Loop every x seconds based on process speed - c++

I am implementing a basic (just for kiddies) anti-cheat for my game. I've included a timestamp to each of my movement packets and do sanity checks on server side for the time difference between those packets.
I've also included a packet that sends a timestamp every 5 seconds based on process speed. But it seems like this is a problem when the PC lags.
So what should I use to check if the process time is faster due to "speed hack"?
My current loop speed check on client:
this_time = clock();
time_counter += (double)(this_time - last_time);
last_time = this_time;
if (time_counter > (double)(5 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC))
time_counter -= (double)(5 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
milliseconds ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
uint64_t curtime = ms.count();
if (state == WALK) {
// send the CURTIME to server
// other game loop function
The code above works fine if the clients PC doesn't lag maybe because of RAM or CPU issues. They might be running too many applications.
Server side code for reference: (GoLang)
// pktData[3:] packet containing the CURTIME from client
var speed = pickUint64(pktData, 3)
var speedDiff = speed - lastSpeed
if lastSpeed == 0 {
speedDiff = 5000
lastSpeed = speed
if speedDiff < 5000 /* 5000 millisec or 5 sec */ {
c.hackDetect("speed hack") // hack detect when speed is faster than the 5 second send loop in client

Your system has a critical flaw which makes it easy to circumvent for cheaters: It relies on the timestamp provided by the client. Any data you receive from the client can be manipulated by a cheater, so it must not be trusted.
If you want to check for speed hacking on the server:
log the current position of the players avatar at irregular intervals. Store the timestamp of each log according to the server-time.
Measure the speed between two such logs-entries by calculating the distance and divide it by the timestamp-difference.
When the speed is larger than the speed limit of the player, then you might have a cheater. But keep in mind that lags can lead to sudden spikes, so it might be better to take the average speed measurement of multiple samples to detect if the player is speed-hacking. This might make the speedhack-detection less reliable, but that might actually be a good thing, because it makes it harder for hackers to know how reliable any evasion methods they use are working.
To avoid false-positives, remember to keep track of any artificial ways of moving players around which do not obey the speed limit (like teleporting to spawn after being killed). When such an event occurs, the current speed measurement is meaningless and should be discarded.


Busy Loop/Spinning sometimes takes too long under Windows

I'm using a windows 7 PC to output voltages at a rate of 1kHz. At first I simply ended the thread with sleep_until(nextStartTime), however this has proven to be unreliable, sometimes working fine and sometimes being of by up to 10ms.
I found other answers here saying that a busy loop might be more accurate, however mine for some reason also sometimes takes too long.
while (true) {
doStuff(); //is quick enough
nextStartTime = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + chrono::milliseconds(1);
spinStart = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(nextStartTime -
chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()).count() > 200) {
spinCount++; //a volatile int
int spintime = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>
(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - spinStart).count();
cout << "Spin Time micros :" << spintime << endl;
if (spinCount > 100000000) {
cout << "reset spincount" << endl;
spinCount = 0;
I was hoping that this would work to fix my issue, however it produces the output:
Spin Time micros :9999
Spin Time micros :9999
I've been stuck on this problem for the last 5 hours and I'd very thankful if somebody knows a solution.
According to the comments this code waits correctly:
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(1);
while (true) {
doStuff(); //is quick enough
auto spinStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
while (start > std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + delay) {}
int spintime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>
(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - spinStart).count();
std::cout << "Spin Time micros :" << spintime << std::endl;
start += delay;
The important part is the busy-wait while (start > std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() + delay) {} and start += delay; which will in combination make sure that delay amount of time is waited, even when outside factors (windows update keeping the system busy) disturb it. In case that the loop takes longer than delay the loop will be executed without waiting until it catches up (which may be never if doStuff is sufficiently slow).
Note that missing an update (due to the system being busy) and then sending 2 at once to catch up might not be the best way to handle the situation. You may want to check the current time inside doStuff and abort/restart the transmission if the timing is wrong by more then some acceptable amount.
On Windows I dont think its possible to ever get such precise timing, because you can not garuntee your thread is actually running at the time you desire. Even with low CPU usage and setting your thread to real time priority, it can still be interuptted (Hardware interupts as I understand. Never fully investigate but even a simple while(true) ++i; type loop at realtime Ive seen get interupted then moved between CPU cores). While such interrupts and switching for a realtime thread is very quick, its still significant if your trying to directly drive a signal without buffering.
Instead you really want to read and write buffers of digital samples (so at 1KHz each sample is 1ms). You need to be sure to queue another buffer before the last one is completed, which will constrain how small they can be, but at 1KHz at realtime priority if the code is simple and no other CPU contention a single sample buffer (1ms) might even be possible, which is at worst 1ms extra latency over "immediate" but you would have to test. You then leave it up to the hardware and its drivers to handle the precise timing (e.g. make sure each output sample is "exactly" 1ms to the accuracy the vendor claims).
This basically means your code only has to be accurate to 1ms in worst case, rather than trying to persue somthing far smaller than the OS really supports such as microsecond accuracy.
As long as you are able to queue a new buffer before the hardware used up the previous buffer, it will be able to run at the desired frequency without issue (to use audio as an example again, while the tolerated latencies are often much higher and thus the buffers as well, if you overload the CPU you can still sometimes hear auidble glitches where an application didnt queue up new raw audio in time).
With careful timing you might even be able to get down to a fraction of a millisecond by waiting to process and queue your next sample as long as possible (e.g. if you need to reduce latency between input and output), but remember that the closer you cut it the more you risk submitting it too late.

running a background process on arduino

I am trying to get my arduino mega to run a function in the background while it is also running a bunch of other functions.
The function that I am trying to run in the background is a function to determine wind speed from an anemometer. The way it processes the data is similar to that of an odometer in that it reads the number of turns that the anemometer makes during a set time period and then takes that number of turns over the time to determine the wind speed. The longer time period that i have it run over the more accurate data i receive as there is more data to average.
The problem that i have is there is a bunch of other data that i am also reading in to the arduino which i would like to be reading in once a second. This one second time interval is too short for me to get accurate wind readings as not enough revolutions are being completed by the anemometer to give high accuracy wind data.
Is there a way to have the wind sensor function run in the background and update a global variable once every 5 seconds or so while the rest of my program is running simultaneously and updating the other data every second.
Here is the code that i have for reading the data from the wind sensor. Every time the wind sensor makes a revolution there is a portion where the signal reads in as 0, otherwise the sensor reads in as a integer larger than 0.
void windmeterturns(){
startime = millis();
endtime = startime + 5000;
windturncounter = 0;
turned = false;
int terminate = startime;
while(terminate <= endtime){
terminate = millis();
windreading = analogRead(windvelocityPin);
if(windreading == 0){
if(turned == true){
windturncounter = windturncounter + 1;
turned = false;
else if(windreading >= 1){
turned = true;
The rest of the processing of takes place in another function but this is the one that I am currently struggling with. Posting the whole code would not really be reasonable here as it is close to a 1000 lines.
The rest of the functions run with a 1 second delay in the loop but as i have found through trial and error the delay along with the processing of the other functions make it so that the delay is actually longer than a second and it varies based off of what kind of data i am reading in from the other sensors so a 5 loop counter for timing i do not think will work here
Let Interrupts do the work for you.
In short, I recommend using a Timer Interrupt to generate a periodic interrupt that measures the analog reading in the background. Subsequently this can update a static volatile variable.
See my answer here as it is a similar scenario, detailing how to use the timer interrupt. Where you can replace the callback() with your above analogread and increment.
Without seeing how the rest of your code is set up, I would try having windturncounter as a global variable, and add another integer that is iterated every second your main program loops. Then:
// in the main loop
if(iteratorVariable >= 5){
iteratorVariable = 0;
// take your windreading and implement logic here
} else {
I'm not sure how your anemometer stores data or what other challenges you might be facing, so this may not be a 100% solution, but it would allow you to run the logic from your original post every five seconds.

Serial communication protocol design issues

This is an embedded solution using C++, im reading the changes of brightness from a cellphone screen, from very bright (white) to dark (black).
Using JavaScript and a very simple script im changing the background of a webpage from white to black on 100 milliseconds intervals and reading the result on my brightness sensor, as expected the browser is not very precise on timing, some times it does 100ms sometimes less and sometimes more with a huge deviation at times.
var syncinterval = setInterval(function(){
bytes = "010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101";
bit = bytes[i];
i += 1;
if(i > bytes.length) {
i = 0;
for (i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
tbits = input[i].charCodeAt(0).toString(2);
while (tbits.length < 8) tbits = '0' + tbits;
bytes += tbits;
}, sync_speed);
My initial idea, before knowing how the timing was on the browser was to use asynchronous serial communication, with some know "word" to sync the stream of data as RS232 does with his start bit, but on RS232 the clocks are very precise.
I could use a second sensor to read a different part of the screen as a clock, in this case even if the monitor or the browser "decides" to go faster or slower my system will only read when there is a clock signal (this is a similar application were they swipe the sensors instead of making the screen flicks as i need), but this require a more complex hardware system, i would like not to complicate things before searching for a software solution.
I don't need high speeds, the data im trying to send is just about 8 Bytes as much.
With any kind of asynchronous communications, you rely on transmitter sending a new 'bit' of data at a fixed time interval, and the receiver sampling the data at the same (fixed) interval. If the browser isn't accurate on timings, you'll just need to slow the bitrate down until its good enough.
There are a few tricks you can use to help you improve the reliability:-
a : While sending, calculate the required 'start transmit time' of each 'bit' in advance, and modify the delay after each bit has been 'sent', based on current time vs. required time. This means you'll avoid cumulative errors (i.e. if Bit 1 is sent a little 'late', the delay to bit 2 will be reduced to compensate), rather than delaying a constant N microseconds per bit.
b: While receiving, you must sample the incoming data much faster than you expect changes. (UARTS normally use a 16x oversample) This means you can resynchronize with the 'start bit' (the initial change from 1 to 0 in your diagram) and you can then sample each bit at the expected 'centre' of its time period.
In other words, if you're sending data at 1000us intervals, you sample data at ~62us intervals, and when you detect a 'start bit, you wait 500us to put you in the centre of the time period, then take 8 single-bit samples at 1000us intervals to form an 8-bit byte.
You might consider not using a fixed-rate encoding, where each bit is represented as a sequence of the same length, and instead go for a variable-rate encoding:
Time: 0 1 2 3 4
0: _/▔\_
1: _/▔▔▔▔▔\_
This means that when decoding, all you need to do is to measure the time the screen is lit. Short pulses are 0s, long pulses are 1s. It's woefully inefficient, but doesn't require accurate clocking and should be relatively resistant to inaccurate timing. By using some synchronisation pulses (say, an 010 sequence) between bytes you can automatically detect the length of the pulses and so end up not needing a fixed clock at all.

Can i retrieve microseconds or very accurate milliseconds on c++ on windows?

So I made a game loop that uses SDL_Delay function to cap the frames per second, it look like this:
//While the user hasn't qui
while( stateID != STATE_EXIT )
//Start the frame timer
//Do state event handling
//Do state logic
//Change state if needed
//Do state rendering
//Update the screen
if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 )
return 1;
//Cap the frame rate
if( fps.get_ticks() < 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND )
SDL_Delay( ( 1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND ) - fps.get_ticks() );
So when I run my games on 60 frames per second (which is the "eye cap" I assume) I can still see laggy type of motion, meaning i see the frames appearing independently causing unsmooth motion.
This is because apparently SDL_Delay function is not too accurate, causing +,- 15 milliseconds or something difference between frames greater than whatever I want it to be.
(all these are just my assumptions)
so I am just searching fo a good and accurate timer that will help me with this problem.
any suggestions?
I think there is a similar question in How to make thread sleep less than a millisecond on Windows
But as a game programmer myself, I don't rely on sleep functions to manage frame-rate (the parameter they take is just a minimum). I just draw stuff on screen as fast as I can. I have a bunch of function calls in my game loop, and then I keep track of how often I'm calling them. For instance, I check input quite often (1000x/second) to make the game more responsive, but I don't check the network inbox more than 100x/second.
For example:
uint32_t last_nw_check = 0, last_input_check = 0;
while (game_running) {
uint32_t now = SDL_GetTicks();
if (now - last_nw_check > NW_CHECK_INTERVAL) {
last_nw_check = now;
if (now - last_input_check > INPUT_CHECK_INTERVAL) {
last_input_check = now;
// and so on...
Use the QueryPerformanceCounter / Frequency for that.
LARGE_INTEGER start, end, tps; //tps = ticks per second
QueryPerformanceFrequency( &tps );
QueryPerformanceCounter( &start );
QueryPerformanceCounter( &end );
int usPassed = (end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) * 1000000 / tps.QuadPart;
Here's a small wait function I had created for timing midi sequences using QueryPerformanceCounter:
void wait(int waitTime) {
LARGE_INTEGER time1, time2, freq;
if(waitTime == 0)
do {
} while((time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart) * 1000000ll / freq.QuadPart < waitTime);
To convert ticks to microseconds, calculate the difference in ticks, multiply by 1,000,000 (microseconds/second) and divide by the frequency of ticks per second.
Note that some things may throw this off, for instance the precision of the high-resolution counter is not likely to be down to a single microsecond. For example, if you want to wait 10 microseconds and the precision/frequency is one tick every 6 microseconds, your 10 microsecond wait will actually be no less than 12 microseconds. Again, this frequency is system dependent and will vary from system to system.
Also, Windows is not a real-time operating system. A process may be preempted at any time and it is up to Windows to decide when the process is rescheduled. The application may be preempted in the middle of this function and not restarted again until long after the expected wait time has elapsed. There really isn't much you can do about it but you'll probably never notice it if it happens.
60 fame per second is just the frequency of power in US (50 in Europe, Africa and Asia are somehow mixed) and is the frequency of video refreshing for hardware comfortable reasons (It can be an integer multiple on more sophisticated monitors). It was a mandatory constrains for CRT dispaly, and it is still a comfortable reference for LCD (that's how frequently the frame buffer is uploaded to the display)
The eye-cap is no more than 20-25 fps - not to be confused with retina persistency, that's about one-half - and that's why TV interlace two squares upon every refresh.
independently on the timing accuracy, whatever hardware device cannot be updated during its buffer-scan (otherwise the image changes while it is shown, resulting in half-drawn broken frames), hence, if you go faster than one half of the device refresh you are queued behind it and forced to wait for it.
60 fps in a game loop serves only to help CPU manufacturers to sell new faster CPUs. Slow down under 25 and everything will look more fluid.
This function waits a specified number of milliseconds before returning. It waits at least the specified time, but possible longer due to OS scheduling. The delay granularity is at least 10 ms. Some platforms have shorter clock ticks but this is the most common.
The actual delays observed with this function depend on OS settings. I'd suggest to look into the
Mutimedia Timer API, particulary into the timeBeginPeriod function, to adapt the interrupt frequency to your requirements.
Obtaining and Setting Timer Resolution shows an example how to change the interrupt period to about 1ms. This way you don't have the 15ms hickup anymore. BTW: Eye-catch period is about 40ms.
Obtaining fixed period timing can also be addressed by Waitable Timer Objects. But the use of mutimedia timers is mandatory to obtain decent resolution, no matter what.
Using other tools to improve the timing capabilities is discussed here.

Limit iterations per time unit

Is there a way to limit iterations per time unit? For example, I have a loop like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
// do stuff
I want to limit the loop above so there will be maximum of 30 iterations per second.
I would also like the iterations to be evenly positioned in the timeline so not something like 30 iterations in first 0.4s and then wait 0.6s.
Is that possible? It does not have to be completely precise (though the more precise it will be the better).
#FredOverflow My program is running
very fast. It is sending data over
wifi to another program which is not
fast enough to handle them at the
current rate. – Richard Knop
Then you should probably have the program you're sending data to send an acknowledgment when it's finished receiving the last chunk of data you sent then send the next chunk. Anything else will just cause you frustrations down the line as circumstances change.
Suppose you have a good Now() function (GetTickCount() is bad example, it's OS specific and has bad precision):
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
DWORD have_to_sleep_until = GetTickCount() + EXPECTED_ITERATION_TIME_MS;
// do stuff
Sleep(max(0, have_to_sleep_until - GetTickCount()));
You can check elapsed time inside the loop, but it may be not an usual solution. Because computation time is totally up to the performance of the machine and algorithm, people optimize it during their development time(ex. many game programmer requires at least 25-30 frames per second for properly smooth animation).
easiest way (for windows) is to use QueryPerformanceCounter(). Some pseudo-code below.
timeWanted = 1.0/30.0 //time per iteration if 30 iterations / sec
for i
do stuff
timeElapsed = (double)(c2 - c1) * (double)(1e3) / double(freq) //time in milliseconds
timeDiff = timeWanted - timeElapsed
if (timeDiff > 0)
while ((double)(c4 - c3) * (double)(1e3) / double(freq) < timeDiff)
end for
EDIT: You must make sure that the 'do stuff' area takes less time than your framerate or else it doesn't matter. Also instead of 1e3 for milliseconds, you can go all the way to nanoseconds if you do 1e9 (if you want that much accuracy)
WARNING... this will eat your CPU but give you good 'software' timing... Do it in a separate thread (and only if you have more than 1 processor) so that any guis wont lock. You can put a conditional in there to stop the loop if this is a multi-threaded app too.
#FredOverflow My program is running very fast. It is sending data over wifi to another program which is not fast enough to handle them at the current rate. – Richard Knop
What you might need a buffer or queue at the receiver side. The thread that receives the messages from the client (like through a socket) get the message and put it in the queue. The actual consumer of the messages reads/pops from the queue. Of course you need concurrency control for your queue.
Besides the flow control methods mentioned, if you also have the need to maintain an accurate specific data sending rate in your sender part. Usually it can be done like this.
E.x. if you want to send at 10Mbps, create a timer of interval 1ms so it will call a predefined function every 1ms. Then in the timer handler function, by keep tracking of 2 static variables 1)Time elapsed since beginning of sending data 2)How much data in bytes have been sent up to last call, you can easily calculate how much data is needed to be sent in the current call (or just sleep and wait for next call).
By this way, you can do "streaming" of data in a very stable way with very little jitterness, and this is usually adopted in streaming of videos. Of course it also depends on how accurate the timer is.