Custom rule for user selections in sitecore - sitecore

I am using sitecore 8.1 and we have a custom domain let's say it "website" we have registration form through which users create their account/profile with custom properties like first name, area , age and gender etc.
Now we need to select a group of users let's say "male users from xyz city and above 18 etc...". I have basic understanding that i would be using a sitecore's rule field.
I have created a template with field as rule which have empty field now where to define rule ? I have looked into "" for pre-defined rule but did not found any relevant option and i guess that we have to go for custom rule so i created a new "Rules Context Folder" it have empty rule folder wothout any insert option :)
Guys any guide or link to relevant article etc....


How to load different content for the same language in sitecore

I have a requirement where user would like to display different content for different states within the same country.To be clear i have added (en-us) language version to an item which would display single content to "Florida" state, now they would like to display different content(Image,title,etc..) for "texas" state how we can achieve this? thanks in advance.
You can achieve this by personalizing your content, not by adding different content for each item using the same language.
To show different content (Images, Title, etc) for each state, you can use Sitecore personalization rules "Out of the box".
One of the approaches you can use, and it is very easy to implement:
Define content for each state, maybe in the Global folder.
Go to experience editor, and personalize the rendering components.
Create new Condition - use the existing rule "Where the City Compares to Specific City".
You can get the list of cities that you can use from this URL: Sitecore uses this services.
As Ahmad answer use the personalization rules engine to add conditions that personalize your content based on, but I believe if you are using a Sitecore 8.1 and up you can use Sitecore IP Geolocation service.
Sitecore IP Geolocation provides information about the location and owner of an IP address beyond that provided by a reverse DNS lookup. IP Geolocation information includes the country, state, city, and the registered company name of every visitor.
Adding to #Ahmad's answer.
If you want to use condition like "city is equal to texas" u need to enable Sitecore GeoIP services first. This is a paid service from sitecore which uses Maxmind's GeoIP in the background.
There is one more option, where you can create new languages in sitecore like en-texas and en-florida. Once you created new languages you can use them like normal sitecore languages. So content editors can fill in different content for those languages.

Sitecore User role to change Sort order

I created a new user editor and a new role Sitecore Editor and assigned to that user. I want this user to be able to also set the sort order of an item, but none of those tabs are visible.
This role is a member of the the following:
You should encourage your users to using the sorting buttons in the ribbon. They can be located in the Home tab.
If you still want them to edit the sortorder field directly in the Content Editor then make sure that they have the Standard fields checkbox ticked in the View tab.
The downside of this is that it may expose too much data and all the standard fields tend to confuse the editors.

Using Search Specification to Filter records on a Pick Applet in Siebel

I have a requirement to Filter records on the SR Contact Pick Applet,
The pick applet should only display records related to its Account.
Have tried using the search specification on the applet.
[contact id]=[account id].
The main aim :
When raising a Service Request from the account screen the last name field which uses the SR Contact Pick Applet which displays all contact record(all contacts on the system).
I want it to only display contacts of the account. i.e. Contacts Created under the accounts alone.
Any other suggestions aside search specification will be welcomed.
But am most likely sure its search specification.
Simplest configuration (non-scripted) solution would be to use a picklist constrain on the BC level.
On the Service Request bc, for the the field [Contact Last Name], under pickmap, check the Constrain field for Account Id.
This will filter the contacts to only show the contact of the account.

How to define Start Url for all users in a role in Sitecore

I have list of users in Sitecore tied to Active Directory. I would like to associate a default Start Url in the User Profile for particular Roles instead of setting them manually per user. I am unable to find a configuration in the Security Tools section of the Desktop nor in the configuration files. Is it possible to accomplish this? If so, how?
The answer is to create a custom profile it seems and assign a default value specifically for a text field named "StartUrl":

How to set a contact's job title in Dynamics Nav 2009 using webservices

There are two webservices, which I've tried to use
page 5050 Contact Card
page 5055 Name Details
First service handles contacts and it's possible to set contact's name. However, in RTC there is a assist button in the Name field, so it's possible to fill in additional fields for name, such as
Salutation Code
Job Title
First Name
Middle Name
Language Code
All these fields are listed in page 5055 webservice, but I can't understand how should I add a new record and link it to existing contact.
One solution I've found is to create a new page on basis of respective table and select all needed fields, in this case, Contact_No. Afterward this page can be published as webservice.
Cons of this solution, is that you need to create a new page, which requires dev license.