c++ function return NULL string reference - c++

I have a function has a return type of std::string& and how do I return a NULL string& if no condition matches in the function?
std::string& SomeClass::getSomething()
else if(){...}
// return a NULL

C++ references cannot be null.
If you are returning a reference to an object whose lifetime is not tied to the scope of the function call, like a data member, you can safely return a raw pointer (I would recommend a pointer to const).
std::string const* foo::bar() const {
if (condition) {
return &some_data_member;
} else {
return nullptr;
If not, the best solution is to use a wrapper type like boost::optional (or std::optional in C++17). This not only allows you to return an optional object by value (which may be more performant), but is also self-documenting.
std::optional<std::string> foo::bar() const {
if (condition) {
return "hello, world";
} else {
return std::nullopt;
Alternatively, you could return a pointer, which can be null. However, returning a raw pointer raises the question of who is responsible for deleting the dynamically allocated string. In this case, returning a std::unique_ptr would be the best option, as ownership is explicitly passed to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<std::string> foo::bar() const {
if (condition) {
return std::make_unique<std::string>("hello, world");
} else {
return nullptr;
Or even simpler, you could return an empty string, if this is possible in your case. And honestly, this is my preferred approach (KISS).
std::string foo::bar() const {
if (condition) {
return "hello, world";
} else {
return "";

Anyway you wouldn't return NULL but nullptr.
Also, you should be carefull with returning references from a function and make sure the reference referes to a valid, living object. returning reference to local object is wrong.
you can't return nullptr since nullptr is a pointer and string& is a reference - different types.
your options are:
throw an exception
use something like Optional classes (boost::optional, etc.)
personally, if I know there is a strong possibility the function may fail, I would pass the result to a reference type argument and return bool to indicate success of failure
bool SomeClass::getSomething(std::string& result)
if(){result = "success 1"; return true; }
else if(){result = "success 2"; return true; }
return false.

Returning the empty string '' might make sense here.
From your code fragment I'd be wondering if you are peeking under the covers of the class to make a decision that the class itself should be making. See the Martin Fowler's article about "Tell, don't Ask" which also refers to the original article on this by The Pragmatic Programmers.

As stated in comments by juanchopanza, you can't.
If you need to test for NULL you could re-think your approach using a smart pointer. For instance a std::shared_ptr<std::string>:
std::shared_ptr<std::string> SomeClass::getSomething()
std::shared_ptr<std::string> stringPtr;
stringPtr = std::make_shared<std::string>("Whatever string goes here");
else if(){
stringPtr = std::make_shared<std::string>("The other string...");
return stringPtr;
Then you could just test the std::shared_ptrwith its implicit conversion to bool:
auto strReturnedPtr = someClassObj.getSomething();
if (strReturnedPtr)
// Do stuff


How to handle a function that is not guaranteed to return anything?

I have a class that stores & manages a vector containing a number of objects.
I'm finding myself writing a number of functions similar to the following:
Object* ObjectManager::getObject(std::string name){
for(auto it = object_store.begin(); it != object_store.end(); ++it){
return &(*it)
return nullptr;
I think I would rather return by reference, as here the caller would have to remember to check for null! Is there a way I can change my design to better handle this?
Your alternatives are outlined below
Change your API to the following
object_manager.execute_if_has_object("something", [](auto& object) {
This API is much easier to use, conveys intent perfectly and removes the thought process of error handling, return types, etc from the user's mind
Throw an exception.
Object& ObjectManager::getObject(const std::string& name){
for(auto& object : object_store){
return object;
// throw an exception
throw std::runtime_error{"Object not found"};
Return a bool, pass the Object by reference and get a copy
bool ObjectManager::getObject(const std::string& name, Object& object_out){
for(auto& object : object_store){
if(object.isCalled(name)) {
object_out = object;
return true;
return false;
Let the user do the finding
auto iter = std::find(object_store.begin(), object_store.end(), [&name](auto& element) {
return element.isCalled(name);
if (iter != object_store.end()) { ... }
Pass that string by const reference. When C++17 is available change that const reference to a std::string_view
Use range based for loops in this situation, they are a more readable alternative for what you are doing
Look at the design of STL (e.g. find function), it is not at all bad to return the iterator your just searched for, and return .end() otherwise.
auto ObjectManager::getObject(std::string name){
for(auto it = object_store.begin(); it != object_store.end(); ++it){
return it;
return object_store.end();
More: Of course object_store.end() may be inaccessible from outside the class but that is not an excuse, because you can do this (note the more slick code also)
auto ObjectManager::getObject(std::string name){
auto it = object_store.begin();
while(not it->isCalled(name)) ++it;
return it;
auto ObjectManager::nullObject(){return object_store.end();}
Less code is better code. You can use it like this:
auto result = *om.getObject("pizza"); // search, not check (if you know what you are doing)
auto it = om.getObject("pizza");
if(it != om.nullObject() ){ ... do something with *it... }
auto it = om.getObject("pizza");
if(it != om.nullObject() ){ ... do something with *it... }
else throw java_like_ridiculous_error("I can't find the object, the universe will collapse and it will jump to another plane of existence");
Of course at this point it is better to call the functions findOject and noposObject and also question why not using directly std::find on the object_store container.
I think you are already handling the return value properly and your current solution is optimal.
The fact is you can not avoid checking for something in order to discover if your find operation succeeded. If you throw an exception then your try{}catch{} is your check. Also an exception should not be used when not finding an item is a legitimate result. If you return a bool and use an out parameter you have made the situation more complicated to do the same job. Same with returning an iterator. A std::optional returns values.
So IMO you can't improve upon returning a pointer you can just make the same job more complicated.
Solution alternative to exceptions or optional is to implement a "Null object" - which can be used as a regular object, but will "do nothing". Depends on the case, sometimes it can be used as is and does not require to be checked (explicitly) - especially in cases where ignoring the "not found" situation is acceptable.
(the null object can be a static global, so it is also possible to return a reference to it)
Even if a check is needed, an isNull() method can be implemented, which returns true for the null object and false for a valid object (or there can be isValid() method, etc.).
class Object {
virtual void doSomething();
class NullObject: public Object {
virtual void doSomething() {
// doing nothing - ignoring the null object
class ObjectManager {
Object& getObject(const std::string& name);
static NullObject s_nullObject;
Object& ObjectManager::getObject(const std::string& name){
for(auto it = object_store.begin(); it != object_store.end(); ++it){
return *it;
return s_nullObject;
ObjectManager mgr;
Object& obj = mgr.getObject(name);
obj.doSomething(); // does nothing if the object is NullObject
// (without having to check!)

proper way to return a large object or indicate that it is not found

What is the idiomatic C++ way of doing this?
I have a method which looks like this:
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
return largeObjects[id];
This is wrong, because if you call this with a non-existent id it will create a new instance of large object and put it into the container. I don't want that. I don't want to throw an exception either. I want the return value to signal that object wasn't found (as it is a more or less normal situation).
So my options are either a pointer or an optional. Pointer I understand and like, but it feels like C++ doesn't want to me use pointers any more.
So on to optionals. I will return an optional and then the caller looks like this:
std::optional<LargeObject> oresult = lookupLargeObject(42);
LargeObject result;
if (oresult) {
result = *oresult;
} else {
// deal with it
Is this correct? It feels kind of crappy because it seems that I'm creating 2 copies of the LargeObject here? Once when returning the optional and once when extracting it from optional into result. Gotta be a better way?
Since you don't want to return a pointer, but also don't want to throw an exception, and you presumably want reference semantics, the easiest thing to do is to return a std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<LargeObject>>.
The code would look like this:
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<LargeObject>> lookupLargeObject(int id) {
auto iter = largeObjects.find(id);
if (iter == largeObjects.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return std::ref(iter->second);
With C++17 you can even declare the iter variable inside the if-condition.
Calling the lookup function and using the reference then looks like this (here with variable declaration inside if-condition):
if (auto const lookup_result = lookupLargeObject(42); lookup_result) {
auto& large_object = lookup_result.value().get();
// do something with large_obj
} else {
// deal with it
There are two approaches that do not require use of pointers - using a sentinel object, and receiving a reference, instead of returning it.
The first approach relies on designating a special instance of LargeObject an "invalid" one - say, by making a member function called isValid, and returning false for that object. lookupLargeObject would return that object to indicate that the real object was not found:
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
if (largeObjects.find(id) == largeObjects.end()) {
static LargeObject notFound(false);
return notFound;
return largeObjects[id];
The second approach passes a reference, rather than receiving it back:
bool lookupLargeObject(int id, LargeObject& res) {
if (largeObjects.find(id) == largeObjects.end()) {
return false;
res = largeObjects[id];
return true;
If default constructed LargeObject is unwanted from lookupLargeObject, regardless of whether it is expensive or it does not make semantic sense, you can use the std:map::at member function.
LargeObject& lookupLargeObject(int id) {
return largeObjects.at(id);
If you are willing to live with use of if-else blocks of code in the calling function, I would change the return type of the function to LargeObject*.
LargeObject* lookupLargeObject(int id) {
auto it = largeObjects.find(id);
if ( it == largeObjects.end() )
return nullptr;
return &(it->second);
Then, client code can be:
LargeObject* result = lookupLargeObject(42);
if (result) {
// Use result
} else {
// deal with it

Return a unique_ptr by reference

So I've solved this problem, but I need your opinion if what I did is best practice.
A simple class holds a vector of unique_ptrs to order objects. I will explain the member variable null_unique below.
class order_collection {
typedef std::unique_ptr<order> ord_ptr;
typedef std::vector<ord_ptr> ord_ptr_vec;
ord_ptr_vec orders;
ord_ptr null_unique;
const ord_ptr & find_order(std::string);
So I need the users of this class to get access to the order unique_ptr if found. However I'm not going to move the object out of the vector so I'm returning the unique_ptr as const ref. My implementation of the find_order method:
const order_collection::ord_ptr & order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return null_unique; // can't return nullptr here
return *it;
Since I'm returning by reference I can't return a nullptr. If I try to do so, I get warning : returning reference to a temporary. And if nothing is found the program crashes. So I added a unique_ptr<order> member variable called null_unique and I return it when find doesn't find an order. This solves the problem and warning is gone and doesn't crash when no order is found.
However I'm doubting my solution as it make my class ugly. Is this the best practice for handling this situation?
You should only return and accept smart pointers when you care about their ownership semantics. If you only care about what they're pointing to, you should instead return a reference or a raw pointer.
Since you're returning a dummy null_unique, it is clear that the caller of the method doesn't care about the ownership semantics. You can also have a null state: you should therefore return a raw pointer:
order* order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return nullptr;
return it->get();
It doesn't really make sense to return a unique_ptr here, reference or otherwise. A unique_ptr implies ownership over the object, and those aren't really the semantics being conveyed by this code.
As suggested in the comments, simply returning a raw pointer is fine here, provided that your Project Design explicitly prohibits you or anyone on your team from calling delete or delete[] outside the context of the destructor of a Resource-owning object.
Alternatively, if you either have access to Boost or C++17, a std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<order>> might be the ideal solution.
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<order>> order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return {}; //empty optional object
return **it; //will implicitly convert to the correct object type.
void func() {
auto opt = collection.find_order("blah blah blah");
if(!opt) return;
order & ord = opt->get();
/*Do whatever*/
(EDIT: In testing on the most recent version of MSVC 2017, it looks like std::reference_wrapper<T> will happily do an implicit conversion to T& if you tell it to. So replacing opt->get() with *opt should work exactly the same.)
As long as I'm here, I might point out that a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<type>> object has a very "Code Smell" sense to it. std::vector<type> implies ownership of the object as is, so unless you have a good reason to prefer this (maybe the objects are large, unmovable/uncopyable, and you need to insert and remove entries frequently? Maybe this is a polymorphic type?), you're probably better off reducing this to a simple std::vector.
The boost version is subtly different, because boost::optional has no restrictions against "optional references", which are specifically forbidden by the C++ Standard Library's version of std::optional. The boost version is actually going to be slightly simpler:
//return type changes, nothing else changes
boost::optional<order&> order_collection::find_order(std::string id) {
auto it = std::find_if(orders.begin(),orders.end(),
[&](const order_collection::ord_ptr & sptr) {
return sptr->getId() == id;
if (it == orders.end())
return {}; //empty optional object
return **it; //will implicitly convert to the correct object type.
//Instead of calling opt->get(), we use *opt instead.
void func() {
auto opt = collection.find_order("blah blah blah");
if(!opt) return;
order & ord = *opt;
/*Do whatever*/

How to return an object reference from a function in C++ and how to call the function from the client side?

I am implementing a member function called CurrentUser. It will take a username as parameter and return the User instance object which matches the given username. Below is the code
User& UserDB::currentUser(string username){
// userlists is a instance member which is list of user objects
for(list<User>::iterator i = userlists.begin(); i != userlists.end(); ++i)
return *i;
return null;
Not sure if it is the correct way to do so. Correct me if it is wrong. Thanks!
hey guys thanks for your advice, i figure out a way to do so by returning a User pointer. Here is the code.
User* UserDB::currentUser(string username){
for(list<User>::iterator i = userlists.begin(); i != userlists.end(); ++i)
return i;
return null;
there are a couple of ways to do this cleanly.
You can of course return a pointer, but that will be surprising to people as it is more normal to return a reference or an object. pointers present object consumers with a number of problems, e.g.:
what should I conclude if it's null?
should I delete it?
and so on.
Returning a reference to something or a something removes these ambiguities.
Having said that, references cannot be empty, so the function must return something. If it does not find the item it's looking for, it must indicate that to the caller. One way is an exception (i.e. it was logically incorrect to ask for that item). However, if the item not being there is a normal occurrence, then you don't want to force your consumers to handle exceptions - that's bad form too.
So the answer is to return an object that encapsulates an optional reference.
A good example of this is boost::optional<User&> but if you don't want to include boost it's fairly simple to roll your own:
struct optional_user
using element_type = User;
using reference_type = element_type&;
optional_user() : _p(nullptr) {}
optional_user(reference_type r)
: _p(std::addressof(r))
bool valid() const { return bool(_p); }
// compares to true if the user is present, false otherwise
operator bool() const { return valid(); }
reference_type value() const {
return *_p;
// can be used anywhere a User& is required
operator reference_type () const {
return value();
element_type* _p = nullptr;
now your function becomes:
optional_user UserDB::currentUser(string username)
typedef list<User>::iterator Iter;
for(Iter i = userlists.begin(); i != userlists.end(); ++i)
return optional_user(*i);
// return an indicator that the user is not present
return optional_user();
and your call site becomes:
optional_user = users.currentUser("bob");
if (optional_user) {
do_something_with(optional_user /* .value() */);
If you want to specifically return a reference, the item you are referring to must have a lifetime after execution leaves the function.
There are several alternatives:
static local variable in function
using dynamic memory
variable declared outside function
Pass by non-const reference
Here is an example of #1:
const std::string& Get_Model_Name(void)
static const std::string model_name = "Accord";
return model_name;
Other alternatives are to return a variable by value (copy). This doesn't use references. A copy is returned.
For example:
std::string Get_Manufacturer_Name(void)
return std::string("Honda");
You may also consider passing by parameter and modifying the parameter:
void Get_Lunch_Special_Name(std::string& entree_name)
entree_name = std::string("Beef Wellington");

Returning a "NULL reference" in C++?

In dynamically typed languages like JavaScript or PHP, I often do functions such as:
function getSomething(name) {
if (content_[name]) return content_[name];
return null; // doesn't exist
I return an object if it exists or null if not.
What would be the equivalent in C++ using references? Is there any recommended pattern in general? I saw some frameworks having an isNull() method for this purpose:
SomeResource SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
SomeResource output; // Create a "null" resource
return output;
Then the caller would check the resource that way:
SomeResource r = obj.getSomething("something");
if (!r.isNull()) {
// OK
} else {
However, having to implement this kind of magic method for each class seems heavy. Also it doesn't seem obvious when the internal state of the object should be set from "null" to "not null".
Is there any alternative to this pattern? I already know it can be done using pointers, but I am wondering how/if it can be done with references. Or should I give up on returning "null" objects in C++ and use some C++-specific pattern? Any suggestion on the proper way to do that would be appreciated.
You cannot do this during references, as they should never be NULL. There are basically three options, one using a pointer, the others using value semantics.
With a pointer (note: this requires that the resource doesn't get destructed while the caller has a pointer to it; also make sure the caller knows it doesn't need to delete the object):
SomeResource* SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return &(*it);
return NULL;
Using std::pair with a bool to indicate if the item is valid or not (note: requires that SomeResource has an appropriate default constructor and is not expensive to construct):
std::pair<SomeResource, bool> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return std::make_pair(*it, true);
return std::make_pair(SomeResource(), false);
Using boost::optional:
boost::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
std::map<std::string, SomeResource>::iterator it = content_.find(name);
if (it != content_.end())
return *it;
return boost::optional<SomeResource>();
If you want value semantics and have the ability to use Boost, I'd recommend option three. The primary advantage of boost::optional over std::pair is that an unitialized boost::optional value doesn't construct the type its encapsulating. This means it works for types that have no default constructor and saves time/memory for types with a non-trivial default constructor.
I also modified your example so you're not searching the map twice (by reusing the iterator).
Why "besides using pointers"? Using pointers is the way you do it in C++. Unless you define some "optional" type which has something like the isNull() function you mentioned. (or use an existing one, like boost::optional)
References are designed, and guaranteed, to never be null. Asking "so how do I make them null" is nonsensical. You use pointers when you need a "nullable reference".
One nice and relatively non-intrusive approach, which avoids the problem if implementing special methods for all types, is that used with boost.optional. It is essentially a template wrapper which allows you to check whether the value held is "valid" or not.
BTW I think this is well explained in the docs, but beware of boost::optional of bool, this is a construction which is hard to interpret.
Edit: The question asks about "NULL reference", but the code snippet has a function that returns by value. If that function indeed returned a reference:
const someResource& getSomething(const std::string& name) const ; // and possibly non-const version
then the function would only make sense if the someResource being referred to had a lifetime at least as long as that of the object returning the reference (otherwise you woul dhave a dangling reference). In this case, it seems perfectly fine to return a pointer:
const someResource* getSomething(const std::string& name) const; // and possibly non-const version
but you have to make it absolutely clear that the caller does not take ownership of the pointer and should not attempt to delete it.
I can think of a few ways to handle this:
As others suggested, use boost::optional
Make the object have a state that indicates it is not valid (Yuk!)
Use pointer instead of reference
Have a special instance of the class that is the null object
Throw an exception to indicate failure (not always applicable)
unlike Java and C# in C++ reference object can't be null.
so I would advice 2 methods I use in this case.
1 - instead of reference use a type which have a null such as std::shared_ptr
2 - get the reference as a out-parameter and return Boolean for success.
bool SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name, SomeResource& outParam) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end())
outParam = content_[name];
return true;
return false;
This code below demonstrates how to return "invalid" references; it is just a different way of using pointers (the conventional method).
Not recommended that you use this in code that will be used by others, since the expectation is that functions that return references always return valid references.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)nullptr
//#define Nothing(Type) *(Type*)0
struct A { int i; };
struct B
A a[5];
B() { for (int i=0;i<5;i++) a[i].i=i+1; }
A& GetA(int n)
if ((n>=0)&&(n<5)) return a[n];
else return Nothing(A);
int main()
B b;
for (int i=3;i<7;i++)
A &ra=b.GetA(i);
if (!&ra) std::cout << i << ": ra=nothing\n";
else std::cout << i << ": ra=" << ra.i << "\n";
return 0;
The macro Nothing(Type) returns a value, in this case that represented by nullptr - you can as well use 0, to which the reference's address is set. This address can now be checked as-if you have been using pointers.
From C++17 on, you can use the native std::optional (here) in the following way:
std::optional<SomeResource> SomeClass::getSomething(std::string name) {
if (content_.find(name) != content_.end()) return content_[name];
return std::nullopt;
Here are a couple of ideas:
Alternative 1:
class Nullable
bool m_bIsNull;
Nullable(bool bIsNull) : m_bIsNull(bIsNull) {}
void setNull(bool bIsNull) { m_bIsNull = bIsNull; }
bool isNull();
class SomeResource : public Nullable
SomeResource() : Nullable(true) {}
SomeResource(...) : Nullable(false) { ... }
Alternative 2:
template<class T>
struct Nullable<T>
Nullable(const T& value_) : value(value_), isNull(false) {}
Nullable() : isNull(true) {}
T value;
bool isNull;
Yet another option - one that I have used from time to time for when you don't really want a "null" object returned but instead an "empty/invalid" object will do:
// List of things
std::vector<some_struct> list_of_things;
// An emtpy / invalid instance of some_struct
some_struct empty_struct{"invalid"};
const some_struct &get_thing(int index)
// If the index is valid then return the ref to the item index'ed
if (index <= list_of_things.size())
return list_of_things[index];
// Index is out of range, return a reference to the invalid/empty instance
return empty_struct; // doesn't exist
Its quite simple and (depending on what you are doing with it at the other end) can avoid the need to do null pointer checks on the other side. For example if you are generating some lists of thing, e.g:
for (const auto &sub_item : get_thing(2).sub_list())
// If the returned item from get_thing is the empty one then the sub list will
// be empty - no need to bother with nullptr checks etc... (in this case)