File in wromg format - c++

I have searched this site and all over on Google for an answer to this problem. I am trying to compile a simple GL program and whenever I compile I get the following error:
C:\MinGW\lib\GL/glew32.lib: error adding symbols: File in wrong format
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Looks like you may have a Unix make file (the forward slash /glew32.lib) running on Microsoft using MinGW. ld -1 is the linkage editor complaining about a previous error. You might want to review the GLEW documentation: and make sure the libraries are lined up for MinGW. You can make sure you have the right MinGW (32 bit or 64 bit) compiler here:

Related error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

I have started learning C++ on Ubuntu. I am only a few months into using Linux as well.
I am attempting to port over a 2D Ball Collision Script from Javascript to C++ for learning purposes.
I am using simple2D for the drawing in C++:
I go to run this command:
simple2d build c-code-test.cpp
I receive this response:
cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-std=c11’ is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccl07DBG.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev##GLIBCXX_3.4'
//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Due to how fresh I am with Linux and C++ I am unable to make the correct inferences to solve this based on previous questions on stack overflow. I have installed libstdc++6 so I would have though it would be linked correctly.
Can someone walk me through in steps 1, 2, 3 ... Please? Thank you kindly!
The errors you see look to be from trying to compile C++ as C. The command line option is selecting the C11 standard, which is for C, not C++. The missing symbol is because the C++ library isn't being linked in, which also happens when linking a program as C.
I haven't used simple2d, but my guess here is that the compile script they wrote does not support C++ or there is some option you need to use C++. If we look at docs:
The simple2d build command is a helpful shortcut for compiling a
single source file. Of course, you can also use a compiler directly,
for example on Unix-like systems:
cc triangle.c `simple2d --libs` -o triangle
Why don't you try something like their example that invokes the compiler directly. But you would need to use g++ instead of cc. Something like: g++ c-code-test.cpp `simple2d --libs` -o c-code-test
This is a bug with the simple2d script.
They're basically using the wrong build command for C++.
You could work around it by patching in the fix I've linked to, or using the manual build step shown by TrentP.
Or wait for the next version after v1.1.0.

Intel compiler undefined reference to symbol 'for_inquire'

I'm running a Makefile given to me to compile some Fortran code along with some C++ code. This is being compiled on CentOS using the intel compiler.I didn't write any of the code or the Makefile, also I have no clue what I'm doing.
When I run the Makefile script I get the following error when trying to do something with Fortran code 'libStuff':
ld: /home/myProject/trunk/libStuff/lib/libStuff.a(stuff.o): undefined reference to symbol 'for_inquire'
/opt/intel2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
make[1]: *** [myProject] Error 1
I've played around with the Makefile and I've figured out that I need to add a flag to a specific line
The problem is I don't know which flag to add, and couldn't find any helpful documentation on the intel website. Also I couldn't figure out what the 'for_inquire' thing means.
Anybody got any ideas?
the flag I needed to add was -lifcore. I figured it out.

How to solve C++ conflicts between system and library dependencies

My problem is rather specific, but bear with me.
This in the end is kinda reverse engineering, but this problem in particular seems to fit more this board.
So, I have a shared object compiled for MIPS written in C++. I don't have the source code of the lib. The lib is compiled using GCC 4.3.3. I want to use functions present in this shared object in my amd64 computer running elementary OS. To do this, I used the sourcery cross compiler to cross compile some C++ code to MIPS, that would use this object.
So far I managed this except for this one compile error, which I cannot figure out. The lib is called, and uses as dependency (and both are in the same folder as the cpp code).
mips-linux-gnu-g++ -g -L/path/to/lib -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/lib -o verifier verifier.cpp -ldvl
which gives me
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /path/to/lib/, may conflict with
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: errno##GLIBC_PRIVATE: TLS definition in (...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in /path/to/lib/ section .bss
/path/to/lib/ error adding symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
So I added "" and got this
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in (...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in section .bss
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ error adding symbols: Bad value
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea how to solve this? I know I am using GCC 4.9.1, but I already downloaded the older code sourcery version which uses GCC 4.3.154 and got the exact same error.
EDIT 1: Exactly as Lol4t0 said, filtered using c++filt it gives an actual function name from stdc++. Using
mips-linux-gnu-g++ -g -L/path/to/lib -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/lib -I/path/to/lib -o verifier verifier.cpp -ldvl -nodefaultlibs
to give to libdvl its depencies (as I will not rewrite stdc++ :p), I get the following compile error:
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.9.1/../../../../mips-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /tmp/cc66DLda.o: undefined reference to symbol '_Unwind_Resume##GCC_3.0'
(...)/mgc/embedded/codebench/bin/../mips-linux-gnu/libc/lib/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I already confirmed lib dependencies and the order in which they appear.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for all the help.
Using -nodefaultlibs solves the first problem though.
You are linking against GLIBC ( and some other libc (
That could never work: you have to have everything compiled and linked against a single, consistent libc.
Since your uses as dependency, and assuming you can't rebuild, you have to use crosscompiler that targets (which is possibly dietlibc, or uClibc), and compile and link everything else using that toolchain. Your crosscompiler on the other hand appears to target GLIBC, and will not do you any good.
After a lot of trial and error, you may be able to link the final binary using inconsistent builds, and your binary may even get to main (that is very unlikely). But chances of such binary actually working correctly are minuscule.

Using Phonon in Qt5 - a simple video player

So what I'm trying to do is stream an ip camera using phonon (vlc backend) in qt5.
I know phonon needs some changes in order to work in qt5 and I've made them, the libraries which used weren't writable, I made them writable, edited them but I'm still getting lots of errors.
Then I assumed there might be something wrong with phonon! so I downloaded phonon for qt 5. but the result was the same.
even creating an object gives me errors, after Googling my error, I found out there is linking problem but I don't know how to fix it.
.pro file:
Qt += phonon4qt5
header file:
#include <phonon4qt5/phonon/VideoPlayer>
Phonon::VideoPlayer *videoPlayer;
cpp file:
videoPlayer=new Phonon::VideoPlayer(Phonon::VideoCategory,this);
I get these errors:
/home/user/Projects/VideoPlayer-Phonon2/mainwindow.cpp:9: error: undefined reference to `Phonon::VideoPlayer::VideoPlayer(Phonon::Category, QWidget*)'
:-1: error: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Why are you struggling with Phonon? It's no longer supported in Qt5!
Anyway, undefined references means that you need to link the library explicitly. You have included with Qt += phonon4qt5, now you have to provide LIBS += -L/path/to/phonon -lphonon4qt5

OpenCV 2.4.1 static linking with Qt

I have compile OpenCV 2.4.1 statically without error using MinGW and CMake. I checked With_QT
I just unchecked BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and proceed with mingw32-make and mingw32-make install.
It was built without error and eventually I have bunch of .a file in the lib folder of opencv.
But after setting LIBS and INCLUDEPATH parameters of .pro file and running a simple application in Qt I have got errors.
I also add the following line to .pro file:
CONFIG += -static -static-libgcc
I provided last line error:
undefined reference to `jas_image_decode' collect2: ld returned 1
exit status mingw32-make[1]: ***
[release\test.exe] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [release] Error 2 The process "C:/ming44/bin/mingw32-make.exe" exited with code %2. Error while building project test (target: Desktop) When executing build step 'Make'
I figured out that the error is just when I call highgui.hpp methods. like the following error when I use cv::imshow():
F:\OpenCV2.4.1\opencv-static2\install\lib\libopencv_highgui241.a(window_w32.cpp.obj):window_w32.cpp:(.text$_ZL17icvCreateTrackbarPKcS0_PiiPFviEPFviPvES4_+0x5e1): undefined reference to `CreateToolbarEx#52' collect2: ld returned 1
exit status mingw32-make[1]: *** [release\test.exe] Error 1
mingw32-make: *** [release] Error 2
Can anybody help me solve this problem.
There were many questions as we proceeded through the fix process, so I'll try to summarize the answers to all of them here.
Unresolved Symbols
undefined reference to `jas_image_decode'
The jas_image_decode symbol is defined in libjasper (which is a 3rd party dependency of OpenCV). To resolve it, link against libjasper.a.
undefined reference to `CreateToolbarEx#52'
The CreateToolbarEx symbol is part of Windows API, and is therefore defined in system libraries (which are always supplied with a toolchain, MinGW in your case). You can always find against which library you should link to resolve such symbols by looking in MSDN (scroll down and see Library and DLL cells). In this case, you can see Comctl32.lib, however MSDN of course posts names of libraries in the format that Microsoft Visual C toolchain defines them. Since you are using MinGW toolchain, you'd have to convert (mentally) this name into the Unix naming convention of libraries, and in this case that would be libcomctl32.a.
undefined reference to `AVIStreamRelease#4'
Similarly to the previous case we find it here, and infer that we have to link against libvfw32.a.
NOTE: The paths to such system libraries (containing Windows API) are always searched automatically by the toolchain. Therefore, you shouldn't supply -L option during compilation/linkage, but only the library itself, i.e. -lcomctl32.
undefined reference to `cv::dft'
Well, that's again some component from OpenCV (cv namespace obviously suggests that). A bit of searching reveals that it is defined in the Core component. Accordingly, to resolve that symbol, link against libopencv_core.a.
The Approach
How do I find out which library to link against to resolve the missing symbol?
There is no rule of thumb or any direct recipe here, but rather a number of tricks and educated guesses which primarily come from experience. Here are a few examples:
For instance, in case of CreateToolbarEx, it was quite easy for me
to guess that it belongs to Windows API as long as I recognize the
Windows API naming convention of the function name. Consequently,
what I do next is type CreateToolbarEx into Google, jump to the
corresponding page on MSDN, scroll down, see what the library name
is, convert (mentally) to the Unix naming convention of libraries (see above),
and voila!
The case of OpenCV is more tricky. OpenCV is a 3rd party library and
the question whether it'll be painful to find out the library where
certain symbol is defined solely depends on the quality of the
documentation provided. Although, I can see that the OpenCV
documentation is pretty good, it is still missing these important
hints for every symbol, and that's a pity. However, we (developers)
have to be able to cope with problems like that regardless of how
crappy the documentation of a 3rd party library is, and get the job done.
That's why it is always a good idea to use file content searching utility
such as grep (popular on Unix OS family, but available for Windows
too in MSYS distribution). This way, for example in case of
cv::dft, you could run grep -r "void.*dft(" . in the root of
OpenCV source tree, and track down where that symbol is defined in
no time. After that you'd have to infer to which component the file
containing cv::dft belongs, but that should be straightforward, just look
around and see in which directory the file resides.
I swear that I've never used OpenCV in my life, but as you can see I was still able to locate all these missing symbols for you. As a result, we can conclude that the proposed techniques of searching for unresolved symbols are sort of reliable.
Finally, nothing of this is specific to OpenCV or Qt. You're dealing with basic programmer craftsmanship skills here. If you want to be productive software developer capable of solving such day-to-day routines rapidly, then grep is just one of many essential utilities which should undoubtedly be the part of your tooling arsenal.