bsoncxx::builder::stream::document search_builder;
mongocxx::options::find img_find; // This speeds up the queries
search_builder_images << "_id" << "abc" << "data" << open_document <<"$exists" << true << close_document ;
for (bsoncxx::document::view doc : cursor_cal) {
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(doc) << std::endl;
auto cursor_cal = dbMongo[collectionName].find(search_builder.view());
Here randomly 50-50% chances , I sometimes get the output I expect and sometimes I get segmentation fault error.
What am I doing wrong ? ( I am trying to create this search_builder to search in mongodb database and get documents where data exists ? )
This is a bit old but I was having a segfault issue for the construction of the document, not sure if its what you were facing. I had to break the query document construction into multiple lines, such as :
auto queryDoc = document{};
queryDoc << _id << "abc";
queryDoc << "data" << open_document;
queryDoc << "$exists" << true;
queryDoc << close_document;
auto query = queryDoc << finalize;
Hope this helps someone else.
Following is a piece of code where I am trying to query mongodb using mongocxx driver.
/*Code for finding all that match the filter */
mongocxx::cursor cursor = collection.find(
document{} << "Vehicle_Registration" << vReg
<< "Vehicle_Make" << vMake
<< "Vehicle_Model" << vModel
<< "Vehicle_Owner" << vOwner
<< finalize);
Vehicle_Registration, Vehicle_Make, Vehicle_Model, Vehicle_Owner
are fields of the collection.
The value of
vReg, vMake, vModel , vOwner
are as specified by the user on the screen. If a user specifies only some (not all) of these values, then rest of the values remain NULL. To avoid search on NULL values I try to set them to a regular expression { $regex: /./ } so that the NULL values don't affect the search.
This regular expression works on mongo shell and all fields set to this regular expression get ignored and don't affect the search.
But in the code, to set this regular expression I do :
If (vReg == NULL) { vreg = "{ $regex: /./ }" }
and then pass vReg in the document{} as shown in the code at the top
document{} << "Vehicle_Registration" << vReg
Here vReg gets passed as a string "{ $regex: /./ }" (with quotes) and not as { $regex: /./ } (without quotes). As a result it is considered a string and not evaluated as a regular expression in the query and hence there are no search results.
Can somebody please help me know how to pass it as regular expression?
Thank you!
You'll need to make the regular expression clause a proper BSON subdocument, not a string. Fortunately, there's a shortcut for you with the bsoncxx::types::b_regex type, which expands to the subdocument when added to a BSON document.
Updated: To see how you could toggle the way you describe, here's an example that uses a ternary operator and then wraps the query string or the regular expression in a bsoncxx::types::value, which is a union type:
using namespace bsoncxx::builder::stream;
using namespace bsoncxx::types;
int main() {
auto inst = mongocxx::instance{};
auto client = mongocxx::client{mongocxx::uri{}};
auto coll = client["test"]["regex_question"];
std::string vModel;
auto empty_regex = b_regex(".", "");
coll.insert_one(document{} << "Vehicle_Make"
<< "Toyota"
<< "Vehicle_Model"
<< "Highlander" << finalize);
auto filter = document{} << "Vehicle_Make"
<< "Toyota"
<< "Vehicle_Model"
<< (vModel.empty() ? value{empty_regex} : value{b_utf8{vModel}})
<< finalize;
std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(filter) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Found " << coll.count(filter.view()) << " document(s)" << std::endl;
That gives this output:
{ "Vehicle_Make" : "Toyota", "Vehicle_Model" : { "$regex" : ".", "$options" : "" } }
Found 1 document(s)
Just add another Example of making case-insensitive find by b_regex as xdg's answer has pointed out:
<< open_document
<< "$regex"
<< bsoncxx::types::value{bsoncxx::types::b_regex{"^" + tag, "i"}}
<< close_document
<< finalize
It annoys me that the MongoDB manual says it should be { <field>: { $regex: /pattern/, $options: '<options>' } }, but actually the slash/ around /pattern/ is not needed here.
I have yahoo finance json file from which I want to isolate Date,Close and volume from the quote list and save it in the same order with a comma separtion in a single text file. This is my json script.
Json::Value root; // will contains the root value after parsing.
Json::Reader reader;
bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( YahooJson, root );
if(not parsingSuccessful)
// Report failures and their locations
// in the document.
std::cout<<"Failed to parse JSON"<<std::endl
return 1;
std::cout<<"\nSucess parsing json\n"<<std::endl;
std::cout << root<< std::endl;
std::cout <<"No of Days = "<< root["query"]["count"].asInt() << std::endl;
//below for loop returns an error
for (auto itr : root["query"]["result"]["quote"]) {
std::string val = itr.asString();
I was able to succed in fetching the json values and print root["query"]["count"].asInt() but when I go to the list values(quote) I dont know how to iterate through quote (query->result->quote) to get Date,close and volume values?
Also tried this method
const Json::Value& quotes = root["query"]["results"]["quote"];
for (int i = 0; i < quotes.size(); i++){
std::cout << " Date: " << quotes[i]["Date"].asString();
std::cout << " Close: " << quotes[i]["Close"].asFloat();
std::cout << " Volume: " << quotes[i]["Volume"].asFloat();
std::cout << std::endl;
It works only when output was Date. For close and volume output it exits with a runtime error message and also this error
what() type is not convertible to string
You haven't specified which JSON library you are using, and I don't know the Yahoo finance data well enough to know the exact field names, but if you are using the JsonCpp library, which has documentation here, and you are asking about how to iterate over a JSON array, then one way to do it using iterators would look something like this
const Json::Value quote = root["query"]["results"]["quote"];
for (Json::ValueConstIterator itr = quote.begin(); itr != quote.end(); ++itr)
const Json::Value date = (*itr)["Date"];
const Json::Value close = (*itr)["Close"];
const Json::Value volume = (*itr)["Volume"];
std::cout << "Date: " << date.asString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Close: " << close.asString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Volume: " << volume.asString() << std::endl;
I am a newbie in pugixml. Consider I have XML given here. I want to get value of Name and Roll of Every Student. The code below only find the tag but not the value.
#include <iostream>
#include "pugixml.hpp"
int main()
std::string xml_mesg = "<data> \
<Name>student 1</Name>\
<Name>student 2</Name>\
<Name>student 3</Name>\
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xml_node data = doc.child("data");
for(pugi::xml_node_iterator it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); ++it)
for(pugi::xml_node_iterator itt=it->begin(); itt!=it->end(); ++itt)
std::cout << itt->name() << " " << std::endl;
return 0;
I want the output of Name and Roll for each student. How can I modify above code? Also, if one can refer here(press Test), I can directly write xpath which is supported by pugixml. If so, how can I get the values I seek using Xpath in Pugixml.
Here's how you can do it with just Xpath:
pugi::xpath_query student_query("/data/student");
pugi::xpath_query name_query("Name/text()");
pugi::xpath_query roll_query("Roll/text()");
pugi::xpath_node_set xpath_students = doc.select_nodes(student_query);
for (pugi::xpath_node xpath_student : xpath_students)
// Since Xpath results can be nodes or attributes, you must explicitly get
// the node out with .node()
pugi::xml_node student = xpath_student.node();
pugi::xml_node name = student.select_node(name_query).node();
pugi::xml_node roll = student.select_node(roll_query).node();
std::cout << "Student name: " << name.value() << std::endl;
std::cout << " roll: " << roll.value() << std::endl;
I think that the reason why you are getting the "tags/nodes" instead of their values is because you are using the name() function instead of value(). Try replacing your itt->name() with itt->value() instead.
I found some good documentation about accessing document data here
Thanks #Cornstalks for the insight of using xpath in pugixml. I used child_value given here. The code of mine was thus:
for(pugi::xml_node_iterator it=data.begin(); it!=data.end(); ++it)
for(pugi::xml_node_iterator itt=it->begin(); itt!=it->end(); ++itt)
std::cout << itt->name() << " " << itt->child_value() << " " << std::endl;
I could also use xpath as #Cornstalks suggested thus making my code as:
pugi::xml_document doc;
pugi::xpath_query student_query("/data/student");
pugi::xpath_query name_query("Name/text()");
pugi::xpath_query roll_query("Roll/text()");
pugi::xpath_node_set xpath_students = doc.select_nodes(student_query);
for (pugi::xpath_node xpath_student : xpath_students)
// Since Xpath results can be nodes or attributes, you must explicitly get
// the node out with .node()
pugi::xml_node student = xpath_student.node();
pugi::xml_node name = student.select_node(name_query).node();
pugi::xml_node roll = student.select_node(roll_query).node();
std::cout << "Student name: " << name.value() << std::endl;
std::cout << " roll: " << roll.value() << std::endl;
In your inner loop change the following line to get the values like :
student1 and 111 and so on...
std::cout << itt.text().get() << " " << std::endl;
I have the following document in my MongoDB test database:
> db.a.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("5113d680732fb764c4464fdf"),
"x" : [
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2
"a" : 3,
"b" : 4
I'm trying to access and process the elements in the "x" array. However, it seems that the Mongo driver is identifying it not as an array of JSON document, but as Date type, as shown in the following code:
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = c.query("test.a", BSONObj());
while (cursor->more()) {
BSONObj r = cursor->next();
cout << r.toString() << std::endl;
which output is:
{ _id: ObjectId('51138456732fb764c4464fde'), x: new Date(1360233558334) }
I'm trying to follow the documentation in and, but it is quite poor. I have found other examples of processing arrays, but always with simple types (e.g. array of integer), but not when the elements in the array are BSON documents themselves.
Do you have some code example of procesing arrays which elements are generic BSON elements, please?
you could use the .Array() method or the getFieldDotted() method: as in the following:
Query query = Query();
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = myConn.query("test.a", query);
while( cursor->more() ) {
BSONObj nextObject = cursor->next();
cout << nextObject["x"].Array()[0]["a"] << endl;
cout << nextObject.getFieldDotted("x.0.a") << endl;
At the end, it seems that embeddedObject() method was the key:
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = c.query("test.a", BSONObj());
while (cursor->more()) {
BSONObj r = cursor->next();
cout << "Processing JSON document: " << r.toString() << std::endl;
std::vector<BSONElement> be = r.getField("x").Array();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<be.size(); i++) {
cout << "Processing array element: " << be[i].toString() << std::endl;
cout << " of type: " << be[i].type() << std::endl;
BSONObj bo = be[i].embeddedObject();
cout << "Processing a field: " << bo.getField("a").toString() << std::endl;
cout << "Processing b field: " << bo.getField("b").toString() << std::endl;
I was wrongly retrieving a different ObjectID and a different type (Date instead of array) becuase I was looking to a different collection :$
Sorry for the noise. I hope that the fragment above helps others to figure out how to manipulate arrays using the MongoDB C++ driver.
I'm looking for a very specific piece of information. I could make this a rather detailed question I guess but I'd rather try keeping it short and to the point.
I need to acces a piece of meta data (exif information) from within a Photoshop filter plug-in. I have never dealt with exif data from within a Photoshop plug-in or without and the PS SDK documentation is of a form that leaves a lot of questions. I would eventually get there but was wondering if anyone here has done this before and could help me out with an example. I'd be very grateful for that...
What we need should be documented here in the SDK:
The latter document says that the resource ID I need to retrieve the exif data is 1059 (decimal) and that accessing Exif data is supported since PS 7.0 which is good. But the SDK has no information (that I found) as to what you get, pointer? pointer to what? They just tell you to look at the exif spec. So do I get a pointer to the RAW binary exif data and if so how to I extract a field from that.
The specifications for the Exif data are here:
As an example I'd like to get at this exif field:
Tag Name Field Name Dec Hex Type Count
Image title ImageDescription 270 10E ASCII Any
EDIT: After a deeper research I've found the following (an excerpt from the documentation):
Document: Photoshop API Guide.
Argument: Callbacks.
The callback routines are organized into “suites” collections of
related routines which implement a particular functionality.
The suites are described by a pointer to a record containing:
a 2 byte version number for the suite,
a 2 byte count of the number of routines in the suite,
a series of function pointers for the callback routines.
You are interested in the Property suite.
Current version: 1; Adobe Photoshop: 5.0; Routines: 2.
Properties are identified by a signature and key, which form a pair to
identify the property of interest.
Adobe Photoshop’s signature is always '8BIM' (0x3842494D).
The EXIF property is controlled by The Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA) and Electronic Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) which merged in Novemeber of 2000. The EXIF specification can be downloaded from their web site at the following location.
GetPropertyProc( )
MACPASCAL OSErr (*GetPropertyProc) (OSType signature, OSType key, int32 index, int32 * simpleProperty, Handle * complexProperty);
This routine allows you to get information about the document currently being processed.
property name: propEXIFData
type:complex (modifiable)
description:Camera and device data.
To recap I'll write some juicy code:
GetPropertyProc getProperty = formatParamBlock->propertyProcs->getPropertyProc;
rc = getProperty(0x3842494D, propEXIFData, 0, &simpProp, &compProp);
if ( rc )
GetPIHandleSizeProc getSize = formatParamBlock->handleProcs->getSizeProc;
int32 size = getSize(compProp);
if ( !size )
LockPIHandleProc lock = formatParamBlock->handleProcs->lockProc;
uint8* exif = (uint8 *)lock(compProp, false);
if ( !exif )
Here's is a code sample using the Exiv2 Library:
// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
// exifprint.cpp, $Rev: 2286 $
// Sample program to print the Exif metadata of an image
#include <exiv2/exiv2.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
try {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file\n";
return 1;
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(argv[1]);
assert(image.get() != 0);
Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
if (exifData.empty()) {
std::string error(argv[1]);
error += ": No Exif data found in the file";
throw Exiv2::Error(1, error);
Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator end = exifData.end();
for (Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator i = exifData.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
const char* tn = i->typeName();
std::cout << std::setw(44) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left
<< i->key() << " "
<< "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::right
<< std::hex << i->tag() << " "
<< std::setw(9) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left
<< (tn ? tn : "Unknown") << " "
<< std::dec << std::setw(3)
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::right
<< i->count() << " "
<< std::dec << i->value()
<< "\n";
return 0;
//catch (std::exception& e) {
//catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) {
catch (Exiv2::Error& e) {
std::cout << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e.what() << "'\n";
return -1;
I combined response vulkanino and ThdK. My method uses the function PIGetEXIFData declared in file PropertyUtils.h that returns a binary exif. Next, this exif decoded Exiv2 library
#include <PropertyUtils.h>
#include <PIProperties.h>
#include <exif.hpp>
void printExif() {
Handle handle;
std::string ss;
checkSPErr(HandleToString(handle, ss));
Exiv2::ExifData exifData;
Exiv2::ExifParser::decode(exifData, reinterpret_cast<const Exiv2::byte*>(, ss.size());
Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator end = exifData.end();
for (Exiv2::ExifData::const_iterator i = exifData.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
const char* tn = i->typeName();
std::cout << std::setw(44) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left
<< i->key() << " "
<< "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::right
<< std::hex << i->tag() << " "
<< std::setw(9) << std::setfill(' ') << std::left
<< (tn ? tn : "Unknown") << " "
<< std::dec << std::setw(3)
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::right
<< i->count() << " "
<< std::dec << i->value()
<< "\n";