loopback Add non static remote method error - loopbackjs

I am trying to add a non-static remote method to a model. Just follow the code here. Unfortunately, I got some error message.
The following is my code
User.prototype.lastOrder = function(callback){
console.log('print this instance object: ', this);
User.remoteMethod('__get__lastOrder', {
isStatic: false,
accepts: [],
description: 'Get the latest order of the user',
http: {
path: '/lastOrder',
verb: 'get'
And when I invoke http://localhost:3000/v1/users/1/lastOrder. it gives me the following error:

The first argument to remoteMethod is the function name. What you have defined isn't valid. You need to define a function called, well, let's say lastOrder, and then modify your code like so:
User.prototype.lastOrder = function() {
User.remoteMethod('lastOrder', {
//more stuff here

User.prototype.lastOrder = function(callback){
console.log('print this instance object: ', this);
callback(null, "this is a test");
User.remoteMethod('lastOrder', { // should be lastOrder not __get__lastOrder
isStatic: false,
accepts: [],
description: 'Get the latest order of the user',
http: {
path: '/lastOrder',
verb: 'get',
status: 200
returns: {root: true, type: 'order'}


Loading Remote Data using Select2 and Webservice

I am using Select2 4.0.3 in my web forms .net application. I am trying to Load Remote data using a webservice, but its not working as expected.
First Issue am facing is that the webservice method is not getting called and am getting a console error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Missing parameter: text.
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.ValueCollectionParameterReader.Read(NameValueCollection collection)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HtmlFormParameterReader.Read(HttpRequest request)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpServerProtocol.ReadParameters()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.CoreProcessRequest()
So I tried removing the paremeter from the webservice call
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetDataFromService() As String
Doing this the method got fired, but still the items in the select2 did not get populated (screenshot atached).
Can someone help me to figure out where am I making a mistake.
Here are the details:
Select2 Code in the Webform:
ajax: {
url: "Service/InvoiceHTMLService.asmx/GetDataFromService",
type: 'POST',
delay: 250,
params: {
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
dataType: 'json',
data: function (term, page) {
return {
text: term,
processResults: function (data, params) {
// parse the results into the format expected by Select2
// since we are using custom formatting functions we do not need to
// alter the remote JSON data, except to indicate that infinite
// scrolling can be used
params.page = params.page || 1;
return {
results: data.items,
pagination: {
more: (params.page * 30) < data.total_count
cache: true
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work
minimumInputLength: 1,
templateResult: formatRepo, // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page
templateSelection: formatRepoSelection // omitted for brevity, see the source of this page
WebService Method:
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetDataFromService(text As String) As String
Return "{['id':1, 'text':'Test1'],['id':2, 'text':'Test2']}"
End Function
Try this please
var fd = new FormData();
ajax: {
url: "Service/InvoiceHTMLService.asmx/GetDataFromService",
type: 'POST',
delay: 250,
params: {
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
dataType: 'json',
data: fd
I think you did not create template for this select2. since you are using templateResult and templateSelection it requires template or you can remove those two options.
For your reference : https://select2.github.io/examples.html#templating
they have changed query callback from
data: function (term, page) {
return {
text: term,
data: function (params) {
return {
q: params.term, // search term
page: params.page

Why is request.auth.session undefined?

I've created an auth strategy using bell and another using hapi-auth-cookie. However, when I try to set a session request.auth.session is undefined. Can someone help me figure out where I am going wrong?
My route:
module.exports = [
method: 'GET',
path: '/create-an-account',
config: {
auth: {
strategy: 'auth0',
mode: 'try'
handler: function(request, reply) {
var credentials = request.auth.credentials;
return reply.view('create-an-account');
My auth strategies:
exports.register = function (server, options, next) {
server.register([Bell, Cookie], function (err) {
server.auth.strategy('auth0', 'bell', {
provider: 'auth0',
config: {
domain: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_DOMAIN,
password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
clientId: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET,
isSecure: false // For developing locally
server.auth.strategy('session', 'cookie', {
password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
cookie: 'sid',
redirectTo: '/create-an-account',
redirectOnTry: false,
isSecure: false
return next();
We had this issue a little while ago on one of our projects. Hapi-auth-cookie have changed their documentation so they longer use request.auth.session.set(credentials);
Here's a link to the commit
If you change that line to request.cookieAuth.set() instead it should work. A lot of the examples online seem to use the old example which is how we missed it first time.
This was also picked up in another SO answer here > request.auth.session.set(user_info) not working HapiJS

Modify Strongloop/Loopback built-in input arguments in API Explorer

I want to know if it is possible to change the default input parameters of builtin methods like 'create', but only for input (not using the hidden property) and only for this method. In this case, I want to suppress the "balance" parameter. In other words, in the pointed location, my api explorer needs to show the following:
"userId": "string"
I have managed change custom remote methods, like so:
Using the following code:
module.exports = function(User) {
User.makeDeposit = function(data, callback){
//Method logic
http: {path: '/makedeposit', verb: 'post'},
returns: {type: User, default:'User', root: true},
accepts: {arg: 'req', type: 'object', default: prettyJSON(depositSchema), http: {source: 'body'}}
// Returns a pretty printed json
function prettyJSON(str){
return JSON.stringify(str, null, ' ');
// Input Schemas - Only used for API Explorer
var depositSchema = {};
depositSchema.userId = "hash123";
depositSchema.amount = 11.37;
But I cannot replicate for built-in methods. Any help?

Loopback remote method not returning response body

So I created this remote method in loopback:
Message.findUserMessages = function(id,cb) {
where: {
from_user_id: id
include: {
Message.remoteMethod('findUserMessages', {
accepts: {
arg: 'id',
type: 'number'
returns: {
arg: 'response',
type: 'Object'
http: {
path: '/user/',
verb: 'get'
But when I view the response, it does not show the output in the response body. The only reason I know the correct results are being accessed is due to the fact that my DB is returning the result of the query. How do I get put the output of the query in the response body?
The correct code should be:
Message.findUserMessages = function(id, cb) {
where: {
from_user_id: id
include: {
}, function(err, response) {
if (err) throw err;
cb(null, response);
Message.remoteMethod('findUserMessages', {
accepts: {
arg: 'id',
type: 'number',
required: true,
http: { source: 'path' }
returns: {
arg: 'response',
type: 'Object',
root: true
http: {
path: '/user/:id/findUserMessages',
verb: 'get'
You forget to callback the response.
Note: I've also changed the http url path hoping you wanted it like so. And also source to the argument is set to path. You might also want to look at usage of root.

karma mock promise response

I have the following factory that I'd like to test:
.module('enigma.authFactory', [])
.factory('authFactory', authFactory);
authFactory.$inject = ['$http'];
function authFactory($http){
function doesUserExist(email){
return $http.post('/doesUserExist', email)
if(data !== 'user exists'){
return false;
} else {
return true;
So I wrote the following test:
describe('Auth Service Tests', function() {
var $httpBackend, defer, doesUserExistReqHandler;
beforeEach(inject(function(_$httpBackend_, $injector, $q) {
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
defer = $q.defer();
doesUserExistReqHandler = $httpBackend.when('POST', '/doesUserExist').respond(defer.promise);
describe('authFactory.doesUserExist()', function() {
it('should return true is a user exists', function() {
user = {
email: 'bwayne#wayneenterprise.com'
$httpBackend.whenPOST('/doesUserExist', user).respond('user exists');
var doesUserExist = authFactory.doesUserExist(user);
I checked inside the authFactory.doesUserExist function and I am correctly getting the data set to 'user exists' which routes the function to return true. However in the unit test authFactory.doesUserExist is being set to the following object.
Expected Object({ $$state: Object({ status: 1, pending: undefined, value: Object({ data: Object({ $$state: Object({ status: 0 }) }), status: 200, headers: Function, config: Object({ method: 'POST', transformRequest: [ Function ], transformResponse: [ Function ], paramSerializer: Function, url: '/doesUserExist', data: Object({ email: 'bwayne#wayneenterprise.com' }), headers: Object({ Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*', Content-Type: 'application/json;charset=utf-8' }) }), statusText: '' }), processScheduled: false }), success: Function, error: Function }) to equal true.
I'm thinking the issue is that the test isn't resolving the promise properly and so I'm setting the res variable before authFactory.doesUserExist has returned true.
How would I go about fixing this?
So a few things needs to happen to get your code to work with what you have.
Here is a demo http://plnkr.co/edit/4GvMbPJgc0HcJcgFZ4DL?p=preview
Your service (factory) needs to return an object.
You are not returning a promise after your $http post.
I recommend you use the $q service.
In the testing
You need to import your module.
Be sure to inject your service
You should remove $httpBackend.when('POST', '/doesUserExist').respond(defer.promise); since it is not accomplishing anything and it is actually getting it confused in other $httpBackend.whenPost.
You should be asserting the response data instead of the promise, because authFactory.doesUserExist(user) returns a promise.
var doesUserExist = authFactory.doesUserExist(user)
.then(function (data) {
responseData = data;