Still missing mscvpXXXd.dll after installed corresponding distribution package? - c++

I have Visual Studio 2015 installed on my PC, and I have also installed Miscrosoft Visual C++ 2012/2013 Redistributable packages, both x86/x64 version. Here is my problem that I have only got msvcp110.dll/msvcp120.dll in my System32/SysWOW64 but no msvcp120d.dll/msvcp110d.dll, like below picture.
This makes me can only build some project in release mode. Also, I don't know what's those msvcp110_clr0400.dll/msvcp110_win.dll for.
Anyone knows why those msvcpXXXd.dll are missing? Thank you!


Installing B&R Automation Studio V 4.9.2 C++ redistributable setup not found

When installing B&R Automation Studio V4.9 (when V4.7 is already installed) I get a
C++ redistributable setup not found
In the picture below you see the redistributables of C++ that are already installed.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
Fixed this issue by reinstalling B&R Automation Studio V4.9.
I thinks something went wrong with the extraction of the zip file.

How to ensure Visual studio updates the registry when installing compiler

I'm having a frustrating time trying to get the visual studio compiler up and running. I'm trying to install the visual studio compiler to use with matlab.
After installing build tools from here, for some reason, the registry is not updated and matlab is not able to find the compiler. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling after cleaning the registry using ccleaner but that doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Any help will be much appreciated.
Turns out the new version of visual studio 2017 doesn't actually update the registry or something like that (see here: .
I ended up installing the older version of visual studio community (VS 2015 with updates) and matlab was able to find it.

How can I get MatLab to find the Visual C++ Compiler?

Preamble: I found a solution in the midst of writing this, and this problem was a PITA and had a convoluted solution. Thus, I feel compelled leave this here to help any poor soul who has this problem.
I'm new to MatLab, and I don't usually use Visual C++ either, so forgive me if this should be painfully obvious.
Short version: I have Visual C++ 2013 installed on my computer, but mex can't find it when I run mex -setup c++. I get the following:
>>mex -setup cxx
Error using mex
No supported compiler or SDK was found. You can install the freely available
MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler; see Install MinGW-w64 Compiler. For more options, see
Here's the full situation.
OS: Windows 10 Home
Compiler: Visual Studio 2013 (v120, up-to-date)
I confirmed that I can compile and run a program using this toolset.
MatLab version: 2015b
I was originally running Visual Studio 2015, and mex found the compiler just fine. However, I soon found out that Simulink is not compatible with VS 2015, so I had to roll back to VS 2013, and this is when my problem started.
I've tried, among many others, the following sites to find a solution:
The MatLab mex documentation - No help, only shows basic mex usage.
The MatLab supported compiler list - Confirmed that VC++ 2013 is compatable.
Then I went down a rabbit hole.
A very protracted answer that suggested other links. This led me to...
Another answer which sounds like my problem, and suggests patching my setup. Turns out that I don't have SDK 7.1 installed. So, I went to install, and got this error:
Some components could not be installed. Some Windows SDK components require the RTM .NET Framework 4...
This Stack Overflow question asks about this issue, and I hit the exact same issue Danilo Gadêlha had in regards to the .NET Framework already being installed.
I tried the top answer, and after removing every single reference to .NET framework of any version I could find, including those under "Windows Features", I still couldn't install.
I tried the next option, and even in safe mode, RegEdit wouldn't let me change the values suggested by the next answer, so that was a bust.
Lastly, I tried MandM's solution, which finally solved my chain of problems.
I think this was the root of my problem: when I uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 and installed Visual Studio 2013, an installation or registry setting was left in an incorrect state, and mex was unable to find Visual Studio 2013 as a result.
The solution that worked for me:
Leave Visual Studio 2013 installed.
As MandM answered:
Uninstall the following:
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable"
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable"
Before installing the Windows 7.1 SDK, and the install package reinstalls those two during installation.
As Robert Važan points out in the comments:
If error message persists despite this workaround, just click OK and proceed with installation. The installation will succeed this time..
I did get this error, but the install worked fine.
Install the SDK 7.1 Patch, which fixes the issue highlighted on this answer.

Visual Studio 2015 OpenGL freeglut.dll Linker Error

So I was playing around with the OpenGL and C++ in Visual Studio 2013 Pro (from dreamspark for students) and everything was fine. Then I decided to try out Visual 2015 Community. After upgrading and rebuilding the project, I'm getting the LNK1104 error with "cannot open freeglut.lib".
I've searched through the properties and everything seems fine. I originally installed OpenGL libs with PM by installing nupengl.core and adding #include"GL\glut.h". I tried to do some #defines as someone pointed out in this and this thread, but it's probably outdated by now and I'm not able to follow the instructions at some points. I reinstalled the nupengl.core too.
I'm not really fluent with Visual, I've been using it for like a year now and I'm trying my best to understand it more. If anyone has an answer, please make it as clear as possible. Cheers! :D
And of course, sorry for language mistake, as I'm not a native english speaker!
Install the new version of NupenGL and you shouldn't run into any issues. More details:
Why NupenGL had this issue?
The nupengl.core nuget package installs some files (header and lib) that are necessary to run your OpenGL GLUT application.
In its version, it put out the lib files (including freeglut.lib) under the v120 folder. Visual Studio 2015 looks in the v140 folder.
To resolve the issue in that version, you could create another copy of the folder and name it v140, or change the "Platform Toolset" setting in your Visual Studio 2015 project from "Visual Studio 2015 (v140)" to "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)".
There is no need to do that though since this has been fixed in the version of nupengl.core nuget package.
Github page for project:
Hope that helps.

Can't access VS2008 toolset from VS2013

Could anyone help me with my really simple situation?
I installed VS2008 (Professional)
Updated to SP1
Installed other updates offered by Windwos Update
Installed VS2013 (Update 2 Ultimate)
After that I made a new project, opened projects and I was disappointed, because the following thing was shown:
Could anyone help me what should I do now? I have VS2008 installed, but it doesn't show up on the platform toolset list. Do you have to set something? Did I make something wrong?
Thank you for your help guys! :)
Problem solved via Installing VS2010 too. To have VS2008 toolset you need VS2008, VS2010 (and in my case:) VS2013.
You can not use (in a supported way) the VS2008 Tool chain in VS2013.
There are some tricks that maybe work, i tested with VS2010, executing the VS2008 version of vcvarsall.bat (the file containing the environment variables to set for Visual Studio to find the tools) before loading VS and when load it use the VS2008 Tool Chain, I don't recommended the intellisense would be out of sync and might be other problems.