Find in Files (Regex) - Returning Consecutive Lines - regex

I need to return all occurrences of when three lines are consecutively written in a file. I'm looking for the following:
FieldName=<some name>
Operator=<some operator>
Value=<some value>
Example File Content
Operator=Is less than
Operator=Is greater than
To do this, I have been trying to use Notepad++ Find in Files functionality but I cannot seem to get the correct regular expression.
Here is what I've tried (in this case I'm assuming the two lines after FieldName= will always be Operator= and Value=)
Find what: (FieldName=|Operator=|Value) is also close, but obviously doesn't account for the fact that these lines need to be consecutive ("FieldName=" followed by "Operator=" followed by "Value=") and returns all single occurrences as well.

You can use ^FieldName=[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+Operator=[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+Value=[^\n\r]* to match your 3 consectuve lines:
^FieldName=[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+ matches a start of a line, follwed by FieldName=, any amount of non-linebreaks and then one or more linbreaks. As you tagged your question with Windows, you might be able to replace [\n\r]+ with \r\n, this also prevents empty lines from jumping into the match (which at the moment would be possible)
Operator=[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+ is basically the same for the Operator-Line
Value=[^\n\r]* is again the same for the Value-Line, this time without the finishing linebreaks
As stated in the comments, this will only show you the first matched line in the find in files overview, but you can double click it, so it shows the whole match.


Regex NotePad++ or batch script to find and replace double bracketed text with CR LF -- would prefer NP++

I managed to do most of my conversion in VBA Macro (Word > txt) but some changes were made also that I could not forego or get around. Unfortunately, I had not been in the habit of using styles and precise formatting in my docs... (Which is why a PanDoc conversion did not "pan" out well, if you'll excuse the pun.)
In my docs, I was using bold text/lines for in-text titles (not Heading 2 alas) but as I was converting mid-sentence one or two-word bold phrases into phrases to go between double square brackets, the makeshift titles/headings were also changed to [[some title]] format in the process.
With Find and Replace (a batch script that goes through all files in a folder would also do), I would like to search for each and any number of instances of CRLF [[some title CRLF]]CRLF and replace the brackets with ** (to make the title bold), or perhaps ## to make the headings I was missing back in MS Word (I would of course need the line breaks as well).
For better understanding, please see attached picture here:
I am fairly sure that all instances are similarly syntaxed. If not, I may be able to tailor your regex code to differing instances later on.
As you can see, I was trying to do it in two steps but that's not good, because the second step (which I couldn't even get right) would propably have altered other texts I need intact (there must be sentences that start with double brackets after CRLF).
I would need the two steps in one so that only the targeted double bracketed text would be changed to bold or Heading 2.
Basically what I could not do is: find the proper regex solution for matching double CRLF-ed and square-bracketed text for any number of words than may occupy more than one line and starts with a capital letter. I would need an empty line above and below the title as indicated in the image (the VBA macro somehow made two instances of CRLF and carried the brackets to a new line, which I do not like, either).
In the meantime I managed to cook something up but now I couldn't insert the CRLF in front of the match string. At this point this is not enough as other instances are also changed, even lowercase in-line items, for some reason...
## $1\r\n
Since then, I made improvements towards what I wanted (I had to test in NotePad++ and not Regex101, for different results), but now in multiple documents I have found match across spill-over lines, as described in here:
Single line regex search in Notepad++
Is it possible that I cannot do what I want? The problem is having non-title text strings having line-break, double brackets and capitalized letters.
What it looks like in other documents:
See here.
I circled around with red in image for clarification. See also:
Is it possible to match a certain word like "címnél" and not execute on that match if that word is present in a line?
Thanks very much in advance,
You can use
Replace with ## $1. See the regex demo.
(?s) - equivalent of the . matches newline option
\R - a line break sequence
\K - omit the text matched so far (the newlines)
\[\[ - a [[ text
((?:(?!\[\[|]]).)*) - Group 1: any char, as many as possible occurrences, that does not start a [[ or ]] char sequence
\R* - zero or more line breaks
]] - a ]] text
(?=\R) - immediately to the right, there must be a line break.

Regular Expression: Two words in any order but with a string between?

I want to use positive lookaheads so that RegEx will pick up two words from two different sets in any order, but with a string between them of length 1 to 20 that is always in the middle.
It also is already case insensitive, allow for any number of characters including 0 before the first word found and the same after the second word found - I am unsure if it is more correct to terminate in $.
Without the any order matching I am so far as:
I have attempted to add any order matching with the following but it only picks up the first word:
I thought perhaps this was because of the +.{1,20} in the middle but I am unsure how it could work if I add this to both sets instead, as for instance this could cause a problem if the first word is the very first part of the source text it is parsing, and so no character before it.
I have seen example where \b is used for lookaheads but that also seems like it may cause a problem as I want it to match when the first word is at the start of the source text but also when it is not.
How should I edit my RegEx here please?

Backreference Bug in Notepad++ Non-Consecutive Line Duplication Finder Regex

There seems to be a bug in the Notepad++ find/replace behaviour when using a backreference to find duplicate lines that may not necessarily be consecutive. I'm wondering if anyone knows what the issue could be with the regex or if they know why the regex engine might be bugging out?
I wanted to use a regex to find duplicate lines in Notepad++. The duplicates needn't necessarily be contiguous i.e. on consecutive lines, there can be lines in between. I started with this post:
But realised that the regex mentioned there only checks for contiguous duplicates. So I wrote my own regex:
The above basically captures something on a whole line, then matches a load of stuff in between, then captures the same thing about on a line.
What's wrong
The regex works, but only sometimes. I can't figure out the pattern. I've whittled it down to this so far. If I do a "Replace All" on the replacement pattern \1\2 then the "replace all" leaves me with just line 3, which is "elative backreferences32". This is wrong:
elative backreferenceswe
elative backreferences32
elative backreferencesd
elative backreferencdesdfdasdfsdafsd
asdfasdfafds asdfasfdsafasd asdfdasfsd
elative backreferencessfhdfg
But if I delete any line from that file, then only the consecutive lines x then y then x are replaced by a single line xx as I'd expect.
I'd like to keep this question focused mostly on why the regex is
bugging out. Suggestions about alternative ways to find duplicate
lines are of course good but the main reason I'm asking this is to
figure out what's going on with the regex and Notepad++.
I don't really need the replace part of this, just the find, I was just using the replace to try to figure out what groups were being captured in an attempt to debug this
The find behaviour is also buggy. I noticed this first actually. It first finds the match I'm actually looking for, and then if I click "Find Next" again, it highlights all the text.
There is a bug in Notepad++ v7.8.4 64 bit. I just updated today so maybe they haven't caught it yet.
Does the in-between part of the match, (?:(?:\s|.)+), maybe cycle
around past the end of file character and loop right back to the
original match? If so, I'd say that's still a bug, because AFAIK a
regex should only consume each character once.
I thought there might be a limit to the number of characters in the file, but I disproved this hypothesis by playing around with the file, adding characters here and there. Two files with the same number of lines and the same number of characters can behave differently: one with buggy behaviour, one without.
After Without Matches Newline (The intended configuration)
After With Matches Newline (for Experimentation)
(?:\s|.) should be avoid as it causes unexpected behaviour, I suggest using [\s\S] instead:
Find what: ^(.+)$[\s\S]+?^(\1)$
Replace with: $1$2

Regex to find X words only when a word doesn't exist

I'm trying to do some code refactoring and as I'm doing quite a lot I'm using WebStorm's regex find in files to see which files still need refactoring.
I know this (?:^|(?=[^']).\b)(this.user|this.isVatRegistered|showStatsInNet)\b will show all files with one of those bits of code in.
And according to this post: Match string that doesn't contain a specific word ^(?!.*UserMixin).*$ should do a negative look ahead to match only when that word doesn't exist.
My problem is I don't know how to combine them. Would someone be able to provide some guidance please?
I've tried combining like so: (?:^|(?=[^']).\b)(?!.*UserMixin)(this.user|this.isVatRegistered|showStatsInNet)\b but to no avail.
TL;DR How do I match on X number of words only when another word isn't present?
You have to work with a negative lookahead then try to match those sub-strings:
This would be time consuming though since there are two [\d\D]*? occurrences that will move the cursor character by character to the end of file content.

How to search and replace from the last match of a until b?

I have a latex file in which I want to get rid of the last \\ before a \end{quoting}.
The section of the file I'm working on looks similar to this:
\myverse{some text \\
some more text \\}%
\myverse{again some text \\
this is my last line \\}%
\footnote{possibly some footnotes here}%
over several hundred lines, covering maybe 50 quoting environments.
I tried with :%s/\\\\}%\(\_.\{-}\)\\end{quoting}/}%\1\\end{quoting}/gc but unfortunately the non-greedy quantifier \{-} is still too greedy.
It catches starting from the second line of my example until the end of the quoting environment, I guess the greedy quantifier would catch up to the last \end{quoting} in the file. Is there any possibility of doing this with search and replace, or should I write a macro for this?
EDIT: my expected output would look something like this:
this is my last line }%
\footnote{possibly some footnotes here}%
(I should add that I've by now solved the task by writing a small macro, still I'm curious if it could also be done by search and replace.)
I think you're trying to match from the last occurrence of \\}% prior to end{quoting}, up to the end{quoting}, in which case you don't really want any character (\_.), you want "any character that isn't \\}%" (yes I know that's not a single character, but that's basically it).
So, simply (ha!) change your pattern to use \%(\%(\\\\}%\)\#!\_.\)\{-} instead of \_.\{-}; this means that the pattern cannot contain multiple \\}% sequences, thus achieving your aims (as far as I can determine them).
This uses a negative zero-width look-ahead pattern \#! to ensure that the next match for any character, is limited to not match the specific text we want to avoid (but other than that, anything else still matches). See :help /zero-width for more of these.
I.e. your final command would be:
(I note your "expected" output does not contain the first few lines for some reason, were they just omitted or was the command supposed to remove them?)
You’re on the right track using the non-greedy multi. The Vim help files
state that,
"{-}" is the same as "*" but uses the shortest match first algorithm.
However, the very next line warns of the issue that you have encountered.
BUT: A match that starts earlier is preferred over a shorter match: "a{-}b" matches "aaab" in "xaaab".
To the best of my knowledge, your best solution would be to use the macro.