Foundation Responsive Toggle Dropdown Nav that is Sticky - zurb-foundation

I'm new to Foundation and I'm trying to mix several components of Foundation into one nav bar just by using their classes and data attributes they've provided and demoed in their html.
I followed instructions for Responsive Toggle Dropdown at:
And I want to make that Sticky. See: , 'Creating a sticky Nav Menu with Title Bar, DropdownMenu, and Sticky!'
They left out the toggle part so I don't know if this is even feasible by using just the classes and data attributes they provide for the html.
I can get them both to work separately but not together. It seems buggy but it could be me. I'd love to hear from anyone out there who might have succeeded in doing this!
This is what I have so far. The wider window is sticky and responsive. The dropdown initially falls behind the jumbotron until you scroll up a bit.
The narrow window's responsive toggle works but the sticky does not. And initially the dropdown falls beneath the jumbotron until you widen the window a bit. The drilldown works fine.
This is the code:
<div class="row">
<div data-sticky-container>
<div class="top-bar" data-responsive-toggle="main-menu" data-hide-for="medium" data-sticky data-options="marginTop:0;" style="width:100%" data-top-anchor="1">
<button class="menu-icon" type="button" data-toggle></button>
<div class="top-bar-title">Fruit Is Good</div>
<div data-sticky-container>
<nav class="top-bar" id="main-menu" data-sticky data-options="marginTop:0;" style="width:100%" >
<div class="top-bar-left">
<ul class="vertical medium-horizontal menu" data-responsive-menu="drilldown medium-dropdown" style="width: 300px;">
<li class="menu-text">Fruit Is Good</li>
<li class="active">Home</li>
<ul class="vertical menu">
And you can find the demo here:


Zurb Foundation Accordion not expanding

I am using Foundation 6.7.4.
I am trying to set up an accordion like the one in their example here
I have my accordion set up as such:
<div class="grid-x">
<div class="medium-12 cell">
<ul class="no-bullet accordion" data-accordion data-allow-all-closed="true" data-multi-expand="true">
<li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
<a href="#" class="accordion-title">
My Title
<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>
My content
When I click the A tag I can see the Accordion expand for a fraction of a second before closing. I can also see the CSS classes and attributes change in the inpector.
But I'm unsure why none of these are sticking and what's causing the accordion to revert its's self.
Would anyone know why?
Turned out this was because I had 2 foundation.js files referenced.

Foundation 6 deep linking nested tabs

Hej all !
As the title of the subject suggest, I wonder if it's possible to have deep linking that works on nested tabs.
I mean, if I use only one tabs container, it works fine, but I don't know how to deep link to a tab inside a parent tab. It should first open the parent tab and then display the goal child tab.
Is it possible using Foundation 6 deep-linking please (without hacks) ?
Let's say we have this code :
<ul class="tabs" data-tabs id="tabs" data-deep-link="true">
<li class="tabs-title is-active">Content 1</li>
<li class="tabs-title">Content 2</li>
<div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content="tabs">
<div class="tabs-panel is-active" id="tab1">
My Content 1
<div class="tabs-panel" id="tab2">
<ul class="tabs" data-tabs id="tab2-tabs" data-deep-link="true">
<li class="tabs-title is-active">Content 2-1</li>
<li class="tabs-title">Content 2-2</li>
<div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content="tab2-tabs">
<div class="tabs-panel is-active" id="tab2-tab1">
My Content 2-1
<div class="tabs-panel" id="tab2-tab2">
My Content 2-2
How can I open "My Content 2-2" using deep-linking please ?

Dropdown Trigger Visually "Active" Like "Hover" [Foundation 6]

See the below code for a basic hover dropdown-pane:
<button class="button" type="button" data-toggle="example">Toggle Dropdown</button>
<div class="dropdown-pane" id="example" data-dropdown data-dropdown data-hover="true" data-hover-pane="true">
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-12 columns">
<p>When I am hovering over any content in this dropdown-pane, how can I make the above button appear as "active" i.e. Same state as hovering over the button.</p>
Now what I'd like to have happen is that when the user is viewing any content within that dropdown-pane, the button that triggered the event has a visual indicator that it is the "active" trigger. Here's a picture example:
Any insight you can provide would be very much appreciated.
Foundation has you covered here.
When the .dropdown-pane (content wrapper) is active, the button is given the class .hover (not to be confused with :hover state).
So you can simply add specific styles to that class (relative to your button if you want multiple different types of effect in different scenarios). You would have to manually ensure that your Foundation :hover matched your new .hover state.
HTML (e.g.)
<button class="button" type="button" data-toggle="example-dropdown">Toggle Dropdown</button>
<div class="dropdown-pane" id="example-dropdown" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true">
Example form in a dropdown.
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-6 columns">
<input type="text" placeholder="Kirk, James T.">
<div class="medium-6 columns">
<input type="text" placeholder="Captain">
<button class="button" type="button" data-toggle="example-dropdown-1">Hoverable Dropdown</button>
<div class="dropdown-pane" id="example-dropdown-1" data-dropdown data-hover="true" data-hover-pane="true">
Just some junk that needs to be said. Or not. Your choice.
background-color: green;
Working example: << in this example (and above) I'm manually setting :hover and .hover because I've used a default F6 CSS build which has a set :hover state but if you have already set :hover (e.g. to green) you don't need to re-set it.
Use css. Find the style of the hovered over button and either make an :hover pseudo class and apply the style that way or you can use javascript to add a class to the element that will have the exact css as the hovered over button.
add styles here
var element=document.getElementByClassName('.className');

Foundation 6 Top Bar dropdown menu not working not work

I copied the foundation navbar syntax straight from their site and the dropdown menu feature doesnt seem to be working
Here's the code:
<div class="top-bar">
<div class="top-bar-left">
<ul class="dropdown menu" data-dropdown-menu>
<li class="menu-text">Site Title</li>
<ul class="menu vertical">
<div class="top-bar-right">
<ul class="menu">
<li><input type="search" placeholder="Search"></li>
<li><button type="button" class="button">Search</button></li>
Here's what it looks like
Make sure to initialize foundation:
I had the same issue -
This appears to be a known issue with Foundation 6.2 ~ 6.4 - at least for Rails apps using the foundation-rails gem.
The fix was to update the foundation_and_overrides.scss include order, move
#include foundation-dropdown-menu;
to the bottom as per here

Foundation 6 Off Canvas, where should I put the menu content?

I'm following Foundation 6 documentation to create an off canvas menu :
Here is what I did :
<div class="off-canvas-wrapper">
<div class="off-canvas-wrapper-inner" data-off-canvas-wrapper>
<div class="off-canvas position-left" id="offCanvasLeft" data-off-canvas>
<ul class="vertical menu">
<div class="off-canvas position-right" id="offCanvasRight" data-off-canvas
<div class="off-canvas-content" data-off-canvas-content>
<div class="title-bar">
<div class="title-bar-left">
<button class="menu-icon" type="button" data-toggle="offCanvasLeft"></button>
<span class="title-bar-title">Zurb</span>
<div class="title-bar-right">
<button class="menu-icon" type="button" data-toggle="offCanvasRight"></button>
But when I open the menu, here is what I get :
I can scroll it and see my test1/2/3/4, but why do I have this result?
What I want is the same as what we can see on foundation documentation when you click on 'Toggle Off-canvas'
Did I put my list in the wrong place?
I'm pretty sure my framework is up to date, and I've been following the documentation step by step, but it does not give as much informations as I would like to have
You have the menu in the right place and your example is equivalent to the examples provided in the Foundation 6 documentation.
This seems to be a bit of a design issue where the length of the Off Canvas menu is dependant on the size of the content. Because you have no content on the page, the menu is equal in height to the menu bar.
As soon as you populate off-canvas-content, the menu should appear as expected.
Click Here for a Demo.
Thank you for sharing your code. It is slightly different than the examples by ZURB for the Foundation 6 starter pages. ZURB uses "wrap" instead of "wrapper". I changed my code to match yours and voila! Their tutorial is at:
<div class="off-canvas-wrapper">
<div class="off-canvas-wrapper-inner" data-off-canvas-wrapper>
<div class="off-canvas-wrap" data-offcanvas>
<div class="inner-wrap">