How to extract a string between two pipe characters? - regex

In DB2 v10 I have a table with following column values:
I need to extract a string between two '|' characters as a new column in a select statement. DB2 does not seem to have built-in regex support. So far I found out regex-like functions can be registered to DB2 using external libraries, but the article is quite old and things might have changed. What is the easiest method to accomplish this? What would be the method with best performance? If I have to add external libraries, is there a good documentation showing how to add and use them with already compiled libraries if possible?
Note:DB2 running on Linux Intel machine.

You might get help from here. Just need to put your string name and pipe character and adjust query according to your needs.


NGS Analysis: How can I extract the different variants in two VCF files

I am currently working on my thesis and I am trying to analyze the results of NGS sequencing Illumina. I am not really familiar with bioinformatics and in this part of my project, I am trying two compare two vcf files corresponding to the results of healthy tissue and tumor tissue. I want to compare these vcf files and remove their similarities. More specifically I want to remove the information of the healthy tissue from the tumor one. Have you any suggestions on which tool I should use or any way that I can do my analysis? If you can help me I would be more than thankful. Thank you in advance!
I understand your problem. First thing I would recommend is to use Unix software (I don't know which OS you're running) called VCFtools. It's pretty simple to use. But if You want to do all the processing with, for example python, you can use the pandas library for python which helps to process data in column format or PyVCF library, which is a parser for VCF files. I can help you more if you can provide some example data you're processing.

How can you "global replace" in Crystal without visual studio?

I had to replace a DB table with embedded SQL in Crystal.
Now I find myself completely amazed that (apparently) I have to open thirty or more formulas one at a time and replace the table name with "Command"
If I select "All formulas" in the replace widget, all the replace controls are disabled.
This is so stupid that I figure I am missing something.
I am working the Crystal files directly in the Crystal IDE. Not able to fire up a C# or VB program to do it for me. I did try a couple of times in the past to edit things in Crystal files with regexp/perl/editors and similar, but that failed due to the Crystal file format.
(S.O. says my question "appears subjective and is likely to be closed." Huh?)
Transitioning from linked tables (Database 'expert') to a command (or the other direction) has always been painful (I've been using the product since v4)--CR doesn't have a good (or even mediocre) way to do this. You should be able to map your command to a single table, but you'll lose field (from the canvas) during the process (because CR will remove unmapped fields). Best practice is to always use a command or to wrap each table.field element in a formula field.
With earlier version of the product, I might have suggested using the SDK to make the change. However, this level of control has been shifted to BusinessObjects' RAS SDK.
If you are interested, have a look at my RptToXml project or its C# replacement.

How to write to, edit, and retrieve specific cells from an Excel doc with C++?

Basically, I want to be to be able to pass data between Excel cells and
my C++ program. I don't have any experience in Excel/C++ interactions and I haven't been able to find a coherent explanation or documentation on any websites. If someone could link me some references or provide one themselves it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
If this is for a Windows system, you could always use one of the available managed Excel libraries, such as OfficeWriter or Aspose.
There also might be similar libraries specifically for c++, I know we (OfficeWriter) used to make one.
Edit: Looks like there are a few out there, like LibXL and BasicExcel.
If the application will run on an end user machine with Excel installed, you can easily use the Excel interop and keep Excel hidden.
In addition to LibXL and BasicExcel mentioned by smoore, there is:
ExcelFormat Library is an improved version of the BasicExcel library and will allow you to read and write simple values. It is free.
xlslib will also read and write simple values, I have not tried it tho. It is also free.
Number Duck, is a commercial library that I have written, It supports reading and writing values, formulas and pictures. The website has examples of how to use the features.

Reorder list of numbered items using regular expressions

I got this list of items (it's in a sql script) and I would like to reorder it by number :
from this :
to this
I use sql server management studio 2008 so I have ability to replace using regex but I don't know if that kind of manipulation is even possible with regular expressions.
Just copy paste them in excel, then sort and then copy paste back to ssms.
It's that simple :)
I think you need to add a bit more description for this to really make sense.
Perhaps post the SQL script?
Is this data stored in a single varchar field and this is the reason you are looking for a regex solution?
You can easily parse the comma-seperated values using a regex, but you would need some other function to sort that result and it can fairly quickly get messy to do this in SQL.
In general I would say this problem is better handled outside of the SQL statement - eg. process this in your favorite programming/scripting language after getting the result back from the SQL.
Also this problem indicates a design problem with the database layout, if in any way possible the preferred way to solve this would probably be to restructure it.

File system regular expression search tool

What is the best tool to make complex (multi-line) regular expression file contents searches with good reporting capabilities?
I need to make a report over large Java/JSP code base and I have to make some charts afterward.
Eclipse is rather good at searches, but it does not provide good report of what is found. It just shows the tree of files, but I would like to see a table with columns corresponding to full match, each group, file name, file path, file date, may some version control information etc. Then I can transfer this table to Excel and make some graphs that I want.
Is there some generic file system search tool that has such capabilities? Or maybe there is some Eclispe plugin that can give better reports (note that I'm stuck on eclipse 3.1.2)?
Agent Ransack, TextPad, and UltraEdit allow you to perform regular expression searches against the file system. My favorite is Agent Ransack as you can specify regular expressions for the file names and for the content.
PowerGREP (on Windows) can be used to do (most of) that. You can define the format of your search results quite freely. I haven't tried yet to also add file meta information to the search results, but that should work. Not sure if you can add version control information (where would that come from?) - perhaps if you could be a bit more specific, I could check.
Other than that, why not write a small Python/Ruby/Perl script like JasonTrue suggested?
For searches over code bases with queries that understand the language structure, look at SD Search Engine. This tool indexes larges source base to provide very fast query response.
Queries are stated in terms of langauge elements (identifiers, operators, strings, ...) with constraints over the language elements (including wildcards and regexps on identifiers, strings and comments, as well as range constraints on numbers). Language whitespace and linebreaks (and comments unless you insist) are ignored.
If you want to do a plain regexp search on file character content, you can do that too but you don't get the speed advantage of the index, runs more like regular grep.
The interactive query result is shown in a hit window with other hits; by clicking, you can go to window containg the full source code of a hit.
In logging mode, all hits found are written to a log file with N lines of context, where you configure N. That's probably the report you want.
um... grep -r ?
Or ruby/perl/python, if you want to have more control over the final output; it sounds like what you're after would only be a few lines.