TFS Build 2015 - Using Globally Referred Files in Every Build - build

So, we are in this process of migrating XAML Builds to vNext (2015) Builds on TFS, and we are trying to "do things as clean as possible", since we had many, many customizations on the XAML builds that could be avoided and actually gave us problems along the way.
One major issue we are facing is with paths and "global files". Let me explain:
There are some files that, for commodity reasons, we have on a single place and every SLN file on that Collection refers them. Those files are such ones as Code Analysis RuleSets, Signing Files (SNK), etc. So the change is made in one place only and it affects every build.
Well, in XAML Builds we have a Build that runs with CI that downloads (Gets) those files, and since we hammered-in the same exact pathing for TFS and Machine (with a environment variable for the beginning of the path), the path is the same on the Developers and Build machines. However, this creates dependencies between builds and workspace issues.
My question here is, is there a configuration that I am missing that allows referring to files in other branches other than the build one? Since I’m trying to keep the build machines as “disposable” as possible, it’s running with an Agent Config Out of the Box: No custom paths, no hardwiring.
I already tried referring the files directly with their source control path, for example. The only options I’m seeing are either creating a PowerShell/CMD Script that downloads those files right into the same folder as the SLN or keeping it “as it is” and use relative paths putting a “Build” Build Step before the actual Build Step so it downloads the files to the server.
Isn’t there an “Elegant” way of doing this? Or is our methodology wrong from the get go?

You can add a Copy Files step to copy the files that the build needs:


Visual Studio : compile list of modules on each platform and configuration

I am working on a huge C++ project, targeting many platforms with several configurations for each platform.
Because of the long compilation time, build the entire project on every platform to test if a change compile successfully, isn't an option.
What I usually do, is compile the single cpp modules I modified on different combination of platform/configuration.
I'd like to automate this process, either using a script, a VS extension, whatever, I am open to evaluate different options.
What I need exactly is taking a list of cpp files and compile each file, for each platform and each configuration (basically iterating through all combination of the configuration manager).
Is this possible? any good suggestion on how to approach the problem?
I am aware that this is way far to be a perfect solution, and will spot only a subset of errors.
I will still have to face linking errors, compiler errors on other cpp units depended on a modified header, and so on..
I also, don't have any chance to modify the current build system, or project generation.
I am mostly interested in a local solution, to reduce the amount of possible issues and facing the huge building time process.
We have a build system. This has to be considered a pre-build system optimization, for my personal workflow.
Triggering a build system job requires time. It will be the final step, but instead of spending hours waiting, and maybe discover later that a given compiler on a given platform for a specific configuration raise an error, it would be much more efficient to anticipate those findings as much as possible.
Current manual workflow:
Open each cpp file I modified
Compile each cpp file as a single unit (not building the project. On VS Build-> Compile)
Change Platform and/or configuration and re-do point 2 again.
This is the manual workflow I'd like to optimize.
I would suggest that you "simply" write a script to do this (using Python for instance, which is very powerful for this kind of this)
You could:
Parse the .sln file to extract the list of configurations, platforms ( GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) entry) and projects (Project entry)
If needed, you can parse every project to find the list of source files (that's easier than parsing the .sln, as vcxproj files are in xml). Look for ClCompile xml nodes to extract the list of .cpp files.
Then you can identify which projects needs some files to be recompiled (getting list of modified files as script input parameter or based on timestamp checking)
Finally, to rebuild, you have two options:
Call "msbuild " to recompile the whole project (vcxproj) (for instance msbuild project.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug;TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5)
You could also recompile a single file (cl simple.cpp). To do so, you need to know what are the cl build options to be sure you compile the file exactly the same way as Visual Studio would. If you earlier did a full build of the solution (it could be a rquirement for your script to work), then you should be able to find that from Visual Studio logs (within the target folder). In my solutions, I can find for every project (vcxproj file) a build log per configuration (in %OUTPUT_DIR%\lib\%libname%\%libname%.dir\%configuration%\%libname%.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog), this file reports the exact cl arguments that were used to compile every file of the project. Then you can manually invoke cl command and this should end up recompiling the file the same way Visual Studio would do it.
Additionnaly, you could add a project in your Visual Studio solution that would fire this script as a custom command.
Such a script should be able to identify which projects has to be rebuilt and rebuild them.
This is a very common requirement, it is never solved this way. What you are proposing is not completely impossible, but it is certainly very painful to implement. You are overlooking what should happen when you modify a .h file, that can force a bunch of .cpp files to be recompiled. And you are not considering linker errors. While you'll have a shot at discovering .cpp files, discovering #include file dependencies is very gritty. You can't get them from the project or make file. Compiling with /showIncludes and parsing the build trace files is what it takes. Nothing off-the-shelf afaik.
Don't do this, you'll regret it. Use the solution that everybody uses: you need a build server. Preferably with a continuous integration feature so the server kicks-off the build for all target platforms as soon as you check-in a code change. Many to choose from, this Q+A talks about it.

TortoiseSVN and Visual Studio Express 2010

I'm using TotoiseSVN client and Assembla backend in a VS 2010 express project. We have issues with VS folders (or filters) dropping and files sometimes not being added to the project. I notice when I commit the .vcxproj and .vcxproj.filters files are never checked by default even though they should be changing. So I manually check them and told others to as well when they commit.
This can lead to issues if team member A checks out, only changes some code, while team member B has the project checked out and added files to the project. If team member B then commits BEFORE team member A, team member A's project file doesn't have the new files team member B added so now his project overwrites team members B's project file he checked in and now the new added files aren't in the project.
How do we get around this besides having amazing coordination?
CMake is perfect for this.
In case you haven't come across CMake, it allows you to create your entire project's build files in a separate directory to your source files, outside of svn altogether.
A single CMakeLists.txt file in your repository's root would replace all your current .vcxproj and .filters files.
I suspect what may be happening here is that the developers aren't saving the project files when adding new files to them. VS2008 did this by default, but I think that in VS2010 they aren't saved until you explicitly do File -> Save All. As a result it means that the changes are not getting committed. Once your devs do get in the habit of saving the project files before committing then SVN will in 99% of the time handle all the merges for you. The remaining 1% of the time is when someone has done some more major restructuring of the project file or two people have made conflicting changes to the build settings. In these cases you'd have to resolve them by hand.
SVN will never overwrite one person's changes with another, it will always try to merge. So if you're running into this problem it suggests that one person is somehow rolling back someone else's changes, or they don't have the option in Visual Studio set to reload files when changed externally: Tools -> Options -> Documents -> Detect when file is changed outside the environment.
An effective way of dealing with this problem is to set up a simple build server, eg with Jenkins that kicks off a build periodically after there have been some checkins. If the build fails then the person who checked in gets a mail to tell them they broke the build. You can also have a monitor that shows the build status which makes broken builds more visible to the whole team and hopefully encourages everyone to keep the build fixed.

Allowing developer-specific settings in VS2008 Native C++ projects

Is it possible to combine the following properties, and if so, how?
Store in our version control system some Visual Studio 2008 native C++ (VCPROJ) project files for the developers in our team that use this IDE.
Allow some of those developers to tweak their projects (e.g. using debug version of third-party libraries instead of the usual ones).
Make sure these modifications are done in files that are not versioned.
In other words, I would like to allow developers to tweak some settings in their projects without risking that these changes are committed.
An 'optional VSPROP' file approach seems doomed to fail, as VS2008 refuses to load projects that refer to non-existent VSPROP files...
Any other suggestion? Is this possible with VS2010?
You may not be able to do this but using a solution that generates the vcproj like CMake for example would let you do this. Scripts all your project with CMake and literally conditionally include a config file(if present for example) that developers can change on their setup.
Branches could solve this problem: you create a branch, play with different versions of third-party, merge changes to trunk if results are good.
Well, as a preliminary solution you could put the project file into something like .hgignore or .gitignore after its initial commit.
This way changes to it can't be done accidentally.
At least that's how I handle .hgignore itself.
We use a versionned "common_configuration" folder, and a script which copies project files from this "common_configuration" folder towards the "project" folder.
We have another script to copy the configuration backwards, so the developpers need to make a conscious action to commit their local changes to the global version control system.
It answers partly your needs :
The upside : we have a way to keep a common configuration for everyone, and no accidental committing of local configuration
The downside : blindly copying the files actually crushes local changes. We live with it. We could write some more clever merger tool (using diff, or xml specific manipulations), but don't want to spend to much time on supporting the deployment tools.

Should I add .vcxproj.filter files to source control?

While evaluating Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2, I see that in the converted directory, my vcproj files became vcxproj files. There are also vcxproj.filter files alongside each project which appear to contain a description of the folder structure (\Source Files, \Header Files, etc.).
Do you think these filter files should be kept per-user, or should they be shared across the whole dev group and checked into SCC?
My current thinking is to check them in, but I wonder if there are any reasons not to do that, or perhaps good reasons why I should definitely check them in.
The obvious benefit is that the folder structures will match if I'm looking at someone else's machine, but maybe they'd like to reorganize things logically?
We intentionally pulled the .filter. file information out of the .vcproj when we translated to the .vcxproj MSBuild format.
One reason is exactly what you pointed out, that the filters are purely a logical view, and different team members may want different views.
The other is that sometimes the build is set up to check the timestamp of the project file, and trigger a rebuild if it has changed - because that may mean there are different source files to build, or different settings, etc. I don't recall if we actually shipped with the build trigging that way, but the idea was that we did not want to trigger a rebuild simply because the filters changed, as they don't affect the build.
Previous versions of Visual Studio (at least versions 6.0 and 2008) store that information in their own project file (.dsp and .vcproj files respectively), which of course is good to add to SCC.
I cannot think of any reason to not include this .filter files in SCC
I just found that if you use Git you can mark .filter files to be treated as a union for merging to make it simpler. Just add the line:
*.vcxproj.filters merge=union
to your .gitattributes file.
See Using .gitattributes to avoid merge conflicts for more details.
It should not be added in case you use CMake (or similar build tools) to generate files like *.sln, *.vcxproj, *.vcxproj.filters etc., because this files may contain full path to your Project Folder and other only your computer's specific folders.

Complex builds in Visual Studio

I have a few things that I cannot find a good way to perform in Visual Studio:
Pre-build step invokes a code generator that generates some source files which are later compiled. This can be solved to a limited extent by adding blank files to the project (which are later replaced with real generated files), but it does not work if I don't know names and/or the number of auto-generated source files. I can easily solve it in GNU make using $(wildcard generated/*.c). How can I do something similar with Visual Studio?
Can I prevent pre-build/post-build event running if the files do not need to be modified ("make" behaviour)? The current workaround is to write a wrapper script that will check timestamps for me, which works, but is a bit clunky.
What is a good way to locate external libraries and headers installed outside of VS? In *nix case, they would normally be installed in the system paths, or located with autoconf. I suppose I can specify paths with user-defined macros in project settings, but where is a good place to put these macros so they can be easily found and adjusted?
Just to be clear, I am aware that better Windows build systems exist (CMake, SCons), but they usually generate VS project files themselves, and I need to integrate this project into existing VS build system, so it is desirable that I have just plain VS project files, not generated ones.
If you need make behavior and are used to it, you can create visual studio makefile projects and include them in your project.
If you want less clunky, you can write visual studio macros and custom build events and tie them to specific build callbacks / hooks.
You can try something like workspacewhiz which will let you setup environment variables for your project, in a file format that can be checked in. Then users can alter them locally.
I've gone through this exact problem and I did get it working using Custom Build Rules.
But it was always a pain and worked poorly. I abandoned visual studio and went with a Makefile system using cygwin. Much better now.
cl.exe is the name of the VS compiler.
Update: I recently switched to using cmake, which comes with its own problems, and cmake can generate a visual studio solution. This seems to work well.
Specifically for #3, I use property pages to designate 3rd party library location settings (include paths, link paths, etc.). You can use User Macros from a parent or higher level property sheet to designate the starting point for the libraries themselves (if they are in a common root location), and then define individual sheets for each library using the base path macro. It's not automatic, but it is easy to maintain, and every developer can have a different root directory if necessary (it is in our environment).
One downside of this approach is that the include paths constructed this way are not included in the search paths for Visual Studio (unless you duplicate the definitions in the Projects and Directories settings for VS). I spoke to some MS people at PDC08 about getting this fixed for VS2010, and improving the interface in general, but no solid promises from them.
(1). I don't know a simple answer to this, but there are workarounds:
1a. If content of generated files does not clash (i.e. there is no common static identifiers etc.), you can add to the project a single file, such as AllGeneratedFiles.c, and modify your generator to append a #include "generated/file.c" to this file when it produces generated/file.c.
1b. Or you can create a separate makefile-based project for generated files and build them using nmake.
(2). Use a custom build rule instead of post-build event. You can add a custom build rule by right-clicking on the project name in the Solution Explorer and selecting Custom Build Rules.
(3). There is no standard way of doing this; it has to be defined on a per-project basis. One approach is to use environment variables to locate external dependencies. You can then use those environment variables in project properties. Add a readme.txt describing required tools and libraries and corresponding environment variables which the user has to set, and it should be easy enough for anyone to set up.
Depending on exactly what you are trying to do, you can sometimes have some luck with using a custom build step and setting your dependencies properly. It may be helpful to put all the generated code into its own project and then have your main project depend on it.