Prove that the height of a heap with n nodes is floor(log2n) - heap

How would I prove that the height of a heap with n nodes is floor(log2N)?
Any explanation would be great...

There are 2height-1 elements in every height of the heap tree.
20 = 1 node at height 1
21 = 2 nodes at height 2
22 = 4 nodes at height 3
Therefore, at height x, you can have (20 + 21 + ... + 2x-2) + (1 to 2x-1) = (2x-1-1) + (1 to 2x-1) = 2x-1 + (0 to 2x-1-1) = 2x-1 to 2x - 1 nodes
So, if you apply floor(log2N) on it, you will get (x-1).


What is the maximum number of comparisons to heapify an array?

Is there a general formula to calculate the maximum number of comparisons to heapify n elements?
If not, is 13 the max number of comparisons to heapify an array of 8 elements?
My reasoning is as such:
at h = 0, 1 node, 0 comparisons, 1* 0 = 0 comparisons
at h = 1, 2 nodes, 1 comparison each, 2*1 = 2 comparisons
at h = 2, 4 nodes, 2 comparisons each, 4*2 = 8 comparisons
at h = 3, 1 node, 3 comparisons each, 1*3 = 3 comparisons
Total = 0 + 2 + 8 + 3 =13
Accepted theory is that build-heap requires at most (2N - 2) comparisons. So the maximum number of comparisons required should be 14. We can confirm that easily enough by examining a heap of 8 elements:
/ \
3 1
/ \ / \
5 4 8 2
Here, the 4 leaf nodes will never move down. The nodes 5 and 1 can move down 1 level. 3 could move down two levels. And 7 could move down 3 levels. So the maximum number of level moves is:
(0*4)+(1*2)+(2*1)+(3*1) = 7
Every level move requires 2 comparisons, so the maximum number of comparisons would be 14.

Spiral matrix diagonal element sum

Let n=5, then for matrix
1 2 3 4 5
16 17 18 19 6
15 24 25 20 7
14 23 22 21 8
13 12 11 10 9
then sum of diagonal elements is:
Sum for n=15?
One way is to make the spiral matrix and then by a loop, we get the answer, but its time and space complexity is large.
Like this
but the problem here starts 1 from the center.
Consider the outer "shell" of the matrix. The sum of the values at the four vertices, given a size of n (5 in your example) and a starting value of s (1 in your example) is
s + (s + (n-1)) + (s + (n-1)*2) + (s + (n-1)*3) = 4*s + (n - 1)*6
The same applies to the inner values, once updated n and s:
s = s + 4 * (n - 1)
n = n - 2
If n becomes less then 2, well, either we have the central element or nothing (n is even).
Based on Bob_'s answer, Here is a recursive code in CPP as requested by OP
int shellcalc(int n,int s){
return s;
else if(n==0)
return 0;
int sum=4*s+(n-1)*6;
int snew=s+4*(n-1);
int nnew=n-2;
return sum+shellcalc(nnew,snew);
try it out here
Python -

how can we find the nth 3 word combination from a word corpus of 3000 words

I have a word corpus of say 3000 words such as [hello, who, this ..].
I want to find the nth 3 word combination from this corpus.I am fine with any order as long as the algorithm gives consistent output.
What would be the time complexity of the algorithm.
I have seen this answer but was looking for something simple.
(Note that I will be using 1-based indexes and ranks throughout this answer.)
To generate all combinations of 3 elements from a list of n elements, we'd take all elements from 1 to n-2 as the first element, then for each of these we'd take all elements after the first element up to n-1 as the second element, then for each of these we'd take all elements after the second element up to n as the third element. This gives us a fixed order, and a direct relation between the rank and a specific combination.
If we take element i as the first element, there are (n-i choose 2) possibilities for the second and third element, and thus (n-i choose 2) combinations with i as the first element. If we then take element j as the second element, there are (n-j choose 1) = n-j possibilities for the third element, and thus n-j combinations with i and j as the first two elements.
Linear search in tables of binomial coefficients
With tables of these binomial coefficients, we can quickly find a specific combination, given its rank. Let's look at a simplified example with a list of 10 elements; these are the number of combinations with element i as the first element:
1 C(9,2) = 36
2 C(8,2) = 28
3 C(7,2) = 21
4 C(6,2) = 15
5 C(5,2) = 10
6 C(4,2) = 6
7 C(3,2) = 3
8 C(2,2) = 1
120 = C(10,3)
And these are the number of combinations with element j as the second element:
2 C(8,1) = 8
3 C(7,1) = 7
4 C(6,1) = 6
5 C(5,1) = 5
6 C(4,1) = 4
7 C(3,1) = 3
8 C(2,1) = 2
9 C(1,1) = 1
So if we're looking for the combination with e.g. rank 96, we look at the number of combinations for each choice of first element i, until we find which group of combinations the combination ranked 96 is in:
1 36 96 > 36 96 - 36 = 60
2 28 60 > 28 60 - 28 = 32
3 21 32 > 21 32 - 21 = 11
4 15 11 <= 15
So we know that the first element i is 4, and that within the 15 combinations with i=4, we're looking for the eleventh combination. Now we look at the number of combinations for each choice of second element j, starting after 4:
5 5 11 > 5 11 - 5 = 6
6 4 6 > 4 6 - 4 = 2
7 3 2 <= 3
So we know that the second element j is 7, and that the third element is the second combination with j=7, which is k=9. So the combination with rank 96 contains the elements 4, 7 and 9.
Binary search in tables of running total of binomial coefficients
Instead of creating a table of the binomial coefficients and then performing a linear search, it is of course more efficient to create a table of the running total of the binomial coefficient, and then perform a binary search on it. This will improve the time complexity from O(N) to O(logN); in the case of N=3000, the two look-ups can be done in log2(3000) = 12 steps.
So we'd store:
1 36
2 64
3 85
4 100
5 110
6 116
7 119
8 120
2 8
3 15
4 21
5 26
6 30
7 33
8 35
9 36
Note that when finding j in the second table, you have to subtract the sum corresponding with i from the sums. Let's walk through the example of rank 96 and combination [4,7,9] again; we find the first value that is greater than or equal to the rank:
3 85 96 > 85
4 100 96 <= 100
So we know that i=4; we then subtract the previous sum next to i-1, to get:
96 - 85 = 11
Now we look at the table for j, but we start after j=4, and subtract the sum corresponding to 4, which is 21, from the sums. then again, we find the first value that is greater than or equal to the rank we're looking for (which is now 11):
6 30 - 21 = 9 11 > 9
7 33 - 21 = 12 11 <= 12
So we know that j=7; we subtract the previous sum corresponding to j-1, to get:
11 - 9 = 2
So we know that the second element j is 7, and that the third element is the second combination with j=7, which is k=9. So the combination with rank 96 contains the elements 4, 7 and 9.
Hard-coding the look-up tables
It is of course unnecessary to generate these look-up tables again every time we want to perform a look-up. We only need to generate them once, and then hard-code them into the rank-to-combination algorithm; this should take only 2998 * 64-bit + 2998 * 32-bit = 35kB of space, and make the algorithm incredibly fast.
Inverse algorithm
The inverse algorithm, to find the rank given a combination of elements [i,j,k] then means:
Finding the index of the elements in the list; if the list is sorted (e.g. words sorted alphabetically) this can be done with a binary search in O(logN).
Find the sum in the table for i that corresponds with i-1.
Add to that the sum in the table for j that corresponds with j-1, minus the sum that corresponds with i.
Add to that k-j.
Let's look again at the same example with the combination of elements [4,7,9]:
i=4 -> table_i[3] = 85
j=7 -> table_j[6] - table_j[4] = 30 - 21 = 9
k=9 -> k-j = 2
rank = 85 + 9 + 2 = 96
Look-up tables for N=3000
This snippet generates the look-up table with the running total of the binomial coefficients for i = 1 to 2998:
function C(n, k) { // binomial coefficient (Pascal's triangle)
if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0;
if (k > n - k) k = n - k;
if (! C.t) C.t = [[1]];
while (C.t.length <= n) {
var l = C.t.length - 1;
for (var i = 1; i < l / 2; i++)
C.t[l].push(C.t[l - 1][i - 1] + C.t[l - 1][i]);
if (l % 2 == 0)
C.t[l].push(2 * C.t[l - 1][(l - 2) / 2]);
return C.t[n][k];
for (var total = 0, x = 2999; x > 1; x--) {
total += C(x, 2);
document.write(total + ", ");
This snippet generates the look-up table with the running total of the binomial coefficients for j = 2 to 2999:
for (var total = 0, x = 2998; x > 0; x--) {
total += x;
document.write(total + ", ");
Code example
Here's a quick code example, unfortunately without the full hardcoded look-up tables, because of the size restriction on answers on SO. Run the snippets above and paste the results into the arrays iTable and jTable (after the leading zeros) to get the faster version with hard-coded look-up tables.
function combinationToRank(i, j, k) {
return iTable[i - 1] + jTable[j - 1] - jTable[i] + k - j;
function rankToCombination(rank) {
var i = binarySearch(iTable, rank, 1);
rank -= iTable[i - 1];
rank += jTable[i];
var j = binarySearch(jTable, rank, i + 1);
rank -= jTable[j - 1];
var k = j + rank;
return [i, j, k];
function binarySearch(array, value, first) {
var last = array.length - 1;
while (first < last - 1) {
var middle = Math.floor((last + first) / 2);
if (value > array[middle]) first = middle;
else last = middle;
return (value <= array[first]) ? first : last;
var iTable = [0]; // append look-up table values here
var jTable = [0, 0]; // and here
// remove this part when using hard-coded look-up tables
function C(n,k){if(k<0||k>n)return 0;if(k>n-k)k=n-k;if(!C.t)C.t=[[1]];while(C.t.length<=n){C.t.push([1]);var l=C.t.length-1;for(var i=1;i<l/2;i++)C.t[l].push(C.t[l-1][i-1]+C.t[l-1][i]);if(l%2==0)C.t[l].push(2*C.t[l-1][(l-2)/2])}return C.t[n][k]}
for (var iTotal = 0, jTotal = 0, x = 2999; x > 1; x--) {
iTable.push(iTotal += C(x, 2));
jTable.push(jTotal += x - 1);
document.write(combinationToRank(500, 1500, 2500) + "<br>");
document.write(rankToCombination(1893333750) + "<br>");

3D to 1D mapping function confusion

I just finished coding a C++ program to manage a 3D matrix with dynamically allocated memory.
In order to use a contiguous chunk of memory, I decided to use a mapping function to physically store the elements of my matrix to 1D array.
For this purpose, I have a T *_3D_matrix pointer to the array, which is defined as
_3D_matrix = new T[height * width * depth];
where height, width and depth are input parameters for the constructor.
The program works just fine, I even tested it with Valgrind and no memory problems happen.
What I don't get is: my array has got height * width * depth = 12 elements, and the mapping function seems to map some elements out of the [0..11] range.
What am I missing here?
This is the output I get from recreating the same matrix and printing it in my program.
Lets say we have a "3D" array defined as
some_type m[1][3][2];
That would look something like this if we draw it:
| m[0] |
| m[0][0] | m[0][1] | m[0][2] |
| m[0][0][0] | m[0][0][1] | m[0][1][0] | m[0][1][1] | m[0][2][0] | m[0][2][1] |
If x represents the first "dimension", y the second, and z the third, then an expressions such as m[x][y][z] would with a flat array be like m[x * 3 * 2 + y * 3 + z]. The number 3 is the number of elements in the second dimension, and 2 is the number of elements in the third dimension.
Generalized, an array like
some_type m[X][Y][Z];
would as a flat array have the formula x * Y * Z + y * Z + z for the index. Compared to your formula the x and the y have been switched.
You computed the mapped index for out-of-bounds values of y.
You said height * width * depth= 12, and:
index = y * width * depth + x * depth + z
And we see in your table:
#.| Y | X | Z | index
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2
2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 6
This implies:
0 * width * depth + 1 * depth + 0 = 2 => depth = 2
1 * width * depth + 0 * depth + 0 = 6 => width * depth + 6 => width = 3
height * width * depth= 12 => height = 2
y is in [0, 1]
x is in [0, 2]
z is in [0, 1]
The maximum index is at {x, y, z} = {2, 1, 1} and its value is 1 * 2 * 3 + 2 * 2 + 1 = 11.
Assuming from your example:
width = 2, height = 3, and depth = 2
x is in [0, width), y is in [0, height), z is in [0, depth)
Mapping second element should be:
1*2*2 + 0*2 + 0 = 4, but you get 6. I think the reason is that some of the dimensions or indices are swapped somewhere else in your code. Seems that width or depth is 3 in your case.

Decreasing Loop Interval by 1 in C/C++

Let's say I have 15 elements. I want to group them such a way that:
group1 = 1 - 5
group2 = 6 - 9
group3 = 10 - 12
group4 = 13 - 14
group5 = 15
This way I'll get elements in each group as below:
group1 = 5
group2 = 4
group3 = 3
group4 = 2
group5 = 1
As you can see loop interval is decreasing.
I took 15 just for an example. In actual programme it's user driven parameter which can be anything (hopefully few thousand).
Now what I'm looking for is:
Whatever is in group1 should have variable "loop" value 0, group2 should have 1, group3 should have 2 and so on... "loop" is an int variable which is being used to calculate some other stuff.
Let's put in other words too
I have an int variable called "loop". I want to assign value to it such a way that:
First n frames loop value 0 next (n -1) frames loop value 1 then next (n - 2) frames loop value 2 all the way to loop value (n - 1)
Let's say I have 15 frames on my timeline.
So n will be 5 ====>>>>> (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15; as interval is decreasing by 1)
first 5 frames(1 - 5) loop is 0 then next 4 frames(6 - 9) loop is 1 then next 3 frames(10 - 12) loop is 2 then next 2 frames(13 - 14) loop is 3 and for last frame(15) loop is 4.
frames "loop" value
1 - 5 => 0
6 - 9 => 1
10 - 12 => 2
13 - 14 => 3
15 => 4
I've tried with modulo(%). But the issue is on frame 12 loop is 2 so (12 % (5 - 2)) remainder is 0 so it increments loop value.
The following lines are sample code which is running inside a solver. #loop is by default 0 and #Frame is current processing frame number.
int loopint = 5 - #loop;
if (#Frame % loopint == 0)
#loop += 1;
If I understand this correctly, then
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
printf("%d: %f\n", i, ceil((sqrt(8 * (n - i + 1) + 1) - 1) / 2));
is an implementation in C.
The math behind this is as follows: The 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 you have there is a Gauß sum, which has a closed form S = n * (n + 1) / 2 for n terms. Solving this for n, we get
n = (sqrt(8 * S + 1) - 1) / 2
Rounding this upward would give us the solution if you wanted the short stretches at the beginning, that is to say 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, ...
Since you want the stretches to become progressively shorter, we have to invert the order, so S becomes (n - S + 1). Therefore the formula up there.
EDIT: Note that unless the number of elements in your data set fits the n * (n+1) / 2 pattern precisely, you will have shorter stretches either at the beginning or in the end. This implementation places the irregular stretch at the beginning. If you want them at the end,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
int n2 = (int) ceil((sqrt(8 * n + 1) - 1) / 2);
int upper = n2 * (n2 + 1) / 2;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
printf("%d: %f\n", i, n2 - ceil((sqrt(8 * (upper - i + 1) + 1) - 1) / 2));
does it. This calculates the next such number beyond your element count, then calculates the numbers you would have if you had that many elements.