Is mutex mandatory to access extern variable from a different thread? - c++

I am developing an application in Qt/C++. At some point, there are two threads : one is the UI thread and the other one is the background thread. I have to do some operation from the background thread based on the value of an extern variable which is type of bool. I am setting this value by clicking a button on UI.
extern bool globalVar;
//main ui thread on button click
setVale(bool val){
globalVar = val;
//do some operation
//do some other operation
Here, writing to globalVar happens only when the user clicks the button whereas reading happens continuously.
So my question is :
In a situation like the one above, is mutex mandatory?
If read and write happens at the same time, does this cause the application to crash?
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other than true or false?
Finally, does the OS provide any kind of locking mechanism to prevent the read/write operation to access a memory location at the same time by a different thread?

The loop
//do some operation
//do some other operation
is busy waiting, which is extremely wasteful. Thus, you're probably better off with some classic synchronization that will wake the background thread (mostly) when there is something to be done. You should consider adapting this example of std::condition_variable.
Say you start with:
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool ready = false;
Your worker thread can then be something like this:
void worker_thread()
// Wait until main() sends data
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
cv.wait(lk, []{return ready;});
ready = false;
The notifying thread should do something like this:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
ready = true;

Since it is just a single plain bool, I'd say a mutex is overkill, you should just go for an atomic integer instead. An atomic will read and write in a single CPU clock so no worries there, and it will be lock free, which is always better if possible.
If it is something more complex, then by all means go for a mutex.
It won't crash from that alone, but you can get data corruption, which may crash the application.
The system will not manage that stuff for you, you do it manually, just make sure all access to the data goes through the mutex.
Since you specify a number of times that you don't want a complex solution, you may opt for simply using a mutex instead of the bool. There is no need to protect the bool with a mutex, since you can use the mutex as a bool, and yes, you could go with an atomic, but that's what the mutex already does (plus some extra functionality in the case of recursive mutexes).
It also matters what is your exact workload, since your example doesn't make a lot of sense in practice. It would be helpful to know what those some operations are.
So in your ui thread you could simply val ? mutex.lock() : mutex.unlock(), and in your secondary thread you could use if (mutex.tryLock()) doStuff; mutex.unlock(); else doOtherStuff;. Now if the operation in the secondary thread takes too long and you happen to be changing the lock in the main thread, that will block the main thread until the secondary thread unlocks. You could use tryLock(timeout) in the main thread, depending on what you prefer, lock() will block until success, while tryLock(timeout) will prevent blocking but the lock may fail. Also, take care not to unlock from a thread other than the one you locked with, and not to unlock an already unlocked mutex.
Depending on what you are actually doing, maybe an asynchronous event driven approach would be more appropriate. Do you really need that while(1)? How frequently do you perform those operations?

In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
A mutex is one tool that will work. What you actually need are three things:
a means of ensuring an atomic update (a bool will give you this as it's mandated to be an integral type by the standard)
a means of ensuring that the effects of a write made by one thread is actually visible in the other thread. This may sound counter-intuitive but the c++ memory model is single-threaded and optimisations (software and hardware) do not need to consider cross-thread communication, and...
a means of preventing the compiler (and CPU!!) from re-ordering the reads and writes.
The answer to the implied question is 'yes'. You will need something at does all of these things (see below)
If read and write happend at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
not when it's a bool, but the program won't behave as you expect. In fact, because the program is now exhibiting undefined behaviour you can no longer reason about its behaviour at all.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
not in this case because it's an intrinsic (atomic) type.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
Not unless you specify one.
Your options are:

Realistically speaking, as long as you use an integer type (not bool), make it volatile, and keep inside of its own cache line by properly aligning its storage, you don't need to do anything special at all.
In situation like above does mutex is necessary?
Only if you want to keep the value of the variable synchronized with other state.
If read and write happed at the same time does this cause to crash the application?
According to C++ standard, it's undefined behavior. So anything can happen: e.g. your application might not crash, but its state might be subtly corrupted. In real life, though, compilers often offer some sane implementation defined behavior and you're fine unless your platform is really weird. Anything commonplace, like 32 and 64 bit intel, PPC and ARM will be fine.
If read and write happens at same time, is globalVar going to have some value other thantrue or false?
globalVar can only have these two values, so it makes no sense to speak of any other values unless you're talking about its binary representation. Yes, it could happen that the binary representation is incorrect and not what the compiler would expect. That's why you shouldn't use a bool but a uint8_t instead.
I wouldn't love to see such flag in a code review, but if a uint8_t flag is the simplest solution to whatever problem you're solving, I say go for it. The if (globalVar) test will treat zero as false, and anything else as true, so temporary "gibberish" is OK and won't have any odd effects in practice. According to the standard, you'll be facing undefined behavior, of course.
And is it going to happen the access(read/write) of a memory location at same time by different thread, does OS providing any kind of locking mechanism to prevent it?
It's not the OS's job to do that.
Speaking of practice, though: on any reasonable platform, the use of a std::atomic_bool will have no overhead over the use of a naked uint8_t, so just use that and be done.


C++ atomics: how to allow only a single thread to access a function?

I'd like to write a function that is accessible only by a single thread at a time. I don't need busy waits, a brutal 'rejection' is enough if another thread is already running it. This is what I have come up with so far:
std::atomic<bool> busy (false);
bool func()
if ( == true)
return false;
// ... do stuff ...;
return true;
Is the logic for the atomic exchange correct?
Is it correct to mark the two atomic operations as std::memory_order_acq_rel? As far as I understand a relaxed ordering (std::memory_order_relaxed) wouldn't be enough to prevent reordering.
Your atomic swap implementation might work. But trying to do thread safe programming without a lock is most always fraught with issues and is often harder to maintain.
Unless there's a performance improvement that's needed, then std::mutex with the try_lock() method is all you need, eg:
std::mutex mtx;
bool func()
// making use of std::unique_lock so if the code throws an
// exception, the std::mutex will still get unlocked correctly...
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx, std::try_to_lock);
bool gotLock = lck.owns_lock();
if (gotLock)
// do stuff
return gotLock;
Your code looks correct to me, as long as you leave the critical section by falling out, not returning or throwing an exception.
You can unlock with a release store; an RMW (like exchange) is unnecessary. The initial exchange only needs acquire. (But does need to be an atomic RMW like exchange or compare_exchange_strong)
Note that ISO C++ says that taking a std::mutex is an "acquire" operation, and releasing is is a "release" operation, because that's the minimum necessary for keeping the critical section contained between the taking and the releasing.
Your algo is exactly like a spinlock, but without retry if the lock's already taken. (i.e. just a try_lock). All the reasoning about necessary memory-order for locking applies here, too. What you've implemented is logically equivalent to the try_lock / unlock in #selbie's answer, and very likely performance-equivalent, too. If you never use mtx.lock() or whatever, you're never actually blocking i.e. waiting for another thread to do something, so your code is still potentially lock-free in the progress-guarantee sense.
Rolling your own with an atomic<bool> is probably good; using std::mutex here gains you nothing; you want it to be doing only this for try-lock and unlock. That's certainly possible (with some extra function-call overhead), but some implementations might do something more. You're not using any of the functionality beyond that. The one nice thing std::mutex gives you is the comfort of knowing that it safely and correctly implements try_lock and unlock. But if you understand locking and acquire / release, it's easy to get that right yourself.
The usual performance reason to not roll your own locking is that mutex will be tuned for the OS and typical hardware, with stuff like exponential backoff, x86 pause instructions while spinning a few times, then fallback to a system call. And efficient wakeup via system calls like Linux futex. All of this is only beneficial to the blocking behaviour. .try_lock leaves that all unused, and if you never have any thread sleeping then unlock never has any other threads to notify.
There is one advantage to using std::mutex: you can use RAII without having to roll your own wrapper class. std::unique_lock with the std::try_to_lock policy will do this. This will make your function exception-safe, making sure to always unlock before exiting, if it got the lock.

Cheapest way to wake up multiple waiting threads without blocking

I use boost::thread to manage threads. In my program i have pool of threads (workers) that are activated sometimes to do some job simultaneously.
Now i use boost::condition_variable: and all threads are waiting inside boost::condition_variable::wait() call on their own conditional_variableS objects.
Can i AVOID using mutexes in classic scheme, when i work with conditional_variables? I want to wake up threads, but don't need to pass some data to them, so don't need a mutex to be locked/unlocked during awakening process, why should i spend CPU on this (but yes, i should remember about spurious wakeups)?
The boost::condition_variable::wait() call trying to REACQUIRE the locking object when CV received the notification. But i don't need this exact facility.
What is cheapest way to awake several threads from another thread?
If you don't reacquire the locking object, how can the threads know that they are done waiting? What will tell them that? Returning from the block tells them nothing because the blocking object is stateless. It doesn't have an "unlocked" or "not blocking" state for it to return in.
You have to pass some data to them, otherwise how will they know that before they had to wait and now they don't? A condition variable is completely stateless, so any state that you need must be maintained and passed by you.
One common pattern is to use a mutex, condition variable, and a state integer. To block, do this:
Acquire the mutex.
Copy the value of the state integer.
Block on the condition variable, releasing the mutex.
If the state integer is the same as it was when you coped it, go to step 3.
Release the mutex.
To unblock all threads, do this:
Acquire the mutex.
Increment the state integer.
Broadcast the condition variable.
Release the mutex.
Notice how step 4 of the locking algorithm tests whether the thread is done waiting? Notice how this code tracks whether or not there has been an unblock since the thread decided to block? You have to do that because condition variables don't do it themselves. (And that's why you need to reacquire the locking object.)
If you try to remove the state integer, your code will behave unpredictably. Sometimes you will block too long due to missed wakeups and sometimes you won't block long enough due to spurious wakeups. Only a state integer (or similar predicate) protected by the mutex tells the threads when to wait and when to stop waiting.
Also, I haven't seen how your code uses this, but it almost always folds into logic you're already using. Why did the threads block anyway? Is it because there's no work for them to do? And when they wakeup, are they going to figure out what to do? Well, finding out that there's no work for them to do and finding out what work they do need to do will require some lock since it's shared state, right? So there almost always is already a lock you're holding when you decide to block and need to reacquire when you're done waiting.
For controlling threads doing parallel jobs, there is a nice primitive called a barrier.
A barrier is initialized with some positive integer value N representing how many threads it holds. A barrier has only a single operation: wait. When N threads call wait, the barrier releases all of them. Additionally, one of the threads is given a special return value indicating that it is the "serial thread"; that thread will be the one to do some special job, like integrating the results of the computation from the other threads.
The limitation is that a given barrier has to know the exact number of threads. It's really suitable for parallel processing type situations.
POSIX added barriers in 2003. A web search indicates that Boost has them, too.
Generally speaking, you can't.
Assuming the algorithm looks something like this:
ConditionVariable cv;
void WorkerThread()
for (;;)
void MainThread()
for (;;)
NOTE: I intentionally omitted any reference to mutexes in this pseudo-code. For the purposes of this example, we'll suppose ConditionVariable does not require a mutex.
The first time through MainTnread(), work is queued and then it notifies WorkerThread() that it should execute its work. At this point two things can happen:
WorkerThread() completes DoWork() before MainThread() can complete ScheduleWork().
MainThread() completes ScheduleWork() before WorkerThread() can complete DoWork().
In case #1, WorkerThread() comes back around to sleep on the CV, and is awoken by the next cv.notify() and all is well.
In case #2, MainThread() comes back around and notifies... nobody and continues on. Meanwhile WorkerThread() eventually comes back around in its loop and waits on the CV but it is now one or more iterations behind MainThread().
This is known as a "lost wakeup". It is similar to the notorious "spurious wakeup" in that the two threads now have different ideas about how many notify()s have taken place. If you are expecting the two threads to maintain synchrony (and usually you are), you need some sort of shared synchronization primitive to control it. This is where the mutex comes in. It helps avoid lost wakeups which, arguably, are a more serious problem than the spurious variety. Either way, the effects can be serious.
UPDATE: For further rationale behind this design, see this comment by one of the original POSIX authors:
Spurious wakeups are two things:
Write your program carefully, and make sure it works even if you
missed something.
Support efficient SMP implementations
There may be rare cases where an "absolutely, paranoiacally correct"
implementation of condition wakeup, given simultaneous wait and
signal/broadcast on different processors, would require additional
synchronization that would slow down ALL condition variable operations
while providing no benefit in 99.99999% of all calls. Is it worth the
overhead? No way!
But, really, that's an excuse because we wanted to force people to
write safe code. (Yes, that's the truth.)
boost::condition_variable::notify_*(lock) does NOT require that the caller hold the lock on the mutex. THis is a nice improvement over the Java model in that it decouples the notification of threads with the holding of the lock.
Strictly speaking, this means the following pointless code SHOULD DO what you are asking:
lock_guard lock(mutex);
// Do something
// Do something else
unique_lock otherLock(mutex);
//do something
I do not believe you need to call otherLock.lock() first.

Is it ok to read a shared boolean flag without locking it when another thread may set it (at most once)?

I would like my thread to shut down more gracefully so I am trying to implement a simple signalling mechanism. I don't think I want a fully event-driven thread so I have a worker with a method to graceully stop it using a critical section Monitor (equivalent to a C# lock I believe):
class DrawingThread {
bool stopRequested;
Runtime::Monitor CSMonitor;
CPInfo *pPInfo;
void DrawingThread::Run() {
if (!stopRequested)
//Time consuming call#1
if (!stopRequested) {
pPInfo = new CPInfo(/**/);
//Not time consuming but pPInfo must either be null or constructed.
if (!stopRequested) {
pPInfo->foobar(/**/);//Time consuming and can be signalled
if (!stopRequested) {
//One more optional but time consuming call.
void DrawingThread::RequestStop() {
stopRequested = true;
if (pPInfo) pPInfo->RequestStop();
I understand (at least in Windows) Monitor/locks are the least expensive thread synchronization primitive but I am keen to avoid overuse. Should I be wrapping each read of this boolean flag? It is initialized to false and only set once to true when stop is requested (if it is requested before the task completes).
My tutors advised to protect even bool's because read/writing may not be atomic. I think this one shot flag is the exception that proves the rule?
It is never OK to read something possibly modified in a different thread without synchronization. What level of synchronization is needed depends on what you are actually reading. For primitive types, you should have a look at atomic reads, e.g. in the form of std::atomic<bool>.
The reason synchronization is always needed is that the processors will have the data possibly shared in a cache line. It has no reason to update this value to a value possibly changed in a different thread if there is no synchronization. Worse, yet, if there is no synchronization it may write the wrong value if something stored close to the value is changed and synchronized.
Boolean assignment is atomic. That's not the problem.
The problem is that a thread may not not see changes to a variable done by a different thread due to either compiler or CPU instruction reordering or data caching (i.e. the thread that reads the boolean flag may read a cached value, instead of the actual updated value).
The solution is a memory fence, which indeed is implicitly added by lock statements, but for a single variable it's overkill. Just declare it as std::atomic<bool>.
The answer, I believe, is "it depends." If you're using C++03, threading isn't defined in the Standard, and you'll have to read what your compiler and your thread library say, although this kind of thing is usually called a "benign race" and is usually OK.
If you're using C++11, benign races are undefined behavior. Even when undefined behavior doesn't make sense for the underlying data type. The problem is that compilers can assume that programs have no undefined behavior, and make optimizations based on that (see also the Part 1 and Part 2 linked from there). For instance, your compiler could decide to read the flag once and cache the value because it's undefined behavior to write to the variable in another thread without some kind of mutex or memory barrier.
Of course, it may well be that your compiler promises to not make that optimization. You'll need to look.
The easiest solution is to use std::atomic<bool> in C++11, or something like Hans Boehm's atomic_ops elsewhere.
No, you have to protect every access, since modern compilers and cpus reorder the code without your multithreading tasks in mind. The read access from different threads might work, but don't have to work.

Boost, mutex concept

I am new to multi-threading programming, and confused about how Mutex works. In the Boost::Thread manual, it states:
Mutexes guarantee that only one thread can lock a given mutex. If a code section is surrounded by a mutex locking and unlocking, it's guaranteed that only a thread at a time executes that section of code. When that thread unlocks the mutex, other threads can enter to that code region:
My understanding is that Mutex is used to protect a section of code from being executed by multiple threads at the same time, NOT protect the memory address of a variable. It's hard for me to grasp the concept, what happen if I have 2 different functions trying to write to the same memory address.
Is there something like this in Boost library:
lock a memory address of a variable, e.g., double x, lock (x); So
that other threads with a different function can not write to x.
do something with x, e.g., x = x + rand();
unlock (x)
The mutex itself only ensures that only one thread of execution can lock the mutex at any given time. It's up to you to ensure that modification of the associated variable happens only while the mutex is locked.
C++ does give you a way to do that a little more easily than in something like C. In C, it's pretty much up to you to write the code correctly, ensuring that anywhere you modify the variable, you first lock the mutex (and, of course, unlock it when you're done).
In C++, it's pretty easy to encapsulate it all into a class with some operator overloading:
class protected_int {
int value; // this is the value we're going to share between threads
mutex m;
operator int() { return value; } // we'll assume no lock needed to read
protected_int &operator=(int new_value) {
value = new_value;
return *this;
Obviously I'm simplifying that a lot (to the point that it's probably useless as it stands), but hopefully you get the idea, which is that most of the code just treats the protected_int object as if it were a normal variable.
When you do that, however, the mutex is automatically locked every time you assign a value to it, and unlocked immediately thereafter. Of course, that's pretty much the simplest possible case -- in many cases, you need to do something like lock the mutex, modify two (or more) variables in unison, then unlock. Regardless of the complexity, however, the idea remains that you centralize all the code that does the modification in one place, so you don't have to worry about locking the mutex in the rest of the code. Where you do have two or more variables together like that, you generally will have to lock the mutex to read, not just to write -- otherwise you can easily get an incorrect value where one of the variables has been modified but the other hasn't.
No, there is nothing in boost(or elsewhere) that will lock memory like that.
You have to protect the code that access the memory you want protected.
what happen if I have 2 different functions trying to write to the same
memory address.
Assuming you mean 2 functions executing in different threads, both functions should lock the same mutex, so only one of the threads can write to the variable at a given time.
Any other code that accesses (either reads or writes) the same variable will also have to lock the same mutex, failure to do so will result in indeterministic behavior.
It is possible to do non-blocking atomic operations on certain types using Boost.Atomic. These operations are non-blocking and generally much faster than a mutex. For example, to add something atomically you can do:
boost::atomic<int> n = 10;
n.fetch_add(5, boost:memory_order_acq_rel);
This code atomically adds 5 to n.
In order to protect a memory address shared by multiple threads in two different functions, both functions have to use the same mutex ... otherwise you will run into a scenario where threads in either function can indiscriminately access the same "protected" memory region.
So boost::mutex works just fine for the scenario you describe, but you just have to make sure that for a given resource you're protecting, all paths to that resource lock the exact same instance of the boost::mutex object.
I think the detail you're missing is that a "code section" is an arbitrary section of code. It can be two functions, half a function, a single line, or whatever.
So the portions of your 2 different functions that hold the same mutex when they access the shared data, are "a code section surrounded by a mutex locking and unlocking" so therefore "it's guaranteed that only a thread at a time executes that section of code".
Also, this is explaining one property of mutexes. It is not claiming this is the only property they have.
Your understanding is correct with respect to mutexes. They protect the section of code between the locking and unlocking.
As per what happens when two threads write to the same location of memory, they are serialized. One thread writes its value, the other thread writes to it. The problem with this is that you don't know which thread will write first (or last), so the code is not deterministic.
Finally, to protect a variable itself, you can find a near concept in atomic variables. Atomic variables are variables that are protected by either the compiler or the hardware, and can be modified atomically. That is, the three phases you comment (read, modify, write) happen atomically. Take a look at Boost atomic_count.

C++ Thread question - setting a value to indicate the thread has finished

Is the following safe?
I am new to threading and I want to delegate a time consuming process to a separate thread in my C++ program.
Using the boost libraries I have written code something like this:
thrd = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&myclass::mymethod, this, &finished_flag);
Where finished_flag is a boolean member of my class. When the thread is finished it sets the value and the main loop of my program checks for a change in that value.
I assume that this is okay because I only ever start one thread, and that thread is the only thing that changes the value (except for when it is initialised before I start the thread)
So is this okay, or am I missing something, and need to use locks and mutexes, etc
You never mentioned the type of finished_flag...
If it's a straight bool, then it might work, but it's certainly bad practice, for several reasons. First, some compilers will cache the reads of the finished_flag variable, since the compiler doesn't always pick up the fact that it's being written to by another thread. You can get around this by declaring the bool volatile, but that's taking us in the wrong direction. Even if reads and writes are happening as you'd expect, there's nothing to stop the OS scheduler from interleaving the two threads half way through a read / write. That might not be such a problem here where you have one read and one write op in separate threads, but it's a good idea to start as you mean to carry on.
If, on the other hand it's a thread-safe type, like a CEvent in MFC (or equivilent in boost) then you should be fine. This is the best approach: use thread-safe synchronization objects for inter-thread communication, even for simple flags.
Instead of using a member variable to signal that the thread is done, why not use a condition? You are already are using the boost libraries, and condition is part of the thread library.
Check it out. It allows the worker thread to 'signal' that is has finished, and the main thread can check during execution if the condition has been signaled and then do whatever it needs to do with the completed work. There are examples in the link.
As a general case I would neve make the assumption that a resource will only be modified by the thread. You might know what it is for, however someone else might not - causing no ends of grief as the main thread thinks that the work is done and tries to access data that is not correct! It might even delete it while the worker thread is still using it, and causing the app to crash. Using a condition will help this.
Looking at the thread documentation, you could also call thread.timed_join in the main thread. timed_join will wait for a specified amount for the thread to 'join' (join means that the thread has finsihed)
I don't mean to be presumptive, but it seems like the purpose of your finished_flag variable is to pause the main thread (at some point) until the thread thrd has completed.
The easiest way to do this is to use boost::thread::join
// launch the thread...
thrd = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&myclass::mymethod, this, &finished_flag);
// ... do other things maybe ...
// wait for the thread to complete
If you really want to get into the details of communication between threads via shared memory, even declaring a variable volatile won't be enough, even if the compiler does use appropriate access semantics to ensure that it won't get a stale version of data after checking the flag. The CPU can issue reads and writes out of order as long (x86 usually doesn't, but PPC definitely does) and there is nothing in C++9x that allows the compiler to generate code to order memory accesses appropriately.
Herb Sutter's Effective Concurrency series has an extremely in depth look at how the C++ world intersects the multicore/multiprocessor world.
Having the thread set a flag (or signal an event) before it exits is a race condition. The thread has not necessarily returned to the OS yet, and may still be executing.
For example, consider a program that loads a dynamic library (pseudocode):
lib = loadLibrary("someLibrary");
fun = getFunction("someFunction");
And let's suppose that this library uses your thread:
void someFunction() {
volatile bool finished_flag = false;
thrd = new boost::thread(boost::bind(&myclass::mymethod, this, &finished_flag);
while(!finished_flag) { // ignore the polling loop, it's besides the point
delete thrd;
void myclass::mymethod() {
// do stuff
finished_flag = true;
When myclass::mymethod() sets finished_flag to true, myclass::mymethod() hasn't returned yet. At the very least, it still has to execute a "return" instruction of some sort (if not much more: destructors, exception handler management, etc.). If the thread executing myclass::mymethod() gets pre-empted before that point, someFunction() will return to the calling program, and the calling program will unload the library. When the thread executing myclass::mymethod() gets scheduled to run again, the address containing the "return" instruction is no longer valid, and the program crashes.
The solution would be for someFunction() to call thrd->join() before returning. This would ensure that the thread has returned to the OS and is no longer executing.