I have been fiddling about with GLEW and win32 lately, and I've run into a problem. Whenever I exit my application by means of closing the window, the destructor of my Window class gets called and my openGL rendering context deleted. I can tell because I tested the program using CodeXL and it was positive that my context was deleted. But if I exit my application by killing my console (created by using AllocConsole()), my context does not get deleted according to CodeXL and leaks memory. Here's the destructor which is supposed to destroy my context:
Does anyone know why this destructor is not run when closing the console but is run whenever I kill the window?
Any input would be appreciated.
my context does not get deleted according to CodeXL and leaks memory.
Yes. So what? The process has been killed so all resources it did consumed are freed by the operating system. In fact, if a process is going to terminate anyway, you should not clean up. Just save those things that need to be saved into persistent storage, do the necessary communication to get things in order with other processes and then just terminate.
Iterating over all resources in a process and freeing/deleting them is just as if you were cleaning up and giving a house a paint job right before the demolition crew tears it down with a wrecking ball.
Memory leaks are never a problem at program termination! Memory leaks are a problem during program runtime: They make a process consume ever more resources, which eventually leads to system resource exhaustion. The reaction of the operating system is to kill processes that hog system resources, to gain breathing space.
Does anyone know why this destructor is not run when closing the console but is run whenever I kill the window?
Because these two actions are very different things. When closing a window, the system sends a WM_CLOSE message, which you can react to by properly leaving the message loop, returning from the main function which signals the runtime to call the constructors of all the objects that go out of scope.
When you close the console window, your process looses its controlling terminal (AllocConsole attaches the console as controlling terminal). This is a critical condition and the default behaviour is immediate process termination.
There are of course several legitimate things to do at process exit. Writing things to a log, maybe generate an autosave of the very last state of the program before exit, stuff like that. When it comes to Windows Console Windows you have to install a handler, that offers the operating system a way to gracefully deal with console events. The function for this is called a HandlerRoutine: (documented at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683242%28v=vs.85%29.aspx) and set with SetConsoleCtrlHandler
While writing an x86 WinAPI-based debugger, I've encountered a rare condition when the debuggee (which usually works well) suddenly terminates with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION after I attach to it with my native debugger. I can stably reproduce this on any applications it seems (tried on .NET Hello World-styled application and on notepad.exe on multiple Windows 10 machines).
Essentially I've written a simple WaitForDebugEvent loop:
CreateProcessW(L"C:\\Windows\\SYSWOW64\\notepad.exe", […], CREATE_SUSPENDED, […]);
DEBUG_EVENT debugEvent = {};
while (WaitForDebugEvent(&debugEvent, INFINITE)) {
switch (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode) {
// log all the events
ContinueDebugEvent(debugEvent.dwProcessId, debugEvent.dwThreadId, DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED);
(here's the full listing: I won't paste it all here, because there's some additional non-essential boilerplate there; the MCVE is 136 lines long)
For the sake of an example, I'll just log all the debugger events and detect whether the debuggee is ready to "proceed normally" or it will terminate due to an exception.
Most of the time, my debugging session looks like that:
CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT (which reports creation of both the process and its initial thread)
LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT (I was never able to get the name for this DLL, but this is documented in MSDN)
CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT (which, I suspect, is a thread injected by debugger)
LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT […] — after this, many DLLs get loaded into the target process and everything looks okay, the process works as intended
But sometimes (in about 1.5% of all runs), the event sequence changes:
EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (which I never was able to gather details for: it reports a DEP violation, and the address is empty)
After that, I cannot proceed with debugging, because my debuggee is in exception state and will terminate soon. I was never able to catch notepad.exe crash without my debugger attached (and I doubt it is that bad and will crash for no reason), so I suspect that my debugger causes these exceptions.
One bizarre detail is that I could "fix" the situation by calling Sleep(1) immediately after WaitForDebugEvent. So, this is possibly some sort of race condition, but race condition between what? Between the debugger thread and other threads in the debuggee? Is it a thing? How are we supposed to debug other applications, then? How could actual debuggers work if it is a thing?
I couldn't reproduce the issue with the same code compiled for x64 CPU (and debugging an x64 process).
What could actually cause this erroneous behavior? I've carefully read the documentation about the API functions I call, and checked some other debugger examples online, but still wasn't able to find what's wrong with my debugger: it looks like I follow all the right conventions.
I have tried to debug my debuggee with WinDBG while it is still paused in my debugger, but had no luck doing that. First of all, it's difficult to attach to the debuggee with another debugger (WinDBG only allows to use non-intrusive mode, which is less functional it seems?), and the call stacks for the process' threads aren't usually meaningful.
Steps to reproduce
Checkout this repository, compile with MSVC and then execute in cmd:
Debug\NetRuntimeWaiter.exe > log.txt
It is important to redirect output to the log file and not show it in the terminal: without that, timings for the log writer get changed, and the issue won't reproduce (due to a possible race condition I mentioned earlier?).
Usually the program will start and terminate 1000 notepads in about 10 seconds, and 10-15 of 1000 invocations will hold the error condition (i.e. EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION).
the DebugActiveProcess (and undocumented DbgUiDebugActiveProcess which is internally called by DebugActiveProcess) have serious design problem: after calling NtDebugActiveProcess it create remote thread in the target process, via DbgUiIssueRemoteBreakin call - as result new thread in target process is created - DbgUiRemoteBreakin - this thread call DbgBreakPoint and then RtlExitUserThread
all this not documented and explained, only this note from DebugActiveProcess:
After all of this is done, the system resumes all threads in the
process. When the first thread in the process resumes, it executes a
breakpoint instruction that causes an EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT
debugging event to be sent to the debugger.
of course this is wrong. why is DbgUiRemoteBreakin first (??) thread ? and which thread resume first undefined. why not exactly write - we create additional (but not first) thread in process ? and this thread execute breakpoint.
however, when process already running - create this additional thread not create problems. but in case we create process in suspended state, and then just call DebugActiveProcess - the DbgUiRemoteBreakin really became first executing thread in process and process initialization was done on this thread, instead of created first thread. on xp this always lead to fail process initialize at connect to csrss phase. (csrss wait connect to it only on first created thread in process). on later systems this is fixed and process can execute as usual. but can and not, because thread on which it was initialized is exit. it can cause subtle problems.
solution here - not use DebugActiveProcess but NtDebugActiveProcess in it place.
the debug object we can create or via DbgUiConnectToDbg() and then get it via DbgUiGetThreadDebugObject() (system store debug object in thread TEB) or direct by call NtCreateDebugObject
also if we create debuggee process from another process(B) we can do next:
duplicate debug object from debugger process to this B process
call DbgUiSetThreadDebugObject(hDdg) just before call
system will be use DbgUiGetThreadDebugObject() for get debug object
from your thread and pass it to low level process create api
remove debug object from your thread via
really no matter who is create process with debug object. matter who is handle events posted to this debug object.
all undocumented api definitions you can take from ntdbg.h and then link with ntdll.lib or ntdllp.lib
if a user decides to force close my application(like through the task manager) is there a way i can quickly execute some clean up code before the application closes? i'm coding in c++ btw
It depends on how the process is instructed to close. It is possible to do this upon graceful exit, but not for anything forcefully closed.
If the process is closed via TerminateProcess or ExitProcess, you won't be able to perform any graceful cleanup. TerminateProcess is how Task Manager and utilities like Sysinternals pskill end a target process. ExitProcess is called within a process but is not typically used to exit.
If the process has a message pump on one thread (typically the first thread in the process) and no other threads running that are running code whose lifetimes are independent of activity in that thread, then a WM_QUIT message will signal that the process should close (semantically, that the app should close, your process might conceivably stick around for a while for other reasons), and you can run cleanup code upon receiving the message. Depending on your needs, in a windowed app you might consider performing cleanup operations as early as WM_CLOSE or WM_DESTROY.
If you have written code in a DLL, there are notifications that you can handle in DllMain that will allow you to perform last-chance cleanup (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH), which can potentially cover the case of a process exiting without having a message pump. However, this is not a great way to perform cleanup for code that strictly relies on any C/C++ runtime (or any other DLL), as the runtime might be unloaded first.
Last, for any graceful close where you control what runs in WinMain or main, you can always do whatever cleanup you need to do before either function returns, sending control back to the windows subsystem. This is preferred and usually safest for most application needs.
If you are using a message pump, handle the WM_QUIT message.
Also: What is the difference between WM_QUIT, WM_CLOSE, and WM_DESTROY in a windows program?
Im sorry, I read over the fact that you want to handle termination, eg by the task manager.
This might help you though: How to catch event when Task manager kill your C++ application
Is there some way to detect that a program was ended by windows task manager's "end process"?
I know that its kinda impossible to do that from within the application being ended (other than to build your app as a driver and hook ZwTerminateProcess), but I wonder if there is a way to notice it from outside.
I don't want to stop the program from terminating, just to know that it was ended by "end process" (and not by any other way).
There might be a better way - but how about using a simple flag?
Naturally, you'd have to persist this flag somewhere outside of the process/program's memory - like the registry, database, or file system. Essentially, when the app starts up, you set the flag to 'True' when the app shuts down through the normal means, you set the flag to 'False'.
Each time the application starts you can check the flag to see if it was not shut down correctly the previous time it was executed.
Open up a handle to the process with OpenProcess, and then wait on that handle using one of the wait functions such as WaitForSingleObject. You can get the exit status of the process using GetExitCodeProcess. If you need your program to remain responsive to user input while waiting, then make sure to wait on a separate thread (or you can periodically poll using a timeout of zero, but remember the performance consequences of polling -- not recommended).
When you're done, don't forget to call CloseHandle. The process object won't be fully deleted from the OS until all of its handles are closed, so you'll leak resources if you forget to call CloseHandle.
Note that there's no way to distinguish between a process exiting normally or being terminated forcefully. Even if you have a convention that your program only ever exits with a status of 0 (success) or 1 (failure) normally, some other process could call TerminateProcess(YourProcess, 1), and that would be indistinguishable from your ordinary failure mode.
According to the documentation, ExitProcess calls the entry point of all loaded DLLs with DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, whereas TerminateProcess does not. (Exiting the main function results in a call to ExitProcess, as do most unhandled exceptions.)
You might also want to look into Application Recovery and Restart.
One option might be to create a "watchdog" application (installed as a service, perhaps) that monitors WMI events for stopping a process via the ManagementEventWatcher class (in the System.Management namespace).
You could query for the death of your process on an interval or come up with some event driven way to alert of your process's demise.
Here's sort of an example (it's in C# though) that could get you started.
I have an NSDocument-based Cocoa app and I have a couple of secondary threads that I need to terminate gracefully (wait for them to run through the current loop) when the users closes the document window or when the application quits. I'm using canCloseDocumentWithDelegate to send a flag to the threads when the document is closing and then when they're done, one of them calls [NSDocument close]. This seems to work peachy keen when the user closes the document window, but when you quit the app, it goes all kinds of wrong (crashes before it calls anything). What is the correct procedure for something like this?
The best possible way is for the threads to own the objects necessary for the thread to finish doing whatever it is doing to the point of being able to abort processing and terminate as quickly as possible.
Under non-GC, this means a -retain that the thread -releases when done. For GC, it is just a hard reference to the object(s) desired.
If there is some kind of lengthy processing that must go on and must complete before the document is closed, then drop a sheet with a progress bar and leave the document modal until done (both Aperture and iPhoto do exactly this).
My understanding is that when you kill a C++ application through Task Manager in Windows XP, the application is still "cleanly" destructed - i.e. the call stack will unwind and all the relevant object destructors will be invoked. Not sure if my understanding is wrong here.
Is it possible to kill such an application immediately, without unwinding the stack?
For example, the application may employ RAII patterns which will destroy or release resources when an object is destructed. If the traditional "kill process" through Task Manager is graceful, providing a way to kill the application immediately would allow me to test ungraceful shutdown (e.g. a power outage).
Just to clarify, I was after an existing utility or program that would allow me to do this. I should be able to use the solution on programs that I don't have the source code for, meaning that a programmatic solution is not really acceptable.
Just to provide more context, sometimes I have to work with 3rd party services which are very intrusive (e.g. nagging me to reboot every hour). Since I know that I don't need to reboot, I want to kill the process/service so it doesn't nag me anymore. Unfortunately some of the 3rd party developers were "smart" enough to prevent me from doing this, and when I kill the process through Task Manager, the system will reboot immediately (I'm guessing that are using RAII to achieve this).
I believe task manager tries a "nice" shutdown by sending a WM_CLOSE message, then if the application doesn't respond it's killed.
This call should kill the process immediately with no warning:
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 1);
You may find this article interesting:
Quitting time: exiting a C++ program
Update 2:
I should be able to use the solution on programs that I don't have the source code for
Hmm, well this is undesirable behavior 99.9% of the time.
SysInternals has a utility called pskill:
but I'm not sure how "nice" it is.
You might need to roll your own, but it should be pretty easy:
DWORD pid = <get pid from command line>;
TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pid));
The standard Windows way to do this, without relying on 3rd-party tools, is to use taskkill /f:
taskkill /f <process-id>
taskkill /f /im <process-executable-name>
/f means "force" here, and ensures that process is terminated unconditionally and immediately, with no query or warning.
Unless I'm terribly mistaken (and I just did a little testing to confirm), Task Manager tries to close programs in different ways depending on which tab you're using. If going through the Applications tab and pressing End Task, it will try to close the program cleanly by first sending a WM_CLOSE. But if going through the Processes tab and pressing End Process, it seems to use something along the lines of TerminateProcess, which means no stack unwinding and such.
So first, if you aren't using End Process on the Processes tab, try that.
If that's what you already tried and their software still manages to reboot the system somehow, then there is something more complicated going on. Other people may be on the right track about there being additional processes.
I believe the C standard library method exit(0); will do exactly that, abort the program without calling any destructors, deallocators, etc.
Try that, and let me know if it meets your needs?
It looks like abort() will give you an abnormal exit.
ANSI The behavior of the abort function with regard to open and temporary files
The abort function does not close files that are open or temporary. It does not flush stream
Abort current process
Aborts the process with an abnormal program termination.
The function generates the SIGABRT signal, which by default causes the program to terminate >returning an unsuccessful termination error code to the host environment.
The program is terminated without executing destructors for objects of automatic or static
storage duration, and without calling any atexit function.
The function never returns to its caller.
I would try PSKill as suggested by Tim above. I would guess that this will fail as well. If the 3rd party services are really serious about avoiding death, then the service definition may be set to "reboot on crash". The other common approach is to have another service that watchdogs the primary one. The primary service usually sets a global event or employs some other notification mechanism that the watchdog service watches. If the primary service doesn't notify the watchdog, then the watchdog restarts the computer.
The aptly named Kill Tool, available from Microsoft Download. Is part of the Windbg suite also.
The Kill tool, kill.exe, terminates
one or more processes and all of their
threads. This tool works only on
processes running on the local
kill /f <process>
For example, kill /f lsass (just kidding, do not kill LSA!).
If you want to roll your own, TerminateProcess is the way to go.
The C function abort() in the standard library will instantly kill your application with no cleanup.
C++ defines a standard global function terminate(). Calling it will also instantly exit your application.
Technically terminate()'s behavior could be overridden by the set_terminate function. It calls abort by default.
There are utilities around that can forbid reboot.
HideToolz does that for example -- there is a checkbox buried somewhere that will make it ask you when something initiates reboot. It is detected by many antiviruses as rootkit (which it is, but this one is supposedly tame), so it might be probematic to run on systems you don't have full control over (when antivirus mandated by domain policy, etc)
Extending Pavel's answer:
HANDLE launch(string filename, string params)
auto ftemp = wstring(filename.begin(), filename.end());
LPCWSTR f = ftemp.c_str();
auto ptemp = wstring(params.begin(), params.end());
LPCWSTR p = ptemp.c_str();
ShRun.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
ShRun.hwnd = NULL;
ShRun.lpVerb = NULL;
ShRun.lpFile = f;
ShRun.lpParameters = p;
//ShRun.nShow = SW_SHOW;
ShRun.nShow = SW_HIDE;
ShRun.hInstApp = NULL;
if (!ShellExecuteEx(&ShRun))
//Failed to Open
return ShRun.hProcess;
void kill(string filename)
launch("taskkill.exe", "/f /im " + filename);
void main()
kill("notepad.exe"); //Kills all instance of notepad