-mimplicit-it compiler flag not recognized - c++

I am attempting to compile a C++ library for a Tegra TK1. The library links to TBB, which I pulled using the package manager. During compilation I got the following error
/tmp/cc4iLbKz.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cc4iLbKz.s:9541: Error: thumb conditional instruction should be in IT block -- `strexeq r2,r3,[r4]'
A bit of googling and this question led me to try adding -mimplicit-it=thumb to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, but the compiler doesn't recognize it.
I am compiling on the tegra with kernal 3.10.40-grinch-21.3.4, and using gcc 4.8.4 compiler (thats what comes back when I type c++ -v)
I'm not sure what the initial error message means, though I think it has something to do with the TBB linked library rather than the source I'm compiling. The problem with the fix is also mysterious. Can anyone shed some light on this?

-mimplicit-it is an option to the assembler, not to the compiler. Thus, in the absence of specific assembler flags in your makefile (which you probably don't have, given that you don't appear to be using a separate assembler step), you'll need to use the -Wa option to the compiler to pass it through, i.e. -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb.
The source of the issue is almost certainly some inline assembly - possibly from a static inline in a header file if you're really only linking pre-built libraries - which contains conditionally-executed instructions (I'm going to guess its something like a cmpxchg implementation). Since your toolchain could well be configured to compile to the Thumb instruction set - which requires a preceding it (If-Then) instruction to set up conditional instructions - by default, another alternative might be to just compile with -marm (and/or remove -mthumb if appropriate) and sidestep the issue by not using Thumb at all.

Adding compiler option:
should solve the problem.


Assembler Messages: no such instruction when Compiling C++

I am attempting to compile a C++ code using gcc/5.3 on Scientific Linux release 6.7. I keep getting the following errors whenever I run my Makefile though:
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:768: Error: no such instruction: `shlx %rax,%rdx,%rdx'
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:1067: Error: no such instruction: `shlx %rax,%rdx,%rdx'
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:6229: Error: no such instruction: `mulx %r10,%rcx,%rbx'
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:6248: Error: no such instruction: `mulx %r13,%rcx,%rbx'
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:7109: Error: no such instruction: `mulx %r10,%rcx,%rbx'
/tmp/ccjZqIED.s:7128: Error: no such instruction: `mulx %r13,%rcx,%rbx'
I've attmpted to follow the advice from this question with no change to my output:
Compile errors with Assembler messages
My compiler options are currently:
CXXFLAGS = -g -Wall -O0 -pg -std=c++11
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
This means that GCC is outputting an instruction that your assembler doesn't support. Either that's coming from inline asm in the source code, or that shouldn't happen, and suggests that you have compiled GCC on a different machine with a newer assembler, then copied it to another machine where it doesn't work properly.
Assuming those instructions aren't used explicitly in an asm statement you should be able to tell GCC not to emit those instructions with a suitable flag such as -mno-avx (or whatever flag is appropriate to disable use of those particular instructions).
#jonathan-wakely's answer is correct in that the assembler, which your compiler invokes, does not understand the assembly code, which your compiler generates.
As to why that happens, there are multiple possibilities:
You installed the newer compiler by hand without also updating your assembler
Your compiler generates 64-bit instructions, but assembler is limited to 32-bit ones for some reason
Disabling AVX (-mno-avx) is unlikely to help, because it is not explicitly requested either -- there is no -march in the quoted CXXFLAGS. If it did help, then you did not show us all of the compiler flags -- it would've been best, if you simply included the entire compiler command-line.
If my suspicion is correct in 1. above, then you should build and/or install the latest binutils package, which will provide as aware of AVX instructions, among other things. You would then need to rebuild the compiler with the --with-as=/path/to/the/updated/as flag passed to configure.
If your Linux installation is 32-bit only (suspicion 2.), then you should not be generating 64-bit binaries at all. It is possible, but not trivial...
Do post the output of uname -a and your entire compiler command-line leading to the above error-messages.

mingw "too many sections" bug while compiling huge header file in Qt

I was trying to compile exprtk.hpp file (https://exprtk.codeplex.com/) with mingw32(491_32) on Qt (win7).
During compilation, I give this error message:
debug\main.o:-1: error: too many sections (35325)
I've been noticed that the exprtk.hpp file is huge (>32000 lines).
I've been trying optimization flags on compiler but It didn't help eighter.
I'll be appreciated if somebody help me...
You can by adding the compilation flags -flto -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition and you can add -fuse-linker-plugin
-Wa,-mbig-obj do not work on x86/32bits architecture (only x64)
Such huge header-only code is already bad design, i'd rather recommend to use another library, like muParser.
Your problem was already discussed in other threads, like this.
As you've already noticed, passing /bigobj to Microsoft's compiler
causes it to output a munged COFF format with up to 2^31 sections,
which "should be enough for anybody."
I've tested this new option with MinGW-w64 and it works. You need to
pass -Wa,-mbig-obj to gcc to opt-in to big objects (-Wa means pass
this option to the assembler). – Francis Gagné

How can I stop gcc from emitting swap{b} on newer ARM cpus?

I'm compiling DCP-O-Matic on a Raspberry Pi 2 and am getting the following warning:
/tmp/ccu6rDcg.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccu6rDcg.s:4208: Warning: swp{b} use is deprecated for ARMv6 and ARMv7
I've passed "-mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon" to the compiler, but I still get the warnings. I'm pretty sure there is something in the Linux kernel that makes this warning irrelevant, but I would really like to solve this.
This post has a lot of good information, but I can't seem to find the right switches to prevent the warnings. I've verified that there is no explicit assembler code using swp{b}.
Can anyone recommend the best way to clear these warnings? I really am kind of anal about compilation warnings. ;) I figure if there's a warning, there's a fix.
To clarify, I'm interested in how to get the gcc toolchain to emit the correct LDREX/STREX instructions, rather than swap{b}.
You can disable the warning with -mno-warn-deprecated. A quick grep of the source code doesn't seem to show a use of inline asm, so perhaps it is in a header file of some library.
Incidentally, the Raspberry Pi 2 uses a Cortex-A7 processor, and you should get better performance if you build with -mcpu=cortex-a7 instead of -mcpu=cortex-a8.

how can I check a particular gcc feature in configure.ac

For example, gcc 4.7 has a new feature -Wnarrowing. In configure.ac, how can I test where a feature is supported by the current gcc or not?
There's a file in gnulibc, but doesn't make much sense to me.
Both gcc and clang support -W[no-]narrowing and -W[no-]error=narrowing options.
With -std=c++11, gcc emits a warning by default, and clang emits an error by default. Even though you only mention gcc, I think you could extend the functionality check to compilers like clang that attempt to provide the same options and extensions. That might include Intel's icc too.
Let's assume you've selected the C++ compiler with AC_PROG_CXX, and have ensured that it's using the C++11 standard.
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wno-error=narrowing"
[[int i {1.0}; (void) i;]])],
[ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=1], [ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=0])
AS_IF([test $ac_cxx_warn_narrowing -ne 0],
[AC_MSG_RESULT(['$CXX' supports -Wnarrowing])])
Compilation will only succeed if: 1) the compiler supports -Wnarrowing related options, which implies it supports -Werror, and: 2) recognizes C++11 initialization syntax.
Normally, configure.ac scripts and flags passed to configure should avoid -Werror, as it breaks too many internal tests. In this context, we ensure there are no other warnings besides the narrowing, which is why (void) i; is needed to prevent a warning about unused variables.
The logic behind this should probably be:
Create a correct file that should get a warning with -Wnarrowing. Verify that it gets compiled correctly. This is a sanity check.
Then compile that same file with -Wnarrowing, and verify that it still gets compiled correctly. This makes sure you detect compilers that don't support -Wnarrowing as an option, and don't attempt to pass bogus options to them.
Finally, compile that same file with -Werror=narrowing, and verify that it now does not get compiled correctly. If it now fails, you can be fairly certain that the compiler does indeed support -Wnarrowing. This last check is useful to detect compilers that do accept -Wnarrowing/-Werror=narrowing, but spit out a warning "ignoring unknown option -Wnarrowing". In that case, you shouldn't be passing -Wnarrowing.
Optionally, you may also want to compile a file that shouldn't get a warning with -Wnarrowing with -Werror=narrowing, in case you find a compiler where -Wnarrowing is useless and -Werror=narrowing is a hard error. I cannot think of a compiler where this would be required, though.
Translating this to a configure check should be trivial.
See http://code.google.com/p/opendoom/source/browse/trunk/VisualC8/autotools/ac_c_compile_flags.m4 for an example test of this sort - this tries to compile a trivial program with the given compiler flag, and adds it to CFLAGS if it works.

g++ compilation of a separately preprocessed file gives error depending on the architecture

I am using g++ version 4.1.2 on a x64_86 GNU linux architecture. Code base is very huge and I don't have sufficient understanding of makefiles used in the project. The code compiles fine as it is.
For some debugging purpose, I need to preprocess (g++ -E) few source files individually and then re-compile it. I am giving the required include paths using -I. Ideally the compilation should go fine.
But I am getting few discrepancies in standard headers like:
typedef unsigned long size_t; causes errors with operator new()
declaration generated by compiler (if I change to unsigned int
manually then this error disappears)
In library functions like unsigned long numeric_limits<>::max(),
compiler complains for big numbers such as 922...807L; it generates
compiler error as integer constant is too large for long type
Mismatch declaration of __errorno_location() gives compiler error
I am having hard time finding what is going wrong. Why compilation goes fine when I do make on unchanged file and why standard headers start cribbing when I give g++ -I <> -E option on individual file ?
(Note that there is no problem with the code we have written, it's just from standard library side. I tried locating the stddef.h which has unsigned int as typedef, but that just fixes the 1st problem. )
Any idea to fix this errors would be highly appreciated.
Don't preprocess and compile separately, or if you must then use consistent compiler options and a consistent environment.
It sounds a though you're running the preprocessor on a 32-bit machine (or using the -m32 option) then compiling on a 64-bit machine.
When compiling the output of the preprocessor, make sure that you use the-fpreprocessed compiler option so that the preprocessor will not run again.
If you don't pass in that option certain constructs that produced identifiers that look like macros may get expanded again into something they shouldn't get expanded to. It's hard for me to come up with a case that shows a difference (I'm sure I can, but it would take a bit of puzzling out and would be pretty contrived). However, the implementation headers may well use some arcane macro techniques that might be sensitive to this option.