I have the following ClojureScript code and am trying to detect the coordinates of a a click. So far, I can't even get Javascript alerts to recognize a click, let alone give me the coords.
I know I will have to write a function to have it give me the exact cells being clicked, but as a start, need to know how to get the coordinates of any area clicked on a page.
(defn header [color text]
{:color color
:background-color "blue"}}
(defn Cell []
{:width "40px"
:height "40px"
:float "right"
:margin-bottom "1px"
:margin-right "1px"
:background-color "grey"
:border "1px" "solid" "white"}}])
(defn home-page []
[header "red" "Minesweeper"]
{:width "440px"
:height "440px"}}
(repeat 100 [Cell])]])
Put an :onClick key at the same map indentation level as the :style. Its value should be a function, which will get an event e. Then:
(let [coords (.getClientPosition e)
coords' {:x (aget coords "x")
:y (aget coords "y")}])
Here's an example of a hashmap that has an :onClick event and its function:
{ :href "#"
:onClick (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(swap! counter inc))}
The only thing that matters in the above is getting the e and using it. That was taken from the flappybird example program, which is how I got started.
I want to get this behavior: when the button is pressed with user the button's text and the label's text should are changed together.
But the problem is button and label have the equal name of keys for the text properties. And I can't store equal keys in one hash-map.
;;I have two atoms keeps the state of button text and state of label text
(def *button-text (atom
{:text "click me"}))
(def *label-text (atom
{:text "press the button"}))
;;I have the root function which should accepts arguments for button and label props.
But these props have equal names - text - and I can't store two equal keys in one map.
{:fx/type root
:text (:text *button-text)
:text (:text *label-text)}
;;This will cause an error.
This is how I solved this problem. But is too much of the code and out of normal way.
(ns examp.core
(:require [cljfx.api :as fx])
(:import [javafx.application Platform]))
(def *button-text (atom
{:text "click me"}))
(def *label-text (atom
{:text "press the button"}))
(def renderer (fx/create-renderer))
(defn root [{:keys [one two]}]
(let [button-text (:text one)
label-text (:text two)]
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true
:title "Window"
:width 250
:height 150
:scene {:fx/type :scene
:root {:fx/type :v-box
:alignment :center
:spacing 10
:children [{:fx/type :label
:text label-text}
{:fx/type :button
:min-width 100
:min-height 50
:text button-text
:on-action (fn [_]
(if (= button-text "click me")
(swap! *button-text assoc :text "clicked")
(swap! *label-text assoc :text "button is pressed")
{:fx/type root
:one #*button-text
:two #*label-text}))
(swap! *button-text assoc :text "click me")
(swap! *label-text assoc :text "presse the button")
{:fx/type root
:one #*button-text
:two #*label-text}))))}]}}}))
(defn -main [& args]
(Platform/setImplicitExit true)
(renderer {:fx/type root
:one #*button-text
:two #*label-text}))
Before I will show you my attempt, here is the link to the official Cljfx examples repository. These examples should be useful for you, as they show practices for managing app state, event handling and so on.
For this situation, I recommend studying e05_fn_fx_like_state.clj- this is also an example I based my code on:
(ns examp.core
(:require [cljfx.api :as fx])
(def *state
(atom {:label-text "Click the button."
:button-text "Click me!"}))
(defn root [{:keys [label-text button-text]}]
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true
:title "Window"
:width 250
:height 150
:scene {:fx/type :scene
:root {:fx/type :v-box
:alignment :center
:spacing 10
:children [{:fx/type :label
:text label-text}
{:fx/type :button
:text button-text
:min-width 100
:min-height 50
:on-action {:key :button-action}}]}}})
(defn map-event-handler [event]
(when (= (:key event) :button-action)
(if (= (:button-text #*state) "Click me!")
(reset! *state {:label-text "The button was clicked!"
:button-text "Clicked!"})
(reset! *state {:label-text "Click the button."
:button-text "Click me!"}))))
(def renderer
:middleware (fx/wrap-map-desc root)
:opts {:fx.opt/map-event-handler map-event-handler}))
(defn -main [& args]
(fx/mount-renderer *state renderer))
I am trying to find out how in Reagent with Hiccup make an element with takes all available space. So an resize parent I will get :component-did-mount call back.
(defn chart [id col-width row-height]
(let [dimensions (atom {})]
(fn [e]
(let [thisComponent (aget (js/document.querySelector ".app") "parentNode")
width (aget thisComponent "offsetWidth")
height (aget thisComponent "offsetHeight")]
(swap! dimensions {:width width :height height})
(println "----did mountwdth" width "--" height col-width row-height)
(.log js/console thisComponent)))
(fn [id col-width row-height]
[:div {:style {:background "gray"}} "--drag handle--"]
[simple-bar id]
[tchart id col-width (int (- row-height controls-height))]]])})))
I want the chart element to take all the space available.
React lifecycle callbacks like ComponentDidMount does not react to component size changes.
If you want to fire a callback whenever the component size changes - you'll need to use some third-party React libraries like react-measure or react-sizeme
The other strategy is to add an event listener on window resize and get your component's parent size from there.
I use React Virtualized's AutoSizer for this. Example of integration with Reagent:
(ns example
[goog.object :as gobject]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn autosizer-example
(r/with-let [width (r/atom 500)
_ (js/setTimeout #(reset! width 1000)
[:div {:style {:width (str #width "px")}}
[:> js/ReactVirtualized.AutoSizer
{:disableHeight true
:disableWidth true}
(fn [props]
(let [width (gobject/get props "width")]
"Width of parent: " width])))]]))
Docs: https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized/blob/master/docs/AutoSizer.md
I just learn Reagent in Clojurescript, I am just following some tutorial but maybe I miss something I have this code for the state
(defonce app-state (atom {:text "Hello Chestnut!" :click-count 0}))
and the rendered view
(defn article []
[:div "The atom" [:code "click-count"] " has value : " (:click-count #app-state)]
[:input {:type "button" :value "Add"
:on-click #(swap! (:click-count #app-state) inc)}]
I'm trying to increment the state when they button is pressed, but I got this error on the console
Error: No protocol method ISwap.-swap! defined for type number: 0
the atom should be swapped not the :click-count
(swap! app-state update :click-count inc)
The following code displays 5 different emojis at the bottom of the screen, and 1 emoji in the upper center. I am trying to make it so that when one of the emojis on the bottom is clicked, that same emoji appears at the top center. I am able to update the atom that contains the emoji history with :on-click, but the image does not update with the current url.
(def emoji-history
(atom {:current "img/sad-tears.png"}))
(defn Img40 [src reaction]
[:img {:src src
:style {:width "60px"
:padding-right "20px"}
:on-click #(do
(js/console.log (get #emoji-history :current))
(swap! emoji-history assoc :current src)
(js/console.log (get #emoji-history :current)))}])
(defn CurrentEmoji []
[:img {:style {:width 40 :margin-top 15}
:src (get #emoji-history :current)}])
(defn EmojiDisplay []
[:div {:style {:text-align "center"}}
[:div {:style {:text-align "center"
:margin-top "200px"
:padding-left "20px"}}
[Img40 "img/smile.png" "happy"]
[Img40 "img/sad-tears.png" "sad"]
[Img40 "img/happy-tears.png" "amused"]
[Img40 "img/surprised.png" "surprised"]
[Img40 "img/angry.png" "angry"]]])
Refer to the reagent.core namespace and use a Reagent atom like this:
(ns my-name.space.etc
(:require [reagent.core :as r]))
(def emoji-history
(r/atom {:current "img/sad-tears.png"}))
The line of code that you have here...
(swap! emoji-history assoc :current src)
...where you swap! your atom's value, that is correct :-)
Unlike a plain old Clojure atom, when a Reagent atom's value (state) is changed, a re-render of the UI is triggered.
Rarely is the entire UI re-rendered, though. Because Reagent wraps React, the React system will work out the minimal required changes to the DOM, so it's pretty efficient.
I am working on a simple web-app using clojurescript and reagent. I would like to create a simple "tab" component, which will contain (for starters) a text-input component.
The app has 2 tabs and the user has the option to choose a tab and I want to "preserve" the values in each of these two tabs.
Here's the code:
(defn atom-input [value]
[:input {:type "text"
:value #value
:on-change #(reset! value (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom 0)]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a]])))
(defn main-page []
(let [index (atom 0)]
[:button {:on-click (fn [] (reset! index 0))} "select tab 1"]
[:button {:on-click (fn [] (reset! index 1))} "select tab 2"]]
[simple-tab index]]]))
(defn ^:export run []
(fn [] [main-page])
(.-body js/document)))
The problem is that when I switch the tab, the components share the values of the input field - what am I please doing wrong here?
Thank you so much for your help!
The problem is you're passing a (atom 0) to the atom-input control: [atom-input a].
This caused the same atom value to be shared between your tabs.
If you don't want to share the value, you'll need change a to a map: a (atom {}) and pass the map and the index to atom-input, e.g.:
(defn atom-input [value index]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (or (get #value index) "")
:on-change #(swap! value assoc index (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a #index]])))
A better approach, IMHO, is to use cursor so you don't need to pass the index & the whole map to atom-input, e.g.:
(defn atom-input [value]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (or #value "")
:on-change #(reset! value (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input (reagent/cursor [#index] a)]])))
I think there are a couple of problems here because you are mixing up application data (state) and display logic data (i.e. DOM). If you keep the two things distinct i.e. maintain your application state in one atom and data relating to component display in another, then things may be a bit cleaner.
Your simple-tab component does not need to know anything about the tab state. It just needs to know about the app state i.e. the value entered/stored via atom-input. Therefore, rather than passing it index, pass it the atom you want it to use. this would require some higher level logic to determine the call. for example, if you had a number of tabs, you might have something like
(condp = #index
0 [simple-tab tab0-atom]
1 [simple-tab tab1-atom]
n [simple-tab tabn-atom])
or you could modify simple-tab so that the value passed in i.e. index value is used as a key into the app-state - a cursor would be easiest I think i.e.
(def app-state (r/atom {:tabs {0 nil 1 nil}}})
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [val-cur (r/cursor app-state [:tabs index])]
[atom-input val-cur]))
You are using a form-2 component, that is, a component that returns a function.
More details here : https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Creating-Reagent-Components#form-2--a-function-returning-a-function
When doing so, only the returned function is called so your atom-inputs are sharing the same atom.
Also, you should use the same argument in the inner function
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn [index]
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a #index]])))
In your case, you are passing an atom so this is not important but you could have error in the future if you forgot this.
Concerning the broader architecture, I would advise you to use a single global atom. Try to have as much as possible state in this atom and avoid component local state so this is easier to reason about.
You could also name your tabs like :product :users and use a multimethod to render the correct tab based on the selected one. This is easier to read and easier to add new tabs in the future.