Statically linking zlib without the need of a DLL - c++

I've downloaded and compiled zlib, and I am statically linking zlibwapi.lib to my C++ project on Visual Studio 2015.
However, if I don't use the dll and launch my program, it complains about it:
"The program can't start because zlibwapi.dll is missing from your computer."
With the DLL though, no error message shows up and the program works fine.
Is there any way I could use my program without the need of zlibwapi.dll?

I've done this with MSVC 10. I created a separate project for zlib and built it as a static library (.lib), which I then added to my main application project. The projects are not in the same workspace. I did have to build a separate copy of zlib.lib for 32-bit and 64-bit builds of my app, and the app itself uses MFC in a dynamic DLL. Everything links just fine, and zlib is not in a DLL.


Statically linking Visual Studio dlls to dynamically linked sfml project

I have an SFML, Visual Studio project that needs to be linked using the /MT option in the runtime library settings because I want to avoid having to install the microsoft redistributable to every computer that runs the program.
When I added sfml to the project, it appeared to work fine in its dynamic form. However, when I tried the program on another computer, it told me that I had missing visual studio dlls.
I understand that in order to link sfml statically to the project I would have to rebuild it with different runtime libraries. My question is why would it be able to correctly compile with sfml dynamically linked to the project and have the project set to /MT at the same time if it failed to statically link the necessary visual studio dlls to the project?
After discussions in the comments, we agreed on this:
It is not uncommon to link some libraries statically and still link dynamically to others, like the language runtime. So the compiler should not complain about this.
To get a single executable containing everything, the program must link all libraries statically and they must, in turn, also link statically to all their dependencies.
Otherwise, if we have one dynamic library, like SFML, that library will likely in turn link dynamically to the runtime library. And that will still require the runtime DLLs.
This is possible, you'll just have to build SFML yourself (which isn't that hard to do).
Just make sure that you set the CMake variable SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS to TRUE so SFML uses the static runtime, no matter whether you're actually creating static or shared libraries.
In short:
Clone the official repository.
Install CMake. (If you're using Visual Studio 2017, you can also directly open the source directory as a Folder, but setting the variables is a bit more tricky this way.)
Create a build directory, go there and run CMake: cmake -DSFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/path/where/to/install/SFML C:/path/to/the/cloned/source/repository
Once done you'll find a Visual Studio solution and projects.
Just build the INSTALL project for the Debug/Release targets and you'll get your shared SFML using the static runtime.

How to create a .exe with visual studio 2015 that I can run from my desktop

I've written a game using OpenGL, GLFW, C/C++. I use third party libraries like SOIL and irrKlang. I use Microsoft Visual 2015. Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other. All of my .dll are saved in the release and debug folders.
However, when I go to my release folder and copy and paste the .exe found there, onto my desktop,it no longer runs. I keep getting a message that says the irrKlang.dll is missing. Could someone please explain how to get a standalone .exe of my game up and running?
Two things here. First, the .exe is the executable which contains the entry point of your application. So this is indeed the first piece you need. However, your application is allowed to depend on code that's not linked into it statically, but rather dynamically -- such dynamically linked code is only loaded at runtime. These runtime libraries of code are called DLLs ("dynamically linked libraries").
If your application depends on a DLL, it will look for that DLL while it's running. If it doesn't find it, you'll see that message box about a missing DLL. So, you need to copy not only the .exe file, but all the .dlls it depends on (and that they depend on) too. Note that your application links against many default system DLLs, e.g. kernel32, but these don't need to be copied next to the .exe because they're always present in the system search path.
Now, the second part. If you want to run your application on a PC that doesn't have Visual Studio installed, you need to make sure that computer has the C/C++ runtimes that the VS2015 toolchain automatically links against installed. These are not DLLs that you copy by hand; rather, there is a redistributable installer for them which installs them globally on the PC for all applications. You can ship this with your own installer.
For this to work, you want to be linking with just /MD in Release (the debug CRT is for debugging only, and is only installed when Visual Studio is installed -- it's not meant to run outside your PC).
This statement:
"Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other."
Leads me to believe that maybe you don't have a release version of one of your third party libraries.
/MDd causes your application to use the debug version of the MS runtime, which means that something in your project is being built with or as a debug version.
I use the 'depends.exe' application to see the dependencies of my executables and DLLs. It used to be provided directly by Microsoft, but now seems to be supported via a third party. Older SDKs will have it.

Compiling V8 on Windows to Use with g++

I have gone through all the procedures on how to compile V8 and actually managed to compile it on Windows platform. However, the problem is that the compilation procedure on Windows forces you to compile with Visual Studio and therefore creates object files (.obj) which can be used in VS. I have managed to create a DLL file too but it only serves the purpose when there is an executable to run.
On the other hand, I am using Eclipse and g++ on Windows. To embed V8 into my C++ I will need to have a library file (.a extension so that the linker will work). Is there a way that this is doable?
When the DLL was created an import library should have been created as well. They typically have the same name as the DLL but with a .lib extension. Add this library to your project in Eclipse and it should be linked in at build time. you can do this by right clicking on the project and selecting Properties -> C/C++ Build then go Library and add it there.

How to add a DLL to a VS2010 C++ project

I have a DLL that I compiled from source (gdal). I have a simple C++ Win32 console project that has one source file, but I want to link against that DLL. Currently, when I try to run the project, it compiles correctly, but says that it cannot find the DLL. If I move the DLL to the same directory as the DLL, the exe will run. Is there a way to make my output EXE include the DLL so that I can just move one file to another system and run it without having to send the DLL with the exe.
How can I make this happen in VS2010?
Unless you had the original source code for the .dll, recompiled as a static library (.lib) and then statically linked to it, I don't believe there's a way to "include" the dynamically linked library inside your executable.
You need the DLL in the path, or in the current directory for your application to run. That is how it works with DLLs.
With static libraries, the linking embeds the library code into your application. If you cannot or do not want to have the DLL available, you could change your DLL to a static library.
Since you are compiling it from source you can just add the source files to your project and build it right into your executable.
You could create a Post-Build Event in the Visual Studio project that runs a script to copy the DLL to the path of the executable.
Then, when you deploy your application, an installer would be able to take care of the DLL management for you.

How to make the program work without asking for any linked files

When I make a simple program Whether Console or win32 When I copy the program to other pc or other os give me an error message, must have specific dll or lib files to the program works .
I created a simple console program and when it runs on other Windows or other pc asked me files (msvcp100d.dll, msvcr100d.dll) needed to the program works .
My question:
How can I run the program on any pc or Windows without it asks any file link, or even file libraries, or other.
Note: I'm using visual studio 2010 express edition with windows 7.
That is not always a good idea, and with some libraries you may have licensing issues, but you can link everything statically, instead of dynamically.
For example, for the MS C/C++ runtime libraries (msvcp100d.dll, msvcr100d.dll), you could change the settings in the Visual Studio. Open the project properties, and go to:
Configuration properties -> C/C++
change the 'Runtime library' to:
Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd) // for a Debug build, and to
Multi-threaded (/MT) // for a Release build
then, just rebuild your project, and it won't ask for those libraries again.
As for 3rd party libraries, you'll have to have a static build of the libraries (only .lib files, as opposed to lib/dll pairs which are dynamic). Furthermore, the static libraries will have to be themselves linked statically to msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll.
Once all those conditions are satisfied, you just link with those lib files, and your executable won't ask for dlls.