Using S3 to store application configuration files - amazon-web-services

I'm creating a simple web app that needs to be deployed to multiple regions in AWS. The application requires some dynamic configuration which is managed by a separate service. When the configuration is changed through this service, I need those changes to propagate to all web app instances across all regions.
I considered using cross-region replication with DynamoDB to do this, but I do not want to incur the added cost of running DynamoDB in every region, and the replication console. Then the thought occurred to me of using S3 which is inherently cross-region.
Basically, the configuration service would write all configurations to S3 as static JSON files. Each web app instance will periodically check S3 to see if the any of the config files have changed since the last check, and download the new config if necessary. The configuration changes are not time-sensitive, so polling for changes every 5/10 mins should suffice.
Have any of you used a similar approach to manage app configurations before? Do you think this is a smart solution, or do you have any better recommendations?

The right tool for this configuration depends on the size of the configuration and the granularity you need it.
You can use both DynamoDB and S3 from a single region to serve your application in all regions. You can read a configuration file in S3 from all the regions, and you can read the configuration records from a single DynamoDB table from all the regions. There is some latency due to the distance around the globe, but for reading configuration it shouldn't be much of an issue.
If you need the whole set of configuration every time that you are loading the configuration, it might make more sense to use S3. But if you need to read small parts of a large configuration, by different parts of your application and in different times and schedule, it makes more sense to store it in DynamoDB.
In both options, the cost of the configuration is tiny, as the cost of a text file in S3 and a few gets to that file, should be almost free. The same low cost is expected in DynamoDB as you have probably only a few KB of data and the number of reads per second is very low (5 Read capacity per second is more than enough). Even if you decide to replicate the data to all regions it will still be almost free.

I have an application I wrote that works in exactly the manner you suggest, and it works terrific. As it was pointed out, S3 is not 'inherently cross-region', but it is inherently durable across multiple availability zones, and that combined with cross region replication should be more than sufficient.
In my case, my application is also not time-sensitive to config changes, but none-the-less besides having the app poll on a regular basis (in my case 1 once per hour or after every long-running job), I also have each application subscribed to SNS endpoints so that when the config file changes on S3, an SNS event is raised and the applications are notified that a change occurred - so in some cases the applications get the config changes right away, but if for whatever reason they are unable to process the SNS event immediately, they will 'catch up' at the top of every hour, when the server reboots and/or in the worst case by polling S3 for changes every 60 minutes.


Best AWS architecture solution for migrating data to cloud

Say I have 4 or 5 data sources that I access through API calls. The data aggregation and mining is all scripted in a python file. Lets say the output is all structured data. I know there are plenty of considerations, but from a high level, what would some possible solutions look like if I ultimately wanted to run analysis in BI software?
Can I host the python script in Lambda and set a daily trigger to run the python file. And then have the output stored in RDS/Aurora? Or since the applications I'm running API calls to aren't in AWS, would I need the data to be in an AWS instance before running a Lambda function?
Or host the python script in an EC2 instance, use lambda to trigger a daily refresh that just stores the data in EC2-ESB or Redshift?
Just starting to learn AWS cloud architecture so my knowledge is fairly limited. Just seems like there can be multiple solutions to any problem so not sure if the 2 ideas above are viable.
You've mentioned two approaches which are working. Ultimately it very depends on your use case, budget etc.. and you are right, usually in AWS you will have different solutions that can solve the same problem. For example, another possible solution could be to Dockerize your Python script and run it on containers services (ECS/EKS). But considering you just started with AWS I will focus on the approaches you mentioned as it's probably the most 2 common ones.
In short, based on your description, I would not suggest to go with EC2 because it adds complexity to your use case and moreover extra costs. If you can imagine the final setup, you will need to configure and manage the instance itself, its class type, AMI, your script deployment, access to internet, subnets, etc. Also a minor thing to clarify: you would probably set a cron expression on it to trigger your script (not a lambda reaching the EC2 !). As you can see, quite a big setup for poor benefits (except maybe gaining some experience with AWS ;)) and the instance would be idle most of the time which is far from optimum.
If you just have to run a daily Python script and need to store the output somewhere I would suggest to use lambda for the processing, you can simply have a scheduled event (prefered way is now Amazon EventBridge instead) that triggers your lambda function once a day. Then depending on your output and how you need to process it, you can use RDS obviously from lambda using the Python SDK but you can also use S3 as blob storage if you don't need to run specific queries - for example if you can store your output in json format.
Note that one limitation to lambda is that it can only run for 15 minutes straight per execution. The good thing is that by default lambda has internet access so you don't need to care about any gateway setup and can reach your external endpoints.
Also from a cost perspective running one lambda/day combined with S3 should be free or almost free. The pricing in lambda is very cheap. Running 24/7 an EC2 instance or RDS (which is also an instance) will cost you some money.
Lambda with storage in S3 is the way to go. EC2 / EBS costs add up over time and EC2 will limit the parallelism you can achieve.
Look into Step Functions as a way to organize and orchestrate your Lambdas. I have python code that copies 500K+ files to S3 and takes a week to run. If I copy the files in parallel (500-ish at a time) this process takes about 10 hours. The parallelism is limited by the sourcing system as I can overload it by going wider. The main Lambda launches the file copy Lambdas at a controlled rate but also terminates after a few minutes of run time but returns the last file updated to the controlling Step Function. The Step Function restarts the main Lambda where the last one left off.
Since you have multiple sources you can have multiple top level Lambdas running in parallel all from the same Step Function and each launching a controlled number of worker Lambdas. You won't overwhelm S3 but you will want to make sure you don't overload your sources.
The best part of this is that it costs pennies (at the scale I'm using it).
Once the data is in S3 I'm copying it up to Redshift and transforming it. These processes are also part of the Step Function through additional Lambda Functions.

AWS Serverless: Force parallel lambda execution based on request or HTTP API parameters

Is there a way to force AWS to execute a Lambda request coming from an API Gateway resource in a certain execution environment? We're in a use-case where we use one codebase with various models that are 100-300mb, so on their own small enough to fit in the ephemeral storage, but too big to play well together.
Currently, a second invocation with a different model will use the existing (warmed up) lambda function, and run out of storage.
I'm hoping to attach something like a parameter to the request that forces lambda to create parallel versions of the same function for each of the models, so that we don't run over the 512 MB limit and optimize the cold-boot times, ideally without duplicating the function and having to maintain the function in multiple places.
I've tried to investigate Step Machines but I'm not sure if there's an option for parameter-based conditionality there. AWS are suggesting to use EFS to circumvent the ephemeral storage limits, but from what I can find, using EFS will be a lot slower than reading from the ephemeral /tmp/ directory.
To my knowledge: no. You cannot control the execution environments. Only thing you can do is limit the concurrent executions.
So you never know, if it is a single Lambda serving all your events triggered from API Gateway or several running in parallel. You also have no control over which one of the execution environments is serving the next request.
If your issues is the /temp directory limit for AWS Lambda, why not try EFS?

What Amazon service should I use in order to serve merged files from an S3 bucket?

I need an HTTP web-service serving files (1-10GiB) being result of merging some smaller files in S3 bucket. Such a logic is pretty easy to implement, but I need a very high scalability, so would prefer to put it on cloud. What Amazon service will be most feasible for this particular case? Should I use AWS Lambda for that?
Unfortunately, you can't achieve that with lambda, since it only offer 512mb for strage, and you can't mount volumes.You will need EBS or EFS to download and process the data. Since you need scalability, I would sugest Fargate + EFS. Plain EC2 instances would do just fine, but you might lose some money because it can be tricky to provision the correct amount for your needs, and most of the time it is overprovisioned.
If you don't need to process the file in real time, you can use a single instance and use SQS to queue the jobs and save some money. In that scenario you could use lambda to trigger the jobs, and even start/kill the instance when it is not in use.
Merging files
It is possible to concatenate Amazon S3 files by using the UploadPartCopy:
Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source.
However, the minimum allowable part size for a multipart upload is 5 MB.
Thus, if each of your parts is at least 5 MB, then this would be a way to concatenate files without downloading and re-uploading.
Streaming files
Alternatively, rather than creating new objects in Amazon S3, your endpoint could simply read each file in turn and stream the contents back to the requester. This could be done via API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Your AWS Lambda code would read each object from S3 and keep returning the contents until the last object has been processed.
First, let me clarify your goal: you want to have an endpoint, say that reads some set of files from S3 and combines them (say, as a ZIP)?
If yes, does whatever language/framework that you're using support chunked encoding for responses?
If yes, then it's certainly possible to do this without storing anything on disk: you read from one stream (the file coming from S3) and write to another (the response). I'm guessing you knew that already based on your comments to other answers.
However, based on your requirement of 1-10 GB of output, Lambda won't work because it has a limit of 6 MB for response payloads (and iirc that's after Base64 encoding).
So in the AWS world, that leaves you with an always-running server, either EC2 or ECS/EKS.
Unless you're doing some additional transformation along the way, this isn't going to require a lot of CPU, but if you expect high traffic it will require a lot of network bandwidth. Which to me says that you want to have a relatively large number of smallish compute units. Keep a baseline number of them always running, and scale based on network bandwidth.
Unfortunately, smallish EC2 instances in general have lower bandwidth, although the a1 family seems to be an exception to this. And Fargate doesn't publish bandwidth specs.
That said, I'd probably run on ECS with Fargate due to its simpler deployment model.
Beware: your biggest cost with this architecture will almost certainly be data transfer. And if you use a NAT, not only will you be paying for its data transfer, you'll also limit your bandwidth. I would at least consider running in a public subnet (with assigned public IPs).

Are there any notifications in AWS CloudFront Access Logs?

I'd like to use AWS AccessLogs for processing website impressions using an existing batch oriented ETL pipeline that grabs last finished hour of impressions and do a lot of further transformations with them.
The problem with AccessLog though is that :
Note, however, that some or all log file entries for a time period can
sometimes be delayed by up to 24 hours
So I would never know when all the logs for a particular hour are complete.
I unfortunately cannot use any streaming solution, I need to use existing pipeline that grabs hourly batches of data.
So my question is, is there any way to be notified that all logs has been delivered to s3 for a particular hour?
You have asked about S3, but your pull-quote is from the documentation for CloudFront.
Either way, though, it doesn't matter. This is just a caveat, saying that log delivery might sometimes be delayed, and that if it's delayed, this is not a bug -- it's a side effect of a massive, distributed system.
Both services operate an an incomprehensibly large scale, so periodically, things go wrong with small parts of the system, and eventually some stranded logs or backlogged logs may be found and delivered. Rarely, they can even arrive days or weeks later.
There is no event that signifies that all of the logs are finished, because there's no single point within such a system that is aware of this.
But here is the takeaway concept: the majority of logs will arrive within minutes, but this isn't guaranteed. Once you start running traffic and observing how the logging works, you'll see what I am referring to. Delayed logs are the exception, and you should be able to develop a sense, fairly rapidly, of how long you need to wait before processing the logs for a given wall clock hour. As long as you track what you processed, you can audit this against the bucket, later, to ensure that yout process is capturing a sufficient proportion of the logs.
Since the days before CloudFront had SNI support, I have been routing traffic to some of my S3 buckets using HAProxy in EC2 in the same region as the bucket. This gave me the ability to use custom hostnames, and SNI, but also gave me real-time logging of all the bucket traffic using HAProxy, which can stream copies of its logs to a log collector for real-time analysis over UDP, as well as writing it to syslog. There is no measurable difference in performance with this solution, and HAProxy runs extremely well on t2-class servers, so it is cost-effective. You do, of course, introduce more costs and more to maintain, but you can even deploy HAProxy between CloudFront and S3 as long as you are not using an origin access identity. One of my larger services does exactly this, a holdover from the days before Lambda#Edge.

can i meter or set a size limit to an s3 folder

I'd like to set up a separate s3 bucket folder for each of my mobile app users for them to store their files. However, I also want to set up size limits so that they don't use up too much storage. Additionally, if they do go over the limit I'd like to offer them increased space if they sign up for a premium service.
Is there a way I can set folder file size limits through s3 configuration or api? If not would I have to use the apis somehow to calculate folder size on every upload? I know that there is the devpay feature in Amazon but it might be a hassle for users to sign up with Amazon if they want to just use small amount of free space.
There does not appear to be a way to do this, probably at least in part because there is actually no such thing as "folders" in S3. There is only the appearance of folders.
Amazon S3 does not have concept of a folder, there are only buckets and objects. The Amazon S3 console supports the folder concept using the object key name prefixes.
All of the keys in an S3 bucket are actually in a flat namespace, with the / delimiter used as desired to conceptually divide objects into logical groupings that look like folders, but it's only a convenient illusion. It seems impossible that S3 would have a concept of the size of a folder, when it has no actual concept of "folders" at all.
If you don't maintain an authoritative database of what's been stored by clients (which suggests that all uploads should pass through an app server rather than going directly to S3, which is the the only approach that makes sense to me at all) then your only alternative is to poll S3 to discover what's there. An imperfect shortcut would be for your application to read the S3 bucket logs to discover what had been uploaded, but that is only provided on a best-effort basis. It should be reliable but is not guaranteed to be perfect.
This service provides a best effort attempt to log all access of objects within a bucket. Please note that it is possible that the actual usage report at the end of a month will slightly vary.
Your other option is to develop your own service that sits between users and Amazon S3, that monitors all requests to your buckets/objects.
Again, having your app server mediate all requests seems to be the logical approach, and would also allow you to detect immediately (as opposed to "discover later") that a user had exceeded a threshold.
I would maintain a seperate database in the cloud to hold each users total hdd usage count. Its easy to manage the count via S3 Object Lifecycle Events which could easily trigger a Lambda which in turn writes to a DB.