Improve the response time of AWS Dynamodb - amazon-web-services

We have been using Couchbase for about two years but we finally decided to switch to Amazon DynamoDB service for many reasons.
Now I started the migration of data to dynamodb. First everything was alright and going as expected, but after some time the response time from dynamo is getting higher and higher and the migration process is getting slower by time.
I tried to change my strategies but with no luck.
What can I do to increase the response time?
Basically I am scanning an SQL table getting 100 items per query then asking Couchbase to retrieve the data I want about these 100 items. At first I was getting high response times (as shown in the image bellow).
The following info might help:
I am running the migration code on an ec2 micro server running Ubuntu 14.04 with node v 4.4.1.
After looking at the graphs I started measuring the time for each dynamodb request (so I don't know what is the average was at first), the average response time is 800 ms for about 150,000 requests (get & put only, no batch commands or queries)
I am storing the items in two tables one with integer hash key and the other is with integer hash and sort keys
The second table is a huge one (having about 4.4 millions of items and counting)

Thanks to #Vor for mentioning the "Hot partition keys" I have made further readings and in reference to the Guidelines for Working with Tables I have followed what they are recommending and also I distributed my requests into batch requests made the difference.
Thank you all for your help.


AWS Athena too slow for an api?

The plan was to get data from aws data exchange, move it to an s3 bucket then query it by aws athena for a data api. Everything works, just feels a bit slow.
No matter the dataset nor the query I can't get below 2 second in athena response time. Which is a lot for an API. I checked the best practices but seems that those are also above 2 sec.
So my question:
Is 2 sec the minimal response time for athena?
If so then I have to switch to postgres.
Athena is indeed not a low latency data store. You will very rarely see response times below one second, and often they will be considerably longer. In the general case Athena is not suitable as a backend for an API, but of course that depends on what kind of an API it is. If it's some kind of analytics service, perhaps users don't expect sub second response times? I have built APIs that use Athena that work really well, but those were services where response times in seconds were expected (and even considered fast), and I got help from the Athena team to tune our account to our workload.
To understand why Athena is "slow", we can dissect what happens when you submit a query to Athena:
Your code starts a query by using the StartQueryExecution API call
The Athena service receives the query, and puts it on a queue. If you're unlucky your query will sit in the queue for a while
When there is available capacity the Athena service takes your query from the queue and makes a query plan
The query plan requires loading table metadata from the Glue catalog, including the list of partitions, for all tables included in the query
Athena also lists all the locations on S3 it got from the tables and partitions to produce a full list of files that will be processed
The plan is then executed in parallel, and depending on its complexity, in multiple steps
The results of the parallel executions are combined and a result is serialized as CSV and written to S3
Meanwhile your code checks if the query has completed using the GetQueryExecution API call, until it gets a response that says that the execution has succeeded, failed, or been cancelled
If the execution succeeded your code uses the GetQueryResults API call to retrieve the first page of results
To respond to that API call, Athena reads the result CSV from S3, deserializes it, and serializes it as JSON for the API response
If there are more than 1000 rows the last steps will be repeated
A Presto expert could probably give more detail about steps 4-6, even though they are probably a bit modified in Athena's version of Presto. The details aren't very important for this discussion though.
If you run a query over a lot of data, tens of gigabytes or more, the total execution time will be dominated by step 6. If the result is also big, 7 will be a factor.
If your data set is small, and/or involves thousands of files on S3, then 4-5 will instead dominate.
Here are some reasons why Athena queries can never be fast, even if they wouldn't touch S3 (for example SELECT NOW()):
There will at least be three API calls before you get the response, a StartQueryExecution, a GetQueryExecution, and a GetQueryResults, just their round trip time (RTT) would add up to more than 100ms.
You will most likely have to call GetQueryExecution multiple times, and the delay between calls will puts a bound on how quickly you can discover that the query has succeeded, e.g. if you call it every 100ms you will on average add half of 100ms + RTT to the total time because on average you'll miss the actual completion time by this much.
Athena will writes the results to S3 before it marks the execution as succeeded, and since it produces a single CSV file this is not done in parallel. A big response takes time to write.
The GetQueryResults must read the CSV from S3, parse it and serialize it as JSON. Subsequent pages must skip ahead in the CSV, and may be even slower.
Athena is a multi tenant service, all customers are competing for resources, and your queries will get queued when there aren't enough resources available.
If you want to know what affects the performance of your queries you can use the ListQueryExecutions API call to list recent query execution IDs (I think you can go back 90 days at the most), and then use GetQueryExecution to get query statistics (see the documentation for QueryExecution.Statistics for what each property means). With this information you can figure out if your slow queries are because of queueing, execution, or the overhead of making the API calls (if it's not the first two, it's likely the last).
There are some things you can do to cut some of the delays, but these tips are unlikely to get you down to sub second latencies:
If you query a lot of data use file formats that are optimized for that kind of thing, Parquet is almost always the answer – and also make sure your file sizes are optimal, around 100 MB.
Avoid lots of files, and avoid deep hierarchies. Ideally have just one or a few files per partition, and don't organize files in "subdirectories" (S3 prefixes with slashes) except for those corresponding to partitions.
Avoid running queries at the top of the hour, this is when everyone else's scheduled jobs run, there's significant contention for resources the first minutes of every hour.
Skip GetQueryExecution, download the CSV from S3 directly. The GetQueryExecution call is convenient if you want to know the data types of the columns, but if you already know, or don't care, reading the data directly can save you some precious tens of milliseconds. If you need the column data types you can get the ….csv.metadata file that is written alongside the result CSV, it's undocumented Protobuf data, see here and here for more information.
Ask the Athena service team to tune your account. This might not be something you can get without higher tiers of support, I don't really know the politics of this and you need to start by talking to your account manager.

Cannot get data (100k+ rows) for a dashboard

Pretty new to the dynamoDb and the whole AWS, it's very exciting but I feel the learning curve is a bit steep. Anyway, here is my situation and my problem.
We have a mobile react native app which stores into a dynamoDb table one row each time the users are doing a search. (the database is a search history with a UUID and then the search criteria). On average we have a few thousands new searches into the table every day. The table has just a primary key which is the search id.
The app is quite new but we are reaching the few hundred thousand rows in the table already and can expect having a million in the following months. The data is plain simple data with unique id and string and numbers in the other attributes. No connection, no relationship, etc... That's already when I felt maybe DynamoDb may not have been the best choice but still, I read everywhere it can be suitable for anything if properly managed.
Next to this there is a webapp dashboard which -thanks to a rest api using nodejs lambdas- queries the dynamoDB to make statistics about the searches: how many searches per day, list of last searches... the problem is DynamoDb is not really suitable to query hundred thousands of data (the 1mb limit, query limitations, credits...).
When I do a scan I get only 3000 searches. I tried to make a loop on the scan using the last index requested but after a few test I did not get data and I blocked the maximum throughput. It seems really clear that I don't have the right approach to bring all these searches to my web app. So now what would be the right approach? My ideas are the following but I am open to more experienced one:
Switching to a SQL database (using the aws migration ?). Will it really be easier then?
creating lambdas to execute scheduled jobs every night to make statistics every day so that I don't have to query the full database all the time but just some of the most recent searches and the statistics rows? Is it doable? any node.js / lambdas tutorial you may know regarding this?
better management of indexes? I am still very lost regarding those.
Looking forward to your opinions.
Add another layer to take care for full text search.
For example, with Elasticsearch, or Algolia or other similars.
Elasticsearch may be cost you a lot if compare the cost on dynamodb

AWS Athena - Query over large external table generated from Glue crawler?

I have a large set of history log files on aws s3 that sum billions of lines,
I used a glue crawler with a grok deserializer to generate an external table on Athena, but querying it has proven to be unfeasible.
My queries have timed out and I am trying to find another way of handling this data.
From what I understand, through Athena, external tables are not actual database tables, but rather, representations of the data in the files, and queries are run over the files themselves, not the database tables.
How can I turn this large dataset into a query friendly structure?
Edit 1: For clarification, I am not interested in reshaping the hereon log files, those are taken care of. Rather, I want a way to work with the current file base I have on s3. I need to query these old logs and at its current state it's impossible.
I am looking for a way to either convert these files into an optimal format or to take advantage of the current external table to make my queries.
Right now, by default of the crawler, the external tables are only partitined by day and instance, my grok pattern explodes the formatted logs into a couple more columns that I would love to repartition on, if possible, which I believe would make my queries easier to run.
Your where condition should be on partitions (at-least one condition). By sending support ticket, you may increase athena timeout. Alternatively, you may use Redshift Spectrum
But you may seriously thing to optimize query. Athena query timeout is 30min. It means your query ran for 30mins before timed out.
By default athena times out after 30 minutes. This timeout period can be increased but raising a support ticket with AWS team. However, you should first optimize your data and query as 30 minutes is good time for executing most of the queries.
Here are few tips to optimize the data that will give major boost to athena performance:
Use columnar formats like orc/parquet with compression to store your data.
Partition your data. In your case you can partition your logs based on year -> month -> day.
Create larger and lesser number of files per partition instead of small and more number of files.
The following AWS article gives detailed information for performance tuning in amazon athena
Top 10 performance tuning tips for amazon-athena

Amzon Web Services (AWS) - Aggregating DynamoDB Data

We have a DynamoDB Database that is storing machine sensor information in the "structure" of :
HashKey: MachineNumber (Number)
SortKey: EntryDate (String)
Columns: SensorType (String), SensorValue (Number)
The sensors generate information almost every 3 seconds and we're looking to measure a (near) real-time KPI to count how many machines in a region were down in the past hour for more than 10 minutes. A region can have close to 10000 machines so iterating through DynamoDB is taking almost 10+ minutes for a response. What is the best way to do this?
Describing the answer as discussed in comments on the question.
Performing a table scan on a very large table is expensive and should be avoided. DynamoDB Streams provides the ability to process records using your own custom code after they are inserted. This allows for aggregations or other computations to be performed asynchronously in near real time. The result can then be written or updated in a separate DynamoDB table.
You can run the code that processes the DynamoDB Stream messages on your own server (example: EC2), but it is likely easier to just utilize Lambda. Lambda lets you write Java or NodeJS code that will be run on AWS infrastructure that is fully managed so all you need to worry about is the code.

How can i limit records to be synched to some limit using Microsoft sync framework

This is regarding Microsoft sync framework where we are syncing Ipad data with Sql server database.
It is working fine.
But here, I want to limit my records to be synched to only 20 records at a time. Right now, all the records are getting synched.
I there a out-of box feature by sync framework which will enable us to do so.
If not, how can I write a custom code to achieve this.
you should be able to set batching. but it's in terms of size, not number of rows. you can simply get your row size and multiply by the number of rows you have in mind.
lookup SetDownloadBatchSize and SetBatchSpoolDirectory in the documentation.
e.g. config.SetDownloadBatchSize = some value in Kb