SIMD instructions with condition copy - fortran

I have a hotspot which looks like this. Some kind of vector gather here would be nice... Any suggestion on how to get the compiler to like this?
do ii = 1, N
if (diff(ii) .le. M ) then
i = i0 + ii - 1
rbuf( irb ) = i
irb = irb + 1
end if
end do
Using ifort 16.0.2 my opt report looks like
LOOP BEGIN at code.f(197,13)
remark #25084: Preprocess Loopnests: Moving Out Store [ code.f(203,13) ]
remark #15344: loop was not vectorized: vector dependence prevents vectorization
remark #15346: vector dependence: assumed FLOW dependence between irb line 201 and irb line 200
remark #15346: vector dependence: assumed ANTI dependence between irb line 200 and irb line 201
remark #15346: vector dependence: assumed ANTI dependence between irb line 200 and irb line 201
remark #15346: vector dependence: assumed FLOW dependence between irb line 201 and irb line 200
remark #25439: unrolled with remainder by 2
remark #25015: Estimate of max trip count of loop=1600
Here is small test program
program vect
integer :: ii, i0, irb
integer, parameter :: N=32
integer, parameter :: M=8
integer, dimension(N) :: diff
integer, dimension(2*N) :: rbuf
rbuf = 0
!only some values of diff will meet condition
!could be random
do ii=1, N
diff(ii) = ii
end do
!from an outer loop
!this is code for filling up a buffer for an expensive vectorized
!subroutine with full vectors, irb < 2*N
do ii = 1, N
if (diff(ii) .le. M ) then
i = i0 + ii - 1
rbuf( irb ) = i
irb = irb + 1
end if
end do
do ii = 1, 2*N
write(*,*) ii, rbuf(ii)
end do

Depending on the target architecture I was able to get the compiler to vectorize with a directive.
do ii = 1, N
if (diff(ii) .le. M ) then
i = i0 + ii - 1
rbuf( irb ) = i
irb = irb + 1
end if
end do
and -xMIC-AVX512 or -mmic will give vector instructions for those architectures. e.g.
vpcompressd %zmm0, -4+vect_$RBUF.0.1(,%rax,4){%k1} #29.15 c1
For AVX2, I think one has resort to intrinsics/ asm as #Peter Cordes suggests in his comment, but it is good to know that compiler can figure this out going forward.


if statement to determine steady-state

My code below correctly solves a 1D heat equation for a function u(x,t). I now want to find the steady-state solution, the solution that no longer changes in time so it should satisfy u(t+1)-u(t) = 0. What is the most efficient way to find the steady-state solution? I show three different attempts below, but I'm not sure if either are actually doing what I want. The first and third have correct syntax, the second method has a syntax error due to the if statement. Each method is different due to the change in the if structure.
Method 1 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: this checks the solutions at every space point which I don't think is correct.
do i = 1,n-1
if ( v(i) - u(i) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
end do
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Method 2 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: (This gives an error message since the if statement doesn't have a logical scalar expression, but I want to compare the full arrays v and u as shown.
if ( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Method 3 :
program parabolic1
integer, parameter :: n = 10, m = 20
real, parameter :: h = 0.1, k = 0.005 !step sizes
real, dimension (0:n) :: u,v
integer:: i,j
u(0) = 0.0; v(0) = 0.0; u(n) = 0.0; v(n) =0.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
pi2 = pi*pi
do i=1, n-1
u(i) = sin( pi*real(i)*h)
end do
do j = 1,m
do i = 1, n-1
v(i) = 0.5*(u(i-1)+u(i+1))
end do
t = real(j)*k !increment in time, now check for steady-state
!steady-state check: Perhaps this is the correct expression I want to use
if( norm2(v) - norm2(u) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
do i = 1, n-1 !updating solution
u(i) = v(i)
end do
end do
end program parabolic1
Without discussing which method to determine "closeness" is best or correct (not really being a programming problem) we can focus on what the Fortran parts of the methods are doing.
Method 1 and Method 2 are similar ideas (but broken in their execution), while Method 3 is different (and broken in another way).
Note also that in general one wants to compare the magnitude of the difference abs(v-u) rather than the (signed) difference v-u. With non-monotonic changes over iterations these are quite different.
Method 3 uses norm2(v) - norm2(u) to test whether the arrays u and v are similar. This isn't correct. Consider
instead of the more correct
Method 2's
if ( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
has the problem of being an invalid array expression, but the "are all points close?" can be written appropriately as
if ( ALL( v - u .LT. 1.0e-7 )) then
(You'll find other questions around here about such array reductions).
Method 1 tries something similar, but incorrectly:
do i = 1,n-1
if ( v(i) - u(i) .LT. 1.0e-7 ) then
print*, 'steady-state condition reached'
end if
end do
This is incorrect in one big way, and one subtle way.
First, the loop is exited when the condition tests true the first time, with a message saying the steady state is reached. This is incorrect: you need all values close, while this is testing for any value close.
Second, when the condition is met, you exit. But you don't exit the time iteration loop, you exit the closeness testing loop. (exit without a construct name leaves the innermost do construct). You'll be in exactly the same situation, running again immediately after this innermost construct whether the tested condition is ever or never met (if ever met you'll get the message also). You will need to use a construct name on the time loop.
I won't show how to do that (again there are other questions here about that), because you also need to fix the test condition, by which point you'll be better off using if(all(... (corrected Method 2) without that additional do construct.
For Methods 1 and 2 you'll have something like:
if (all(v-u .lt 1e-7)) then
print *, "Converged"
end if
And for Method 3:
if (norm2(v-u) .lt. 1e-7) then
print *, "Converged"
end if

How to parallelize the nested loop

A small example serial code, which has the same structure as my code, is shown below.
INTEGER :: i, j
DOUBLE PRECISION :: ki(1000,2000), et(200),kn(2000)
DO i = 1, 1000, 1
DO j = 1, 2000, 1
ki(i,j) = DBLE(i) + DBLE(j)
DO i = 1, 200, 1
en = 2.0d0/DBLE(200)*(i-1)-1.0d0
et(i) = en
es = 0.0d0
DO j = 1, 1000, 1
CALL CAL(en,kn,ei)
es = es + ei
WRITE (UNIT=3, FMT=*) et(i), es
DOUBLE PRECISION :: en, ei, gf,p
p = 3.14d0
ei = 0.0d0
DO i = 1, 2000, 1
gf = 1.0d0 / (en - kn(i) * p)
ei = ei + gf
I am running my code on the cluster, which has 32 CPUs on one node, and there are totally 250 GB memory shared by 32 CPUs on one node. I can use 32 nodes maximumly.
Every time when the inner Loop is done, there is one data to be collected. After all outer Loops are done, there are totally 200 data to be collected. If only the inner Loop is executed by one CPU, it would take more than 3 days (more than 72 hours).
I want to do the parallelization for both inner Loop and outer Loop respectively? Would anyone please suggest how to parallelize this code?
Can I use MPI technique for both inner Loop and outer Loop respectively? If so, how to differentiate different CPUs that execute different Loops (inner Loop and outer Loop)?
On the other hand, I saw someone mention the parallelization with hybrid MPI and OpenMP method. Can I use MPI technique for the outer Loop and OpenMP technique for the inner Loop? If so, how to collect one data to the CPU after every inner Loop is done each time and collect 200 data in total to CPU after all outer Loops are done. How to differentiate different CPUs that execute inner Loop and outer Loop respectively?
Alternatively, would anyone provide any other suggestion on parallelizing the code and enhance the efficiency? Thank you very much in advance.
As mentioned in the comments, a good answer will require more detailed question. However, at a first sight it seems that parallelizing the internal loop
DO j = 1, 1000, 1
CALL CAL(en,kn,ei)
es = es + ei
should be enough to solve your problem, or at least it will be a good starter. First of all I guess that there is an error on the loop
DO i = 1, 1000, 1
DO j = 1, 2000, 1
ki(j,k) = DBLE(j) + DBLE(k)
since the k is set to 0 and and there is no cell with address corresponding to 0 (see your variable declaration). Also ki is declared ki(1000,2000) array while ki(j,i) is (2000,1000) array. Beside these error, I guess that ki should be calculated as
ki(i,j) = DBLE(j) + DBLE(i)
if true, I suggest you the following solution
INTEGER :: i, j, k,icr,icr0,icr1
DOUBLE PRECISION :: en,ei,es,timerRate
DOUBLE PRECISION :: ki(1000,2000), et(200),kn(2000)
call system_clock(count_rate=icr)
call system_clock(icr0)
call omp_set_num_threads(nthreads)
DO i = 1, 1000, 1
DO j = 1, 2000, 1
ki(i,j) = DBLE(j) + DBLE(i)
DO i = 1, 200, 1
en = 2.0d0/DBLE(200)*(i-1)-1.0d0
et(i) = en
es = 0.0d0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO private(j,kn,ei) firstpribate(en) shared(ki) reduction(+:es)
DO j = 1, 1000, 1
CALL CAL(en,kn,ei)
es = es + ei
WRITE (UNIT=3, FMT=*) et(i), es
call system_clock(icr1)
write (*,*) (icr1-icr0)/timerRate ! return computing time
DOUBLE PRECISION :: en, ei, gf,p
p = 3.14d0
ei = 0.0d0
DO i = 1, 2000, 1
gf = 1.0d0 / (en - kn(i) * p)
ei = ei + gf
I add some variables to check the computing time ;-).
This solution is computed in 5.14 s, for nthreads=1, and in 2.75 s, for nthreads=2. It does not divide the computing time by 2, but it seems to be a good deal for a first shot. Unfortunately, on this machine I have a core i3 proc. So I can't do better than nthreads=2. However, I wonder, how the code will behave with nthreads=16 ???
Please let me know
I hope that this helps you.
Finally, I warn about the choice of variables status (private, firstprivate and shared) that might be consider carefully in the real code.

Openmp parallel do loop working correctly ~50% of the time

I am currently working on adding openmp parallelization for a do loop in one of the codes I have written for research. I am fairly new to using openmp so I would appreciate if you had any suggestions for what might be going wrong.
Basically, I have added a parallel do loop to the following code (which works prior to parallelization). r(:,:,:,:) is a vector of a ton of molecular coordinates indexed by time, molecule, atom, and (xyz). This vector is about 100 gb of data (I am working on an HPC with plenty of RAM). I am trying to parallelize the outer loop and subdivide it between processors so that I can reduce the amount of time this calculation goes. I thought it would be a good one to do it with as msd and cm_msd are the only things that would need to be edited by multiple processors and stored for later, which since each iteration gets its own element of these arrays they won't have a race condition.
The problem: If I run this code 5 times I get varying results, sometimes msd is calculated correctly (or appears to be), and sometimes it outputs all zeros later when I average it together. Without parallelization there are no issues.
I have been trying altering the shared vs private variables in the code and I think I have accounted for everything. The i index of the msd array and msd_cm array should never be equivalent between threads so I would think that they wouldn't be an issue.
! Loop over time origins
counti = 0
ind = 0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO schedule(static) PRIVATE(i,j,k,it,r_old,r_cm_old,shift,shift_cm,dsq,ind) &
!$OMP& SHARED(msd,msd_cm)
do i=1, nconfigs-nt, or_int
if(MOD(counti*or_int,500) == 0) then
write(*,*) 'Reached the ', counti*or_int,'th time origin'
end if
! Set the Old Coordinates
counti = counti + 1
ind = (i-1)/or_int + 1
r_old(:,:,:) = r(i,:,:,:)
r_cm_old(:,:) = r_cm(i,:,:)
shift = 0.0
shift_cm = 0.0
! Loop over the timesteps in each trajectory
do it=i+2, nt+i
! Loop over molecules
do j = 1, nmols
do k=1, atms_per_mol
! Calculate the shift if it occurs.
shift(j,k,:) = shift(j,k,:) - L(:)*anint((r(it,j,k,:) - &
r_old(j,k,:) )/L(:))
! Calculate the square displacements
dsq = ( r(it,j,k,1) + shift(j,k,1) - r(i,j,k,1) ) ** 2. &
+( r(it,j,k,2) + shift(j,k,2) - r(i,j,k,2) ) ** 2. &
+( r(it,j,k,3) + shift(j,k,3) - r(i,j,k,3) ) ** 2.
msd(ind, it-1-i, k) = msd(ind, it-1-i, k) + dsq
! Calculate the contribution to the c1,c2
enddo ! End Atoms Loop (k)
! Calculate the shift if it occurs.
shift_cm(j,:) = shift_cm(j,:) - L(:)*anint((r_cm(it,j,:) - &
r_cm_old(j,:) )/L(:))
! Calculate the square displacements
dsq = ( r_cm(it,j,1) + shift_cm(j,1) - r_cm(i,j,1) ) ** 2. &
+( r_cm(it,j,2) + shift_cm(j,2) - r_cm(i,j,2) ) ** 2. &
+( r_cm(it,j,3) + shift_cm(j,3) - r_cm(i,j,3) ) ** 2.
msd_cm(ind,it-1-i) = msd_cm(ind, it-1-i) + dsq
enddo ! End Molecules Loop (j)
r_old(:,:,:) = r(it,:,:,:)
r_cm_old(:,:) = r_cm(it,:,:)
enddo ! End t's loop (it)
When this code is run, when I later print the averaged msd results out they either come out as correctly or they come out as zero and it is always one or the other. Do you see an issue that might explain why it is only working part of the time. I am brand new to openmp so it is completely possible there is just something incredibly stupid with how I am trying to do this.
Thanks in advance!

How to efficiently calculate matrix inner product in Fortran?

I am trying to calculate something similar to a weighted matrix inner product in Fortran. The current script that I am using for calculating the inner product is as follows
! --> In
real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(ni, nj, nk, nVar) :: U1, U2
real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(ni, nj, nk) :: intW
! --> Out
real(kind=8), intent(out) :: innerProd
! --> Local
integer :: ni, nj, nk, nVar, iVar
! --> Computing inner product
do iVar = 1, nVar
innerProd = innerProd + sum(U1(:,:,:,iVar)*U2(:,:,:,iVar)*intW)
But I found that the above script that I am currently using is not very efficient. The same operation can be performed in Python using NumPy as follows,
import numpy as np
import os
# --> Preventing numpy from multi-threading
os.environ['OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS'] = '1'
innerProd = 0
# --> Toy matrices
U1 = np.random.random((ni,nj,nk,nVar))
U2 = np.random.random((ni,nj,nk,nVar))
intW = np.random.random((ni,nj,nk))
# --> Reshaping
U1 = np.reshape(np.ravel(U1), (ni*nj*nk, nVar))
U2 = np.reshape(np.ravel(U1), (ni*nj*nk, nVar))
intW = np.reshape(np.ravel(intW), (ni*nj*nk))
# --> Calculating inner product
for iVar in range(nVar):
innerProd = innerProd +[:, iVar], U2[:, iVar]*intW)
The second method using Numpy seems to be far more faster than the method using Fortran. For a specific case of ni = nj = nk = nVar = 130, the time taken by the two methods are as follows
fortran_time = 25.8641 s
numpy_time = 6.8924 s
I tried improving my Fortran code with ddot from BLAS as follows,
do iVar = 1, nVar
do k = 1, nk
do j = 1, nj
innerProd = innerProd + ddot(ni, U1(:,j,k,iVar), 1, U2(:,j,k,iVar)*intW(:,j,k), 1)
But there was no considerable improvement in time. The time taken by the above method for the case of ni = nj = nk = nVar = 130 is ~24s. (I forgot to mention that I compiled the Fortran code with '-O2' option for optimizing the performance).
Unfortunately, there is no BLAS function for element-wise matrix multiplication in Fortran. And I don't want to use reshape in Fortran because unlike python reshaping in Fortran will lead to copying my array to a new array leading to more RAM usage.
Is there any way to speed up the performance in Fortran so as to get close to the performance of Numpy?
You may not be timing what you think are timing. Here's a complete fortran example
program test
use iso_fortran_env, r8 => real64
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ni = 130, nj = 130, nk = 130, nvar = 130
real(r8), allocatable :: u1(:,:,:,:), u2(:,:,:,:), w(:,:,:)
real(r8) :: sum, t0, t1
integer :: i,j,k,n
call cpu_time(t0)
call cpu_time(t1)
write(*,'("allocation time(s):",es15.5)') t1-t0
call cpu_time(t0)
call random_seed()
call random_number(u1)
call random_number(u2)
call random_number(w)
call cpu_time(t1)
write(*,'("random init time (s):",es15.5)') t1-t0
sum = 0.0_r8
call cpu_time(t0)
do n = 1, nvar
do k = 1, nk
do j = 1, nj
do i = 1, ni
sum = sum + u1(i,j,k,n)*u2(i,j,k,n)*w(i,j,k)
end do
end do
end do
end do
call cpu_time(t1)
write(*,'("Sum:",es15.5," time(s):",es15.5)') sum, t1-t0
end program
And the output:
$ gfortran -O2 -o inner_product inner_product.f90
$ time ./inner_product
allocation time(s): 3.00000E-05
random init time (s): 5.73293E+00
Sum: 3.57050E+07 time(s): 5.69066E-01
real 0m6.465s
user 0m4.634s
sys 0m1.798s
Computing the inner product is less that 10% of the runtime in this fortran code. How/What you are timing is very important. Are you sure you are timing the same things in the fortran and python versions? Are you sure you are only timing the inner_product calculation?
This avoids making any copy. (note the blas ddot approach still needs to make a copy for the element-wise product)
subroutine dot3(n,a,b,c,result)
implicit none
real(kind=..) a(*),b(*),c(*),result
integer i,n
do i=1,n
dot3 is external, meaning not in a module/contains construct. kind should obviously match main declaration.
in main code:
do iVar = 1, nVar
call dot3(ni*nj*nk, U1(1,1,1,iVar),U2(1,1,1,iVar),intW,result)
I had the same observation comparing Numpy and Fortran code.
The difference turns out to be the version of BLAS, I found using DGEMM from netlib is similar to looping and about three times slower than OpenBLAS (see profiles in this answer).
The most surprising thing for me was that OpenBLAS provides code which is so much faster than just compiling a Fortran triple nested loop. It seems this is the whole point of GotoBLAS, which was handwritten in assembly code for the processor architecture.
Even timing the right thing, ordering loops correctly, avoiding copies and using every optimising flag (in gfortran), the performance is still about three times slower than OpenBLAS. I've not tried ifort or pgi, but I wonder if this explains the upvoted comment by #kvantour "loop finishes in 0.6s for me" (note intrinsic matmul is replaced by BLAS in some implementations).

Fortran OpenMP code much slower than its not parallel version

I want to solve the Random Walk problem, so i wrote a fortran sequental code and now i need to parallel this code.
subroutine random_walk(walkers)
implicit none
include "omp_lib.h"
integer :: i, j, col, row, walkers,m,n,iter
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: matrix, res
real :: point, z
col = 12
row = 12
allocate (matrix(row, col), res(row, col))
! Read from file
open(2, file='matrix.txt')
do i = 1, row
read(2, *)(matrix(i, j), j=1,col)
end do
res = matrix
! Solve task
!$omp parallel private(i,j,m,n,point,iter)
!$omp do collapse(2)
do i= 2, 11
do j=2, 11
m = i
n = j
iter = 1
point = 0
do while (iter <= walkers)
call random_number(z)
if (z <= 0.25) m = m - 1
if (z > 0.25 .and. z <= 0.5) n = n +1
if (z > 0.5 .and. z <= 0.75) m = m +1
if (z > 0.75) n = n - 1
if (m == 1 .or. m == 12 .or. n == 1 .or. n == 12) then
point = point + matrix(m, n)
m = i
n = j
iter = iter + 1
end if
end do
point = point / walkers
res(i, j) = point
end do
end do
!$omp end do
!$omp end parallel
! Write to file
open(2, file='out_omp.txt')
do i = 1, row
write(2, *)(res(i, j), j=1,col)
end do
So, the problem is that parallel program computes MUCH lesser than its sequential version.
Where is the mistake?(except my terrible code)
Update: for now the code is with !$omp do directives, but the result is still the same: it is much lesser than its sequential version.
Most probably, the behavior is related to the random number extraction. RANDOM_NUMBER Fortran procedure is not even guaranteed to be thread-safe but it is thread-safe at least in GNU compiler thanks to a GNU extension. But in any case the performances seem to be very bad as you note.
If you switch to a different thread-safe random number generator, the scalability of your code can be good. I used the classical ran2.f generator:
modified to make it thread-safe. If I am not wrong, to do that:
in the calling unit declare and define:
integer :: iv(32), iy, idum2, idum
idum2 = 123456789 ; iv(:) = 0 ; iy = 0
in OpenMP directives add idum as private and idum2, iv, iy as firstprivate (by the way you need to add z as private too)
in the parallel section add (before do)
idum = - omp_get_thread_num()
to have different random numbers for different threads
from ran2 function remove DATA and SAVE lines e pass idum2, iv, iy as arguments:
FUNCTION ran2(idum, iv, iy, idum2)
call ran2 instead of random_number intrinsic
z = ran2(idum, iv, iy, idum2)
With walkers=100000 (GNU compiler) these are my times:
1 thread => 4.7s
2 threads => 2.4s
4 threads => 1.5s
8 threads => 0.78s
16 threads => 0.49s
Not strictly related to the question but I have to say that extracting a real number for each 4 "bit"s info you need (+1 or -1) and the usage of conditionals can be probably changed using a more efficient strategy.