Ember-data peekRecord returns null [duplicate] - ember.js

A lot of the other posts on this topic are 2+ years old, so here goes a potentially simple question.
I am using Ember data relationships to have a 'bizinfo' record belong to a 'user' record. Seems simple, but I am having the worst time of it.
In app/models/bizinfo.js I have the line:
'ownedBy': DS.belongsTo('user')
And in my route, where I validate and then save the model, I have the following code:
user_id: Ember.computed(function(){
return `${this.get('session.data.authenticated.user_id')}`;
user: Ember.computed(function(){
return this.store.findRecord('user', this.get('user_id'));
return this.store.createRecord('bizinfo', {'ownedBy': this.get('user')});
at this point if I go into the Ember inspector to look at the 'bizinfo' data object, I see the following under the belongsTo tab:
ownedBy : <(subclass of Ember.ObjectProxy):ember1053>
Here is the code from my submit action:
submit() {
let model = this.currentModel;
console.log(`what does the model look like?`);
model.validate().then(({model, validations}) => {
if (validations.get('isValid')) {
showAlert: false,
isRegistered: true,
showCode: false
let success = (response) => {
console.log(`Server responded with ${response.toJSON()}`);
let failure = (response) => {
console.log(`Server responded with ${response}`);
model.save().then(success, failure);
} else {
this.set('showAlert', true);
this.set('didValidate', true);
}, (errors) => {
console.log(`errors from failed validation: ${errors}`);
So here is the result of the first console.log statement:
ComputedProperty {isDescriptor: true, _dependentKeys: undefined, _suspended: undefined, _meta: Object, _volatile: false…}
And when I look at the model.toJSON() log, I see
ownedBy: null
Can anyone see what's going wrong here? Is it the create record statement? I have tried a lot of different permutations (such as submitting just the id as the 'user' parameter.

findRecord will return a promise. A simple way to get around the issue is
return this.store.findRecord('user', this.get('user_id')) .
then(ownedBy => this.store.createRecord('bizinfo', {ownedBy});
This will wait for the findRecord to resolve, then return a new record with the resolved value as the ownedBy property.


Ionic2: Property 'present' does not exist on type 'NavController'

I am using Ionic 2 rc4. I am following the advise here and am trying to do the following:
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
this.nav.present(this.loading).then(() => {
However, to me it looks like the NavController does not have a present function, because I get:
[ts] Property 'present' does not exist on type 'NavController'.
Am I correct, or am I doing something wrong? How do they get to access this "phantom" function?
Any advise appreciated.
Here is my code that results in the following error (on this.loading.present().then(() => {):
"Cannot read property 'nativeElement' of null"
It presents loading the first time. but after the alert is presented if submit() is run again, it gets this error.
submit() {
this.loading.present().then(() => {
let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: 'Verify Email',
subTitle: 'Please verify your email address before you log in.',
message: 'Check your Spam folder if you cannot find the email.',
buttons: [
text: 'Resend',
handler: data => {
firebaseUser.sendEmailVerification().then((data) => {
this.doAlert('Verify Email', 'Verification Email Sent.').then((data) => {
text: 'Okay',
handler: data => {
Looking at this changelog for Beta 11
They have removed present function from Navcontroller.
You need to refactor your code and use some other function based on your requirement.
For the error, check the Loading controller docs.
Note that after the component is dismissed, it will not be usable
anymore and another one must be created. This can be avoided by
wrapping the creation and presentation of the component in a reusable
Just do :
this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
//loading properties
inside submit() before this.loading.present()

Using Ember.set to change a value, getting error that I have to use Ember.set

In my application, I have to update a record (eventToUpdate) with the data from another object (updatedEvent). To do this, I use the following code:
editEvent (updatedEvent, eventToUpdate) {
eventToUpdate.set('name', updatedEvent.name);
eventToUpdate.set('matching', updatedEvent.matching);
eventToUpdate.set('dcfEvent', updatedEvent.dcfEvent);
eventToUpdate.save().then(() => {
toastr.success('Event updated');
}).catch((error) => {
toastr.error('There occured an error while trying to update the event');
When I try to update the event, I get the following error:
Assertion Failed: You must use Ember.set() to set the `name` property (of [object Object]) to `DCF tests`."
I have also tried setting the values with Ember.set, like this:
Ember.set(eventToUpdate, 'name', updatedEvent.name);
But that gives the same result..
I use Ember.js 1.13
It seems that eventToUpdate is not an Ember Object and someone is watching this property. So use Ember.set to set values:
editEvent (updatedEvent, eventToUpdate) {
Ember.set(eventToUpdate, 'name', updatedEvent.name);
Ember.set(eventToUpdate, 'matching', updatedEvent.matching);
Ember.set(eventToUpdate, 'dcfEvent', updatedEvent.dcfEvent);
eventToUpdate.save().then(() => {
toastr.success('Event updated');
}).catch((error) => {
toastr.error('There occured an error while trying to update the event');
The problem lied in the structure of my data. I was trying to edit sub events, which are part of a root event. The problem was solved by first loading the single subevent from the backend and then editing that single subevent. It looks somewhat like this:
var event = this.store.findRecord('event', subevent.id);
event.set('name', updatedEvent.name);
event.set('matching', updatedEvent.matching);
event.save().then(() => {
toastr.success('element successfully updated');
}).catch((error) => {

Ember data dependent keys undefined

A lot of the other posts on this topic are 2+ years old, so here goes a potentially simple question.
I am using Ember data relationships to have a 'bizinfo' record belong to a 'user' record. Seems simple, but I am having the worst time of it.
In app/models/bizinfo.js I have the line:
'ownedBy': DS.belongsTo('user')
And in my route, where I validate and then save the model, I have the following code:
user_id: Ember.computed(function(){
return `${this.get('session.data.authenticated.user_id')}`;
user: Ember.computed(function(){
return this.store.findRecord('user', this.get('user_id'));
return this.store.createRecord('bizinfo', {'ownedBy': this.get('user')});
at this point if I go into the Ember inspector to look at the 'bizinfo' data object, I see the following under the belongsTo tab:
ownedBy : <(subclass of Ember.ObjectProxy):ember1053>
Here is the code from my submit action:
submit() {
let model = this.currentModel;
console.log(`what does the model look like?`);
model.validate().then(({model, validations}) => {
if (validations.get('isValid')) {
showAlert: false,
isRegistered: true,
showCode: false
let success = (response) => {
console.log(`Server responded with ${response.toJSON()}`);
let failure = (response) => {
console.log(`Server responded with ${response}`);
model.save().then(success, failure);
} else {
this.set('showAlert', true);
this.set('didValidate', true);
}, (errors) => {
console.log(`errors from failed validation: ${errors}`);
So here is the result of the first console.log statement:
ComputedProperty {isDescriptor: true, _dependentKeys: undefined, _suspended: undefined, _meta: Object, _volatile: false…}
And when I look at the model.toJSON() log, I see
ownedBy: null
Can anyone see what's going wrong here? Is it the create record statement? I have tried a lot of different permutations (such as submitting just the id as the 'user' parameter.
findRecord will return a promise. A simple way to get around the issue is
return this.store.findRecord('user', this.get('user_id')) .
then(ownedBy => this.store.createRecord('bizinfo', {ownedBy});
This will wait for the findRecord to resolve, then return a new record with the resolved value as the ownedBy property.

Ember Data 1.0.0: how to retrieve validation errors (422 response)

I am converting from Ember data 0.13 to 1.0.0 Beta 1. In 0.13, I was using the becameError and becameInvalid states to know whether there was a problem when saving a record.
In 1.0.0 there is no longer a transaction and you need to use the save promise to handle errors. See below:
save: function() {
this.get('model').save().then(function () {
alert("Record saved");
}, function () {
In the above, I want to make a distinction between validation errors and all the rest (just as it was before in 0.13 with becameError and becameInvalid).
Is there a way to access the error object and how to read the validation errors included in the json response ? Before this was via this.get('content.errors') ...
Hoep somebody can help
Three steps:
Return errors in a proper format. If it Rails application, then:
\# Rails controller, update function
format.json { render json: {errors: #post.errors.messages}, status: :unprocessable_entity }
Set errors in promise
// app.js
save: function() {
self = this;
this.get('model').save().then(function () {
alert("Record saved");
}, function (response) {
self.set('errors', response.responseJSON.errors);
Display errors in a handlebar template
<\!-- index.html -->
{{input type="text" value=title}}<span class="alert-error">{{errors.title}}</span>
Not sure if this helps you substitute the bacameInvalid and becameError since states are now being removed, but you could try this as a catchall workaround:
Ember.RSVP.configure('onerror', function(error) {
Hope it helps.

Testing MongooseJs Validations

Does anyone know how to test Mongoose Validations?
Example, I have the following Schema (as an example):
var UserAccount = new Schema({
user_name : { type: String, required: true, lowercase: true, trim: true, index: { unique: true }, validate: [ validateEmail, "Email is not a valid email."] },
password : { type: String, required: true },
date_created : { type: Date, required: true, default: Date.now }
The validateEmail method is defined as such:
// Email Validator
function validateEmail (val) {
return /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/.test(val);
I want to test the validations. The end result is that I want to be able to test the validations and depending on those things happening I can then write other tests which test the interactions between those pieces of code. Example: User attempts to sign up with the same username as one that is taken (email already in use). I need a test that I can actually intercept or see that the validation is working WITHOUT hitting the DB. I do NOT want to hit Mongo during these tests. These should be UNIT tests NOT integration tests. :)
I had the same problem recently.
First off I would recommend testing the validators on their own. Just move them to a separate file and export the validation functions that you have.
This easily allows your models to be split into separate files because you can share these validators across different models.
Here is an example of testing the validators on their own:
// validators.js
exports.validatePresenceOf = function(value){ ... }
exports.validateEmail = function(value){ ... }
Here is a sample test for this (using mocha+should):
// validators.tests.js
var validator = require('./validators')
// Example test
describe("validateEmail", function(){
it("should return false when invalid email", function(){
Now for the harder part :)
To test your models being valid without accessing the database there is a validate function that can be called directly on your model.
Here is an example of how I currently do it:
describe("validating user", function(){
it("should have errors when email is invalid", function(){
var user = new User();
user.email = "bad email!!"
err.errors.email.type.should.equal("Email is invalid")
it("should have no errors when email is valid", function(){
var user = new User();
user.email = "test123#email.com"
assert.equal(err, null)
The validator callback gets an error object back that looks something like this:
{ message: 'Validation failed',
name: 'ValidationError',
{ email:
{ message: 'Validator "Email is invalid" failed for path email',
name: 'ValidatorError',
path: 'email',
type: 'Email is invalid'
I'm still new to nodeJS and mongoose but this is how I'm testing my models + validators and it seems to be working out pretty well so far.
You should use validate() method as a promise and test it with a tool that makes asserts for async stuff (ex: Chai as Promised).
First of all, require a promise library and switch out to the promise provider (for example Q):
mongoose.Promise = require('q').Promise;
Afterwards just, use asserts about promises:
it('should show errors on wrong email', function() {
user = new UserModel({
email: 'wrong email adress'
return expect(user.validate()).to.be.rejected;
it('should not show errors on valid email adress', function() {
user = new UserModel({
email: 'test#test.io'
return expect(user.validate()).to.be.fulfilled;