How do we import stompjs in a browser? Or something like stompjs? - stompjs

I am trying to follow this Spring tutorial on how to use websockets. I am using webpack to bundle my code and babel to convert it from ES6. I am trying to pull in sockjs with a normal import statement.
import SockJS from 'sockjs'
But when webpack runs, I get missing module errors,
ERROR in ./~/stompjs/lib/stomp-node.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'net' in /Users/name/Developer/cubs-stack-4/cubs-webapp/node_modules/stompjs/lib
# ./~/stompjs/lib/stomp-node.js 14:8-22
ERROR in ./~/websocket/package.json
Module parse failed: /Users/name/Developer/cubs-stack-4/cubs-webapp/node_modules/websocket/package.json Line 2: Unexpected token :
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
| "_args": [
| [
| "websocket#latest",
# ./~/websocket/lib/version.js 1:17-43
mainly because it is expecting to be run on Node.
I have 2 questions.
First, how do I get stompjs into my browser side code using an import/require statement?
Second, how come in the tutorial, they can drop stompjs in the HEAD and it doesn't blow up in the browser, but it does when I run the "same" code through webpack?

It seems that stompjs library referenced in Spring's documentation is no longer developed, but there is fork that is maintained and with instructions on how to add it to your project available here:
Here are the steps that I used to resolve this issue and to get things working in a React app with websockets on Spring backend:
# Add sockjs and stompjs dependencies
npm install sockjs-client --save
npm install #stomp/stompjs --save
Then import it into your app:
import SockJS from "sockjs-client"
import Stomp from "#stomp/stompjs"
You should now be able to use the frontend code from the Spring's documentation successfully.

installing 'net' dependency solved my issue
npm i sockjs-client --save
npm i stompjs --save
npm i net
and import like this
import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
import * as Stomp from 'stompjs';

You have to import "sockjs-client": "^1.0.3" in your package.json.
Then you can import it with
import SockJS from 'sockjs-client'
My webpack.config.js contains the library 'sockjs-client'.
Additionally I added the following conf, in order to ignore missing net module.
node: {
net: 'empty',
tls: 'empty',
dns: 'empty'

In ionic 6 Angular 12
npm i --save sockjs-client stompjs net
npm i --save-dev #types/sockjs-client #types.stompjs
Import using
import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
import * as Stomp from 'stompjs';
To solve the issue with 'global' I had to add the following to index.html
<script type="application/javascript"> var global = window; </script>

To use stompjs in browser, just open file your_path/node_modules/stompjs/index.js, comment it like this:
var Stomp = require('./lib/stomp.js');
// var StompNode = require('./lib/stomp-node.js');
module.exports = Stomp.Stomp;
// module.exports.overTCP = StompNode.overTCP;
// module.exports.overWS = StompNode.overWS;


Ember addon: Could not find module from within component

In a new ember 3.28 addon project:
npm install chart.js --save
ember g component-class chart
Insert <Chart /> into application.hbs on dummy app and in addons/component/chart.js, add this
import Chart from 'chart.js/auto';
Running app gives:
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `chart.js/auto` imported from `chartjs-test/components/chart`
Yet if the import Chart goes into the application.js route in the dummy app instead, it works. How can you import this module correctly from within an addon component?
Update: Same issue with other installed packages eg. import chroma from "chroma";
Turns out you need to add the same import statement into app/component/chart.js:
The above isn't the proper way and causes issues when using the addon elsewhere. The real solution is to move ember-auto-import to dependencies from devDependencies in package.json of the addon

Ember : Could not find module `#ember-intl/intl-relativeformat` imported from `ember-intl/services/intl`

I added the module ember-intl in my app since the ember-i18n is deprecated.
so yarn works well, updates package.json and yarn.lock (i got rid of the package.lock),
but i get this error on the browser's console after a successful ember build:
Error: Could not find module #ember-intl/intl-relativeformat
imported from ember-intl/services/intl
But in my node_modules the folders #ember-intl/intl-relativeformat and ember-intl both exist.
in the yarn.lock i have this line:
more info:
Ember : 3.5.1
Ember Data : 3.5.0
jQuery : 3.3.1
Ember Remodal : 2.18.0
I solved this problem by adding ember-auto-import to my project. It comes pre-installed in new Ember projects, but needs to be added manually to older ones.
Just run ember install ember-auto-import and that's it.
I just installed it to see if a blank slate would show me that error.
It did not. : /
I just had a few beers... but I just want to make sure you imported the service.
the docs show:
// app/routes/application.js
export default Route.extend({
intl: service(),
beforeModel() {
return this.intl.setLocale(['fr-fr', 'en-us']); /* array optional */
but like most docs - assume you know the larger ecosystem. It's a tiny possibility that you might not have imported the module above import Service from '#ember/service'; etc.?
if not that... then track down the mentioned 'ember-intl/services/intl' and see if you can figure out why the '#ember-intl/intl-relativeformat' import isn't jiving. Maybe check the repo and the version - and ask there on GitHub?
Good luck!

Flask-mongoengine: Unable to import MongoEngine From flask-mongoengine

I must be missing something but I look around and couldn't find reference to this issue.
I have the very basic code, as seen in flask-mongoengine documentation.
from flask import Flask
from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine
When I run
from flask_mongoengine import MongoEngine
ImportError: cannot import name 'MongoEngine'
Module in virtual environment contain (requirements.txt):
My interpreter is Python 3.6.5
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Since your using a virtual environment did you try opening your editor from your virtual environment?
For example opening the vscode editor from command-line is "code". Go to your virtual environment via the terminal and activate then type "code" at your prompt.
terminal:~path/to/virtual-enviroment$ source bin/activate
(virtual-enviroment)terminal:~path/to/virtual-enviroment$ code
If that doesn't work I, myself, haven't used flask-mongoengine. I was nervous of any issues that would come from the abstraction of it and instead just used Mongoengine with Flask.
I'm assuming you're only using this library for connection management so if you can't solve your issue with flask-mongoengine but are still interested in using mongoengine this was my approach. ~
I would put this in a config file somewhere and import it where appropriate-
from flask import Flask
MONGODB_HOST = '' # or whatever your db address
MONGODB_PORT = 27017 # or whatever your port
app = Flask(__name__) # you can import app from config and it will keep its configurations
then I would connect and disconnect from the database within each HTTP request function like this-
# to connect
db = connect(MONGODB_DB, host=MONGODB_HOST, port=MONGODB_PORT)
# to close connection before any returns
Hope this helps.
I had this issue and managed to fix it by deactivating, reinstalling flask-mongoengine and reactivating the venv (all in the Terminal):
pip install flask-mongoengine
# Not required but good to check it was properly installed
pip freeze
flask run

Error with Stripe calls on Google App Engine even after upgrading to latest

I receive runtime errors like this when making Stripe calls such as stripe.Customer.create(email = email)
APIError: Stripe no longer supports API requests made with TLS 1.0.
Please initiate HTTPS connections with TLS 1.2 or later.
You can learn more about this at
This error shows up only on the local development server, but not on production. I have of course upgraded my stripe library like this:
pip install -t lib --upgrade stripe==1.19.1
To eliminate the possibility of this being an issue with pip upgrade, I have also tried removing the old lib/stripe directory and it's dependencies, followed by a fresh install. But that does not make a difference.
Does your have this in it yet?
import os
from google.appengine.ext import vendor
from google.appengine.ext.appstats import recording
appstats_CALC_RPC_COSTS = True
# Add any libraries installed in the "lib" folder.
def webapp_add_wsgi_middleware(app):
app = recording.appstats_wsgi_middleware(app)
return app
# if on localhost
if os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Development'):
import imp
import os.path
import inspect
from import sandbox
sandbox._WHITE_LIST_C_MODULES += ['_ssl', '_socket']
# Use the system socket.
real_os_src_path = os.path.realpath(inspect.getsourcefile(os))
psocket = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(real_os_src_path), '')
imp.load_source('socket', psocket)
# Doing this on dev_appserver/localhost seems to cause outbound https requests to fail
from lib import requests
from lib.requests_toolbelt.adapters import appengine as requests_toolbelt_appengine
# Use the App Engine Requests adapter. This makes sure that Requests uses
# URLFetch.
I copied my whole file because I'm not sure which parts you already have, but the key part is that final if-else. I went through a whole mess of trouble getting TLS 1.2 working on prod, which primarily came down to specifying version 2.7.11 for App Engine's special ssl library & requests_toolbelt_appengine.monkeypatch().
Like you this broke ssl on localhost for me, so now I only do requests_toolbelt_appengine.monkeypatch() on prod, and on localhost I do that 'white-listing the native sockets library' trick you've probably seen. Part of this comes down what combination of versions of things you're using. Hopefully this helps.
Notable items from my app.yaml:
theme: 'default'
- name: jinja2
version: "2.6"
- name: webapp2
version: "2.5.2"
- name: markupsafe
version: "0.15"
- name: ssl
version: "2.7.11" # TLS 1.2
- name: pycrypto
version: "2.6"
- name: lxml
version: latest
Also I'm using python-requests 2.18.2
In my ~/.bash_profile, google cloud sdk was added to my path:
export PATH="/Users/alex/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/:$PATH".
If I go to that folder, I can follow the imports for from import sandbox all the way through. (screenshot included below)

Ember CLI - Firebase is not defined after installing with npm

After taking the following steps in the command line to install Ember CLI, Firebase, and EmberFire with node, I am getting an error saying that Firebase is not defined in app/adapter/application.js
npm install -g ember-cli
npm install -g bower
npm install -g phantomjs
ember new my-new-app
cd my-new-app
ember server
At this point I can see my ember app with the default output of “Welcome to Ember.js” at localhost:4200
npm install firebase
npm install —save ember-fire
ember generate adapter application
Then in app/adapter/application.js, removed “export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({});” and pasted "export default DS.FirebaseAdapter.extend({
firebase: new Firebase('')
});” with my own firebase URL
ember server
Then I get an error in terminal:
Serving on
lionworxs/adapters/application.js: line 4, col 17, 'Firebase' is not defined.
1 error
===== 1 JSHint Error
Path or pattern "vendor/firebase/firebase.js" did not match any files
Error: Path or pattern "vendor/firebase/firebase.js" did not match any files
I have tried creating the firebase.js file in the directory specified above, but it leads to an entirely new string of errors so I thought that I missed a step in my installation. Do I need to manually include Firebase somewhere in my application even after "installing" it via command line?
Bower install Firebase and EmberFire.
bower install firebase --save
bower install emberfire --save
Be sure you've required the necessary script calls for Firebase and EmberFire in your index.html file:
<!-- Firebase -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- EmberFire -->
<script src=""></script>
In your adapter, try using window.Firebase:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.FirebaseAdapter.extend({
firebase: new window.Firebase('')
Your question is similar to this one - Adding firebase & emberfire dependencies to an ember.js app (ember-cli) ...
And you might find the final comment there helpful -
I had the same issue as user2817513. Copying this response from another thread because it was the only thing that worked for me:
Posted by tikotzky:
If anyone is still looking for this, I just created an ember-cli addon that include both firebase and emberfire into the app.
All you need to do is run npm install --save-dev ember-cli-emberfire from within your app and you should be good to go.
You can see the code here