Recursive regex to check if string length is a power of 3? - regex

I'm attempting to create a regex pattern that will only match strings containing only periods (.) with a length that is a power of 3. Obviously I could manually repeat length checks against powers of 3 up until the length is no longer feasible, but I would prefer a short pattern.
I wrote this python method to help explain what I want to do:
#n = length
def check(n):
if n == 1:
return True
elif n / 3 != n / 3.0:
return False
return check(n / 3)
To clarify, the regex should only match ., ..., ........., ..........................., (length 1, 3, 9, 27) etc.
I've read up on regex recursion, making use of (?R) but I haven't been able to put anything together that works correctly.
Is this possible?

It can be done using regex (handles any character, not just period):
def length_power_three(string):
regex = r"."
while True:
match = re.match(regex, string)
if not match:
return False
if == string:
return True
regex = r"(?:" + regex + r"){3}"
But I understand you really want to know if it can be done with a single regex.
I forgot that you asked for a recursive solution:
def length_power_three(string, regex = r"."):
match = re.match(regex, string)
if not match:
return False
if == string:
return True
return length_power_three(string, r"(?:" + regex + r"){3}")


Find value of a string given a superstring regex

How can I match for a string that is a substring of a given input string, preferable with regex?
Given a value: A789Lfu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH, construct a regex that would match a string where the string is a substring of the given value.
Expected matches:
Expected Non Match
It seems easier for me to do the reverse: /\w*MatchMe\w*/, but I can't wrap my head around this problem.
Something like how SQL would do it:
SELECT * FROM my_table mt WHERE 'A789Lfu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH' LIKE '%' || || '%';
Prefix suffixes
You could alternate prefix suffixes, like turn the superstring abcd into a pattern like ^(a|(a)?b|((a)?b)?c|(((a)?b)?c)?d)$. For your example, the pattern has 1253 characters (exactly 2000 fewer than #tobias_k's).
Python code to produce the regex, can then be tested with tobias_k's code (try it online):
from itertools import accumulate
t = "A789Lfu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH"
p = '^(' + '|'.join(accumulate(t, '({})?{}'.format)) + ')$'
Suffix prefixes
Suffix prefixes look nicer and match faster: ^(a(b(c(d)?)?)?|b(c(d)?)?|c(d)?|d)$. Sadly the generating code is less elegant.
Divide and conquer
For a shorter regex, we can use divide and conquer. For example for the superstring abcdefg, every substring falls into one of three cases:
Contains the middle character (the d). Pattern for that: ((a?b)?c)?d(e(fg?)?)?
Is left of that middle character. So recursively build a regex for the superstring abc: a|a?bc?|c.
Is right of that middle character. So recursively build a regex for the superstring efg: e|e?fg?|g.
And then make an alternation of those three cases:
Regex length will be Θ(n log n) instead of our previous Θ(n2).
The result for your superstring example of 25 characters is this regex with 301 characters:
Speed benchmarks don't really make that much sense, as in reality we'd just do a regular substring check (in Python s in t), but let's do one anyway.
Results for matching all substrings of your superstring, using Python 3.9.6 on my PC:
1.09 ms just_all_substrings
25.18 ms prefix_suffixes
3.47 ms suffix_prefixes
3.46 ms divide_and_conquer
And on TIO and their "Python 3.8 (pre-release)" with quite different results:
0.30 ms just_all_substrings
46.90 ms prefix_suffixes
2.24 ms suffix_prefixes
2.95 ms divide_and_conquer
Regex lengths (also printed by the below benchmark code):
3253 characters - just_all_substrings
1253 characters - prefix_suffixes
1253 characters - suffix_prefixes
301 characters - divide_and_conquer
Benchmark code (Try it online!):
from timeit import repeat
import re
from itertools import accumulate
def just_all_substrings(t):
return "^(" + '|'.join(t[i:k] for i in range(0, len(t))
for k in range(i+1, len(t)+1)) + ")$"
def prefix_suffixes(t):
return '^(' + '|'.join(accumulate(t, '({})?{}'.format)) + ')$'
def suffix_prefixes(t):
return '^(' + '|'.join(list(accumulate(t[::-1], '{1}({0})?'.format))[::-1]) + ')$'
def divide_and_conquer(t):
def suffixes(t):
# Example: abc => ((a?b)?c)?
regex = f'{t[0]}?'
for c in t[1:]:
regex = f'({regex}{c})?'
return regex
def prefixes(t):
# Example: efg => (e(fg?)?)?
regex = f'{t[-1]}?'
for c in t[-2::-1]:
regex = f'({c}{regex})?'
return regex
def superegex(t):
n = len(t)
if n == 1:
return t
if n == 2:
return f'{t}?|{t[1]}'
mid = n // 2
contain = suffixes(t[:mid]) + t[mid] + prefixes(t[mid+1:])
left = superegex(t[:mid])
right = superegex(t[mid+1:])
return '|'.join([left, contain, right])
return '^(' + superegex(t) + ')$'
creators = just_all_substrings, prefix_suffixes, suffix_prefixes, divide_and_conquer,
t = "A789Lfu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH"
substrings = [t[start:stop]
for start in range(len(t))
for stop in range(start+1, len(t)+1)]
def test(p):
match = re.compile(p).match
return all(map(re.compile(p).match, substrings))
for creator in creators:
print(test(creator(t)), creator.__name__)
print('Regex lengths:')
for creator in creators:
print('%5d characters -' % len(creator(t)), creator.__name__)
for _ in range(3):
for creator in creators:
p = creator(t)
number = 10
time = min(repeat(lambda: test(p), number=number)) / number
print('%5.2f ms ' % (time * 1e3), creator.__name__)
One way to "construct" such a regex would be to build a disjunction of all possible substrings of the original value. Example in Python:
import re
t = "A789Lfu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH"
p = "^(" + '|'.join(t[i:k] for i in range(0, len(t))
for k in range(i+1, len(t)+1)) + ")$"
good = ["MatchMe", "ENOTST", "891"]
bad = ["foo", "A789L<fu891MatchMe2ENOTSTH_extra",
assert all(re.match(p, s) is not None for s in good)
assert all(re.match(p, s) is None for s in bad)
For the value "abcd", this would e.g. be "^(a|ab|abc|abcd|b|bc|bcd|c|cd|d)$"; for the given example it's a bit longer, with 3253 characters...

matching two or more characters that are not the same

Is it possible to write a regex pattern to match abc where each letter is not literal but means that text like xyz (but not xxy) would be matched? I am able to get as far as (.)(?!\1) to match a in ab but then I am stumped.
After getting the answer below, I was able to write a routine to generate this pattern. Using raw re patterns is much faster than converting both the pattern and a text to canonical form and then comaring them.
def pat2re(p, know=None, wild=None):
"""return a compiled re pattern that will find pattern `p`
in which each different character should find a different
character in a string. Characters to be taken literally
or that can represent any character should be given as
`know` and `wild`, respectively.
Characters in the pattern denote different characters to
be matched; characters that are the same in the pattern
must be the same in the text:
>>> pat = pat2re('abba')
>>> assert'maccaw')
>>> assert not'busses')
The underlying pattern of the re object can be seen
with the pattern property:
>>> pat.pattern
If some characters are to be taken literally, list them
as known; do the same if some characters can stand for
any character (i.e. are wildcards):
>>> a_ = pat2re('ab', know='a')
>>> assert'ad') and not'bc')
>>> ab_ = pat2re('ab*', know='ab', wild='*')
>>> assert'abc') and'abd')
>>> assert not'bad')
import re
# make a canonical "hash" of the pattern
# with ints representing pattern elements that
# must be unique and strings for wild or known
# values
m = {}
j = 1
know = know or ''
wild = wild or ''
for c in p:
if c in know:
m[c] = '\.' if c == '.' else c
elif c in wild:
m[c] = '.'
elif c not in m:
m[c] = j
j += 1
assert j < 100
h = tuple(m[i] for i in p)
# build pattern
out = []
last = 0
for i in h:
if type(i) is int:
if i <= last:
out.append(r'\%s' % i)
if last:
ors = '|'.join(r'\%s' % i for i in range(1, last + 1))
out.append('(?!%s)(.)' % ors)
last = i
return re.compile(''.join(out))
You may try:
Here is an explanation of the regex pattern:
^ from the start of the string
(.) match and capture any first character (no restrictions so far)
(?!\1) then assert that the second character is different from the first
(.) match and capture any (legitimate) second character
(?!\1|\2) then assert that the third character does not match first or second
. match any valid third character
$ end of string

Groovy - How to substitute elements in a string that were found with a regex

I'm trying to create a generic solution for increasing a version number which regex is given as a parameter. The regex works well so far but the next part, which is returning the same syntax as the original one, is what drives me crazy right now.
The code snippet:
def increase(tag, regex, position){
tag[position] = (tag[position] as Integer) + 1
def newTag = tag[0].replaceAll(regex, ???)
return newTag
So, if I give these parameters:
// entry params:
tag = ['1.0.RC119', 1, 0, 119 ]
regex = /^(\d+).(\d+).RC(\d+)/
position = 3
The result should be 1.0.RC120
With these parameters:
tag = [ '1.0u2', 1, 0, 2 ]
regex = /^(\d+).(\d+)u(\d+)/
position = 3
The result should be 1.0u3
What should I give to replaceAll as replacement?
You may split the string with 1+ digits and then interleave the resulting list with the tag items and joining to get the final string:
List combineList(List one, List two) {
def result = [one, two].transpose()
( result += (one - result*.get(0)) ?: (two - result*.get(1)) ).flatten()
def increase(tag, regex, position){
tag[position] = (tag[position] as Integer) + 1
return combineList(tag[0].split(/\d+/), tag[1..-1]).join())
See a Groovy demo online.
I figured out, though I think it's a little "dirty":
def increase(tag, regex, position){
tag[position] = tag[position] + 1
def newTag = regex.toString().\
replace('^', '').\
replace('\$', '').\
tag[1..-1].each {
newTag = newTag.replaceFirst('#__#', it.toString())
return newTag
Surely it won't cover all the cases, but will mostly work for me.

Using regex in Scala to group and pattern match

I need to process phone numbers using regex and group them by (country code) (area code) (number). The input format:
country code: between 1-3 digits
, area code: between 1-3 digits
, number: between 4-10 digits
1 877 2638277
And then I need to print out the groups like this:
This is what I have so far:
String s = readLine
val pattern = """([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{4,10})""".r
val ret = pattern.findAllIn(s)
println("CC=" + + "AC=" + + "Number=" +;
The compiler said "empty iterator." I also tried:
val (cc,ac,n) = s
and that didn't work either. How to fix this?
The problem is with your pattern. I would recommend using some tool like RegexPal to test them. Put the pattern in the first text box and your provided examples in the second one. It will highlight the matched parts.
You added spaces between your groups and [ -] separators, and it was expecting spaces there. The correct pattern is:
val pattern = """([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{4,10})""".r
Also if you want to explicitly get groups then you want to get a Match returned. For an example the findFirstMatchIn function returns the first optional Match or the findAllMatchIn returns a list of matches:
val allMatches = pattern.findAllMatchIn(s)
allMatches.foreach { m =>
println("CC=" + + "AC=" + + "Number=" +
val matched = pattern.findFirstMatchIn(s)
matched match {
case Some(m) =>
println("CC=" + + "AC=" + + "Number=" +
case None =>
println("There wasn't a match!")
I see you also tried extracting the string into variables. You have to use the Regex extractor in the following way:
val Pattern = """([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{1,3})[ -]([0-9]{4,10})""".r
val Pattern(cc, ac, n) = s
And if you want to handle errors:
s match {
case Pattern(cc, ac, n) =>
case _ =>
println("No match!")
Also you can also take a look at string interpolation to make your strings easier to understand: s"..."

How to match word where count of characters same

Please help with below
I need match only words where counting of characters same
for example same counting for a b c
abc ///match 1 (abc)
aabbcc match 2(abc)
adabb not mach 2(ab)
ttt match 0(abc)
Why are you using regular expressions for this? Regular expressions are the right tool for some jobs but they are overused where plain old string processing would do the trick, possibly with greater clarity or efficiency. Here's a sample implemented in Python:
def matchCount(inputString, lettersToMatch, count) :
matches = []
wordsArray = inputString.split()
for word in wordsArray:
letterCounts = {}
for letter in word:
if letter in letterCounts:
letterCounts[letter] += 1
letterCounts[letter] = 1
allCorrect = True
for letter in lettersToMatch:
if letter !in letterCounts:
allCorrect = False
if letterCounts[letter] != count:
allCorrect = False
if !allCorrect:
if allCorrect:
return matches
You should use a recursive regular expression.
Below is the Perl code for matching the same number or 0s and 1s
$regex = qr/0(??{$regex})*1/;
NB: for more backround, please refer to Recursive Regular Expressions on Peteris Krumins's blog.