Disallow Clang-Format From Messing With Comments - c++

I'm having trouble getting my clang-format to quite cooperate with multi-line comments. I have tried:
CodePragmas: '^[^ ]'
But this still results in the following. Before formatting:
class Test
/* =======
* Public Functions
* ======== */
After formatting:
class Test
/* =======
* Public Functions
* ======== */
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I have a slightly different comment format, but same situation. If you know the format of your block comments all use the same pattern, I think something like this will work:
CommentPragmas: '/\* =======\n((.+\n.+)+)======== \*/'
If you want to exclude all multi-line block comments, I think this will work:
CommentPragmas: '/\*(.+\n.+)+\*/'
I found that the ColumnLimit still applies to those comments, causing them to wrap in undesirable ways. Otherwise, clang-format (3.8) leaves those blocks untouched.


static_cast without angled brackets code snippet I don't undestand

I am looking at implementing a c++ wrapper for c-based freeRtos. I found this link
Its only a short bit of code, but inside it has the following:
static void taskfun(void* parm) {
I always thought that static_cast needs <type> after it. Can someone explain what this code is doing for me? - I feel like I am missing somthing fundamental here :o
I feel like I am missing somthing fundamental here :o
You are: the other HTML that was not properly escaped when that post is rendered.
The HTML of that specific post is as follows:
<pre><br> void taskfun(void* parm) {<br> static_cast<classname *>(parm)->memberfun();<br>}<br></pre>
So really the text should be:
void taskfun(void* parm) {
static_cast<classname *>(parm)->memberfun();

Why storage fault in regex destructor?

I am getting a storage fault when my code destructs a regex and I am mystified as to the reason. I suspect I am missing something stupid about regex.
A little background: I am a reasonably experienced C++ developer but this is my first adventure with the regex class. My environment is a little unusual: I edit and alpha test in MS Visual C++ and then take the code to another environment. The other environment is fully Posix-compliant and just happens to be an IBM mainframe. The code works fine on Windows but fails every time on the mainframe. The problem is not something fundamental to my mixed environment: I have been working in this pair of environments in this way for years with complete C++ success.
I define the regex in the class declaration:
#include <regex>
class FilterEvalEGNX : public FilterEval
std::tr1::basic_regex<char> regexObject;
// I also tried plain regex with no difference
Subsequently in the class implementation I assign a pattern to the regex. The code should be more complex than this but I simplified it down to assigning a static string to eliminate any possible side effects from the way the string would be handled in real life.
std::tr1::regex::flag_type flags = std::tr1::regex::extended;
// I have also tried ECMA and it made no difference
static const char pat[] = "(ISPPROF|SPFTEMP)";
regexObject.assign(pat, flags);
catch (std::tr1::regex_error &e)
// handle regex error
That works without error. Of course, there is subsequent pattern matching code but it is not part of the problem: if I destruct the class immediately after the above code I get the storage fault.
I don't do anything to the regex in my class destructor. The rest of the class has been working for years; I am adding the regex now. I think some "external" overlay of the regex is unlikely.
Here is the traceback of the calls leading up to the fault:
+00000066 40 CRTE128N Exception
+000000C8 2022 FilterEvalEGNX.C Call
+0000007C 1913 FilterEvalEGNX.C Call
The code in the vicinity of line 1913 of regex is
{ // destroy the object
The code in the vicinity of line 2022 of regex is
void _Tidy()
{ // free all storage
if (_Rep && --_Rep->_Refs == 0)
_Rep = 0;
_Destroy() appears to be implemented in the run-time and I do not think I have the source.
Any ideas? Thanks,
Believe it or not, it appears to be a bug in the C++ runtime. I tweaked my simple example and now I can duplicate the problem in a 15-line main(). I am going to run this by some peers and then report it to IBM. They actually fix this stuff! They don't just respond with "yes, you have found an issue."

Doxygen in-body comments

I have some code which I want to document with in-body comments like so:
/*! \file best.cpp
* \brief The best
* I am the best
/*! \fn void theBestFunction(int)
* I'm the best blah blah blah
void theBestFunction(int ever)
* Does some more things
* Checks that the things it does are the best
But when I run doxygen on this it seems to format the inside blocks into code fragments, as if the #code or \code commands were used (which they were not). I would like the in-body comments to be formatted like normal text.
Has anybody encountered this before? Thanks.
I managed to fix the problem. It turns out that somehow Doxygen was processing those blocks as being indented with respect to each other, and indentation in Markdown (much like on StackOverflow) indicates a code block (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown#Code). I simply turned off Markdown and fixed the issue.
For anybody reading this question in the future, if you still want Markdown support, be careful not to start comment blocks on the 2nd line -- start comments right away.
Changing my minimal example to this:
/*! \fn void theBestFunction(int)
* I'm the best blah blah blah
void theBestFunction(int ever)
/*! Does some more things
/*! Checks that the things it does are the best
(note the start of the in-body comments immediately, as opposed to a blank line first) solves the issue.

Is there any way to make Visual Studio stop indenting namespaces?

Visual Studio keeps trying to indent the code inside namespaces.
For example:
namespace Foo
void Bar();
void Bar()
Now, if I un-indent it manually then it stays that way. But unfortunately if I add something right before void Bar(); - such as a comment - VS will keep trying to indent it.
This is so annoying that basically because of this only reason I almost never use namespaces in C++. I can't understand why it tries to indent them (what's the point in indenting 1 or even 5 tabs the whole file?), or how to make it stop.
Is there a way to stop this behavior? A config option, an add-in, a registry setting, hell even a hack that modifies devenv.exe directly.
As KindDragon points out, Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 has an option to stop indenting.
You can uncheck TOOLS -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting -> Indentation -> Indent namespace contents.
Just don't insert anything before the first line of code. You could try the following approach to insert a null line of code (it seems to work in VS2005):
namespace foo
{; // !<---
void Test();
This seems to suppress the indentation, but compilers may issue warnings and code reviewers/maintainers may be surprised! (And quite rightly, in the usual case!)
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but a lot of people work around this by using macros:
#define BEGIN_NAMESPACE(x) namespace x {
Sounds dumb, but you'd be surprised how many system headers use this. (glibc's stl implentation, for instance, has _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE() for this.)
I actually prefer this way, because I always tend to cringe when I see un-indented lines following a {. That's just me though.
Here is a macro that could help you. It will remove indentation if it detects that you are currently creating a namespace. It is not perfect but seems to work so far.
Public Sub aftekeypress(ByVal key As String, ByVal sel As TextSelection, ByVal completion As Boolean) _
Handles TextDocumentKeyPressEvents.AfterKeyPress
If (Not completion And key = vbCr) Then
'Only perform this if we are using smart indent
If DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Item("IndentStyle").Value = 2 Then
Dim textDocument As TextDocument = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument")
Dim startPoint As EditPoint = sel.ActivePoint.CreateEditPoint()
Dim matchPoint As EditPoint = sel.ActivePoint.CreateEditPoint()
Dim findOptions As Integer = vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase + vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord + vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsBackwards
If startPoint.FindPattern("namespace", findOptions, matchPoint) Then
Dim lines = matchPoint.GetLines(matchPoint.Line, sel.ActivePoint.Line)
' Make sure we are still in the namespace {} but nothing has been typed
If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(lines, "^[\s]*(namespace[\s\w]+)?[\s\{]+$") Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Since it is running all the time, you need to make sure you are installing the macro inside in your EnvironmentEvents project item inside MyMacros. You can only access this module in the Macro Explorer (Tools->Macros->Macro Explorer).
One note, it does not currently support "packed" namespaces such as
namespace A { namespace B {
To support "packed" namespaces such as the example above and/or support comments after the namespace, such as namespace A { /* Example */, you can try to use the following line instead:
If System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(lines, "^[\s]*(namespace.+)?[\s\{]+$") Then
I haven't had the chance to test it a lot yet, but it seems to be working.
You could also forward declare your types (or whatever) inside the namespace then implement outside like this:
namespace test {
class MyClass;
class test::MyClass {
Visual Studio 2017+
You can get to this "Indent namespace contents" setting under Tools->Options then Text Editor->C/C++->Formatting->Indention. It's deep in the menus but extremely helpful once found.
I understand the problem when there are nested namespaces. I used to pack all the namespaces in a single line to avoid the multiple indentation. It will leave one level, but that's not as bad as many levels. It's been so long since I have used VS that I hardly remember those days.
namespace outer { namespace middle { namespace inner {
void Test();

Incorrect emacs indentation in a C++ class with DLL export specification

I often write classes with a DLL export/import specification, but this seems to confuse emacs' syntax parser. I end up with something like:
class myDllSpec Foo {
Foo( void );
Notice that the "public:" access spec is indented incorrectly, as well as everything that follows it.
When I ask emacs to describe the syntax at the beginning of the line containing public, I get a return of:
((label 352))
If I remove the myDllSpec, the indentation is correct, and emacs tells me that the syntax there is:
((inclass 352) (access-label 352))
Which seems correct and reasonable. So I conclude that the syntax parser is not able to handle the DLL export spec, and that this is what's causing my indentation trouble.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to teach the parser about my labels. Seems that this is pretty common practice, so I'm hoping there's a way around it.
From http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/IndentingC#toc13 you can set up a "microsoft" style.
Drop this into your .emacs:
(c-add-style "microsoft"
(innamespace . -)
(inline-open . 0)
(inher-cont . c-lineup-multi-inher)
(arglist-cont-nonempty . +)
(template-args-cont . +))))
(setq c-default-style "microsoft")
or leave the default and set it manually via M-x c-set-style to microsoft.
Your example renders this indentation:
class myDllSpec Foo {
Foo( void );