Could we make spring-lemon available in maven public repository? - spring-lemon

I'm trying to deploy a spring-lemon app from github.
But the way the documentation advised to obtain and install the jar, isn't working.
While I keep on trying to sort this out, I wonder if it's possible to make spring-lemon available in maven public repo ?
That would be the perfect way to solve the problem.

I fully agree, and would like to see it in the central maven repository in fact. But, it needs some preparation to get approved. Sometime back I had tried it with some other project, but couldn't get approved.
So, it's low in my priority list now. Could you please create a ticket in GitHub, and it would be great if someone volunteers to take up this before I can.
Update 2021-08-21: 1.0.0.RC6 onward available on maven central


Adding modules/themes to a platform after it has been built

New user here...
Installed D8+Civi by building a composer based git repo for the platform then stamping out a few test sites.
It worked really well.
But now I am at the point of realizing I missed a few modules and I want to add some themes to apply to the sites.
I can easily to it in the git which was used to define the platform. But what is the proper way to manage the central platform data and files that are then used for the x number of sites.
I know the docs try to discuss this be a tutorial walk-through would be very helpful.
As a guess, I could make the central platform files a git clone and pull down clones for the new stuff. But if there was a need for an database updates that wouldn't get done.
It's not clear what you mean by "central platform data".
If you mean assets that are relevant for the entire platform, that can apply to all of the sites, you would do the following:
Add anything new to Git and push it.
Create a new platform to match the latest code in Git.
Ran a Migrate task on the old platform to migrate the sites to the new one.
Database schema updates happen automatically.
The sites will now be running on the new codebase.
If you're talking about site-specific assets that you don't want to be included in the platform's code, then you can enable Git for sites with the Aegir Hosting Git module.
It allows you to deploy site-specific Git repositories.
However, I don't recommend using that module for platforms, just sites, because it allows you to git pull on Production sites, which is a terrible idea. For that, see Aegir Deploy.
Both of these modules ship with Aegir so you won't need to install them. Some of the Hosting Git features may need to be enabled, however.

Selecting a git workflow for my situation

I'm new to git. I've read the well-written intro book. But gee, it's still not a trivial topic. I've been bumbling around, experiencing various problems. I realized it might be because I'm unaware of workflow, and specifically, "what are the best practices for doing what I'm trying to do?"
I started out developing a django project on my win7 with Pycharm. Great way to get the initial 95% written.
But then I need to deploy it to my production machine at PythonAnywhere.
So I created a private Github repository, pushed my win7 codebase to github.
Then in pythonAnywhere, I cloned the github repository.
For now, no others work on this project. It will not be released to the public.
Now that the server is running on PythonAnywhere, I still need to tweak settings, which is best done on the PythonAnywhere codebase side. But there are other improvements (new pages, or views) that I'd rather do inside Pycharm IDE on my win7 than in vim on python anywhere.
So I've been kind of clumsily pushing and fetching these changes. It's been kind of ham-handed, and I've managed to lose some minor changes through ignorance.
So I'm wondering if anyone can point to a relatively simple workflow that would handle the various tasks I mentioned:
1) improving functionality of the site (best done in Pycharm IDE)
2) production server issues and tweaks (best done on PythonAnywhere)
3) keeping everythign safely backed-up on Github
The other issue is that I have another django app that I want to build. It's easiest to temporarily hang it off the django project I've already built. But I'd prefer to keep it in its own repository.
So I have Original_Project, Original_App stored in Original_Repository
I want to make new_app, and have it, for the time being, run in Original_Project, but I want to version control it in New_Repository.
I think/hope that I could put a .gitignore in the Original_Repository, saying ignore the new_app/ Then I git init new_app/ as its own repository. Is that sound or mad?
You should avoid editing your code on the production server as much as possible, and never commit from the production server. If you end up having to tweaks things on the server (you shouldn't but well, shit happens and sometimes it's indeed easier to first get the code back to work on the server), then once it's working manually report your edits to your local repo, clear up the changes on the server and deploy the fixed code again. Here the github repo should be considered as the "master" repository for deployments, ie you work on your local repo, push to github, and on the server pull from github. This make sure you keep the github repo in sync.
wrt/ the "improving functionality" (aka "features") vs "server issues and tweaks" (aka "hotfixes"), git flow is a (mostly) sane workflow IMHO but that's a bit opinion-based here (some dislike it and have sensible arguments too).
Finally if you want to factor out one of your apps, the best is to have it in it's own (github) repo with all the proper python packaging stuff and make it a requirement of your main project. On your local dev environment you install it as an editable package, and for the production setup you install it as normal package pinned to the last stable version. Note that in both cases I assume you're using virtualenvs (and if you dont, well that's the very first issue you should address).
What are the downsides of of editing directly on the production server and committing from the production server?
Well quite simply a production server is not the place for coding - "production" means that you have users trying to do something with your website and they don't want to have the site breaking on them, their data lost or whatever because you are "tweaking" things. You should only deploy stable, well tested code on production, and the one and only one case where editing anything on the server might be a last resort option is when it's already broken and you want to get it back online asap whatever it takes (case of "first make it work, then make it clean").
Point is, I'm a professional developer working on projects that are business criticals and a broken site is not an option, so I'm very strict on this - but even if it's a hobby project, your users deserve some respect (at least if you expect to see them back).
A proper production chain actually involves at least three environments: your local dev environment, a staging server (which should closely mirror the production server - system, system package versions, configurations etc etc) to test out / showcase / eventually do minor config tweak, and the production server which should only ever see stable tested code.
I have always struggled with git, knowing it well enough to get thigs working, but never being sure I am doing thing well.
I would suggest installing git flow (it is probably available in your package manager if you are on Linux). Its a set of extensions that simplify a standard git worklfow. Since using it, this has pretty much been all the documentation I have needed.

How to clone a Django project without breaking it?

I built a (relatively simple) Django project following a tutorial (the recently released Hello Web App book.) I committed my changes along each step of the way, and I have my working solution in a github repo. However, when I clone the code into a new work space such as onto a new machine or into a new slot on a cloud IDE, the app doesn't work. I get a few errors and with each I resolve, another pops up. Basically, my environment is totally messed up and incompatible with the app beyond having Python and Django both installed.
I realize that I can read through the error messages I get when I invoke runserver, solve each one by one, etc. but it seems there should be a cleaner/simpler way to be able to pull down my repo to a fresh workspace and have it up and running in just a minute or two. I've read recommendations about using virtualenv, but it also seems like people discourage including venv inside your repo because of the extraneous commits and added bulk that will result from it so I don't think that actually solves my problem of trying to reduce new workspace configuration effort.
Perhaps I am overly optimistic, but I'm hoping someone can give me a recommendation to avoid the need to workout these kinks each time I start fresh.

Is there any open source framework that can provide a update service?

I provide a web service, but sometimes I need to update my web service. When i update the source code, i need to stop the service, then install the new service package.
Here is the problem:
1 I really don't want to stop the service when updating
2 I just need to update some specific features. But now I have to update the whole package. This makes the updating process long and heavy.
I think EJB would be a solution. But i need more advice.
Any advice is appreciated
You may want to think on lines of dynamic class loading tools. One of the tools i am aware is JRebel. You might want to have a look at it.
Other opensource alternative is springloaded. But its still naive and under constant development.

How do you configure proprietary dependencies for Leiningen?

We're working on a project that has some Clojure-Java interop. At this point we have a single class that has a variety of dependencies which we put into a user library in Eclipse for development, but of course that doesn't help when using Leiningen (2.x). Most of our dependencies are proprietary, so they aren't on a repository somewhere.
What is the easiest/right way to do this?
I've seen leiningen - how to add dependencies for local jars?, but it appears to be out of date?
Update: So I made a local maven repository for my jar following these instructions and the lein deployment docs on github, and edited my project.clj file like this:
:dependencies [[...]
[usc "0.1.0"]]
:repositories {"usc" "file://maven_repository"}
Where maven_repository is under the project directory (hence not using file:///). When I ran "lein deps"--I got this message:
Retrieving usc/usc/0.1.0/usc-0.1.0.pom from usc
Could not transfer artifact usc:usc:pom:0.1.0 from/to usc (file://maven_repository): no supported algorithms found
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues.
Could not resolve dependencies
What is meant by "no supported algorithms found" and how do I fix it?
Update2: Found the last bit of the answer here.
add them as a dependency to your leiningen project. You can make up the names and versions.
then run lein deps and the error message when it fails to find it will give you the exact command to run so you can install the jar to your local repo then sould you decide to use a shared repo you can use this same process to put your dependencies there.
#Arthur's answer is good but I figured I'd flesh it out a bit more since it leaves some details lacking.
Always keep in mind Repeatability. If you don't make it so that anyone who needs access to the artifacts can get access to the artifacts in a standard way, you're asking for support hell.
The documentation on deployment is a good place to go to find out everything you need to know about deploying your artifacts. Since you're in a polyglot environment you probably can't have lein take care of deploying all your artifacts but at least you can get your clojure specific jars up into S3 or even a file share if you like. The rest of your artifacts will have to use Maven or Ant directly to upload the artifacts to the Maven repo on the file server or S3. At my current company we are using technomancy's excellent s3 wagon private to great effect for hosting our closed source artifacts and clojars for hosting anything that we can open-source.
What #Arthur is referring to is doing a lein install. All that does is install a copy of the current project into your local .m2 directory so that other projects on your box can reference them. Unless you have configured your install of maven to use a shared directory for your .m2 folder (maybe not a bad idea in your environment?), this will mean that anyone else who checks out your project will not be able to build it. If you wanted to go this route, you need to set the localRepository node in your $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml to be the shared location that the rest of your team has access to. See the docs for more information.
YMMV but I've found it best to use Maven rather than Leiningen when you are working with Polyglot Clojure / Java projects.
It's mainly because the Java based tools (Eclipse etc.) understand Maven projects but don't really understand Leiningen projects. It's getting slowly better with the excellent Counterclockwise Clojure plugin, but the integration still isn't quite good enough yet for an efficient IDE based workflow.
On the repository side of things, I'd suggest setting up a private shared Maven repository. You're going to need it sooner or later if you plan to manage a complex set of dependencies within your team: might as well bite the bullet and get it done now.