I'm new to C++ and after googling quite a bit I haven't found a solution.
I'm making a Hexgame, and I'm trying to check if there is a winner.
My function checkpath, gets a list of places it has visited (usedPlaces), and creates the list Possible, of places it can check next from the current position.
So I want to delete the places I have already visited from Possible.
The error I'm getting atm is "List iterators incompatible"
I've tried things, but they mostly end up giving me other errors
for (list<string>::iterator it = possible.begin(); it != possible.end(); it++)
for (list<string>::iterator it2 = usedPlaces.begin(); it2 != usedPlaces.end();)
if (it == it2)
When you do this:
if (it == it2)
you're comparing an iterator into one list to an iterator into another list. Those would never compare equal anyway, and it's handy that your implementation debugs this for you. Even if you fixed the comparison (to *it == *it2), the code would still be buggy due to how and when it gets incremented and inefficient (due to the extra searching of possible). A functional version would be:
for (list<string>::iterator it = possible.begin(); it != possible.end(); /* nothing */)
list<string>::iterator it2 = std::find(usedPlaces.begin(), usedPlaces.end(), *it);
if (it2 != usedPlaces.end()) {
it = possible.erase(it);
else {
But this is complicated to write and error-prone. I'd prefer to use list::remove_if, which takes a predicate and removes all the elements for which that predicate returns true:
possible.remove_if([&](const std::string& place){
return std::find(usedPlaces.begin(), usedPlaces.end(), place)
!= usedPlaces.end();
That's much more direct.
The goal is to removes string objects that are the same, so the comparison should look at the string objects. Instead of
if (it == it2)
it should be
if (*it == *it2)
The operation it == it2 checks if one iterator points to the same element as the other iterator. That is never true, because those two iterators are coming from two different lists.
What you probably want to compare are the contents of each list element, i.e. *it.
Note, there may be other problems in your code. E.g. after you call possible.remove(*it) your iterator it is no longer referencing any elements of the list, therefore you won't be able to increment it in the next iteration of the loop.
Consider using possible.erase and getting its result. You will need, most likely, change your outher loop though.
So I have a class called symbol, which is made up of 4 strings which are all public. I created a list of these and I want to do a look ahead on this list. This is what I have so far. I looked up the iterator methods and it says it supports the + operator but I get an error for this.
bool parser::parse(list<symbol> myList){
//Will read tokens by type to make sure that they pass the parse
std::list<symbol>::const_iterator lookAhead = myList.begin();
if ((lookAhead + 1) != myList.end)
for (std::list<symbol>::const_iterator it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); ++it){
if (it->type == "") {
return true;
I get an error when trying to add 1 to lookAhead. What are some good ways of creating a look ahead for a list?
A linked list does not support random access iterators, i.e. you cannot add an integer to its iterators.
Use std::next(lookAhead) to get the next iterator instead, or std::advance(lookAhead, 1). These functions know what kind of iterator is being passed, and will use a random seek if possible (e.g. with std::vector's random-access iterators), or manually advance (with a loop in the case of std::advance()) otherwise, as in this case.
Be careful advancing on iterators unconditionally, though -- advancing past end() is undefined!
You can read more about the different categories of C++ iterators here.
Side note: You're copying the entire list when it's passed in, since you're passing it by value. You probably want to pass it by reference instead (list<symbol> const& myList). You can also simplify your code using the C++11 auto keyword, which deduces the type automatically from the type of the expression that initializes the variable:
bool parser::parse(list<symbol> const& myList){
// Will read tokens by type to make sure that they pass the parse
auto lookAhead = myList.begin();
if (lookAhead != myList.end() && std::next(lookAhead) != myList.end())
for (auto it = myList.begin(); it != myList.end(); ++it){
if (it->type == "") {
return true;
This question already has answers here:
How to remove from a map while iterating it?
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm using Xcode with C++ 11 for a std::map. Some elements in my map have a flag that says they need to be removed.
I want to iterate through the map, erasing the flagged elements in O(n) time. The call to erase does not return an iterator. I have seen some kind of erase(it++) implementation, but I have no evidence that such a call can work since the iterator will become invalid after the erase operation but before the increment operation.
My current code seems so inefficient.
for(auto it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it)
delete *it;
it = myMap.begin(); //how can I avoid iterating through the map again
From the online documentation:
"Iterators, pointers and references referring to elements removed by the function are invalidated. All other iterators, pointers and references keep their validity."
So maybe this:
for(auto it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end();)
auto itPrev = it;
Edit: The erase(it++) idea you mention is actually ok, because the increment occurs (and returns a copy of the old, pre-increment value) before erase() is called. It's in effect the equivalent of:
template<typename IteratorT>
IteratorT PostIncrement(IteratorT& it)
auto copy = it;
return copy;
for(auto it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end();)
which amounts to the same thing as the other example. Incidentally, this is why you should normally use the prefix ++ with iterators; that copy operation is extra overhead, and you usually don't need it.
When std::map::erase() is passed an iterator, it returns an iterator to the next element that follows the element being erased. This allows you to continue your iteration without starting over.
Try this:
auto it = myMap.begin();
while (it != myMap.end())
if (it->flagged)
delete *it;
it = myMap.erase(it);
Sorry if this is too simple a question.
Prior error checking ensures l1.size() == l2.size().
std::list<object1>::iterator it1 = l1.begin();
std::list<object2>::iterator it2 = l2.begin();
while(it1 != l1.end() && it2 != l2.end()){
//run some code
Is this a reasonable approach, or is there a more elegant solution? Thanks for your help.
I prefer to use for if increments unconditionally occurs:
for(; it1 != l1.end() && it2 != l2.end(); ++it1, ++it2)
//run some code
You can omit one test while the size of lists are the same, but I'm not sure what's going on in run some code!
I think this is perfectly reasonable (except that I'd use pre-increment rather than post-increment).
You could consider using a "zip iterator" of some sort, but it's not totally obvious that this would be worth the hassle in this case.
If you are doing a simple operation on each pair of objects, you can use std::transform.
It is reasonable to do it the way you have, there are some other approaches you could take to minimise the amount of checks being done:
If you have already checked both lengths are equal (as stated as a prior check), a standard for loop may well suffice, which eliminates the access of two variables and relies only on the increment of one variable:
for (int i = 0; i< l1.size();i++)
// run some code here
However you would need to use advance() or next() to march through the objects in the list within the "some code here".
I have a map like this:
map<prmNode,vector<prmEdge>,prmNodeComparator> nodo2archi;
When I have to update the value (vector), I take the key and his value, I update the vector of values, I erase the old key and value then I insert the key and the new vector. The code is this:
bool prmPlanner::insert_edgemap(int from,int to) {
prmEdge e;
map<prmNode,vector<prmEdge> >::iterator it;
for (it=nodo2archi.begin(); it!=nodo2archi.end(); it++){
vector<prmEdge> appo;
prmNode n;
int indice=n.getIndex();
if (indice==f || indice==t){
vector<prmEdge> incArchi;
nodo2archi.insert(make_pair(n,appo) );
return true;
The problem is that for the first 40-50 iterations everything go weel and the map is updated well, while with more iterations it goes sometimes in segmentation fault, sometimes in an infinite idle. I don't know why. Somebody can help me please??
Thank you very much.
You are iterating through nodo2archi and at the sametime changing its size by doing nodo2archi.erase(it); and nodo2archi.insert(make_pair(n,appo) );. If you do that your iterator may become invalid and your it++ might crash.
Are you simply trying to append data to some of the mapped vectors? In this case you don't need to erase and insert anything:
for (MapType::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
if (some_condition) {
The problem is that after erasing the iterator it you are trying to perform operations on it (increment) which is Undefined Behavior. Some of the answers state that modifying the container while you are iterating over it is UB, which is not true, but you must know when your iterators become invalidated.
For sequence containers, the erase operation will return a new valid iterator into the next element in the container, so this would be a correct and idiomatic way of erasing from such a container:
for ( SequenceContainer::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); )
// note: no iterator increment here
// note: no caching of the end iterator
if ( condition(*it) ) {
it = c.erase(it);
} else {
But sadly enough, in the current standard, associative containers erase does not return an iterator (this is fixed in the new standard draft), so you must manually fake it
for ( AssociativeContainer::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); )
// again, no increment in the loop and no caching of the end iterator
if ( condition(*it) ) {
AssociativeContainer::iterator del = it++; // increment while still valid
c.erase(del); // erase previous position
} else {
And even more sadly, the second approach, correct for associative containers, is not valid for some sequence containers (std::vector in particular), so there is no single solution for the problem and you must know what you are iterating over. At least until the next standard is published and compilers catch up.
Yo do modify collection while iterating over it.
You are erasing nodes while iterating through your map. This is asking for trouble :)
You must not modify a collection itself while iterating over it. C++ will allow it, but it still results in undefined behavior. Other languages like Java have fail-fast iterators that immediately break when the collection has been modified.
I'm writing some cross-platform code between Windows and Mac.
If list::end() "returns an iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a list" and can be checked when traversing a list forward, what is the best way to traverse backwards?
This code workson the Mac but not on Windows (can't decrement beyond first element):
list<DVFGfxObj*>::iterator iter = m_Objs.end();
for (iter--; iter!=m_Objs.end(); iter--)// By accident discovered that the iterator is circular ?
this works on Windows:
list<DVFGfxObj*>::iterator iter = m_Objs.end();
} while (*iter != *m_Objs.begin());
Is there another way to traverse backward that could be implemented in a for loop?
Use reverse_iterator instead of iterator.
Use rbegin() & rend() instead of begin() & end().
Another possibility, if you like using the BOOST_FOREACH macro is to use the BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH macro introduced in Boost 1.36.0.
The best/easiest way to reverse iterate a list is (as already stated) to use reverse iterators rbegin/rend.
However, I did want to mention that reverse iterators are implemented storing the "current" iterator position off-by-one (at least on the GNU implementation of the standard library).
This is done to simplify the implementation, in order for the range in reverse to have the same semantics as a range forward [begin, end) and [rbegin, rend)
What this means is that dereferencing an iterator involves creating a new temporary, and then decrementing it, each and every time:
operator*() const
_Iterator __tmp = current;
return *--__tmp;
Thus, dereferencing a reverse_iterator is slower than an normal iterator.
However, You can instead use the regular bidirectional iterators to simulate reverse iteration yourself, avoiding this overhead:
for ( iterator current = end() ; current != begin() ; /* Do nothing */ )
--current; // Unfortunately, you now need this here
/* Do work */
cout << *current << endl;
Testing showed this solution to be ~5 times faster for each dereference used in the body of the loop.
Note: Testing was not done with the code above, as that std::cout would have been the bottleneck.
Also Note: the 'wall clock time' difference was ~5 seconds with a std::list size of 10 million elements. So, realistically, unless the size of your data is that large, just stick to rbegin() rend()!
You probably want the reverse iterators. From memory:
list<DVFGfxObj*>::reverse_iterator iter = m_Objs.rbegin();
for( ; iter != m_Objs.rend(); ++iter)
As already mentioned by Ferruccio, use reverse_iterator:
for (std::list<int>::reverse_iterator i = s.rbegin(); i != s.rend(); ++i)
This should work:
list<DVFGfxObj*>::reverse_iterator iter = m_Objs.rbegin();
for (; iter!= m_Objs.rend(); iter++)