What's wrong with this GStreamer pipeline? - gstreamer

I'm sure I've had this pipeline working on an earlier Ubuntu system I had set up (formatted for readability):
! videoflip method=counterclockwise
! fpsdisplaysink'
Yet, when I try to use it within my program, I get:
Missing element: H.264 (Main Profile) decoder
WARNING: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0:
No decoder available for type 'video/x-h264,
stream-format=(string)avc, alignment=(string)au,
level=(string)3.1, profile=(string)main, width=(int)1280,
height=(int)720, framerate=(fraction)0/1, parsed=(boolean)true'.
Additional debug info:
gsturidecodebin.c(938): unknown_type_cb ():
Now I'm pretty certain I have an H264 decoder installed and indeed the gstreamer plugins autogen.sh/configure correctly recognised the fact. Installed packages are h264enc, libx264-142, libx264-dev and x264.
It does exactly the same thing if I use the more "acceptable" autovideosink in place of fpsdisplaysink, or if I try to play the RTSP stream with gst-play-1.0. However, it works if I use the test pattern source videotestsrc.
What am I doing wrong?

It looks like gstreamer cannot find a suitable plugin for decoding H264. Either you do not have an H264 decoder element installed, or gstreamer is looking in the wrong path for your elements.
First, try running gst-inspect-1.0. This should output a long list of all the elements gstreamer has detected.
If this doesn't return any elements, you probably need to set the GST_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to point to the directory where your plugins are installed. Running Gstreamer - This link should help.
If it DOES return many elements, run gst-inspect-1.0 avdec_h264 to verify that you have the H264 decoder element.


Unable to use the lossless preset of the nvh265enc gstreamer plugin

I'm working with gstreamer 1.18 (built with gst-build). I'm trying to use the lossless preset of the nvh265enc plugin. With the following pipeline, I can successfully use all presets except the lossless ones (lossless (6) and lossless-hp (7)):
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! nvh265enc preset=6 ! h265parse ! nvh265dec ! glimagesink
Whenever I set preset to 6 or 7, I get the following error.
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
Got context from element 'sink': gst.gl.GLDisplay=context, gst.gl.GLDisplay=(GstGLDisplay)"\(GstGLDisplayX11\)\ gldisplayx11-0";
Got context from element 'nvh265dec0': gst.cuda.context=context, gst.cuda.context=(GstCudaContext)"\(GstCudaContext\)\ cudacontext0", cuda-device-id=(int)0;
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvH265Enc:nvh265enc0: Could not configure supporting library.
Additional debug info:
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/nvcodec/gstnvbaseenc.c(1712): gst_nv_base_enc_set_format (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvH265Enc:nvh265enc0:
Failed to init encoder: 8
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvH265Enc:nvh265enc0: Could not configure supporting library.
Additional debug info:
../subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/sys/nvcodec/gstnvbaseenc.c(1712): gst_nv_base_enc_set_format (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstNvH265Enc:nvh265enc0:
Failed to init encoder: 8
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Freeing pipeline ...
What's more puzzling is that the lossless preset works with the samples from the Nvidia Video Codec SDK 9.
Did I miss any additional configuration?
EDIT : finally I found that adding qp-const=0 or rc-mode=1 to nvh265enc worked.
Well, first of all, there is no difference between lossless and lossless-hp.
See https://superuser.com/questions/1528215/what-is-the-difference-between-nvenc-hevc-lossless-and-losslesshp-presets
Second of all, Gstreamer is not the application that Nvidia natively supports. FFmpeg, on the other hand, is. For example B-frames as reference mode with its two submodes (middle and each) is not supported too in GS. See: https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/387613-Nvidia-h-265-hevc-lossless#post2509093
ffmpeg -vsync 0 -r 60 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i "in.mp4" -c:v hevc_nvenc -preset lossless "out.mp4"
P.S. Gstreamer supports lossless with rc-mode=1 or qp-const=0.

GStreamer preview RTMP using xvimage

I want to preview RTMP using gstreamer xvimagesink. i can see the output if i use autovideosink like this:
gst-launch-1.0 -v rtmpsrc location='rtmp://' ! decodebin3 ! autovideosink
but if i replace "autovideosink" with "xvimagesink" i get this:
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstXvImageSink:xvimagesink0: Could not initialise Xv output
Additional debug info:
xvimagesink.c(1773): gst_xv_image_sink_open (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstXvImageSink:xvimagesink0:
Could not open display (null)
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
Freeing pipeline ...
Both decodebin3 and autovideosink are auto-plugging GStreamer elements. It means that both elements are auto-selecting available and the most appropriate GStreamer plugins to demux/decode (decodebin3) and render video (autovideosink) from, in this case, live RTMP stream.
So it is very possible that, for example,
decodebin3 decodes video in format that xvimagesink cannot show on your platform/hardware and/or with your Gstreamer version,
xvimagesink is not set properly on your platform and it is not related with available display/monitor.
To find out more details about
video format decoded by decodebin3
video sink element "chosen" by autovideosink,
you can set higher (more detailed) debug level of GStreamer with, for example, export GST_DEBUG=3, rerun pipeline and inspect output.

Stream Icecast using Gstreamer

I'm designing a program to stream an icecast server (radio.clarkson.edu). Ultimately it will be written in Python3, but for now I'm using gst-launch to test the pipeline. I've been working on Debian Jessie and using gstreamer-1.0. Using a file on Wikimedia, I was able to play pretty easily using:
gst-launch-1.0 -v souphttpsrc location =$url ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink
Running the same commands with my stream, I get the output:
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstTypeFindElement:typefind.GstPad:src: caps = text/uri-list
Missing element: text/uri-list decoder
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.
Additional debug info:
gstdecodebin2.c(3977): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0:
no suitable plugins found
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstTypeFindElement:typefind.GstPad:src: caps = "NULL"
Freeing pipeline ...
I have tried too many other pipelines to put on one post, but I can answer any other questions.
Thank you
By now you probably have solved that problem, but still here's an idea: text/uri-list indicates that you didn't hand an actual stream to gstreamer, but rather a (textual) playlist that contains stream addresses. I guess gstreamer can't handle those, hence you need to parse them beforehand and then hand an actual audio stream address to it.

Gstreamer Missing plugins

I am trying to run certain pipelines on the Command prompt for playing a video and I am often getting these errors/messages/warnings :
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "qtdemux"
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "playbin2"
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "decodebin2"
ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element "playbin".
Following are the pipelines :
gst-launch filesrc location=path to the mp4 file ! playbin2 ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! autovideosink
gst-launch -v filesrc location=path to the mp4 file ! qtdemux name=demuxer ! { queue ! decodebin ! sdlvideosink } { demuxer. ! queue ! decodebin ! alsasink }
gst-launch -v playbin uri=path to the mp4 file
gst-launch -v playbin2 uri=path to the mp4 file
I wanted to know, if I am I missing the plugins to execute this.
How do I know which plugin is responsible for which or found where?
What is the benefit of implementing the pipeline via c code.Are the missing plugins still required.
Is it good to install the missing plugins form the Synaptic manager or form the Gstreamer site(base,good,bad,ugly)
When we do gst-inspect we get output like this:
postproc: postproc_hdeblock: LibPostProc hdeblock filter
libvisual: libvisual_oinksie: libvisual oinksie plugin plugin v.0.1
flump3dec: flump3dec: Fluendo MP3 Decoder (liboil build)
vorbis: vorbistag: VorbisTag
vorbis: vorbisparse: VorbisParse
vorbis: vorbisdec: Vorbis audio decoder
vorbis: vorbisenc: Vorbis audio encoder
coreindexers: fileindex: A index that stores entries in file
coreindexers: memindex: A index that stores entries in memory
amrnb: amrnbenc: AMR-NB audio encoder
amrnb: amrnbdec: AMR-NB audio decoder
audioresample: audioresample: Audio resampler
flv: flvmux: FLV muxer
flv: flvdemux: FLV Demuxer
What does the x : y ( x and y mean ) ?
It looks like gstreamer at your ends was not installed correctly. playbin2, decodebin2 are basic and part of the base plugins
1 Yes you may be missing some plugins
2 Use gst-inspect command to check if it is available
3 From C code you can manage states, register callback, learn more
Yes missing plugins are still required
4 I guess gstreamer site would be better
5 Not sure about this one, would help if you arrange the result in a proper way
Most probably the GST_PLUGIN_PATH is incorrect. Please set the correct path to where the gstremer has been installed.

How do I use gstreamer to encode an ffv1 file?

I'd like to encode a video with gstreamer to an FFV1 (ffmpeg's lossless video format) file. However, I cannot work out what type of mux'ing to use. If I run this:
gst-launch videotestsrc ! ffenc_ffv1 ! filesink location="test.ffv1"
Then the thing runs OK, but the resulting file doesn't appear to be a valid video file. When creating theora videos, I've previously written "theora ! oggmux ! filesink" in the pipeline, and this works. However, oggmux doesn't work here. What type of transport stream should I be using here, and what is the correct gst-launch fudge to use?
This does not seem to be supported in the version I have installed. You can check it for your version by saving the output of gst-xmlinspect to a file and searching for video/x-ffv in this file. The elements where this mime type is mentioned are:
So it seems this is supported by the avi demuxer but not by any muxer.
PS: The mime type can be found with gst-inspect ffenc_ffv1.