DryIoc, How to register transcient reuse (aka null) when default is set otherwise? - dryioc

With dryIoc I have registered my container as such:
var container = new Container(rules => rules
But then, I have to register transcient element, and since Reuse.Transcient == null, it gets replaced by the default I set (thus Reuse.Singleton). How can I overcome this?
container.Register(Made.Of(() => new CandidateController(

You cannot directly overcome this at the moment. I am recognizing that as a problem and will open corresponding issue.
Until resolved you may use other reuse instead of Transient as workaround. Based on your situation closest to try would be Reuse.InResolutionScope. If you resolving the controller via Resolve method (or infrastructure does this for you), it will behave as Transient.
Update: Here is the issue.


WebView2 proxy C++

I found this thread on GitHub, but seems that the code is not C++:
WebView2 _webView2 = new WebView2();
CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions options = new CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions();
// Set a proxy pac for the browser
// options.AdditionalBrowserArguments = "--proxy-pac-url=http://myproxy.com/my.pac";
// Set the proxy for the browser
options.AdditionalBrowserArguments = "--proxy-server=\"foopy:99\"";
// Create the environment manually
CoreWebView2Environment env = await CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(null, null, options);
await _webView2 .EnsureCoreWebView2Async(env);
So the only what am I asking for is to provide the solution for setting up a proxy for WebView2 via C++.
I have ICoreWebView2 interface, but it doesn’t have EnsureCoreWebView2Async method. In another hand, I have CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions class.
auto opt = Microsoft::WRL::Make<CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions>();
CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions(nullptr, nullptr, opt.Get(), Microsoft::WRL::Callback<ICoreWebView2CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentCompletedHandler>(
[hwnd](HRESULT result, ICoreWebView2Environment* env) -> HRESULT {
Instead of SERVER put ip address or something else.
I tested, it works, but seems there is a bug (or feature): you can’t create two or more webviews with different run-arguments.
To those looking to specify webview environment options and cannot find CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions in C++ similar to what is available in .Net. Visit documentation page for ICoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions and you should find this line:
A default implementation is provided in WebView2EnvironmentOptions.h
Include WebView2EnvironmentOptions.h and create CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions as below
#include <WebView2EnvironmentOptions.h>
auto options = Microsoft::WRL::Make<CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions>();
// Use options however you want. I simply added an argument to autoplay videos.
HRESULT hr = CreateCoreWebView2EnvironmentWithOptions(
subFolder, m_userDataFolder.c_str(), options.Get(),
this, &AppWindow::OnCreateEnvironmentCompleted)

AWS Lambda NodeJS locale/variable isolation

There is a concern about potential problem with reusable variables in aws-lambda.
A user's locale is passed as
Browser cookies => AWS API Gateway => Lambda (NodeJS 6.10)
On the server side localization is implemented with a static variable in a class. Presenting typescript code for clarity but can be done in pure ECMAScript.
Module Language.ts
export default class Language
public static Current: LanguageCode = LanguageCode.es;
Static Language.Current variable is used across different parts of the application for manual localization and it works perfectly on the client side (react + redux).
Lambda function
import {APIGatewayEvent, Context, Callback} from 'aws-lambda';
import Language from './pathToModule/Language.ts';
export const api = function(event: APIGatewayEvent, context: Context, callback: Callback)
Language.Current = event.headers.cookie.locale;
// do the logic here
Potential problem
According to AWS documentation NodeJS instances can be reused for different requests. It means that famous concurrent problems have to be considered, e.g.
User 1 calls lambda function. The locale is set to English.
In parallel user 2 calls the same lambda instance. The local is changed to Spanish.
User 1 code continues and reads modified (wrong) locale variable from the shared module Language.
How do you resolve this problem?
For convenience it is good to have only one place for locale change. As I understand the same concern exists for all famous i18n npm packages (i18next, i18n, yahoo i18n, etc).
One of the best practices for Lambda functions is to try and not write code which maintains state.
Here you are initializing the locale based on an initial request and applying it to all future requests, which is inherently flawed even on server based code, forget server less.
To fix this, you will need to initialize the localization library for each request, or at least maintain an in memory lazy map, which you can make use of use the current request's locale to achieve the desired localization.
There are several solutions:
Node JS container is reused only after a function process is finished (callback or error is occurred) (thanks to #idbehold). Thus there is always a unique context per a function call.
Refactor code and pass a locale variable back and force (#Yeshodhan Kulkarni suggestion).
For example, return a function as an intermediate result and use it before calling the result back.
var localizableResult = ...;
var result = localizableResult.Localize(requestedLocale).
If there is a need to use a local stack (kind of a thread context) for other projects there is a npm package node-continuation-local-storage.
Case 1 makes it really simple to use global variables for current locale.

XSockets.NET 4.0 - new controller instance created on method call

After upgrading my .NET server and client projects to 4.0 RC
I get NullReference exceptions because my custom State object is null.
I instantiate the state property in OnOpen event handler, but inside the method body of the first call it is already null.
I have checked in debugger and see that this.GetHashCode() returns different values
in OnOpen event handler and in method, which means it is a different instance.
Is it a known issue? I assume it is very basic behavior and probably I have missed something during upgrade to new version.
Thanks in advance.
I managed to understand the problem. It happens when using PluginAlias.
[XSocketMetadata(PluginAlias =
When attribute is removed and client uses full controller name everything works as expected
and GetHashCode returns same id.
I pushed the replication code to GitHub:
When using alias there is a bug (as you have found out).
The workaround is to either use the class name of the controller or only have alias in lower casing.
In your case using
[XSocketMetadata(PluginAlias = "test")]
would work.

Ember.js Data how to clear datastore

I am experiementing with Ember.js and have setup a small app where users can login and logout. When the user logs out I want to clear all of the currently cached records in the Data Store.
Is there a way to do this or would I have to force the browser to reload the page?
I know this question is from 2013. But since Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.17 (May 10, 2015) there's a straightforward way of clearing the datastore:
(More here: http://emberigniter.com/clear-ember-data-store/)
It looks like, as of today, there is still no generic way of fully forcing a store cleanup. The simplest workaround seems to loop through all your types (person, ...) and do:
As seen here
Clearing the data store is not yet supported in Ember-Data. There is an open issue concerning this on the Github tracker.
A cleaner & generic approach. Just extend or reopen store & add a clear method like this.
clear: function() {
for(var key in this.typeMaps)
There is:
But that does more than clear out the data store and we've occasionally seen errors where store.pushPayload tries to push data onto an object marked destroyed from calling App.reset();.
Been we've been using:
Which just creates a new empty store and works great but unfortunately is a private method.
This can now be done with store.destroy(). It unloads all records, but it also available for immediate use in reloading new records. I have confirmed this as of 1.0.0-beta.15. It doesn't appear to be in the documentation, but it's been working for me.
The alternative would be iterating the store's typeMaps and running store.unloadAll(typeMap.typeName), but I'm not sure it's entirely necessary.
Deleting record by record in model. deleteOrgs of this jsBin:
deleteOrgs: function(){
var len;
while(len = this.get('model.length')) {
// must delete the last object first because
// this.get('model.length') is a live array
( As of August 2013, there is currently a problem with lingering deleted data. )

Flash Builder (Mobile) - Dynamic Web Service URL

For my Flash Builder 4.6 Project I have a http service defined which looks at a url from our website.
What I'd like to be able to do though is to change the web service url on the fly within the app. i.e. using the existing url as default but having an admin/settings screen to change where the web service points (either stored in our sqlite database or in local memory).
This would be so that we could allow our customers to host their own version of the website/database but still be able to use/download the app through the app stores.
Has anyone had any experience with doing this?
EDIT: Adding some more details after the comments below.
When I created the HTTP Service through the FlashBuilder wizard it creates two web service classes a super class and a sub class which inherits from the super class. All of the code that the wizard populates goes into the super class.
I can assume that the code I need to put in would be in the sub class. But I do not know which function I'd put it in or how.
Below is a sample of the Super's constructor:
// initialize service control
_serviceControl = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService("websitehere");
var operations:Array = new Array();
var operation:mx.rpc.http.Operation;
var argsArray:Array;
operation = new mx.rpc.http.Operation(null, "loginRequest");
operation.url = "login.php";
operation.method = "GET";
argsArray = new Array("un","pw");
operation.argumentNames = argsArray;
operation.serializationFilter = serializer0;
operation.properties = new Object();
operation.properties["xPath"] = "/";
operation.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
operation.resultType = valueObjects.Data;
_serviceControl.operationList = operations;
I'm not sure what property of the _serviceControl variable I would need to alter.
Also when I search for my website in my code it brings back a .fml file inside a .model directory which seems to get auto refreshed if I change the service url through the wizard. Would this not cause an issue?
I then have the challenge of accessing the user defined url. Within the app we use an sqlite database to store data but I think it would probably be better to use a 'SharedObject' which we also use to know what account they are logged into. How reliable is this? I assume I would be able to access this via the Service?
Though the awkward thing is that we were planning to have this configurable on a settings screen that would have been accessed after logging in. But to log in it would already need to know which server to point to.
if im reading your question correctly then your main ambition is to dynamically change the url for the services based on a user defined variable.
This is very easy to accomplish and even easier to accomplish if you are using parsley / spicelib.
a few points
dont change the code in the super file, this will get overwritten whenever the service gets refreshed. change everything in its generated sub-Class.
Shared Objects are very good for small quantities of data but should never be used for massive datasets i.e storing a big arraycollection.
Anyway here is how i achieve this.
In the SubClass you can change the constructor function.
Here is how i change my urls based on a config variable but you can just as easily use a SharedObject instead.
public function SubClassConstructor(){
if(CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "development" || CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "dev" || CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "d"){
_serviceControl.endpoint = "http://yoururl1";
else if(CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "production" || CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "prod" || CONFIG::DOMAIN_IDENT == "p"){
_serviceControl.endpoint = "http://yoururl2";
Of course this isn't exactly what your looking for but its a working solution, of course you can use Bindings to a Global ApplicationModel or direct reference to the SharedObject i guess you already know how to use the SharedObject.
Ask if you need any further help or guidance.
As cghrmauritius' solution didn't quite work for me, I am posting up the final solution that did work in my situation.
public function subConstructor()
_serviceControl.baseURL = "http://url1";
Obviously for my final solution I need to implement the shareobject as well but overriding the url was my main priority.