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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there an open source library to convert text into the C/C++ string for source code.
For example:
should be converted
" a\n"
"FROM T\n"
I've found online service that can do such thing. But maybe exists open source solution on C/C++?
Now you can use raw string literals with C++11:
auto text = R"~(
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Closed 3 days ago.
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cpplint gives a long list of style issues, my code is thousand lines, it will take me forever to update the code to satisfy cpplint. Is there a C++ formatter tool which can automatically re-format the code, as close as possible to Google C++ coding style?
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am building a program to parse .vsd file.
But I don't know where to find link introduce Visio Binary Format (.vsd) specs.
Visio binary format (VSD) is a proprietary format (means - there is no documentation publicly available)
I have seen libvisio package from LibreOffice which seems to be capable of doing this, but may need to dig into sources:
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new in C++. I am trying to split a string which is like
My delimiter is :, and entries inside <>, "" or [] should not be split. The output should be
I want to create a function which takes the following parameters
SplitString(string StringToSplit,char delimiter,vector<char>escapeStartList,vector<char>escapeEndList)
Just wanted to know if there is something already existing like this in standard library or boost.
Most of the answer on stackoverflow provides escape sequence of quotation, here i want to use escape start and end.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am using the following code:
CAtlNavigateData navData;
CStringA m_strForm = "name=+++&priv=1&password=";
navData.SetPostData((BYTE*)(LPSTR)(LPCSTR)m_strForm, m_strForm.GetLength(), QHTTP_FORM_URLENCODE);
special symbols such as :"+++" need to do url-encoding, without url-encoding, +++ will turned into space.
I need a converer.
CString URLEncodingConvertion(const CString& original)
Is there any APIs for doing this in c++?
If I implement it myself, maybe I can not take whole situations into account. And can not control the code.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to ask do You know any programs similar to StyleCop but for C++?
See A free tool to check C/C++ source code against a set of coding standards?. This looks to be what you are after, although I don't know the full capability of the StyleCop tool.