IUIAutomationStylesPattern implementing issue - c++

I am trying to use uiautomation to get a color of an element of paint application.
I can easily access their size and state etc but i cant seem to find a way to get their background color? lets say i want to retrieve the color of the "new" button how do i do that?
Here they did provide a property to retrieve the currentfillcolor property but it says that client application do not implement IUIAutomationStylesPattern interface. But then why did they provide it in the "UI Automation Client Programmers" section?
I have tried it but there is no IUIAutomationStylesPattern type available for me.
Can anyone help me in finding a way to make it work or if there's another way of approaching it?


How to change WebBrowser fullscreen video mode?

I have a c++ project with 2 WeBBrowser in a TableLayoutPanel they are set side by side, it's working fine I navigate normal but when I go to specific websites and play a video in fullscreen that sets my whole monitor to fullscreen instead of setting only the WeBBrowser itself, however on other websites that fits perfect in the WeBBrowser. Is there a way to change the way it displays fullscreen? I wanna make it display fullscreen in the WeB​Browser only. I think it has something to do with Web​Browser​Base.​Active​XInstance Property or Web​Browser.​Document Property. Most examples I find on the internet is for the old VB and not related to the fullscreen property.
Here's a similar question:
WebBrowser control video element enter fullscreen
In other examples I've seen a method to extract the element by doing:
HtmlElement^ object = webBrowser1->Document->GetElementById("video");
But I have no idea how to handle that code in order to format that video then set it back to the WeBBrowser with fullscreen mode fixed.
I went further and I could get the <video> element just from a few websites, here's my method:
private: System::Void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs^ e) {
HtmlElementCollection^ videoElements = webBrowser1->Document->GetElementsByTagName("video");
videoElements[0]->SetAttribute("style", "width: 640px; height: 480px;"); //Not sure if this is a proper way to set an attribute in this element.
The problem is that not every website gives you access to <video> tag elements, so for those websites I did the following code to make sure there were indeed no <video> tag elements in the source:
Then I didn't find any <video> tag element in the output, only a few websites provide me that. Why? How to really get and manipulate properly <video> tag elements in c++?
Then I didn't find any tag element in the output, only a few websites provide me that. Why?
Let me make an educated guess. For some of the pages you're referring to, the DOM is built dynamically and asynchronously. Which means, those <video> tags might simply not be there yet.
So, you might need to have some asynchronous polling logic in place that monitors DOM changes, specifically looking for <video> tags.
It might not be possible to come up with a 100% working solution to cover all cases, but have a look at my other post which deals with this problem.

How to use images in GTK Stack Switcher

I'm writing an application using C++ and gtkmm. I made a Gtk stack in it. Now I want to add images instead of text on stackswitcher's buttons. I assume that it's possible because something like this is made in gtk3-demo:
Unfortunatelly the example is made using UI file and I want to do it without UI designer. For now I found this answer:
But it's not very helpful to me. The answer was to use stack.child_set_property but I checked gtkmm documentation for stack and there isn't anything like this for C++. The closest match was Gtk::Stack::child_property_name with adnotation that it returns A ChildPropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the value of the property, or receive notification when the value of the property changes. I suppose this may be the thing i'm looking for, but due to lack of examples I have no idea how to use it.
To sum up: Is anyone able to tell me how to set an image as StackSwitcher's label?
Ok, it seems I've found an answer. I'll post it if anyone needs it in the future:
To change Stack Switcher's text label into image I just needed to do that:
stack->child_property_icon_name(ChildName) = "Icon Name";

CTreeCtrl - only use checkboxes for certain rows/children

I have a CTreeCtrl and I filled it with content. Now I wanted to add checkboxes but JUST for certain ones. I've found the possibilty to activate checkboxes on the TreeCtrl with m_Tree.ModifyStyle(0, TVS_CHECKBOXES), but this adds a checkbox on each node/child on the whole Ctrl. Is it possible to turn this feature on, but just for certain ones?
All I found is the possibility to add three different pictures, catch the clickevent on a node and change the image. Is there an easier way? Let me know.
Thanks a lot,
I don't think that CTreeCtrl provide any method to add check boxes at specified node only.
Easiest way to do this is explain in following link.
please go through and let me know if you are facing problem.
You may be able to accomplish what you want with a custom draw tree control. But, you'll need to render the image states yourself. That could get messy because you'll need to account for all of the possible different states.

Customizing CMFCRibbonBar im MFC

I am trying to customize the default MFC RibbonBar. I need to reduce its height, change its color etc, but so far i haven't found anything on how to do so. I've been to msdn, and they just tell you how to add new controls on the ribbon.Can any one please point me in the right direction? Is this ribbon control even customize-able? i mean apart from adding categories and other controls on it, i want to change the look of the ribbon.
Some code samples about how to work with MFCRibbonControl would be of great help too.

wxSmith a good way to manage wxPanel

I have a project where I'd like to have many wxPanel which are displayed or hide, depending the selection of the user. All panel are on the same position, only one is displayed at a time.
On a code side, there is no problem at all. Where it gets tricky, is how to manage this with wxSmith and keep a clear view while having many wxpanel at the sample location?
One way which is really not proper is to user the wxNotebook, and then when you start the soft delete all tabs and then show the needed panel.
I have look around to try to have the panel on a "other" wxSmith window and then load it, like a class but haven't find anything good.
I'm sure, as wxSmith is really a great tool that it must have a way to do this.
Thanks for your help!
See ya
"One way which is really not proper is to user the wxNotebook, and then when you start the soft delete all tabs and then show the needed panel."
Why not? I use that technique for AtomWeaver, and it works fine. The plus side is that you can design each page normally on a RAD GUI builder.
I've created a class called GUI_NotebookPageData that holds a pointer to a single notebook page. Create an array of these, holding info about all notebook pages.
Then, by index, or by name, get the info of the page you want to show/hide, and use wxNotebook's RemovePage()/InsertPage() methods.
This method is specially good for having several pages shown at the same time.
Actually it's possible to use external ressources with wxSmith, then it's very simple to manage the frames.
It create a derived class from wxPanel (or other window) on a new wxSmith window, easy to manage then just required to include it on the project.