an easy inplementation of the last required predicate:
fancy_replace(List, Takeout, Putin, NewList, Count) :-
foldl(swap_n_count(Takeout, Putin), List, NewList, 0, Count).
swap_n_count(Takeout, Putin, L, N, C0, C) :-
( L == Takeout
-> N = Putin, C is C0 + 1
; N = L, C = C0
to be honest, i hate prolog... even though it is fun and easy after you learn it
i think this is a good reference as I was having trouble understanding how prolog works couple weeks ago.
what does the follow prolog codes do?
anyway.. this is the answer for your first problem; Hopefully you could solve the rest yourself :D
double([H|[]], [H,H|[]]).
double([H|T],[H,H|T1]):- double(T, T1).
btw, this might not the only solution...but it works
Let's say I have the following list:
List = [[a],[a,b],[a,c],[b,c],[b,d],[a,b,c],[a,b,d],[b,c,e],[b,d,e,f]]
The goal is to remove every list in the list that is a superset of a list in the list.
The list that contains the lists always has the following properties:
The lists in the list are sorted by length
Each list in the list is sorted
My initial idea was to simply start with the first list in the list and go through all other lists and remove the lists that are a superset. Next I'd look at the second list, et cetera.
After removing all supersets of the list [a] it should look like this:
List = [[a],[b,c],[b,d],[b,c,e],[b,d,e,f]]
Next the supersets of [b,c] should be removed:
List = [[a],[b,c],[b,d],[b,d,e,f]]
Last is the supersets of [b,d]:
List = [[a],[b,c],[b,d]]
And the line above should be the result.
I already made a predicate akin to the member predicate, but instead of taking a single element and comparing it to the list, this takes an entire list and compares it to the list:
memberList([X|Xs],Y) :-
This only works with lists.
?- memberList(a,[a,b,c]).
?- memberList([a],[a,b,c]).
true .
?- memberList([a,b],[a,b,c]).
true .
But after this I'm a bit lost.
I tried the following which should remove the supersets of a single set, but it did not work:
removeSupersetsList(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Out]) :-
removeSupersetsList(X,[Y|Ys],Out) :-
So I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to remove all supersets from a list or maybe even give the right predicate.
I'm using SWI-Prolog, where I find a crafted libray for ordered sets, and the required test, then using select/3 it's really easy to sanitize the list
rem_super_sets([], []).
rem_super_sets([L|Ls], R) :-
( select(T, Ls, L1), % get any T in Ls
ord_subset(L, T) % is T a superset of L ?
-> rem_super_sets([L|L1], R) % discard T, keep L for further tests
; R = [L|L2],
rem_super_sets(Ls, L2)
here a verification and the result
test :-
List = [[a],[a,b],[a,c],[b,c],[b,d],[a,b,c],[a,b,d],[b,c,e],[b,d,e,f]],
rem_super_sets(List, R),
?- test.
memberList([X|Xs],Y) :- member(X,Y),
%A list from ListWithSublists is removed,depending on ToRemove
% LocRez is accumulator used to obtain the FinalRez ( at the end )
remove(_,[],LocRez,LocRez) :- !.
remove(ToRemove,ListWithSublists,LocRez,FinalRez) :- ListWithSublists=[Sublist|Rest],
remove(ToRemove,ListWithSublists,LocRez,FinalRez) :- ListWithSublists=[Sublist|Rest],
> removeSupersetsList(List,Rez) :- removeSupersetsList(List,[],Rez). % call this for testing
%remove the Head from List from the List itself if needed(obtain Rez in the process)
%append the Head into our LocRez(get LocRezNew),
%call this recursively for the Rez
removeSupersetsList(List,LocRez,LocRez) :- List=[] ,!.
removeSupersetsList(List,LocRez,Final) :- ( List=[ToRemove|_] ; List=[ToRemove] ),
Im new to Prolog and was looking for some assistance. What i am trying to do is basically get a list L consisting of elements that repeat at least twice in a given list L'
L'=[1,2,1,3,4,3,2] => L=[1,2,3].
So far I am able to compute the occurrence of every consecutive variables
% pack(L1,L2) :- the list L2 is obtained from the list L1 by packing
% repeated occurrences of elements into separate sublists.
% (list,list) (+,?)
pack([X|Xs],[Z|Zs]) :- transfer(X,Xs,Ys,Z), pack(Ys,Zs).
% transfer(X,Xs,Ys,Z) Ys is the list that remains from the list Xs
% when all leading copies of X are removed and transfered to Z
transfer(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|Ys],[X]) :- X \= Y.
transfer(X,[X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- transfer(X,Xs,Ys,Zs).
% encode(L1,L2) :- the list L2 is obtained from the list L1 by run-length
% encoding. Consecutive duplicates of elements are encoded as terms [N,E],
% where N is the number of duplicates of the element E.
% (list,list) (+,?)
encode(L1,L2) :- pack(L1,L), transform(L,L2).
transform([[X|Xs]|Ys],[[N,X]|Zs]) :- length([X|Xs],N), transform(Ys,Zs).
which will return the following list of touples
?- encode([a,a,a,a,b,c,c,a,a,d,e,e,e,e],X).
X = [[4,a],[1,b],[2,c],[2,a],[1,d][4,e]]
But there still remains the problem of building a list that will contain distinct elements that repeat at least twice.
If anyone can help me or point me in the general direction that would be great.
Thanks in advance
an element E of list L should:
be a member of list L',
be a member of list L'' where L'' is list L' if we remove element E.
check select/3, member/2, findall/3 and/or setof/3
You could write a procedure:
% E it's the list of are elements from L that repeat at least twice
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice(L, E) :-
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice(L, [], E).
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice([H|Ls], Dupl, E) :-
In elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice the added list Dupl will keep each element you verify it's present multiple times. Examine each element of L, using [H|Ls].
Use memberchk/2 to verify if H is in L: then it's at least duplicate. If it's not yet in Dupl, add to it, and recurse. Remember to write the recursion base case (stop at empty list []).
Now I see you have added some code: then I complete suggestion:
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice([], Dupl, Dupl).
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice([H|Ls], Dupl, E) :-
( memberchk(H, Ls)
-> ( \+ memberchk(H, Dupl)
-> Dupl1 = [H|Dupl]
; Dupl1 = Dupl
; Dupl1 = Dupl
elements_that_repeat_at_least_twice(Ls, Dupl1, E).
Remember to reverse the list of duplicates when done.