Use Bullet in my c++ project in Linux - c++

I want to use the Bullet library only for collision detection between two convex hulls. My problem is how to link the library in my project and specify that in the CMakeLists.txt.
I don't really understand how to install the Bullet library. I cloned the repo in a folder, created a build folder, compiled it with cmake and installed it. I tried to link the library to my project by adding in the CMakeLists.txt:
find_package( Bullet REQUIRED )
include_directories(${BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR} )
BulletDynamics BulletCollision
This works fine also when I add the headers in my projects. But when I use some function of the Bullet library, I get the following compilation error:
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libBulletDynamics.a(btTypedConstraint.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
I tried to google it in order to resolve the problem but I was not able to resolve it (My knowledge of CMake and this stuff is very basic).
Also I found somewhere that the library should be included in the project and then compiled, so my project structure is this one:
where test.cpp is a source file that uses a class defined in my_algorithm.h, but I have no idea how to link the Bullet library to the project now.
So my question is in summary: How do I have to link, and where to install, the Bullet library to use it in my c++ project?

You need to compile Bullet library with -fPIC, as linker's error message says.
Either configure this library with CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS set:
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on <source-dir>
The first way you will get shared libraries, which always have -fPIC flag enabled, the second way you will compile libraries statically, but with given flag explicitely set.


Android Studio Compiles With Gcc, how to change that to G++ ? (Using CMake)

i have a Android studio project which uses Native C++ code with JNI, however when i try to Build my project, it throws error: undefined reference to 'std::basic_ostream<char...
I am using ubuntu and i believe the problem is caused by IDE using gcc compiler and tries to compile it as C code. When i try to run simple hello world program by running gcc -o foo foo.cpp in terminal, it gives same error. When i change gcc to g++, everything works fine.
But how do i change the compiler in IDE? I'm kinda new to using CMake and i think i need to use cmake's enable_language function but even i add enable_language(CPP) line to my CMakeLists.txt, it gives same errors.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
file(GLOB srcs *.cpp *.c)
file(GLOB hdrs *.hpp *.h)
add_library( lib_opencv SHARED IMPORTED )
set_target_properties(lib_opencv PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${OpenCV_DIR}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/
native-lib.cpp )
log )
ps: My G++ and Gcc versions are 9.3.0, build-essentials are already installed.
Your CMakeLists.txt is a whole lot of mess. Lets go through some potential problems, one by one, and see if it starts working.
The solution is probably in point 7, but I already wrote it all so I am leaving it here. Let me know if my answer helped you.
1. Does Android Studio really use this CMakeLists.txt file for building?
There are two usual build systems for NDK - older ndk-build and newer CMake. Check your Gradle build file to see if this CMakeLists.txt is really used. Here is documentation about how it should work:
And of course, you can make a deliberate syntax error in your CMakeLists.txt file to see if the build systems starts complaining about it.
And note that CMake should not by invoked separately when building for Android. It should be invoked from inside the Gradle script that is used by Android Studio for building the whole project.
2. Do all source files that use C++ libraries have .cpp extension?
CMake determines what compiler to use (C or C++) based on the extension of the file. If it is a .c file, then C compiler is used. If it is a .cpp file, then C++ compiler is used.
Also note that Android NDK now uses Clang (from LLVM project) instead of GCC, so GCC version or custom GCC invocations might not be that relevant.
You can also make CMake verbose - to print all the build commands, to see which commands are exactly executed. Add set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON CACHE BOOL "ON") to your CMakeLists.txt file to make it verbose.
3. Is correct C++ library used?
Symbols you are missing (something from std::basic_ostream) are defined in C++ library (I think) that needs to be linked to your library. By default, libc++ should be linked and that is the right choice. But there is an option that can mess with that. So check your gradle build file for a ANDROID_STL variable and remove any assignments to that variable. The issue of C++ library in NDK is explained here:
4. Missing source files.
When you call add_library, you are only adding one source file - native-lib.cpp. So only this one file will be compiled in the library (apart from lib_opencv that is linked to it). The line file(GLOB srcs *.cpp *.c) assigns all cpp and c files to the ${srcs} variable but that variable is then left unused. You could change add_library to use that variable: add_library( native-lib SHARED ${srcs} ).
If you want to also include files from subdirectories, use GLOB_RECURSE instead of GLOB in your file(GLOB srcs *.cpp *.c) command.
The line file(GLOB hdrs *.hpp *.h) is completely useless as far as I can tell. I don't see how a list of all header files could be useful in a CMake script.
5. Use new target-based CMake configuration.
Older CMake used file-based configuration, now target-based configuration is encouraged. File-based commands are for example link_libraries and include_directories, their target-based alternatives are target_link_libraries and target_include_directories. You are mixing those two styles. Basically, when a command has its target_ variant, you always want to use it.
You need to first create your target using add_library( native-lib SHARED ${srcs} ), the targets name is native-lib. Then add all include directories and link all libraries to it using target-based commands.
Also the way you add lib_opencv is missing a find_package command. Use find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) and then target_link_libraries( native-lib PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBS} ) to link it.
The way you are adding logging library is OK, because the log-lib library is part of native API ( so it is more straightforward.
With CMake, you need to search internet or documentation to find out, which commands are needed to add each library to your target (unless you are compiling the library from sources). Tthough it is almost always some combination of find_package and target_link_libraries.
6. Missing project information.
I am not sure how important that is, but usually you start your main CMakeLists.txt with something like this:
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.4.1 )
project( my_special_project )
7. Don't manually include system directories.
Thinking about it, this is probably the problem. Toss out all of these lines:
Ndk uses its own toolchain, so never manualy add paths from your system toolchain to your NDK project.
I would discourage doing this also on any other project. It is not portable and things like that should be taken care of indirectly, by CMake itself.

How to link a library that was created from add_subdirectory in CMake?

I am trying to build a program using CMake that depends on a third party library. This third party library contains a CMakeLists.txt file so what I want to do is keep the source code of the third party library within my project directory, and build it using add_subdirectory(path/to/lib), and then link my target against the static library that the third party library generated.
my CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_version(VERSION 3.10)
# my-code:
# somelib CMakeLists.txt file has a project name: SOMELIB
# which lets me access the directory where the files are built
# on windows it builds to /Release, on mac and linux it just builds
# to the binary dir
add_executable(my_program my_main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_program "${SOMELIB_LIBS}/SOMELIB.lib" "${SOMELIB_LIBS}/SOMELIBmain.lib")
I then make a build directory and from that directory I do:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" ..
cmake --build .
The build command fails with a "LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'extern/somelib/Release/SOMELIBmain.lib' ..."
My workaround for now has been to comment out the part that says "#my-code", build the somelib dependency first which generates the static libraries, and then uncomment out my-code and build again which then works correctly.
How can I tell CMake to build the subdirectory first, and then link against the static libraries that it generated?
Short answer: tell CMake that there is dependency between its targets.
target_link_libraries(my_program PRIVATE SOMELIB SOMELIBmain)
CMake will evaluate SOMELIBs locations for you and link my_program against SOMELIB and SOMELIBmain[1]. Works for both Debug and Release configurations and also for Linux.
You shouldn't have to worry where CMake places build files[2] and this is what so called "modern CMake" is trying to achieve. I will leave here just brief description but check link on the bottom of answer[3].
Anyway, the key concept is that whenever you create library/executable (target), you list its usage+build requirements and dependencies to other targets. You declare dependencies using target_link_libraries(<your_lib> KEYWORD <dependencies>). Such line will not only make <you_lib> link against listed dependencies, it will inherit their usage requirements (usually, public include directories) and order CMake to build dependent libraries before <your_lib>.
The beauty of it is that even if SOMELIB does not follow modern CMake ideas (does not declare build/usage requirements), you still should be able to do just with this single line.
[1] I assumed that CMake targets are named same as output library names, but it is not mandatory. For OP's case it turned out that static library targets are suffixed with -static, so he had to write SOMELIB-static SOMELIBmain-static
[2] Unfortunately, it is not so easy with shared libraries on Windows (DLLs)
[3] I'd start with this blog entry:

CMake links against wrong version of library

I have some CMake packages that depend on Protobuf v2.5, and one that depend on Protobuf v3.4. I have v2.5 installed system-wide in /usr, whereas v3.4 is only used in a single package. Therefore, I put the headers for v3.4 in a 3rdparty subdirectory inside the package where it is being used, and then I call include_directories(3rdparty) in my CMakeLists.txt so it can be found.
As for the shared libraries, the .so files for v2.5 are present in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, and I installed the .so files for v3.4 to /usr/lib. In short, this is what the directory structure looks like:
headers: /usr/include
libraries: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
headers: <MY_PACKAGE_SRC_DIRECTORY>/3rdparty
libraries: /usr/lib
Now, the problem arises when I try to link against v3.4. To simplify things, I don't use any CMake module files to find protobuf v3.4, rather I just add a hard-coded path /usr/lib/ to the list of libraries to link against when creating a target. But even so, when I run ldd my_target_executable, the result is: => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
meaning that it is linking against the libraries for v2.5 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, even though I added a hard-coded path to the correct .so file in /usr/lib in the call to target_link_libraries when building this executable.
What is worth noting is that if I remove the .so files in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, then it does link against the correct .so file in /usr/lib, so it appears that for some reason, CMake searches in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu before using the library path that I provide it. How can I change this behavior, or fix this problem in any other way?
The library file for v3.4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is a link to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ which in turn is a link to the actual file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Now, if I change the hard-coded path that I give in target_link_libraries from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to either the second symlink /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, or to the actual file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, then my executable correctly links againt v3.4. It appears that the name of the provided symlink has some effect on CMake's behavior.
This isn't cmake specifically but also how things work on Linux with gcc and shared libraries.
When you specify target_link_libraries( target /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ this sets up linking as -lprotobuf. In this case it should just use any version of the library it finds first.
target_link_libraries( target /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ adjusts the cmake generated link line to use a specific library version. This seems to tell gcc to link against that version which will change what happens at run-time and library searches.
There are some cases where CMake may ask the linker to search for the library (e.g. /usr/lib/ becomes -lfoo), such as when a shared library is detected to have no SONAME field. See policy CMP0060 for discussion of another case.

How do I properly link my libraries in my project using CMake?

I'm currently learning CMake and I'm trying to create my first test project. I'm able to get a simple project up and running in visual studio via CMake. However, I'm having trouble trying to add a library. I've read some guides and things but I keep getting errors. Basically, I'm trying to link SDL libraries (a game programming library) in my sample project. I've placed these libraries in a top level, 'ThirdParty' folder. Here is what my CmakeLists.txt file looks like in my top level directory:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)
#Find necessary header files
find_path(SDL_INCLUDE_DIR SDL.h HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/include/)
#Find necessary library files
find_library(SDL_LIB_DIR SDL2 HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/lib/x86)
find_library(SDLMAIN_LIB_DIR SDLmain HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ThirdParty/SDL2/lib/x86)
#Add/Link files to project
target_link_libraries(Test PUBLIC ${SDL_LIB_DIR})
target_link_libraries(Test PUBLIC ${SDLMAIN_LIB_DIR})
add_executable(Test "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/Main.cpp")
I'm not 100 percent sure of the HINTS parameter, but I saw it used on another thread. Anyway, here's the error I keep getting:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
linked by target "Test" in directory C:/Users/Jason/Desktop/Test
What am I doing wrong and how do I properly link libraries in CMake?
In cmake, you first create the executable, and then you link it to a library
You have to understand how finding libraries and packages works in CMake. Typically the way it works is that you use find_library or find_package, and then cmake will set some variables that you can use to link to/use the library.
I'm not familiar with SDL, but by googling a little bit about it, I would say this is how it should look like:
find_library(SDL2_LIBRARY NAME SDL2)
add_executable(MyExec main.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyExec ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(MyExec ${SDL2_LIBRARY})
That find_library will set the variables SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR and SDL2_LIBRARY, which you can use to link to SDL and add its includes to your project.

CLion MinGW freeglut opengl library linking

I am trying to follow this guide to configure my freeglut and opengl .
I am used to the intellij enviroment via android studio so i would like to work in Clion.
I am stuck at the part....
Libraries: the OpenGL library "libopengl32.a", GLU library
"libglu32.a" and GLUT library "libfreeglut.a" are kept in
"\lib" directory. This directory is in the implicit
library-path. Nonetheless, we need to include these libraries in
linking. They shall be referred to as "opengl32", "glu32", "freeglut"
without the prefix "lib" and suffix ".a".
how do i add this in Clion ?
CLion uses cmake for building your projects. Follow below steps to add link libraries to your project.
Open the CMakeLists.txt file in your project and add,
target_link_libraries(<target executable> libopengl32.a libglu32.a libfreeglut.a)
to that file.
target executable is the executable which you want to link these libraries. Normally this is your project name as defined in add_executable.
Note: Cmake will show you an error if you place target_link_libraries before add_executable.