Point to 3dimensional array in c++ - c++

I have searched on google but only found answers for single-dimension arrays.
I have a 3 dimension array storing data to be later processed by a function.
My array looks like this : levelcode[400][20][100]. It stores all the info that the decode level function needs. I get an stack overflow error immediately.
But how can i point to the entire array to get the values of it ( or how do i pass down the entire array? ) ?
I know i can technically call the function for each existing parameter but i think it would be faster and it would look better if the entire array was passed down or being used using a pointer of some sort.
How can i accomplish this?

I suggest you use a std::vector. It is basically a self managed grow-able array. It stores the data dynamically(heap) so you will be using the full system memory instead of the small bit of memory the program is given for automatic objects(stack). With your levelcode[400][20][100] you have 800,000 elements. if the array is of type int then you would more than likely need 3.2MB of space for the array. typically this is larger than than the space provided to the program and will cause a stack overflow
I would suggest you use single dimension vector and then you can use math to fake the 3 dimensions. This will make the data more cache friendly as multi-dimensional vectors do not have to have each dimension located right next to each other like a multi-dimensional array does.
So instead of having a
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<some_type>>> name{DIM1, vector<vector<some_type>>{DIM2, vector<some_type>{DIM3}}};
and using it like
We could have a
std::vector<some_type> name{DIM1 * DIM2 * DIM3};
and then you can access the elements with
name[x*DIM2*DIM3 + y*DIM3 + z]


c++ read a multidimensional array as an integer only for comparison

UPDATE: Considerations: this is on an embedded platform, I am memory limited and not wanting to have to use any extra Libs to perfom things like hashing..
I am running a program that uses a multi dimensional array.
uint8_t array[8][32]
This array is constantly updating, I need to run a comparison to determine if in the last 3 steps, there is a repetition.
It occoured to me that the array is just memory, so rather than iterate through the array, and create a comparison temp array (memory and processor wasted) why not approach this almost like making a hash of the array. I dont need any unique crypto so why not just read the memory location of the whole array as an integer?
Thoughts? How would I go about addressing the array to read in an integer which I could store in another simple array for my much easier comparison
unsigned long arrayTemp[3]

How can I find the memory used by my array

I have seen this asked in different forms, and I have been reading up on it, but I am still confused on how to find the memory used. I have an array it is being pointed to by a pointer the value *ptr = the number of elements in the array. I need the total size of the array and its elements (it is an array of short int and it has 14 elements total). I am confused on how to get this value of memory used by the array + memory used by the elements, would I just use size of and then add the two. This is where I keep running into issues. Can someone point me in the right direction?
To get the size in bytes of the array, you would have to calculate it using sizeof(short int) * number_of_elements, where number_of_elements is 14.
Instead of raw arrays, e.g., int ar[4], use std::array from <array>. Such array provides bounds checking for debug mode and, unlike raw arrays, can easily be copied and used as a function's argument. It also provides a size() method.

2D arrays and dynamic arrays

I have a class which just contains a 1D array of set size (17): However this array needs to be for every monitor that a user has and I am unsure whether to simply set say and array of size 10 limiting the user, or whether to try a more dynamic approach.
Excerpt from ScreenArray.h:
unsigned long pixelArray[17];
I would like advise to which method(s) will work best for my problem and how would I go about constructing / allocating and accessing it?
EDIT: The array (Or the 2D part of the array) preferably dynamic to the size of the monitors currently connected. This contains the 1D array of set size 17.
As UnholySheep stated out, vector is a great tool to use in this situation:
Variable size;
Out of range protection;
Automatic memory management;
The only drawback I see may be a loss in performance, but because your vector is so small, you won't even be able to measure it, so this doesn't count.
You can use it like so:
// You'll need this one
#include <vector>
// Create you vector
// Replace TYPE with the type of it's members.
std::vector< TYPE > pixelArray;
// Add members to it
pixelArray.push_back( MEMBER );
// Access it as usual

Create an N dimensional array, where N is determined at runtime (C++)

I'm encoding N-Dim image cubes into a different image format. I don't know the dimensions of the image until runtime and the library I'm using to read from the original image needs an N-dim array destination buffer as a parameter.
How can I declare such an array in C++? Thanks :)
The short answer is that you cannot declare such an array in C++. The dimensions of an array are part of the type (with a miscellaneous exception that sometimes the value of one of the dimensions can be unknown, for an extern array declaration). The number of dimensions is always part of the type, and the type must be known at compile time.
What you might be able to do instead is to use a "flat" array of appropriate size. For example, if you need a 3x3...x3 array then you can compute 3^n at runtime, dynamically allocate that many int (probably using a vector<int> for convenience), and you have memory with the same layout as an int[3][3]...[3]. You can refer to this memory via a void*.
I'm not certain that it's strictly legal in C++ to alias a flat array as a multi-dimensional array. But firstly the function you're calling might not actually alias it that way anyway given that it also doesn't know the dimension at compile-time. Secondly it will work in practice (if it doesn't, the function you're calling is either broken or else has some cunning way to deal with this that you should find out about and copy).
You can't use array in this case. Array is only for those data whose size and dimension are known at compile time. Try use an array of std::vector instead

C++: Dynamically growing 2d array

I have the following situation solved with a vector, but one of my older colleagues told me in a discussion that it would be much faster with an array.
I calculate lots (and I mean lots!) of 12-dimensional vectors from lots of audio files and have to store them for processing. I really need all those vectors before I can start my calculation. Anyhow, I can not predict how many audios, and I can not predict how many vectors are extracted from each audio. Therefor I need a structure to hold the vectors dynamically.
Therefor I create a new double array for each vector and push it to a vector.
I now want to face and test, if my colleague is really right that the calculation can be boosted with using also an array instead of a vector for storing.
vector<double*>* Features = new vector<double*>();
double* feature = new double[12];
// adding elements
As far as i know to create dynamically 2d array I need to know the count of rows.
double* container = new double*[rows];
container[0] = new double[12];
// and so on..
I know rows after processing all audios, and I don't want to process the audio double times.
Anyone got any idea on how to solve this and append it, or is it just not possible in that way and I should use either vector or create own structure (which assumed may be slower than vector).
Unless have any strong reasons not to, I would suggest something like this:
std::vector<std::array<double, 12>> Features;
You get all the memory locality you could want, and all of the the automagic memory management you need.
You can certainly do this, but it would be much better if you perform this with std::vector. For dynamic growth of a 2D array, you would have to perform all these things.
Create a temporary 2D Array
Allocate memory to it.
Allocate memory to its each component array.
Copy data into its component arrays.
Delete each component array of the original 2D Array.
Delete the 2D Array.
Take new Input.
Add new item to the temporary 2D array.
Create the original 2D Array and allocate memory to it.
Allocate memory to its component arrays.
Copy temporary data into it again.
After doing this in each step, it is hardly acceptable that arrays would be any faster. Use std:vector. The above written answers explain that.
Using vector will make the problem easier because it makes growing the data automatic. Unfortunately due to how vectors grow, using vectors may not be the best solution because of the number of times required to grow for a large data set. On the other hand if you set the initial size of the vector quite large but only need a small number of 12 index arrays. You just wasted a large amount of memory. If there is someway to produce a guess of the size required you might use that guess value to dynamically allocate arrays or set the vector to that size initially.
If you are only going to calculate with the data once or twice, than maybe you should consider using map or list. These two structures for large arrays will create a memory structure that matches your exact needs, and bypass the extra time requirements for growing the arrays. On the other hand the calculations with these data structures will be slower.
I hope these thoughts add some alternative solutions to this discussion.