Ionic2 - How to import css files for a page component - ionic2

I have to import some stylesheets residing inside node_modules (bootstrap.css from node_modules, etc).
I tried by
adding styleUrls inside #Page,
putting the styles in the .scss file inside the page component folder,
and finally putting the styles inside the template file itself by creating new style tag... all with no luck, i.e the required styles are not getting applied on tags with appropriate classes.
How to do this ?
PN: I had imported the page scss for my components in app.core.scs.
Anyways, I think putting bootstrap.min.css inside page scss is not a
good way

Adding the above import doesn't seem to work in the latest version of Ionic2 (ionic -version = 2.1.4) that I installed on 10/25/16. There is no longer an app.core.scss file in newly created projects. But rather just variables.scss in src/app/theme.
There is a file app.scss in src/app that says it's for global SASS and importing other files, but adding an import for another page does not seem to make a difference.
I have a page /src/app/pages/about, in which I have about.ts that has styleUrls: ['about.scss']. The file about.scss is in the same directory. Putting #import "../pages/about/about"; at the bottom of that file makes no difference.
I have finally got it to work with this in about.ts:
styleUrls: ['/pages/about/about.scss']
I'm not sure if this is the best way yet, but it works for now.

#import "../pages/yourpage/yourpage"
Add this line in app/themes/app.core.scss and rebuild. Of course change yourpage expression.


Can't load bootstrap js via ember-cli-build.js

In my project if I include bootstrap's javascrpt file via
app.import(app.bowerDirectory + '/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'); in ember-cli-build.js I get a bunch of js errors.
If instead I include it in index.html it works fine. Any idea what could be causing this?
SyntaxError: export declarations may only appear at top level of a module
I can think of 3 things to try here:
Link to the full file. I had this line in a (pretty old) app that worked fine:
app.import(app.bowerDirectory + '/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js');
Make sure you app.import is inside of the main module.exports declaration in your ember cli build.
You might also try testing it out with a different bower package to see if the problem is bootstrap or your app.
If all else fails (and even if it succeeds), I highly recommend using ember bootstrap instead. It will handle the stylesheets for you and provide some Ember friendly ways to implement bootstrap components. You won't need to do the import anymore. Overall, it's best to avoid mixing libraries that modify the DOM (like plain bootstrap) with ember components.

Fontawesome with Foundation 6 - Error

I'd like to incorporate fontawesome icons on my Foundation Sass project and I am having an issue. I have done everything as suggested by fontawesome team and yet it is not working...
I bower installed the fontawesome
I have added the scss file to the config.yml
I have changed the path name to fonts folder
What I get in my browser is weird symbols and for some reason it is not working. Can you please tell me what I am missing? Thanks...
You have to #import the scss file from the bower_components folder in your Foundation _settings.scss or app.scss file.
The reference you have in config.yml is the PATH to the plugin/module not the import of the actual scss file. What this does is copy the *.scss files to the dist directory, but they still require referencing from your site/app code.
e.g. I use app.scss to import the various scss files and so my #import command for Font Awesome is:
#import '../../../bower_components/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome';
Note: this is to the specific file font-awesome.scss (where you set the font files path), not the whole directory so you also need to make sure you import the font files too which can be done via gulpfile.babel.js + config.yml.

Styling Ionic2 templates with local scss

Based on this tutorial I started an ionic2 project from a tutorial template
After successfully adding a new mypage.html and mypage.ts page under /app/pages/mypage I also wanted to align my objects to center on my page, so I created a mypage.scss file with the content:
.centered {
text-align: center;
Also note that I added the class centered on the mypage.html <ion-content> tag.
What I found that when I serve my page the gulp won't compile and add my own styles to /www/build/css files. Am I missing something or is it buggy?
You need to include it in your app.core.css file like this:
#import "../pages/mypage/mypage";
The first mypage is the name of the folder, and the second one is the name of the file (the extension is not needed)
Okay so I found that you have to also import your file to /app/theme/app.core.scss. Which I don't really think is a good solution from ionic team (even worse I did not see this mentioned anywhere).
I think you could edit the gulpfile to source all the scss files under app directory so you don't have to import every single file to app.core.scss

Foundation 5 custom sass project setup

I have a project that I would like to use foundation 5 with. I have been through the steps of creating a new foundation project using the CLI but I don't like it. There is too many files and the structure does not match what I want. So...
I am intending to add only the required files to my project and use compass to compile all the css.
I have noticed in the project created on the CLI a few things that confuse me and would like some help in clearing them up.
In the project created on the CLI there are two _settings.scss files one under the foundation directory in bower_components and one in MY_PROJECT\scss. I'm assuming that because of this add_import_path "bower_components/foundation/scss" line in the config.rb, which of those files has preference?
Why does MY_PROJECT/stylesheets not have normalize.css (or foundation.css) in it? And how are they not there? (in my custom setup they are being generated, albeit in subdirectories of stylesheets, also the foundation.css that is being generated for me has no settings changes applied so I guess it shouldn't be being generated)
If you take a look inside \bower_components\foundation\scss you'll see the file foundation.scss. That file imports all the stylesheets for all the additional components that come in the Foundation 5 "package." In your root scss directory, the app.scss is what compiles the SASS into \stylesheets\app.css. So rather than this:
#import "foundation";
Uncomment the individual components you'll be using. Something like this:
If you'd like to streamline your file structure, I would suggest you remove any scss files from the \bower_components\foundation\scss\foundation\components directory that you will not use. Same with the js directory. You don't actually need to modify anything in the bower_components directory to get everything to work. Not entirely sure why it's all contained within bower_components, but I imagine it's got something to do with being able to update the core components later with future releases.
Someone else could probably give a more educated answer.
p.s. - make sure to compass watch in your CLI to see any of those changes made to your SASS files.

Ember cli Managing dependencies for custom folders

I have an ember app, and a folder with a file playGame/game.js. This file includes game logic, and I want to import it for asset compilation.
If this file is under app/playGame/game.js and my Brocfile is like this:
this gives the error, path or pattern app/playGame/game.js didn't match any files..
but if I put the file under bower_components/playGame/game.js and my Brocfile:
app.import('bower_components/playGame/game.js'), this compiles successfully.
What is the problem and solution here?
There are two parts to this:
Where should I put my file to import it as an asset?
Why isn't putting it in my app-folder working?
The way to do what you want is to create a folder called vendor in your root, put the file somewhere in there, and then import it in your Brocfile.js like so:
This is documented on, although somewhat hidden.
You could also put it in bower_components, but that folder is for things installed with bower, and could theoretically be deleted (in fact, this is a common recommendation to various issues). Things in bower_components is also not checked in to version control by default, which you probably want to do in this case.
This should solve your issue.
Now, why doesn't it work to put it in /app?
app is a special folder. From the documentation:
Contains your Ember application’s code. Javascript files in this
folder are compiled through the ES6 module transpiler and concatenated
into a file called app.js.
This is what makes it possible for you to import stuff from within your app. The folders in app is available directly under your <appname> namespace, along with some other files and folders like config/environment.
import myWidget from 'my-app/widgets/my-widget';`
The referenced file is /app/widgets/my-widget.js.
The ember-cli website has some more resources for how to use modules. Read those if this doesn't make any sense.
To sum up:
You could put your file in app, but that would make it part of your transpiled package, and you'd have to use it that way internally with an export and everything else that comes with it. It would end up as part of <appname>.js
You could put your file in vendor and import it in your Brocfile.js as explained above. It would be part of vendor.js and load before your app code.