How to achieve unicode-agnostic case insensitive comparison in C++ - c++

I have a requirement wherein my C++ code needs to do case insensitive comparison without worrying about whether the string is encoded or not, or the type of encoding involved. The string could be an ASCII or a non-ASCII, I just need to store it as is and compare it with a second string without concerning if the right locale is set and so forth.
Use case: Suppose my application receives a string (let's say it's a file name) initially as "Zoë Saldaña.txt" and it stores it as is. Subsequently, it receives another string "zoë saLdañA.txt", and the comparison between this and the first string should result in a match, by using a few APIs. Same with file name "abc.txt" and "AbC.txt".
I read about IBM's ICU and how it uses UTF-16 encoding by default. I'm curious to know:
If ICU provides a means of solving my requirement by seamlessly handling the strings regardless of their encoding type?
If the answer to 1. is no, then, using ICU's APIs, is it safe to normalize all strings (both ASCII and non-ASCII) to UTF-16 and then do the case-insensitive comparison and other operations?
Are there alternatives that facilitate this?
I read this post, but it doesn't quite meet my requirements.

The requirement is impossible. Computers don't work with characters, they work with numbers. But "case insensitive" comparisons are operations which work on characters. Locales determine which numbers correspond to which characters, and are therefore indispensible.
The above isn't just true for all progamming langguages, it's even true for case-sensitive comparisons. The mapping from character to number isn't always unique. That means that comparing two numbers doesn't work. There could be a locale where character 42 is equivalent to character 43. In Unicode, it's even worse. There are number sequences which have different lengths and still are equivalent. (precomposed and decomposed characters in particular)

Without knowing encoding, you cannot do that. I will take one example using french accented characters and 2 different encodings: cp850 used as OEM character for windows in west european zone, and the well known iso-8859-1 (also known as latin1, not very different from win1252 ansi character set for windows)).
in cp850, 0x96 is 'û', 0xca is '╩', 0xea is 'Û'
in latin1, 0x96 is non printable(*), 0xca is 'Ê', 0xea is 'ê'
so if string is cp850 encoded, 0xea should be the same as 0x96 and 0xca is a different character
but if string is latin1 encoded, 0xea should be the same as 0xca, 0x96 being a control character
You could find similar examples with other iso-8859-x encoding by I only speak of languages I know.
(*) in cp1252 0x96 is '–' unicode character U+2013 not related to 'ê'

For UTF-8 (or other Unicode) encodings, it is possible to perform a "locale neutral" case-insensitive string comparison. This type of comparison is useful in multi-locale applications, e.g. network protocols (e.g. CIFS), international database data, etc.
The operation is possible due to Unicode metadata which clearly identifies which characters may be "folded" to/from which upper/lower case characters.
As of 2007, when I last looked, there are less than 2000 upper/lower case character pairs. It was also possible to generate a perfect hash function to convert upper to lower case (most likely vice versa, as well, but I didn't try it).
At the time, I used Bob Burtle's perfect hash generator. It worked great in a CIFS implementation I was working on at the time.
There aren't many smallish, fixed sets of data out there you can point a perfect hash generator at. But this is one of 'em. :--)
Note: this is locale-neutral. So it will not support applications like German telephone books. There are a great many applications you should definitely use locale aware folding and collation. But there are a large number where locale neutral is actually preferable. Especially now when folks are sharing data across so many time zones and, necessarily, cultures. The Unicode standard does a good job of defining a good set of shared rules.
If you're not using Unicode, the presumption is that you have a really good reason. As a practical matter, if you have to deal with other character encodings, you have a highly locale aware application. In which case, the OP's question doesn't apply.
See also:
The Unicode® Standard, Chapter 4, section 4.2, Case
The Unicode® Standard, Chapter 5, section 5.18, Case Mappings, subsection Caseless Matching.
UCD - CaseFolding.txt

Well, first I must say that any programmer dealing with natural language text has the utmost duty to know and understand Unicode well. Other ancient 20th Century encodings still exists, but things like EBCDIC and ASCII are not able to encode even a simple English text, which may contain words like façade, naïve or fiancée or even a geographical sign, a mathematical symbol or even emojis — conceptually, they are similar to ideograms. The majority of the world population does not use Latin characters to write text. UTF-8 is now the prevalent encoding on the Internet, and UTF-16 is used internally by all present day operating systems, including Windows, which unfortunately still does it wrong. (For example, NTFS has a decade-long reported bug that allows a directory to contain 2 files with names that look exactly the same but are encoded with different normal forms — I get this a lot when synchronising files via FTP between Windows and MacOS or Linux; all my files with accented characters get duplicated because unlike the other systems, Windows uses a different normal forms and only normalise the file names on the GUI level, not on the file system level. I reported this in 2001 for Windows 7 and the bug is still present today in Windows 10.)
If you still don't know what a normal form is, start here:
Unicode has strict rules for lower- and uppercase conversion, and these should be followed to the point in order for things to work nicely. First, make sure both strings use the same normal form (you should do this in the input process, the Unicode standard has the algorithm). Please do not reinvent the wheel, use ICU normalising and comparison facilities. They have been extensively tested and they work correctly. Use them, IBM has made it gratis.
A note: if you plan on comparing string for ordering, please remember that collation is locale-dependant, and highly influenced by the language and the scenery. For example, in a dictionary these Portuguese words would have this exact order: sabia, sabiá, sábia, sábio. The same ordering rules would not work for an address list, which would use phonetic rules to place names like Peçanha and Pessanha adjacently. The same phenomenon happens in German with ß and ss. Yes, natural language is not logical — or better saying, its rules are not simple.
C'est la vie. これが私たちの世界です。


How do I properly use std::string on UTF-8 in C++?

My platform is a Mac. I'm a C++ beginner and working on a personal project which processes Chinese and English. UTF-8 is the preferred encoding for this project.
I read some posts on Stack Overflow, and many of them suggest using std::string when dealing with UTF-8 and avoid wchar_t as there's no char8_t right now for UTF-8.
However, none of them talk about how to properly deal with functions like str[i], std::string::size(), std::string::find_first_of() or std::regex as these function usually returns unexpected results when facing UTF-8.
Should I go ahead with std::string or switch to std::wstring? If I should stay with std::string, what's the best practice for one to handle the above problems?
Unicode Glossary
Unicode is a vast and complex topic. I do not wish to wade too deep there, however a quick glossary is necessary:
Code Points: Code Points are the basic building blocks of Unicode, a code point is just an integer mapped to a meaning. The integer portion fits into 32 bits (well, 24 bits really), and the meaning can be a letter, a diacritic, a white space, a sign, a smiley, half a flag, ... and it can even be "the next portion reads right to left".
Grapheme Clusters: Grapheme Clusters are groups of semantically related Code Points, for example a flag in unicode is represented by associating two Code Points; each of those two, in isolation, has no meaning, but associated together in a Grapheme Cluster they represent a flag. Grapheme Clusters are also used to pair a letter with a diacritic in some scripts.
This is the basic of Unicode. The distinction between Code Point and Grapheme Cluster can be mostly glossed over because for most modern languages each "character" is mapped to a single Code Point (there are dedicated accented forms for commonly used letter+diacritic combinations). Still, if you venture in smileys, flags, etc... then you may have to pay attention to the distinction.
UTF Primer
Then, a serie of Unicode Code Points has to be encoded; the common encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32, the latter two existing in both Little-Endian and Big-Endian forms, for a total of 5 common encodings.
In UTF-X, X is the size in bits of the Code Unit, each Code Point is represented as one or several Code Units, depending on its magnitude:
UTF-8: 1 to 4 Code Units,
UTF-16: 1 or 2 Code Units,
UTF-32: 1 Code Unit.
std::string and std::wstring.
Do not use std::wstring if you care about portability (wchar_t is only 16 bits on Windows); use std::u32string instead (aka std::basic_string<char32_t>).
The in-memory representation (std::string or std::wstring) is independent of the on-disk representation (UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32), so prepare yourself for having to convert at the boundary (reading and writing).
While a 32-bits wchar_t ensures that a Code Unit represents a full Code Point, it still does not represent a complete Grapheme Cluster.
If you are only reading or composing strings, you should have no to little issues with std::string or std::wstring.
Troubles start when you start slicing and dicing, then you have to pay attention to (1) Code Point boundaries (in UTF-8 or UTF-16) and (2) Grapheme Clusters boundaries. The former can be handled easily enough on your own, the latter requires using a Unicode aware library.
Picking std::string or std::u32string?
If performance is a concern, it is likely that std::string will perform better due to its smaller memory footprint; though heavy use of Chinese may change the deal. As always, profile.
If Grapheme Clusters are not a problem, then std::u32string has the advantage of simplifying things: 1 Code Unit -> 1 Code Point means that you cannot accidentally split Code Points, and all the functions of std::basic_string work out of the box.
If you interface with software taking std::string or char*/char const*, then stick to std::string to avoid back-and-forth conversions. It'll be a pain otherwise.
UTF-8 in std::string.
UTF-8 actually works quite well in std::string.
Most operations work out of the box because the UTF-8 encoding is self-synchronizing and backward compatible with ASCII.
Due the way Code Points are encoded, looking for a Code Point cannot accidentally match the middle of another Code Point:
str.find('\n') works,
str.find("...") works for matching byte by byte1,
str.find_first_of("\r\n") works if searching for ASCII characters.
Similarly, regex should mostly works out of the box. As a sequence of characters ("haha") is just a sequence of bytes ("哈"), basic search patterns should work out of the box.
Be wary, however, of character classes (such as [:alphanum:]), as depending on the regex flavor and implementation it may or may not match Unicode characters.
Similarly, be wary of applying repeaters to non-ASCII "characters", "哈?" may only consider the last byte to be optional; use parentheses to clearly delineate the repeated sequence of bytes in such cases: "(哈)?".
1 The key concepts to look-up are normalization and collation; this affects all comparison operations. std::string will always compare (and thus sort) byte by byte, without regard for comparison rules specific to a language or a usage. If you need to handle full normalization/collation, you need a complete Unicode library, such as ICU.
std::string and friends are encoding-agnostic. The only difference between std::wstring and std::string are that std::wstring uses wchar_t as the individual element, not char. For most compilers the latter is 8-bit. The former is supposed to be large enough to hold any unicode character, but in practice on some systems it isn't (Microsoft's compiler, for example, uses a 16-bit type). You can't store UTF-8 in std::wstring; that's not what it's designed for. It's designed to be an equivalent of UTF-32 - a string where each element is a single Unicode codepoint.
If you want to index UTF-8 strings by Unicode codepoint or composed unicode glyph (or some other thing), count the length of a UTF-8 string in Unicode codepoints or some other unicode object, or find by Unicode codepoint, you're going to need to use something other than the standard library. ICU is one of the libraries in the field; there may be others.
Something that's probably worth noting is that if you're searching for ASCII characters, you can mostly treat a UTF-8 bytestream as if it were byte-by-byte. Each ASCII character encodes the same in UTF-8 as it does in ASCII, and every multi-byte unit in UTF-8 is guaranteed not to include any bytes in the ASCII range.
Consider upgrading to C++20 and std::u8string that is the best thing we have as of 2019 for holding UTF-8. There are no standard library facilities to access individual code points or grapheme clusters but at least your type is strong enough to at least say it is true UTF-8.
Both std::string and std::wstring must use UTF encoding to represent Unicode. On macOS specifically, std::string is UTF-8 (8-bit code units), and std::wstring is UTF-32 (32-bit code units); note that the size of wchar_t is platform-dependent.
For both, size tracks the number of code units instead of the number of code points, or grapheme clusters. (A code point is one named Unicode entity, one or more of which form a grapheme cluster. Grapheme clusters are the visible characters that users interact with, like letters or emojis.)
Although I'm not familiar with the Unicode representation of Chinese, it's very possible that when you use UTF-32, the number of code units is often very close to the number of grapheme clusters. Obviously, however, this comes at the cost of using up to 4x more memory.
The most accurate solution would be to use a Unicode library, such as ICU, to calculate the Unicode properties that you are after.
Finally, UTF strings in human languages that don't use combining characters usually do pretty well with find/regex. I'm not sure about Chinese, but English is one of them.
Should I go ahead with std::string or switch to std::wstring?
I would recommend using std::string because wchar_t is non-portable and C++20 char8_t is poorly supported in the standard and not supported by any system APIs at all (and will likely never be because of compatibility reasons). On most platforms including macOS that you are using normal char strings are already UTF-8.
Most of the standard string operations work with UTF-8 but operate on code units. If you want a higher-level API you'll have to use something else such as the text library proposed to Boost.

How to compare a "basic_string" using an arbitary locale

I'm re-posting a question I submitted earlier today but I'm now citing a specific example in response to the feedback I received. The original question can be found here (note that it's not a homework assignment):
I'm simply trying to determine if C++ makes it impossible to perform an (efficient) case-INsensitive comparison of a basic_string object that also factors in any arbitrary locale object. For instance, it doesn't appear to be possible to write an efficient function such as the following:
bool AreStringsEqualIgnoreCase(const string &str1, const string &str2, const locale &loc);
Based on my current understanding (but can someone confirm this), this function has to call both ctype::toupper() and collate::compare() for the given locale (extracted as always using use_facet()). However, because collate::compare() in particular requires 4 pointer args, you either need to pass these 4 args for every char you need to compare (after first calling ctype::toupper()), or alternatively, convert both strings to upppercase first and then make a single call to collate::compare().
The 1st approach is obviously inefficient (4 pointers to pass for each char tested), and the 2nd requires you to convert both strings to uppercase in their entirety (requiring allocation of memory and needless copying/converting of both strings to uppercase). Am I correct about this, i.e., it's not possible to do it efficiently (because there's no way around collate::compare()).
One of the little annoyances about trying to deal in a consistent way with all the world's writing systems is that practically nothing you think you know about characters is actually correct. This makes it tricky to do things like "case-insensitive comparison". Indeed, it is tricky to do any form of locale-aware comparison, and case-insensitivity is additionally thorny.
With some constraints, though, it is possible to accomplish. The algorithm needed can be implemented "efficiently" using normal programming practices (and precomputation of some static data), but it cannot be implemented as efficiently as an incorrect algorithm. It is often possible to trade off correctness for speed, but the results are not pleasant. Incorrect but fast locale implementations may appeal to those whose locales are implemented correctly, but are clearly unsatisfactory for the part of the audience whose locales produce unexpected results.
Lexicographical ordering doesn't work for human beings
Most locales (other than the "C" locale) for languages which have case already handle letter case in the manner expected, which is to use case differences only after all other differences have been taken into account. That is, if a list of words are sorted in the locale's collation order, then words in the list which differ only in case are going to be consecutive. Whether the words with upper case come before or after words with lower case is locale-dependent, but there won't be other words in between.
That result cannot be achieved by any single-pass left-to-right character-by-character comparison ("lexicographical ordering"). And most locales have other collation quirks which also don't yield to naïve lexicographical ordering.
Standard C++ collation should be able to deal with all of these issues, if you have appropriate locale definitions. But it cannot be reduced to lexicographical comparison just using a comparison function over pairs of whar_t, and consequently the C++ standard library doesn't provide that interface.
The following is just a few examples of why locale-aware collation is complicated; a longer explanation, with a lot more examples, is found in Unicode Technical Standard 10.
Where do the accents go?
Most romance languages (and also English, when dealing with borrowed words) consider accents over vowels to be a secondary characteristic; that is, words are first sorted as though the accents weren't present, and then a second pass is made in which unaccented letters come before accented letters. A third pass is necessary to deal with case, which is ignored in the first two passes.
But that doesn't work for Northern European languages. The alphabets of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish have three extra vowels, which follow z in the alphabet. In Swedish, these vowels are written å, ä, and ö; in Norwegian and Danish, these letters are written å, æ, and ø, and in Danish å is sometimes written aa, making Aarhus the last entry in an alphabetical list of Danish cities.
In German, the letters ä, ö, and ü are generally alphabetised as with romance accents, but in German phonebooks (and sometimes other alphabetical lists), they are alphabetised as though they were written ae, oe and ue, which is the older style of writing the same phonemes. (There are many pairs of common surnames such as "Müller" and "Mueller" are pronounced the same and are often confused, so it makes sense to intercollate them. A similar convention was used for Scottish names in Canadian phonebooks when I was young; the spellings M', Mc and Mac were all clumped together since they are all phonetically identical.)
One symbol, two letters. Or two letters, one symbol
German also has the symbol ß which is collated as though it were written out as ss, although it is not quite identical phonetically. We'll meet this interesting symbol again a bit later.
In fact, many languages consider digraphs and even trigraphs to be single letters. The 44-letter Hungarian alphabet includes Cs, Dz, Dzs, Gy, Ly, Ny, Sz, Ty, and Zs, as well as a variety of accented vowels. However, the language most commonly referenced in articles about this phenomenon -- Spanish -- stopped treating the digraphs ch and ll as letters in 1994, presumably because it was easier to force Hispanic writers to conform to computer systems than to change the computer systems to deal with Spanish digraphs. (Wikipedia claims it was pressure from "UNESCO and other international organizations"; it took quite a while for everyone to accept the new alphabetization rules, and you still occasionally find "Chile" after "Colombia" in alphabetical lists of South American countries.)
Summary: comparing character strings requires multiple passes, and sometimes requires comparing groups of characters
Making it all case-insensitive
Since locales handle case correctly in comparison, it should not really be necessary to do case-insensitive ordering. It might be useful to do case-insensitive equivalence-class checking ("equality" testing), although that raises the question of what other imprecise equivalence classes might be useful. Unicode normalization, accent deletion, and even transcription to latin are all reasonable in some contexts, and highly annoying in others. But it turns out that case conversions are not as simple as you might think, either.
Because of the existence of di- and trigraphs, some of which have Unicode codepoints, the Unicode standard actually recognizes three cases, not two: lower-case, upper-case and title-case. The last is what you use to upper case the first letter of a word, and it's needed, for example, for the Croatian digraph dž (U+01C6; a single character), whose uppercase is DŽ (U+01C4) and whose title case is Dž (U+01C5). The theory of "case-insensitive" comparison is that we could transform (at least conceptually) any string in such a way that all members of the equivalence class defined by "ignoring case" are transformed to the same byte sequence. Traditionally this is done by "upper-casing" the string, but it turns out that that is not always possible or even correct; the Unicode standard prefers the use of the term "case-folding", as do I.
C++ locales aren't quite up to the job
So, getting back to C++, the sad truth is that C++ locales do not have sufficient information to do accurate case-folding, because C++ locales work on the assumption that case-folding a string consists of nothing more than sequentially and individually upper-casing each codepoint in the string using a function which maps a codepoint to another codepoint. As we'll see, that just doesn't work, and consequently the question of its efficiency is irrelevant. On the other hand, the ICU library has an interface which does case-folding as correctly as the Unicode database allows, and its implementation has been crafted by some pretty good coders so it is probably just about as efficient as possible within the constraints. So I'd definitely recommend using it.
If you want a good overview of the difficulty of case-folding, you should read sections 5.18 and 5.19 of the Unicode standard (PDF for chapter 5). The following is just a few examples.
A case transform is not a mapping from single character to single character
The simplest example is the German ß (U+00DF), which has no upper-case form because it never appears at the beginning of a word, and traditional German orthography didn't use all-caps. The standard upper-case transform is SS (or in some cases SZ) but that transform is not reversible; not all instances of ss are written as ß. Compare, for example, grüßen and küssen (to greet and to kiss, respectively). In v5.1, ẞ, an "upper-case ß, was added to Unicode as U+1E9E, but it is not commonly used except in all-caps street signs, where its use is legally mandated. The normal expectation of upper-casing ß would be the two letters SS.
Not all ideographs (visible characters) are single character codes
Even when a case transform maps a single character to a single character, it may not be able to express that as a wchar→wchar mapping. For example, ǰ can easily be capitalized to J̌, but the former is a single combined glyph (U+01F0), while the second is a capital J with a combining caron (U+030C).
There is a further problem with glyphs like ǰ:
Naive character by character case-folding can denormalize
Suppose we upper-case ǰ as above. How do we capitalize ǰ̠ (which, in case it doesn't render properly on your system, is the same character with an bar underneath, another IPA convention)? That combination is U+01F0,U+0320 (j with caron, combining minus sign below), so we proceed to replace U+01F0 with U+004A,U+030C and then leave the U+0320 as is: J̠̌. That's fine, but it won't compare equal to a normalized capital J with caron and minus sign below, because in the normal form the minus sign diacritic comes first: U+004A,U+0320,U+030C (J̠̌, which should look identical). So sometimes (rarely, to be honest, but sometimes) it is necessary to renormalize.
Leaving aside unicode wierdness, sometimes case-conversion is context-sensitive
Greek has a lot of examples of how marks get shuffled around depending on whether they are word-initial, word-final or word-interior -- you can read more about this in chapter 7 of the Unicode standard -- but a simple and common case is Σ, which has two lower-case versions: σ and ς. Non-greeks with some maths background are probably familiar with σ, but might not be aware that it cannot be used at the end of a word, where you must use ς.
In short
The best available correct way to case-fold is to apply the Unicode case-folding algorithm, which requires creating a temporary string for each source string. You could then do a simple bytewise comparison between the two transformed strings in order to verify that the original strings were in the same equivalence class. Doing a collation ordering on the transformed strings, while possible, is rather less efficient than collation ordering the original strings, and for sorting purposes, the untransformed comparison is probably as good or better than the transformed comparison.
In theory, if you are only interested in case-folded equality, you could do the transformations linearly, bearing in mind that the transformation is not necessarily context-free and is not a simple character-to-character mapping function. Unfortunately, C++ locales don't provide you the data you need to do this. The Unicode CLDR comes much closer, but it's a complex datastructure.
All of this stuff is really complicated, and rife with edge cases. (See the note in the Unicode standard about accented Lithuanian i's, for example.) You're really better off just using a well-maintained existing solution, of which the best example is ICU.

How do you cope with signed char -> int issues with standard library?

This is a really long-standing issue in my work, that I realize I still don't have a good solution to...
C naively defined all of its character test functions for an int:
int isspace(int ch);
But char's are often signed, and a full character often doesn't fit in an int, or in any single storage-unit that used for strings******.
And these functions have been the logical template for current C++ functions and methods, and have set the stage for the current standard library. In fact, they're still supported, afaict.
So if you hand isspace(*pchar) you can end up with sign extension problems. They're hard to see, and thence they're hard to guard against in my experience.
Similarly, because isspace() and it's ilk all take ints, and because the actual width of a character is often unknown w/o string-analysis - meaning that any modern character library should essentially never be carting around char's or wchar_t's but only pointers/iterators, since only by analyzing the character stream can you know how much of it composes a single logical character, I am at a bit of a loss as to how best to approach the issues?
I keep expecting a genuinely robust library based around abstracting away the size-factor of any character, and working only with strings (providing such things as isspace, etc.), but either I've missed it, or there's another simpler solution staring me in the face that all of you (who know what you're doing) use...
** These issues don't come up for fixed-sized character-encodings that can wholly contain a full character - UTF-32 apparently is about the only option that has these characteristics (or specialized environments that restrict themselves to ASCII or some such).
So, my question is:
"How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion, and
2) variable-width character issues
After all, most character encodings are variable-width: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well as older standards such as Shift-JIS. Even extended ASCII can have the simple sign-extension problem if the compiler treats char as a signed 8 bit unit.
Please note:
No matter what size your char_type is, it's wrong for most character encoding schemes.
This problem is in the standard C library, as well as in the C++ standard libraries; which still tries to pass around char and wchar_t, rather than string-iterators in the various isspace, isprint, etc. implementations.
Actually, it's precisely those type of functions that break the genericity of std::string. If it only worked in storage-units, and didn't try to pretend to understand the meaning of the storage-units as logical characters (such as isspace), then the abstraction would be much more honest, and would force us programmers to look elsewhere for valid solutions...
Thank You
Everyone who participated. Between this discussion and WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability I have a much better handle on the issues. Although there are no easy answers, every bit of understanding helps.
How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion
2) variable-width character issues
After all, all commonly used Unicode encodings are variable-width, whether programmers realize it or not: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well as older standards such as Shift-JIS...
Obviously, you have to use a Unicode-aware library, since you've demonstrated (correctly) that C++03 standard library is not. The C++11 library is improved, but still not quite good enough for most usages. Yes, some OS' have a 32-bit wchar_t which makes them able to correctly handle UTF32, but that's an implementation, and is not guaranteed by C++, and is not remotely sufficient for many unicode tasks, such as iterating over Graphemes (letters).
UTF-8 CPP, version 1.0
and many more at
If the question is less about specific character testing and more about code practices in general: Do whatever your framework does. If you're coding for linux/QT/networking, keep everything internally in UTF-8. If you're coding with Windows, keep everything internally in UTF-16. If you need to mess with code points, keep everything internally in UTF-32. Otherwise (for portable, generic code), do whatever you want, since no matter what, you have to translate for some OS or other anyway.
I think you are confounding a whole host of unrelated concepts.
First off, char is simply a data type. Its first and foremost meaning is "the system's basic storage unit", i.e. "one byte". Its signedness is intentionally left up to the implementation so that each implementation can pick the most appropriate (i.e. hardware-supported) version. It's name, suggesting "character", is quite possibly the single worst decision in the design of the C programming language.
The next concept is that of a text string. At the foundation, text is a sequence of units, which are often called "characters", but it can be more involved than that. To that end, the Unicode standard coins the term "code point" to designate the most basic unit of text. For now, and for us programmers, "text" is a sequence of code points.
The problem is that there are more codepoints than possible byte values. This problem can be overcome in two different ways: 1) use a multi-byte encoding to represent code point sequences as byte sequences; or 2) use a different basic data type. C and C++ actually offer both solutions: The native host interface (command line args, file contents, environment variables) are provided as byte sequences; but the language also provides an opaque type wchar_t for "the system's character set", as well as translation functions between them (mbstowcs/wcstombs).
Unfortunately, there is nothing specific about "the system's character set" and "the systems multibyte encoding", so you, like so many SO users before you, are left puzzling what to do with those mysterious wide characters. What people want nowadays is a definite encoding that they can share across platforms. The one and only useful encoding that we have for this purpose is Unicode, which assigns a textual meaning to a large number of code points (up to 221 at the moment). Along with the text encoding comes a family of byte-string encodings, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.
The first step to examining the content of a given text string is thus to transform it from whatever input you have into a string of definite (Unicode) encoding. This Unicode string may itself be encoded in any of the transformation formats, but the simplest is just as a sequence of raw codepoints (typically UTF-32, since we don't have a useful 21-bit data type).
Performing this transformation is already outside the scope of the C++ standard (even the new one), so we need a library to do this. Since we don't know anything about our "system's character set", we also need the library to handle that.
One popular library of choice is iconv(); the typical sequence goes from input multibyte char* via mbstowcs() to a std::wstring or wchar_t* wide string, and then via iconv()'s WCHAR_T-to-UTF32 conversion to a std::u32string or uint32_t* raw Unicode codepoint sequence.
At this point our journey ends. We can now either examine the text codepoint by codepoint (which might be enough to tell if something is a space); or we can invoke a heavier text-processing library to perform intricate textual operations on our Unicode codepoint stream (such as normalization, canonicalization, presentational transformation, etc.). This is far beyond the scope of a general-purpose programmer, and the realm of text processing specialists.
It is in any case invalid to pass a negative value other than EOF to isspace and the other character macros. If you have a char c, and you want to test whether it is a space or not, do isspace((unsigned char)c). This deals with the extension (by zero-extending). isspace(*pchar) is flat wrong -- don't write it, don't let it stand when you see it. If you train yourself to panic when you do see it, then it's less hard to see.
fgetc (for example) already returns either EOF or a character read as an unsigned char and then converted to int, so there's no sign-extension issue for values from that.
That's trivia really, though, since the standard character macros don't cover Unicode, or multi-byte encodings. If you want to handle Unicode properly then you need a Unicode library. I haven't looked into what C++11 or C1X provide in this regard, other than that C++11 has std::u32string which sounds promising. Prior to that the answer is to use something implementation-specific or third-party. (Un)fortunately there are a lot of libraries to choose from.
It may be (I speculate) that a "complete" Unicode classification database is so large and so subject to change that it would be impractical for the C++ standard to mandate "full" support anyway. It depends to an extent what operations should be supported, but you can't get away from the problem that Unicode has been through 6 major versions in 20 years (since the first standard version), while C++ has had 2 major versions in 13 years. As far as C++ is concerned, the set of Unicode characters is a rapidly-moving target, so it's always going to be implementation-defined what code points the system knows about.
In general, there are three correct ways to handle Unicode text:
At all I/O (including system calls that return or accept strings), convert everything between an externally-used character encoding, and an internal fixed-width encoding. You can think of this as "deserialization" on input and "serialization" on output. If you had some object type with functions to convert it to/from a byte stream, then you wouldn't mix up byte stream with the objects, or examine sections of byte stream for snippets of serialized data that you think you recognize. It needn't be any different for this internal unicode string class. Note that the class cannot be std::string, and might not be std::wstring either, depending on implementation. Just pretend the standard library doesn't provide strings, if it helps, or use a std::basic_string of something big as the container but a Unicode-aware library to do anything sophisticated. You may also need to understand Unicode normalization, to deal with combining marks and such like, since even in a fixed-width Unicode encoding, there may be more than one code point per glyph.
Mess about with some ad-hoc mixture of byte sequences and Unicode sequences, carefully tracking which is which. It's like (1), but usually harder, and hence although it's potentially correct, in practice it might just as easily come out wrong.
(Special purposes only): use UTF-8 for everything. Sometimes this is good enough, for example if all you do is parse input based on ASCII punctuation marks, and concatenate strings for output. Basically it works for programs where you don't need to understand anything with the top bit set, just pass it on unchanged. It doesn't work so well if you need to actually render text, or otherwise do things to it that a human would consider "obvious" but actually are complex. Like collation.
One comment up front: the old C functions like isspace took int for
a reason: they support EOF as input as well, so they need to be able
to support one more value than will fit in a char. The
“naïve” decision was allowing char to be signed—but
making it unsigned would have had severe performance implications on a
Now to your questions:
1) Sign expansion
The C++ functions don't have this problem. In C++, the
“correct” way of testing things like whether a character is
a space is to grap the std::ctype facet from whatever locale you want,
and to use it. Of course, the C++ localization, in <locale>, has
been carefully designed to make it as hard as possible to use, but if
you're doing any significant text processing, you'll soon come up with
your own convenience wrappers: a functional object which takes a locale
and mask specifying which characteristic you want to test isn't hard.
Making it a template on the mask, and giving its locale argument a
default to the global locale isn't rocket science either. Throw in a
few typedef's, and you can pass things like IsSpace() to std::find.
The only subtility is managing the lifetime of the std::ctype object
you're dealing with. Something like the following should work, however:
template<std::ctype_base::mask mask>
class Is // Must find a better name.
std::locale myLocale;
//< Needed to ensure no premature destruction of facet
std::ctype<char> const* myCType;
Is( std::locale const& l = std::locale() )
: myLocale( l )
, myCType( std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> >( l ) )
bool operator()( char ch ) const
return myCType->is( mask, ch );
typedef Is<std::ctype_base::space> IsSpace;
// ...
(Given the influence of the STL, it's somewhat surprising that the
standard didn't define something like the above as standard.)
2) Variable width character issues.
There is no real answer. It all depends on what you need. For some
applications, just looking for a few specific single byte characters is
sufficient, and keeping everything in UTF-8, and ignoring the multi-byte
issues, is a viable (and simple) solution. Beyond that, it's often
useful to convert to UTF-32 (or depending on the type of text you're
dealing with, UTF-16), and use each element as a single code point. For
full text handling, on the other hand, you have to deal with
multi-code-point characters even if you're using UTF-32: the sequence
\u006D\u0302 is a single character (a small m with a circumflex over
I haven't been testing internationalization capabilities of Qt library so much, but from what i know, QString is fully unicode-aware, and is using QChar's which are unicode-chars. I don't know internal implementation of those, but I expect that this implies QChar's to be varaible size characters.
It would be weird to bind yourself to such big framework as Qt just to use strings though.
You seem to be confusing a function defined on 7-bit ascii with a universal space-recognition function. Character functions in standard C use int not to deal with different encodings, but to allow EOF to be an out-of-band indicator. There are no issues with sign-extension, because the numbers these functions are defined on have no 8th bit. Providing a byte with this possibility is a mistake on your part.
Plan 9 attempts to solve this with a UTF library, and the assumption that all input data is UTF-8. This allows some measure of backwards compatibility with ASCII, so non-compliant programs don't all die, but allows new programs to be written correctly.
The common notion in C, even still is that a char* represents an array of letters. It should instead be seen as a block of input data. To get the letters from this stream, you use chartorune(). Each Rune is a representation of a letter(/symbol/codepoint), so one can finally define a function isspacerune(), which would finally tell you which letters are spaces.
Work with arrays of Rune as you would with char arrays, to do string manipulation, then call runetochar() to re-encode your letters into UTF-8 before you write it out.
The sign extension issue is easy to deal with. You can either use:
isspace((unsigned char) ch)
isspace(ch & 0xFF)
the compiler option that makes char an unsigned type
As far the variable-length character issue (I'm assuming UTF-8), it depends on your needs.
If you just to deal with the ASCII whitespace characters \t\n\v\f\r, then isspace will work fine; the non-ASCII UTF-8 code units will simply be treated as non-spaces.
But if you need to recognize the extra Unicode space characters \x85\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000, it's a bit more work. You could write a function along the lines of
bool isspace_utf8(const char* pChar)
uint32_t codePoint = decode_char(*pChar);
return is_unicode_space(codePoint);
Where decode_char converts a UTF-8 sequence to the corresponding Unicode code point, and is_unicode_space returns true for characters with category Z or for the Cc characters that are spaces. iswspace may or may not help with the latter, depending on how well your C++ library supports Unicode. It's best to use a dedicated Unicode library for the job.
most strings in practice use a multibyte encoding such as UTF-7,
UTF-8, UTF-16, SHIFT-JIS, etc.
No programmer would use UTF-7 or Shift-JIS as an internal representation unless they enjoy pain. Stick with ŬTF-8, -16, or -32, and only convert as needed.
Your preamble argument is somewhat inacurate, and arguably unfair, it is simply not in the library design to support Unicode encodings - certainly not multiple Unicode encodings.
Development of the C and C++ languages and much of the libraries pre-date the development of Unicode. Also as system's level languages they require a data type that corresponds to the smallest addressable word size of the execution environment. Unfortunately perhaps the char type has become overloaded to represent both the character set of the execution environment and the minimum addressable word. It is history that has shown this to be flawed perhaps, but changing the language definition and indeed the library would break a large amount of legacy code, so such things are left to newer languages such as C# that has an 8-bit byte and distinct char type.
Moreover the variable encoding of Unicode representations makes it unsuited to a built-in data type as such. You are obviously aware of this since you suggest that Unicode character operations should be performed on strings rather than machine word types. This would require library support and as you point out this is not provided by the standard library. There are a number of reasons for that, but primarily it is not within the domain of the standard library, just as there is no standard library support for networking or graphics. The library intrinsically does not address anything that is not generally universally supported by all target platforms from the deeply embedded to the super-computer. All such things must be provided by either system or third-party libraries.
Support for multiple character encodings is about system/environment interoperability, and the library is not intended to support that either. Data exchange between incompatible encoding systems is an application issue not a system issue.
"How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that
doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion, and
2) variable-width character issues
isspace() considers only the lower 8-bits. Its definition explicitly states that if you pass an argument that is not representable as an unsigned char or equal to the value of the macro EOF, the results are undefined. The problem does not arise if it is used as it was intended. The problem is that it is inappropriate for the purpose you appear to be applying it to.
After all, all commonly used Unicode encodings are variable-width,
whether programmers realize it or not: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well
as older standards such as Shift-JIS
isspace() is not defined for Unicode. You'll need a library designed to use any specific encoding you are using. This question What is the best Unicode library for C? may be relevant.

MFC: what would be the regex to check if a character is unicode or not?

I'm trying to use windows' API IsTextUnicode to check if a character input is unicode or not, but is sort of buggy. I figured, it might be better using a regex. However, I'm new to constructing regular expressions. What would be the regex to check if a character is unicode or not?
Well, that depends what you mean by ‘Unicode’. As the answers so far say, pretty much any character “is Unicode”.
Windows abuses the term ‘Unicode’ to mean the UTF-16LE encoding that the Win32 API uses internally. You can detect UTF-16 by looking for the Byte Order Mark at the front, bytes FF FE for UTF-16LE (or FE FF for UTF-16BE). It's possible to have UTF-16 text that is not marked with a BOM, but that's quite bad news as you can only detect it by pure guesswork.
Pure guesswork is what the IsTextUnicode function is all about. It looks at the input bytes and, by seeing how often common patterns turn up in it, guesses how likely it is that the bytes represent UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE-encoded characters. Since every sequence of bytes is potentially a valid encoding of characters(*), you might imagine this isn't very predictable or reliable. And you'd be right.
See Windows i18n guru Michael Kaplan's description of IsTextUnicode and why it's probably not a good idea.
In general you would want a more predictable way of guessing what encoding a set of bytes represents. You could try:
if it begins FE FF, it's UTF-16LE, what Windows thinks of as ‘Unicode’;
if it begins FF FE, it's UTF-16BE, what Windows equally-misleadingly calls ‘reverse’ Unicode;
otherwise check the whole string for invalid UTF-8 sequences. If there are none, it's probably UTF-8 (or just ASCII);
otherwise try the system default codepage.
(*: actually not quite true. Apart from the never-a-characters like U+FFFF, there are also many sequences of UTF-16 code units that aren't valid characters, thanks to the ‘surrogates’ approach to encoding characters outside the 16-bit range. However IsTextUnicode doesn't know about those anyway, as it predates the astral planes.)
Every character you'll encounter is part of Unicode. For instance, latin 'a' is U+0061. This is especially true on Windows, which natievely uses Unicode and UTF-16 encoding.
The Microsoft function IsTextUnicode is named rather unfortunately. It could more accurately be described as GuessTextEncodingFromRawBytes(). I suspect that your real problem is not the interpretation of raw bytes, since you already know it's one character.
I think you're mixing up two different concepts. A character and its encoding are not the same. Some characters (like A) are encoded identically in ASCII or latin-1 and UTF-8, some aren't, some can only be encoded in UTF-8 etc.
IsTextUnicode() tries to guess the encoding from a stream of raw bytes.
If, on the other hand, you already have a character representation, and you wish to find out whether it can be natively expressed as ASCII or latin-1 or some other encoding, then you could indeed look at the character range ([\u0000-\u007F] for ASCII).
Lastly, there are some invalid codes (like \uFFFE) which are possible bytes representations that are not allowed as Unicode characters. But I don't think this is what you're looking for.

Converting wide char string to lowercase in C++

How do I convert a wchar_t string from upper case to lower case in C++?
The string contains a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, German and Greek characters.
I thought about using towlower...
.. but the documentation says that:
The case conversion of towlower is locale-specific. Only the characters relevant to the current locale are changed in case.
Edit: Maybe I should describe what I'm doing. I receive a Unicode search query from a user. It's originally in UTF-8 encoding, but I'm converting it to a widechar (I may be wrong on the wording). My debugger (VS2008) correctly shows the Japanese, German, etc characters in in the "variable quick watch". I need to go through another set of data in Unicode and find matches of the search string. While this is no problem for me to do when the search is case sensitive, it's more problematic to do it case insensitive. My (maybe naive) approach to solve the problem would be to convert all input data and output data to lower case and then compare it.
If your string contains all those characters, the codeset must be Unicode-based. If implemented properly, Unicode (Chapter 4 'Character Properties') defines character properties including whether the character is upper case and the lower case mapping, and so on.
Given that preamble, the towlower() function from <wctype.h> is the correct tool to use. If it doesn't do the job, you have a QoI (Quality of Implementation) problem to discuss with your vendor. If you find the vendor unresponsive, then look at alternative libraries. In this case, you might consider ICU (International Components for Unicode).
You have a nasty problem in hand. A Japanese locale will not help converting German and vice versa. There are languages which do not have the concept of captalization either (toupper and friends would be a no-op here, I suppose). So, can you break up your string into individual chunks of words from the same language? If you can then you can convert the pieces and string them up.
This SO answer shows how to work with facets to work with several locales. If this is on Windows, you can consider using win32 API functions, if you can work with C++.NET (managed C++), you can use the char.ToLower and string.ToLower functions, which are Unicode compliant.
Have a look at _wcslwr_l in <wchar.h> (MSDN).
You should be able to run the function on the input for each of the locales.