Design pattern: inheritance and encapsulated inheritance - c++

I got problems formulating it precisely so I left more general description in the title (if you have more precise description of the problem, please comment, I'll edit the title).
The problem: Two classes AudioStream and VideoStream are derived from base class MediaStream which has some common for audio and video stream methods, but is not intended to be used as-is. Consequently, there are two classes AudioStreamSettings and VideoStreamSettings which are derived from MediaStreamSettings and passed to the constructors of their corresponding stream classes. MediaStreamSettings stores settings common for audio and video, and base class MediaStream accesses this data. The question is: what would be the best way to design this hierarchical relationship between base classes of streams and settings?
I can think of a quick solution like the following:
class MediaStream {
MediaStream(const MediaStreamSettings& settings){
// do nothing, let derived classes initialize settings_
// note: I feel guilty for doing this...
virtual ~MediaStream(){}
std::shared_ptr<MediaStreamSettings> settings_;
class VideoStream : public MediaStream {
VideoStream(const VideoStreamSettings& settings):
settings_ = std::make_shared<VideoStreamSettings>(settings);
void doSomething(){
int s1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<VideoStream, MediaStream>(settings_)->getVideoStreamSetting1();
class AudioStream : public MediaStream {
AudioStream(const AudioStreamSettings& settings):
settings_ = std::make_shared<AudioStreamSettings>(settings);
To summarize I'm not comfortable with two things in this approach:
not initializing settings_ in base class (should I make it abstract to calm myself?)
using dynamic_pointer_cast every time I need to access settings in derived classes (should I make a method wrapper for this?)

One solution is to not store data in MediaStream and add a virtual method
virtual const MediaStreamSettings& GetMediaStreamSettings() const = 0;

Since MediaStream should not be used as-is, making it an abstract class should be acceptable (and desirable).
Thus providing implementation (which includes class members) is pointless.
class IMediaStream {
virtual ~IMediaStream() {}
virtual void play() = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<MediaSettings> getSettings() = 0;
IMediaStream() {}
class MediaStream : public IMediaStream {
MediaStream(const Setting& settings){
settings_ = std::make_shared<Setting>(settings);
virtual ~MediaStream() {}
virtual void play() override {
// Implementation here
virtual std::shared_ptr<MediaSettings> getSettings() override {
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Setting, MediaSettings>();
std::shared_ptr<Setting> settings_;
// Alternatively you can inherit or specialize
// the template to add your implementation
typedef MediaStream<VideoStreamSettings> VideoStream;
typedef MediaStream<AudioStreamSettings> AudioStream;


Factory pattern with private constructors in C++

I am trying to implement a factory pattern that consists of
a factory class
an abstract class with protected constructor
inherited classes with private constructors and virtual public
I want to make sure that
No other one than the factory can not create any instance
If a new inherited class is defined it will not require any modification on interface class and already defined inherited classes. Juts new class implementation and adding into factory classes create method.
I also do not want to write same-like code(like static factory method per inited) for every inherited class and leave the future developers much work for factory connections.
i.e with pseduo code
class Factory;
class Interface
Interface(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~Interface(){/*Do something*/}
/*I wish I could do below and it is valid for all inherited
classes but friendship is not inherited in C++*/
//friend Interface* Factory::create(Type)
class InheritedA:public Interface
InheritedA(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~InheritedA(){/*Do something*/}
/*I dont want to do below two lines for every inherited class*/
//friend Interface Factory::create(Type)
//public: Interface* factoryInheritedA(){return new InheritedA();}
class InheritedB:public Interface
InheritedB(){/*Do something*/};
virtual ~InheritedA(){/*Do something*/}
class Factory
static Interface* create(Interface type)
case A:
return new InheritedA();
case B:
return new InheritedB();
//exceptions etc
int main()
Interface* I = Factory::create(A/*or B*/);
return 0;
Above code is the cloest I put out. Any suggestions (a speciality of C++, a different design,...) is welcome.
I don't think this a good idea, but here is a way to do this. You create a Tag type which can only be created by the Factory and make all the constructors take a parameter of that type.
class Factory;
class Tag
Tag() {}
friend Factory;
class Interface
Interface(Tag t) {}
virtual ~Interface() {}
struct Impl1: public Interface
Impl1(Tag t): Interface(t) {}
class Factory
Interface* makeInstance()
return new Impl1( Tag{} );
void foo()
Impl1 i( Tag{} );
You will get a compiler error in foo() because Tag::Tag is private.
You could have a templated function:
template<typename Type>
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface() {
// exceptions etc..
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface<InheritedA>() {
return std::make_unique<InheritedA>();
std::unique_ptr<Interface> make_interface<InheritedB>() {
return std::make_unique<InheritedB>();
but I really don't see the point in all of this Javaesque boilerplate. Not to mention that you are transforming a compile time information (the type) into a runtime one (via exceptions) for no reason really.
I would just go with:
std::unique_ptr<Interface> ptr_a = std::make_unique<InheritedA>();
std::unique_ptr<Interface> ptr_b = std::make_unique<InheritedB>();
when needed.
It is rarely a good practice to use Factory. I count it as an anti-pattern together with the Singleton. In good design, classess do not concern themselves on how they are created. In your case, when used in Factory, how do you create your class using custom allocator? On stack? In shared memory? In memory-mapped file? From the buffer? In place? This is all really hard to cover in Factory, but do not despair - the simple and elegant solution is ditch the factory!

access protected variable - complicated situation with inheritance and sub-classes

Hmm... I'm trying to break down my problem...
There is a library with some classes that do almost what I want. I can't change classes of the library so I want to derive them and change what I need.
In this case there is a derived class in the library with two subclasses. Now I derive the class and the subclasses.
In the second sub-class there is a virtual method witch modifies a protected variable from the first sub-class.
I want to override the virtual method with a new virtual method which calls the old virtual wethod an then modify the protected variable again.
Why am I getting the error in mySubClass2 while accessing fResponse?
How can I solve my problem?
class libraryClass : pulic someLibraryBaseClass {
libraryClass::librarySubClass2 lookUpFunction(int ID) {
//some magic to find the obj
return obj;
class librarySubClass2;
class librarySubClass1 {
librarySubClass1(libraryClass baseObj) {
myBaseObj = baseObj;
void someCallingFunction(int ID) {
libraryClass::librarySubClass2 obj = myBaseObj->lookUpFunction(ID)
cout << fResponse;
friend class librarySubClass2;
unsigned char fResponse[200];
libraryClass myBaseObj;
class librarySubClass2 {
virtual void someHandleFunction(libraryClass::librarySubClass1* obj) {
snprintf((char*)obj->fResponse, sizeof obj->fResponse, "Some Text...\r\n"
class myDerivedClass : public libraryClass {
class mySubClass2 : public libraryClass::librarySubClass2;
class mySubClass1 : public libraryClass::librarySubClass1 {
friend class mySubClass2;
class mySubClass2 : public libraryClass::librarySubClass2 {
virtual void someHandleFunction(libraryClass::librarySubClass1* obj) {
snprintf((char*)obj->fResponse, sizeof obj->fResponse, "Add some more Text...\r\n"
Edit: Forgot * in Method of mySubClass2
Possible solution:
class mySubClass2 : public libraryClass::librarySubClass2 {
virtual void someHandleFunction(libraryClass::librarySubClass1* obj) {
myDerivedClass::mySubClass1* nowMyObj = (myDerivedClass::mySubClass*) obj;
snprintf((char*)nowMyObj->fResponse, sizeof nowMyObj->fResponse, "Add some more Text...\r\n"
Now I derive the class and the subclasses.
In your example code, you're only deriving the main class and not the subclass. You have to inherit also the subclass:
class libraryClass : pulic someLibraryBaseClass
class librarySubClass1 : public someLibraryBaseClass::someLibrarySubClass1 { };
// ....
But that can be done only if the subclass is accessible (protected/public).
As far as I can tell you wonder why you can't access obj->fResponse in
void mySubClass2::someHandleFunction(libraryClass::librarySubClass1 obj) { ... }
Well, obj is of type librarySubClass1 which inherits its share of fResponse from the common ancestor. However, that is the share of a relative of mySubClass2, not yours as you are mySubClass2! You can only access the fResponse member of objects which are known to be of type mySubClass which actually happens to be known to be not the case for a librarySubClass1 object.
Getting access to librarySubClass::fResponse is as if you got free access to your uncle's inheritance from your grandparents. Unless you have a very unusual family sharing its wealth freely among all family members, you probably won't have access to your uncle's inheritance either.
Because fResponse in mySubClass2 is treated as protected and at that point it is outside of libraryClass, it only worked on librarySubClass2 because it is inside libraryClass.

Restricting method call to another method

There probably is a fairly simple and straight-forward answer for this, but for some reason I can't see it.
I need to restrict calling methods from a class only to some methods implemented by derived classes of some interface.
Say I have
class A{
static void foo();
class myInterface{
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() = 0;
class myImplementation : public myInterface{
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere()
A::foo(); //this should work
void otherFoo()
A::foo(); //i want to get a compilation error here
So I should be able to call A::foo only from the method onlyCallFooFromHere()
Is there a way to achieve this? I'm open to any suggestions, including changing the class design.
So... I feel there's a need to further explain the issue. I have a utility class which interacts with a database (mainly updates records) - class A.
In my interface (which represents a basic database objects) I have the virtual function updateRecord() from which I call methods from the db utility class. I want to enforce updating the database only in the updateRecord() function of all extending classes and nowhere else. I don't believe this to be a bad design choice, even if not possible. However, if indeed not possible, I would appreciate a different solution.
Change the class design - what you want is impossible.
I am unsure of what you are trying to achieve with so little details and I am unable to comment further.
[Disclaimer: this solution will stop Murphy, not Macchiavelli.]
How about:
class DatabaseQueryInterface {
~virtual DatabseQueryInterface() = 0;
virtual Query compileQuery() const = 0; // or whatever
virtual ResultSet runQuery(const Query&) const = 0; // etc
class DatabaseUpdateInterface : public DatabaseQueryInterface {
virtual Update compileUpdate() const = 0; // whatever
class DatabaseObject {
virtual ~DatabaseObject() = 0;
virtual void queryRecord(const DatabaseQueryInterface& interface) = 0;
virtual void updateRecord(const DatabaseUpdateInterface& interface) = 0;
class SomeConcreteDatabaseObject : public DatabaseObject {
virtual void updateRecord(const DatabaseUpdateInterface& interface) {
// gets to use interface->compileUpdate()
virtual void queryRecord(const DatabaseQueryInterface& interface) {
// only gets query methods, no updates
So the basic idea is that your DatabaseObject base class squirrels away a private Query object and a private Update object and when it comes time to call the protected members of the subclass it hands off the Update interface to the updateRecord() method, and the Query interface to the queryRecord() method.
That way the natural thing for the subclasses is to use the object they are passed to talk to the database. Of course they can always resort to dirty tricks to store away a passed-in Update object and try to use it later from a query method, but frankly if they go to such lengths, they're on their own.
You could split your project into different TUs:
// A.h
class A
static void foo();
// My.h
class myInterface
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() = 0;
class myImplementation : public myInterface
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere();
void otherFoo();
// My-with-A.cpp
#include "My.h"
#include "A.h"
void myImplementation::onlyCallFooFromHere() { /* use A */ }
// My-without-A.cpp
#include "My.h"
void myImplementation::otherFoo() { /* no A here */ }
You probably know this, but with inheritance, you can have public, protected, and private member access.
If a member is private in the base class, the derived cannot access it, while if that same member is protected, then the derived class can access it (while it still isn't public, so you're maintaining encapsulation).
There's no way to stop specific functions from being able to see whats available in their scope though (which is what you're asking), but you can design your base class so that the derived classes can only access specific elements of it.
This could be useful because class B could inherit from class A as protected (thus getting its protected members) while class C could inherit from the same class A as public (thus not getting access to its protected members). This will let you get some form of call availability difference at least -- between classes though, not between functions in the same class.
This could work.
class myInterface;
class A {
friend class myInterface;
static void foo();
class myInterface {
virtual void onlyCallFooFromHere() {callFoo();}
void callFoo() {A::foo();}
Though at this point I think I'd just make A::foo a static of myInterface. The concerns aren't really separate anymore.
class myInterface {
static void foo();
Is there a reason foo is in A?

In C++, how can I create two interfaces for a class?

For example, when creating a class library, I would like to specify an internal API and a public API for each classes, so I can hide some details from the user. The internal API would be used by other classes in the library, and the public API would be used by the library user.
Is it possible?
In C++, interface could mean many things. It could mean pure virtual functions that you implement in the derived classes, as in the following example,
class Interface
virtual void f() = 0 ;
class Implementation : public Interface
virtual void f() {}
Or it could mean just public functions in your class:
class A
void f() {} //public function - an interface that the outside world can
//use to talk to your class.
You can use either of these and can make use of access-specifiers ( public, protected, private) to make your interfaces public or internal/private!
Kind of.
Some libraries use friend classes/functions for this. Each class declares other classes as friends if they need access to more than the "public" interface:
class Car {
friend class Mechanic;
Engine engine;
class Mechanic {
// something involving Car::engine...
It's not very pretty, but it works.
Another approach that might work for you is the pimpl (pointer-to-implementation) idiom:
class CarImpl; // declaration only
class Car {
CarImpl *impl;
CarImpl *getImpl(); // doesn't strictly belong in the pimpl pattern
// methods that simply call the corresponding methods on impl
The internal interface can be accessed through a getImpl() call. You would put the CarImpl declaration in a header file that is clearly marked as internal, so clients won't access it. For example, you could put such headers in a subdirectory called internal.
The obvious drawback is that the Car class has a bunch of trivial methods that you have to implement.
A third approach, that I do not recommend, is inheritance:
class Car {
virtual void start() = 0;
static Car *create();
And in an internal header:
class CarImpl : public Car {
virtual void start();
The Car class only exposes the public interface; to get access to the internal interface, internal code needs to do a downcast to CarImpl. This is ugly.
You can use many tricks to grant friendship or an "extended" interface to a given few, however it is soon cumbersome.
The simplest way to separate the external interface from the internal interface... is to have two interfaces, thus two classes.
If you take a peek at the set of Design Patterns proposed by the GoF, you'll notice the Proxy pattern.
You can use this by not exposing the class to the exterior of your library, but instead exposing a Proxy, in which you wrap the class, and which only exposes a subset of its interface.
class MyClass
void foo();
void bar();
void printDebugInfo();
void test();
class MyClassProxy
MyClassProxy(std::unique_ptr<MyClass> ptr): _ptr(ptr) {}
void foo() { _ptr->foo(); }
void bar() { _ptr->bar(); }
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> _ptr;
I personally find this design rather clean. No down-casting, No subtle inheritance trick, No friendship list longer than my arm.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but if you have an abstract class defined:
class Loggable { ... };
You can inherit from it privately, like this:
class User : private Loggable { ... };
The class User now has the members of Loggable, but they are private.
Please see the C++ FAQ lite.
There is a number of ways to approach this. One is runtime polymorphism:
struct widget {
virtual debug_info diagnose() = 0;
virtual void draw() = 0;
struct window {
virtual void draw() = 0;
struct view : public window, public widget {
void draw();
debug_info diagnose(); // internal
Or with compile-time polymorphism:
struct view {
void draw();
debug_info diagnose(); // internal
template<class W>
void do_it(W window)
template<class W>
void diagnose_it(W widget)
debug_info d = widget.diagnose();
Another approach is to expose private members to specific functions or classes:
struct widget {
virtual void draw() = 0;
struct view : public widget {
friend void diagnose_widget(widget w);
void draw();
debug_info diagnose();
// internal
debug_info diagnose_widget(widget w)
debug_info d = w.diagnose();
A C++ class has 3 levels of protection: public, protected and private. Public things are accessible to everybody, protected only to descendant -- and then for themselves and not for other descendants --, private for the class and its friend.
Thus friendship is the only way to grant more than public access to a class/function which isn't a descendant, and it grants full access, which isn't always convenient.
An heavy solution which I've used with success was to write a wrapper which was a friend of the main class, and then provided additional access to its own friends (which were the only one able to construct the wrapper). I'm not really recommending it, it is tedious, but it could be useful if you have such a need.
class Main {
private: // but wrapped
void foo();
private: // and not wrapped
void bar();
class Wrapper {
void foo() {; }
Wrapper(Main& m) : wrapped(ma) {}
Main& wrapped;
friend void qux(Main&);
void qux(Main& m) {
Wrapper mwrapped(m);
// still can't access bar

Registering derived classes in C++

EDIT: minor fixes (virtual Print; return mpInstance) following remarks in the answers.
I am trying to create a system in which I can derive a Child class from any Base class, and its implementation should replace the implementation of the base class.
All the objects that create and use the base class objects shouldn't change the way they create or call an object, i.e. should continue calling BaseClass.Create() even when they actually create a Child class.
The Base classes know that they can be overridden, but they do not know the concrete classes that override them.
And I want the registration of all the the Child classes to be done just in one place.
Here is my implementation:
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory()=0;
template<typename Class>
class CRegisteredClassFactory: public CAbstractFactory
Class* CreateAndGet()
pClass = new Class;
return pClass;
Class* pClass;
// holds info about all the classes that were registered to be overridden
class CRegisteredClasses
bool find(const string & sClassName);
CAbstractFactory* GetFactory(const string & sClassName)
return mRegisteredClasses[sClassName];
void RegisterClass(const string & sClassName, CAbstractFactory* pConcreteFactory);
map<string, CAbstractFactory* > mRegisteredClasses;
// Here I hold the data about all the registered classes. I hold statically one object of this class.
// in this example I register a class CChildClass, which will override the implementation of CBaseClass,
// and a class CFooChildClass which will override CFooBaseClass
class RegistrationData
void RegisterAll()
mRegisteredClasses.RegisterClass("CBaseClass", & mChildClassFactory);
mRegisteredClasses.RegisterClass("CFooBaseClass", & mFooChildClassFactory);
CRegisteredClasses* GetRegisteredClasses(){return &mRegisteredClasses;};
CRegisteredClasses mRegisteredClasses;
CRegisteredClassFactory<CChildClass> mChildClassFactory;
CRegisteredClassFactory<CFooChildClass> mFooChildClassFactory;
static RegistrationData StaticRegistrationData;
// and here are the base class and the child class
// in the implementation of CBaseClass::Create I check, whether it should be overridden by another class.
class CBaseClass
static CBaseClass* Create()
CRegisteredClasses* pRegisteredClasses = StaticRegistrationData.GetRegisteredClasses();
if (pRegisteredClasses->find("CBaseClass"))
CRegisteredClassFactory<CBaseClass>* pFac =
dynamic_cast<CRegisteredClassFactory<CBaseClass>* >(pRegisteredClasses->GetFactory("CBaseClass"));
mpInstance = pFac->CreateAndGet();
mpInstance = new CBaseClass;
return mpInstance;
virtual void Print(){cout << "Base" << endl;};
static CBaseClass* mpInstance;
class CChildClass : public CBaseClass
void Print(){cout << "Child" << endl;};
Using this implementation, when I am doing this from some other class:
CBaseClass* b = CBaseClass::Create();
I expect to get "Child" in the output.
What do you think of this design? Did I complicate things too much and it can be done easier? And is it OK that I create a template that inherits from an abstract class?
I had to use dynamic_pointer (didn't compile otherwise) - is it a hint that something is wrong?
Thank you.
This sort of pattern is fairly common. I'm not a C++ expert but in Java you see this everywhere. The dynamic cast appears to be necessary because the compiler can't tell what kind of factory you've stored in the map. To my knowledge there isn't much you can do about that with the current design. It would help to know how these objects are meant to be used. Let me give you an example of how a similar task is accomplished in Java's database library (JDBC):
The system has a DriverManager which knows about JDBC drivers. The drivers have to be registered somehow (the details aren't important); once registered whenever you ask for a database connection you get a Connection object. Normally this object will be an OracleConnection or an MSSQLConnection or something similar, but the client code only sees "Connection". To get a Statement object you say connection.prepareStatement, which returns an object of type PreparedStatement; except that it's really an OraclePreparedStatement or MSSQLPreparedStatement. This is transparent to the client because the factory for Statements is in the Connection, and the factory for Connections is in the DriverManager.
If your classes are similarly related you may want to have a function that returns a specific type of class, much like DriverManager's getConnection method returns a Connection. No casting required.
The other approach you may want to consider is using a factory that has a factory-method for each specific class you need. Then you only need one factory-factory to get an instance of the Factory. Sample (sorry if this isn't proper C++):
class CClassFactory
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CBaseClass(); }
virtual CFooBaseClass* CreateFoo() { return new CFooBaseClass();}
class CAImplClassFactory : public CClassFactory
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CAImplBaseClass(); }
virtual CFooBaseClass* CreateFoo() { return new CAImplFooBaseClass();}
class CBImplClassFactory : public CClassFactory // only overrides one method
virtual CBaseClass* CreateBase() { return new CBImplBaseClass(); }
As for the other comments criticizing the use of inheritance: in my opinion there is no difference between an interface and public inheritance; so go ahead and use classes instead of interfaces wherever it makes sense. Pure Interfaces may be more flexible in the long run but maybe not. Without more details about your class hierarchy it's impossible to say.
Usually, base class/ derived class pattern is used when you have an interface in base class, and that interface is implemented in derived class (IS-A relationship). In your case, the base class does not seem to have any connection with derived class - it may as well be void*.
If there is no connection between base class and derived class, why do you use inheritance? What is the benefit of having a factory if factory's output cannot be used in a general way? You have
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory()=0;
This is perfectly wrong. A factory has to manufacture something that can be used immediately:
class CAbstractFactory
virtual ~CAbstractFactory(){};
CBaseClass* CreateAndGet()
pClass = new Class;
return pClass;
CBaseClass* pClass;
CBaseClass *create() = 0;
In general, you're mixing inheritance, virtual functions and templates the way they should not be mixed.
Without having read all of the code or gone into the details, it seems like you should've done the following:
make b of type CChildClass,
make CBaseClass::Print a virtual function.
Maybe I'm wrong but I didn't find any return statement in your CBaseClass::Create() method!
Personally, I think this design overuses inheritance.
"I am trying to create a system in which I can derive a Child class from any Base class, and its implementation should replace the implementation of the base class." - I don't know that IS-A relationships should be that flexible.
I wonder if you'd be better off using interfaces (pure virtual classes in C++) and mixin behavior. If I were writing it in Java I'd do this:
public interface Foo
void doSomething();
public class MixinDemo implements Foo
private Foo mixin;
public MixinDemo(Foo f)
this.mixin = f;
public void doSomething() { this.mixin.doSomething(); }
Now I can change the behavior as needed by changing the Foo implementation that I pass to the MixinDemo.