Where is Multibyte MFC Library for Visual Studio 2015 community ed? [closed] - c++

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have installed Visual Studio 2015 community ed, made sure I clicked MFC under C++.
Now I can build default wizard generated app, but if I switch to 'not set' char set, it will not compile, complain it needs MBSC libraries.
All links I have found via searches and forums are dead or missing.
Anyone knows where I can find Multibyte MFC Library for Visual Studio 2015 community ed ?


visual C++ professional [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to download and install microsoft visual c++ for project developement purpose which upports only visual c++(as I was told).I am searching on google, but not finding any relevant website.where I can find and download microsoft visual c++ ?Please help.
You mean like this one: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/features/cplusplus/
It's part of Visual Studio.

MSVCP140D.dll missing, is there a way around? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have made an encryption application in visual studio 2017. work fine in a environment with VS2017 already installed but the application is not portable.
In a environment where not version of VS is installed a error show up.
MSVCP140D.dll missing
I don't want to download everytime Visual Studio for fixing this error, is there a way to prevente it ?
More information about the application :
Compiled in VS2017
made on Windows 10 x64
use Tiny file dialogue
You should distribute release version of executable that will depend upon VS 2017 redistributable package rather than debug version that depend on debug runtime libraries (notice the D suffix in library name).
You can link the runtime library statically, or provide the VS 2017 redistributable.

can I use visual studio 2013 with unity 5 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have Windows 10 installed on my laptop and I want to know if can use Visual Studio 2013 with the latest unity 3-d software. Also unity installed a Visual Studio community 2015. Will that community software work as well?
Yes, you can use either: VS 2013 (any version) or VS-Community 2015.

Can I use Visual C++ compiler without Visual Studio? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any way that I can use Visual C or Visual C++ compilers from the command line without having to install visual studio?
I have tried it before, and I couldn't find one. Seeking help.
Yes you can, for example Windows SDK comes with a Visual C++ compiler, but it doesn't contain Visual Studio, a quick search found this msdn page.
LE "brilliant" decision from Microsoft: it seems that newer Windows SDK doesn't come with compilers, so you need to install Visual Studio to have what to use from command line.

C++ project is out of date error when build on visual studio 2008 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to build c++ project in visual studio 2008 which was made in visual studio 2010.
It is giving project is out of date error .
I think its a kind of linker error ,nothing from google worked.
it is an open gl c++ project .
Kindly help me
You are right ,problem is there in linker or entry point like difference between int main and int _main()
just go in the properties of the poject and set entry point