Poco PropertyFileConfiguration undefined reference in Qt - c++

currently working on a Qt project and I'd also like to use some aspects of the Poco libraries such as the property file configuration functionality. I got the example in my code from page nine of the documentation here:
The problem is when compiling, a couple of rather oddly formatted undefined reference errors appear.
C:\projects\build-InternetofGauges-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\webtunnelhandler.o:-1: In function `ZN16WebTunnelHandler13setConfigFileEv':
C:\projects\InternetofGauges\webtunnelhandler.cpp:41: error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN4Poco4Util25PropertyFileConfigurationC1ERKSs'
C:\projects\InternetofGauges\webtunnelhandler.cpp:43: error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK4Poco4Util21AbstractConfiguration6getIntERKSs'
C:\projects\build-InternetofGauges-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\webtunnelhandler.o:-1: In function `ZN4Poco7AutoPtrINS_4Util25PropertyFileConfigurationEEptEv':
C:\My-Devices-SDK\include\Poco\AutoPtr.h:190: error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN4Poco20NullPointerExceptionC1Ei'
C:\My-Devices-SDK\include\Poco\AutoPtr.h:190: error: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN4Poco20NullPointerExceptionD1Ev'
collect2.exe:-1: error: error: ld returned 1 exit status
My .pro file
QT += core
QT += network
QT += sql
QT += xml
QT -= gui
CONFIG += c++11
TARGET = InternetofGauges
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\\My-Devices-SDK\\include" \
LIBS += -L"C:\\My-Devices-SDK\\lib\\" \
-lPocoUtild \
-lPocoNetd \
-lPocoNetSSLd \
-lPocoFoundationd \
-lPocoJSONd \
-lPocoWebTunneld \
LIBS += -L"C:\\My-Devices-SDK\\lib\\" \
-lPocoUtil \
-lPocoNet \
-lPocoNetSSL \
-lPocoFoundation \
-lPocoJSON \
-lPocoWebTunnel \
LIBS += -L"C:/OpenSSL/MinGW/lib/"
SOURCES += main.cpp \
webclient.cpp \
startuphandler.cpp \
webclient.h \
startuphandler.h \
The problem code in question
#include <Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/AutoPtr.h>
#include "webtunnelhandler.h"
using Poco::AutoPtr;
using Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration;
/* ... */
void WebTunnelHandler::setConfigFile()
AutoPtr<PropertyFileConfiguration> pConf;
pConf = new PropertyFileConfiguration("WebTunnelAgent.properties");//Error appears here
int key1 = pConf->getInt("webtunnel.httpPort");//and also here
Now, I've compiled all the poco libraries with MinGW and Qt is also configured for MinGW and compiles and runs great with other parts of my program. I'm also happily using Qt 5.5.1 with the 3.1.6 Qt Creator. My happiness with Qt unfortunately doesn't help my issues.
I have looked at many a stack overflow question on similar topics, and have attempted to recompile the libraries as well as explicitely include the libraries in the .pro file. I also peeked into the Auto.h file and found that it ends up calling the null pointer exception likely due to the line pConf = new PropertyFileConfiguration("WebTunnelAgent.properties"); getting angry at me.
What are the causes of this error? And how does one fix this error?

Linking order of libraries matters and that has nothing to do with Poco:
the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the
order they are specified. Thus, 'foo.o -lz bar.o' searches library
'z' after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions
in 'z', those functions may not be loaded.

Okay so I did manage to fix it. I realized that the order of libraries does in fact matter as there are some dependencies between libraries in this case. I also had to add another windows specific library to make it work. Here's the section of the .pro file that worked
LIBS += -L"C:\\My-Devices-SDK\\lib\\" \
-lPocoUtild \
-lPocoNetd \
-lPocoNetSSLd \
-lPocoXMLd \
-lPocoJSONd \
-lPocoWebTunneld \
LIBS += -L"C:\\My-Devices-SDK\\lib\\" \
-lPocoUtil \
-lPocoNet \
-lPocoNetSSL \
-lPocoXML \
-lPocoJSON \
-lPocoWebTunnel \
LIBS += -L"C:/OpenSSL/MinGW/lib/"
win32:LIBS += -lIphlpapi
As I said above, Iphlpapi is needed as well as that poco order. Hope this helps someone eventually!


How linux and g++ understand what include path it needs to use?

I'm not quite completely understand how linux or g++ (gcc) define what include path it need to use to find some package. Here is what I mean:
I actually have a c++ project in QtCreator and I use qmake build system. I include in my code a header-only framework file, which needs a Boost of one of the last version. I have already in my system boost-1.64.0, but it's too old, so I've installed boost-1.80.0. But when I try to build the program a compilation error raises with the text:
{name_of_my_pro_file}.pro: rpm boost1.64.0-devel is not installed!!!
I thought if I just replace boost folder in /usr/include/ or /usr/local/include/ with folder of the newer boost version linux can use it instead of older one. But the error mentioned above still raises. I've tried to edit boost folder name in Makefile. Directly in my .pro file there is not any mentions about boost. But nothing helped me. I can handle it only when I renamed boost-1.80.0 folder to boost-1.64.0. And now it works.
It seems that name boost-1.64.0 is written somewhere in the system and it doesn't see any other packages.
I guess that I just don't understand how to work with this stuff correctly and doing something wrong. Can somebody explain what should I do?
My distro is Oracle Linux Server 8.4.
My .pro file:
QT += core gui network xml
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = TilesDataProvider
#DESTDIR = ./output
CONFIG += no_abi_dump
$$PWD \
$$PWD\guts \
$$PWD\tileSources \
CONFIG(release, debug|release){
TARGET = TilesDataProvider
OBJECTS_DIR = tmp/TilesDataProvider/release
MOC_DIR = tmp/TilesDataProvider/moc
CONFIG(debug, debug|release){
TARGET = TilesDataProvider_d
OBJECTS_DIR = tmp/TilesDataProvider/debug
MOC_DIR = tmp/TilesDataProvider/moc
main.cpp \
tileSources/MapTileSource.cpp \
tileSources/SrtmTileSource.cpp \
guts/Position.cpp \
guts/t_task.cpp \
guts/MapConversions.cpp \
SRTM/altdatabank.cpp \
SRTM/altdatamap.cpp \
SRTM/geoid.cpp \
SRTM/srtm_coordinate.cpp \
SRTM/t_geodata.cpp \
SRTM/t_pageid.cpp \
t_image.cpp \
tileSources/MapTileSource.h \
tileSources/SrtmTileSource.h \
guts/MapGraphics_global.h \
guts/Position.h \
guts/t_task.h \
guts/MapConversions.h \
SRTM/altdatabank.h \
SRTM/altdatamap.h \
SRTM/geoid.h \
SRTM/srtm_coordinate.h \
SRTM/t_geodata.h \
SRTM/t_pageid.h \
SRTM/tiff_param.h \
t_image.h \

Can't get Qt Creator to Properly Compile OpenCV

I am trying to compile a Qt project and it seems like OpenCV is having problems. From what I have read so far, this could likely be a compiler/linkage problem. I have tried a couple different compilers without any success. Other libraries seem to be fine (libtiff, STD, other Qt libraries), but OpenCV is causing problems. I haven't for the life of me been able to make any progress on fixing it, any suggestions would be much appreciated. Posted below are things that I believe might be valuable in finding a solution.
Qt Makefile (.pro):
QT += core gui multimedia widgets multimediawidgets opengl
main.cpp \
laumemoryobject.cpp \
lauwebcamerawidget.cpp \
lauvideosurface.cpp \
lauvideoglwidget.cpp \
laucaltagglwidget.cpp \
laumemoryobject.h \
lauwebcamerawidget.h \
lauvideosurface.h \
lauvideoglwidget.h \
laucaltagglwidget.h \
RESOURCES += lauwebcameracapture.qrc
CONFIG(release, debug|release):DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT
win32 {
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\opencv\build\include) $$quote(C:/usr/include)
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\tiff-4.0.9\tiff-4.0.9\libtiff)
DEPENDPATH += $$quote(C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\opencv\build\include) $$quote(C:/usr/include)
LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\usr\libs) -lopengl32
LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\opencv\build\x64\vc12\lib)
LIBS += -L$$quote(C:\Users\Sam\Downloads\tiff-4.0.9\tiff-4.0.9\libtiff) -llibtiff_i
CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -lopencv_world310
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -lopencv_world310d
[Screenshot of Resulting Compile Issues]
Build and Run:
[Build and Run Kit Options]
[CMake (Not 100% sure if CMake is necessary for this project or right)]
I also thought the way cv:: was being declared was strange for this:
namespace cv
using std::vector;
I apologize for the dumb question, I am brand new to both Qt and OpenCV

Link Boost with Qt Creator on Mac

I have installed boost using Homebrew and got everything set up in my .pro file.
CONFIG += console c++11
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt
src/nmea-tests.cpp \
src/position.cpp \
src/utilities.cpp \
headers/parseNMEA.h \
headers/position.h \
headers/types.h \
INCLUDEPATH += headers/
LIBS += -lboost_unit_test_framework
macx {
QMAKE_CFLAGS += -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++
LIBS += -L"/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.63.0/lib" -lboost_random
INCLUDEPATH += "/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.63.0/include"
However, when I try to build the project, Qt can't find boost/test/unit_test.hpp file
Compiler Error Message:
/Users/hadyfarhat/Documents/ntu/courses/soft/task4/gps/src/nmea-tests.cpp:3: error: 'boost/test/unit_test.hpp' file not found
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
I would say the better way is using /usr/local/opt/boost for Intel and /opt/homebrew/opt/boost for Apple Silicon in your case. Then you don't need to worry about the problem of the version.
I had to change boost version from 1.63.0 to 1.66.0.
For Future problems with boost use my question as a guide and be sure to install homebrew before that.

Qt adding library gstreamer-1.0

I am making a project, dependent on gstreamer-1.0, glib-2.0 and gobject-2.0.
Building in console and in VSCode works fine, but when i get to Qt, i receive the following error message:
:error: cannot find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/: File format not recognized
My .pro file:
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = Accord
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp \
working_directory.cpp \
player_core.cpp \
working_directory.h \
message.h \
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig \
PKGCONFIG += gstreamer-1.0 \
glib-2.0 \
gobject-2.0 \
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/ \
/usr/include \
/usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 \
/usr/include/glib-2.0 \
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include \
LIBS += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -lgstreamer-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0 \
-lgio-2.0 \
With specified pkgconfig should be enough. You don't need to specify the libraries independently. This might be necessary in Windows, but not in Linux. I use the next variables in Linux (Ubuntu):
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += gstreamer-1.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gstreamer-app-1.0 gstreamer-pbutils-1.0
If your GStreamer is in the default location it should work.
I solved it by changing QMAKE_CFLAGS_ISYSTEM = -isystem
to QMAKE_CFLAGS_ISYSTEM = -I (can be added to .pro).
for Qt 5.10 +
I think that LIBS += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ is incorrect, hence the
error: cannot find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/: File format not recognized.
You probably meant
LIBS += -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
to add the directory to ld's search path (although that shouldn't be necessary).

Qt with opencv exception handling error

I have been able to successfully integrate opencv with Qt using the following tutorial:
How to link opencv in QtCreator and use Qt library
However, When I try to write line #include "opencv/cv.h in my .cpp file, qt throws me an error:
D:\opencv\opencv_bin\install\include\opencv2\flann\saving.h:113: error: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable
throw FLANNException("Invalid index file, cannot read");
I am not sure if this is a qt problem or an opencv installation problem.
TARGET = cube4
QT += 3d
SOURCES = cubeview.cpp main.cpp \
HEADERS = cubeview.h \
haptics.h \
src/haptics.h \
src/adll.h \
src/afuncs.h \
src/atypes.h \
src/avars.h \
src/glut.h \
src/StdAfx.h \
hdl/hdl.h \
hdl/hdlConstants.h \
hdl/hdlErrors.h \
hdl/hdlExports.h \
hdlu/hdlu.h \
RESOURCES = cube.qrc
win32:LIBS += -LD:\\opencv\\opencv_bin\\bin \
libopencv_core248d \
libopencv_highgui248d \
libopencv_imgproc248d \
libopencv_features2d248d \
libopencv_calib3d248d \
win32: INCLUDEPATH +="D:/opencv/opencv_bin/install/include"
Thanks iHarob. The solution was to add "exceptions" to the CONFIG variable in your project file (the *.pro file):
CONFIG += exceptions
This takes care of passing the correct compiler flags. The answer can be found here:
How to enable exception handling in mingw