So i can split a string into an array like this:
select regexp_split_to_array('Village at river nearby city' , ' at | nearby ')
But what if I want to negate this whole statement so the result is
I couldnt really find anything, because I coudnt find how to negate a list of words in regex...Any hints?
I need a tip, tip or suggestion followed by some example of how I can add an extension in .txt format after the last character of a variable's output line.
For example:
set result [concat "$txt" .txt]
Note that there is space in the start, means and fin of the variable phrase (txt). What must be maintained are the spaces of the start and means. But replace the last space after the end of the sentence, with the format of the extension [.txt].
With the built-in concat method of Tcl, it does not achieve the desired effect.
The expected result was something like this:
I know I could remove spaces with string map but I don't know how to remove just the last occurrence on the line.
And otherwise I don’t know how to remove the last space to add the text [.txt]
If anyone can point me to one or more solutions, thank you in advance.
set result "[string trimright $txt].txt"
set result [regsub {\s*$} $txt ".txt"]
we have ranges like this
"0,5, 0,5"
"0,112, 0,118"
and want to split by the second comma.
Any idea?
You can update the regex you split by with comma then a space after.
select regexp_split_to_array('0,112, 0,118', ', ')
Supposing, there ist always at least one space after the second comma and none after the others, you could use this for the split regex:
regexp_split_to_array(ranges, ',\s+')
This returns an array like {"0,5","0,5"}.
You can split both ranges into columns using a subquery:
regexp_split_to_array(ranges, ',\s+') as r
) s
TO wants to get everything after the second comma. So you need a regex for splitting, which finds the nth (here n = 2) occurrence of a comma:
This can be used to query the required data:
(regexp_split_to_array(ranges, '(?:(^.*?,.*)),'))[2]
Use regexp_replace:
select regexp_replace('0,112, 0,118', '.*,\s+', '') as foo;
(1 row)
Thank you all for the quick answers. It finally worked by using this
regexp_matches(your_string_value, '\d+[,|.]\d+|\d+','g'))[1]
This helped me getting rid of all unnecessary characters within the values + delivered me back the second value in the range.
I am reading a file with one line at a time. I would like to get the text after BADCONFIGNAME= and store them in a list.
For the below example : my list would look like {gnd_PWELL____vdd_NWELL gnd_PWELL____vdd33}
- NB= '7' / BADCONFIGNAME= 'gnd_PWELL____vdd_NWELL'
- comment= ''top2_pst'/'state1 ' |||| '6/gnd_PWELL/gnd_on/0.000000' '3/vdd_NWELL/ON/1.2''
- comment= ''top2_pst'/'state2 ' |||| '6/gnd_PWELL/gnd_on/0.000000' '3/vdd_NWELL/ON/1.2''
- NB= '8' / BADCONFIGNAME= 'gnd_PWELL____vdd33'
Can you please help me in deriving the correct regexp to get the required data from each of the lines.
There are a few possible ways to select those symbols, and as usual a regular expression isn't the best tool for the job. Still,
if {[regexp {BADCONFIGNAME.*'(\w+)'} $line -> symbol]} {
lappend result $symbol
works for this particular set of lines.
I am trying to come up with a RegEx (POSIX like) in a vendor application that returns data looking like illustrated below and presents a single line of data at a time so I do not need to account for multiple rows and need to match a row indvidually.
It can return one or more values in the string result
The application doesn't just let me use a "\d+\.\d+" to capture the component out of the string and I need to map all components of a row of data to a variable unfortunately even if I am going to discard it or otherwise it returns a negative match result.
My data looks like the following with the weird underscore padding.
USER | ___________ 3.58625 | ___________ 7.02235 |
USER | ___________ 10.02625 | ___________ 15.23625 |
The syntax is supports is
Matches REGEX "(Var1 Regex), (Var2 Regex), (Var3 Regex), (Var 4 regex), (Var 5 regex)" and the entire string must match the aggregation of the RegEx components, a single character off and you get nothing.
The "|" characters are field separators for the data.
So in the above what I need is a RegEx that takes it up to the beginning of the numeric and puts that in Var1, then capture the numeric value with decimal point in var 2, then capture up to the next numeric in Var 3, and then keep the numeric in var 4, then capture the space and end field | character into var 5. Only Var 2 and 4 will be useful but I have to capture the entire string.
I have mainly tried capturing between the bars "|" using ^.*\|(.*).\|*$ from this question.
I have also tried the multiple variable ([0-9]+k?[.,]?[0-9]+)\s*-\s*.*?([0-9]+k?[.,]?[0-9]+) mentioned in this question.
I seem to be missing something to get it right when I try using them via RegExr and I feel like I am missing something pretty simple.
In RegExr I never get more than one part of the string I either get just the number, the equivalent of the entire string in a single variable, or just the number which don't work in this context to accomplish the required goal.
The only example the documentation provides is the following from like a SysLog entry of something like in this example I'm consolidating there with "Fault with Resource Name: Disk Specific Problem: Offline"
WHERE value matches regex "(.)Resource Name: (.), Specific Problem: ([^,]),(.)"
SET _Rrsc = var02
SET _Prob = var03
I've spun my wheels on this for several hours so would appreciate any guidance / help to get me over this hump.
Something like this should work:
Or in normal words: Capture everything but numbers, capture a decimal number, capture everything but numbers, capture a decimal number, capture everything.
Using USER | ___________ 10.02625 | ___________ 15.23625 |
$1 = USER | ___________
$2 = 10.02625
$3 = | ___________
$4 = 15.23625
$5 = |
I know this topic was discussed multiple times, I looked at multiple posts and answers, but could not find exactly what I need to do.
I am trying to search the string, that has multiple values of varchar2 separated by ':', and if the match is found on another string, delete part of the string that matched, and update the table with the rest of the string.
I wrote the code using combination of str and instr functions, but looking for more elegant solution using regexp, or collections.
For example, the input string looks like this: ('abc:defg:klmnp). Need to find for example the piece of the string (could be at any position), and remove it, that result would look like this: (abc:klmnp)?
EDIT - copied from comment:
The input string (abc:defg:klmn:defgb). Let's say I am looking for defg, and only defg will have to be removed, not defgb. Now, like I mentioned before, next time around, I might be looking for the value in position 1, or the last position. So the desired part of the string to be removed might not always be wrapped in ':' from the both sides, but depending where it is in the string, either from the right, or from the left, or from both sides.
You can do this with a combination of LIKE, REPLACE and TRIM functions.
select trim(':' from
) from table_name
where ':'||your_column||':' like '%:'||search_string||':%';
Idea is,
Surround the column with colons and use LIKE function to find the match.
And on such matched rows, use REPLACE to replace the search string along with surrounding colons, with a single colon.
And then use TRIM to remove the surrounding colons.
Demo at sqlfiddle
EDIT (simplified) Perhaps this is what you need:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE('abc:defg:klmnop', ':defg:', ':'), '(^defg:|:defg$)', '')
, REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE('defg:klmnop:abc', ':defg:', ':'), '(^defg:|:defg$)', '')
, REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE('abc:klmnop:defg', ':defg:', ':'), '(^defg:|:defg$)', '')
, REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE('abc:klmnop:defgb:defg', ':defg:', ':'), '(^defg:|:defg$)', '')
which removes defg from start, middle, and end, and ignores defgb, giving:
And to update the table, you could:
UPDATE my_table
SET value = REGEXP_REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(value, ':defg:', ':'), '(^defg:|:defg$)', '')
-- WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(value, '(^|.*:)defg(:.*|$)')
WHERE value LIKE '%defg%'
(though that final regex for the where may need to be tweaked to match, hard to test...)