ASP.Net MVC: how to write unit test code when working with ValidationAttribute and IClientValidatable - unit-testing

apologized to post bit similar question here. i am bit familiar with mvc but very new in unit testing. do not think that i know lot just see my reputation in stackoverflow.
i like to know how to write unit test code for IsValid and IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules
here i am pasting my code including my model. so anyone help me to write unit test code for the above two function. i am new in unit testing and working with VS2013 and using VS unit testing framework.
my main problem is how to write unit test code for this function specifically IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules
so here is my full code. anyone who often work with unit test then please see and come with code and suggestion if possible. thanks
public class DateValTest
[Display(Name = "Start Date")]
[DataType(DataType.Date), DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "End Date")]
[DataType(DataType.Date), DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
[DateGreaterThanAttribute(otherPropertyName = "StartDate", ErrorMessage = "End date must be greater than start date")]
public DateTime? EndDate { get; set; }
custom validation code
public class DateGreaterThanAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable
public string otherPropertyName;
public DateGreaterThanAttribute() { }
public DateGreaterThanAttribute(string otherPropertyName, string errorMessage)
: base(errorMessage)
this.otherPropertyName = otherPropertyName;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
ValidationResult validationResult = ValidationResult.Success;
// Using reflection we can get a reference to the other date property, in this example the project start date
var containerType = validationContext.ObjectInstance.GetType();
var field = containerType.GetProperty(this.otherPropertyName);
var extensionValue = field.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
//validationResult = new ValidationResult("Start Date is empty");
return validationResult;
var datatype = extensionValue.GetType();
//var otherPropertyInfo = validationContext.ObjectInstance.GetType().GetProperty(this.otherPropertyName);
if (field == null)
return new ValidationResult(String.Format("Unknown property: {0}.", otherPropertyName));
// Let's check that otherProperty is of type DateTime as we expect it to be
if ((field.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime) || (field.PropertyType.IsGenericType && field.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<DateTime>))))
DateTime toValidate = (DateTime)value;
DateTime referenceProperty = (DateTime)field.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
// if the end date is lower than the start date, than the validationResult will be set to false and return
// a properly formatted error message
if (toValidate.CompareTo(referenceProperty) < 1)
validationResult = new ValidationResult(ErrorMessageString);
validationResult = new ValidationResult("An error occurred while validating the property. OtherProperty is not of type DateTime");
catch (Exception ex)
// Do stuff, i.e. log the exception
// Let it go through the upper levels, something bad happened
throw ex;
return validationResult;
public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
var rule = new ModelClientValidationRule
ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.GetDisplayName()),
ValidationType = "isgreater",
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("otherproperty", otherPropertyName);
yield return rule;

What you want to do is test that if the value of EndDate is less than the value of StartDate, then the model is invalid, i.e. that the IsValid() method will throw a ValidationException
// Test that if the end date is less than the start date its invalid
public void TestEndDateIsInvalidIfLessThanStartDate()
// Initialize a model with invalid values
DateValTest model = new DateValTest(){ StartDate = DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1) };
ValidationContext context = new ValidationContext(model);
DateGreaterThanAttribute attribute = new DateGreaterThanAttribute("StartDate");
attribute.Validate(model.EndDate, context);
When you run the test, if will succeed. Conversely if you were to initialize the model using
DateValTest model = new DateValTest(){ StartDate = DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1) };
the test would fail because the model is valid.


insert whole list of data into sql database table in

i'm trying to create an application where data in a list must be inserted into a database table at once. I made some research and found out that this is possible using user-defined table types where in c# a datatable is used and passed to a stored procedure that is executed. now my problem is that there are no data tables in Xamarin.Android. so I thought to use a list instead. my idea was to create a list in the application and pass it to the webservice method, and in my webservice method I receive the list and convert it to a datatable then pass it as a parameter to the stored procedure. I wrote the following codes:
in my webservice:
public bool insrt_dt(List<Class1> lst)
SqlParameter param;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(new DBConnection().ConnectionString);
DataTable dt = list_to_dt(lst);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert_Customers", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
param = new SqlParameter("#tblcustomers", dt);
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.DbType = DbType.String;
cmd.CommandTimeout = 300;
int a=cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (a > 0)
return true;
else return false;
public class Class1
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string country { get; set; }
in my Xamarin.Android app
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
Button btn = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.button1);
btn.Click += delegate
wr.WebService1 ws = new wr.WebService1();
wr.Class1 class1 = new wr.Class1();
List<wr.Class1> lst = new List<wr.Class1>(){
new wr.Class1() { id = 1, name = "hgf", country = "khg" },
new wr.Class1() { id = 2, name = "hgf", country = "khg"} };
ws.insrt_dtCompleted += Ws_insrt_dtCompleted;
private void Ws_insrt_dtCompleted(object sender, wr.insrt_dtCompletedEventArgs e)
bool l = e.Result;
if (l == true)
Toast.MakeText(this, "khh", ToastLength.Long).Show();
Toast.MakeText(this, "ijo'pioo", ToastLength.Long).Show();
but I keep getting this error:
Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<app_dt.wr.Class1>' to 'app_dt.wr.Class1[]
so I used these lines instead
new wr.Class1() { id = 1, name = "hgf", country = "khg" },
new wr.Class1() { id = 2, name = "hgf", country = "khg"} };
wr.Class1[] class1s = lst.ToArray();
now I don't get an error, but it doesn't work, I mean why does it say that the webservice method input must be an array and I've created it as a list. any suggestions for this?
As i know, Xamarin do not support System.Data.SqlClient. If you want to use the database for the Xamarin android project, you could use the SQLite.NET.
Install the package from the NuGet.
NuGet: sqlite-net-pcl
For the code sample about how to use the database in Xamarin, you could check the link below.
For Xamarin.Android, you could check the sample code in the link below.

How to Mock QueryMultiple using Moq.Dapper

I am writing unit test cases and I am successful in writing unit test case for Query. But I am failing to write unit test case for QueryMultiple.
For Query I am writing like this:
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> fakeTestPurposes = new
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name1"},
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name2"},
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name3"}
_mock.SetupDapper(x => x.Query<ClientTestPurpose>(It.IsAny<string>(), null, null, true, null, null)).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var result = _libraryRepository.TestPurposes(clientModal.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), fakeTestPurposes.Count());
How to write for QueryMultiple:
using (var multi = _db.QueryMultiple(spName, spParams, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
var totals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault();
var aggregates = multi.Read<StatusModel>();
var scripts = multi.Read<LibraryItemModel>();
var runs = multi.Read<RunSummaryModel>();
var filteredTotals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault();
Apparently you use Moq.Dapper extenstions. Here is the code of SetupDapper and SetupDapperAsync method:
public static ISetup<IDbConnection, TResult> SetupDapper<TResult>(this Mock<IDbConnection> mock, Expression<Func<IDbConnection, TResult>> expression)
MethodCallExpression body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if ((body != null ? body.Method.DeclaringType : (Type) null) != typeof (SqlMapper))
throw new ArgumentException("Not a Dapper method.");
string name = body.Method.Name;
if (name == "Execute")
return (ISetup<IDbConnection, TResult>) DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupExecute(mock);
if (name == "ExecuteScalar")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupExecuteScalar<TResult>(mock);
if (name == "Query" || name == "QueryFirstOrDefault")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupQuery<TResult>(mock);
throw new NotSupportedException();
public static ISetup<IDbConnection, Task<TResult>> SetupDapperAsync<TResult>(this Mock<IDbConnection> mock, Expression<Func<IDbConnection, Task<TResult>>> expression)
MethodCallExpression body = expression.Body as MethodCallExpression;
if ((body != null ? body.Method.DeclaringType : (Type) null) != typeof (SqlMapper))
throw new ArgumentException("Not a Dapper method.");
if (body.Method.Name == "QueryAsync")
return DbConnectionInterfaceMockExtensions.SetupQueryAsync<TResult>(mock);
throw new NotSupportedException();
As you can see Moq.Dapper supports mocking only for Execute, ExecuteScalar, Query and QueryAsync methods. Therefore you probably get NotSupportedException on trying to mock QueryMultiple. To mock DB behavior you probably need introduce another level of abstraction first, as #TrueWill said in a comments. Here is just an example of idea how it can be in your case:
public void DoSomethingWithQueryTest()
// Arrange
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> fakeTestPurposes = new
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name1" },
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name2" },
new ClientTestPurpose { PurposeID = 1, PurposeName = "Test Purpose name3" }
var mock = new Mock<ILibraryRepository>();
mock.Setup(x => x.TestPurposes(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var logicService = new SomeLogicService(mock.Object);
// Act
var result = logicService.DoSomethingWithQuery(1);
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), fakeTestPurposes.Count());
public void DoSomethingWithQueryMultipleTest()
// Arrange
SomeAggregate fakeTestPurposes = new SomeAggregate();
var mock = new Mock<ILibraryRepository>();
mock.Setup(x => x.TestQueryMultiple()).Returns(fakeTestPurposes);
var logicService = new SomeLogicService(mock.Object);
// Act
var result = logicService.DoSomethingWithQueryMultiple();
// Assert
public interface ILibraryRepository
IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> TestPurposes(int id);
SomeAggregate TestQueryMultiple();
public class LibraryRepository : ILibraryRepository
private readonly IDbConnection _db;
public LibraryRepository(IDbConnection db)
_db = db ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(db));
public IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> TestPurposes(int id)
return _db.Query<ClientTestPurpose>("SQL here", new { id }, null, true, null, null);
public SomeAggregate TestQueryMultiple()
string spName = "SQL here";
var spParams = new { Id = 1 };
using (var multi = _db.QueryMultiple(spName, spParams, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))
return new SomeAggregate
totals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault(),
aggregates = multi.Read<StatusModel>(),
scripts = multi.Read<LibraryItemModel>(),
runs = multi.Read<RunSummaryModel>(),
filteredTotals = multi.Read<dynamic>().FirstOrDefault()
public class SomeAggregate
public IEnumerable<dynamic> totals { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<StatusModel> aggregates { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<LibraryItemModel> scripts { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<RunSummaryModel> runs { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<dynamic> filteredTotals { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Example logic server, that just returns results from repository
/// </summary>
public class SomeLogicService
private readonly ILibraryRepository _repo;
public SomeLogicService(ILibraryRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public IEnumerable<ClientTestPurpose> DoSomethingWithQuery(int id)
return _repo.TestPurposes(id);
public SomeAggregate DoSomethingWithQueryMultiple()
return _repo.TestQueryMultiple();
The main idea is to hide all DB specific thing behind the ILibraryRepository and move all logic that you need to test to some logic server, that will receive repository as dependency. In order code in repository should be simple, obvious, contains all DB specific logic: connection, transaction, command, object-relation mapping, etc. And you don't need to cover this code with unt tests. However you do cover code of SomeLogicService with unit tests, because this is what you really need to test. You see Dapper extension method are rather low-level abstraction, that doesn't hide details of working with DB, they are just helpers. Hope it helps.

how do you mock an xml for unit testing?

I need to unit testing this GetData method.
public MessageResponse GetData(XmlElement requestElement)
MessageResponse MsgResponse = new MessageResponse();
if (requestElement.Attributes["employeeNo"] == null){
MsgResponse.Messages = new List<string>();
MsgResponse.Messages.Add("Attribute employeeNo is missing");
MsgResponse.Error = true;
return MsgResponse;
if (requestElement.Attributes["xmlEmployeeName"] == null){
MsgResponse.Messages.Add("Attribute xmlEmployeeName is missing");
MsgResponse.Error = true;
return MsgResponse;
return MsgResponse;
this method needs a XmlElement parameter. how do I mock it? in my code, I first created a xmlDocument, then load the xml file.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
requestElement = doc.DocumentElement;
for me to test it, first i need to create a xml file without employeeNo, the create antoher one without name, maybe alot more for other scenarios. it just seems like alot work. is there a better way to test it?
should I use moq or other testing framework to simplify the testing?
You can just create the element you want to test with, w/o reading a file at all:
var doc = new XmlDocument();
var myTestElement = doc.DocumentElement;
myTestElement.Attributes["employeeNo"] = "fakeId";
var response = myTestResponder.GetData(myTestElement);
//assert whatever you need to
NOTE: every time you find out that the test is too hard to write, usually this means that your class/method does too much.
I would assume, that your method verifies the input, than does something with the data provided. I would suggest that you abstract the data reading part (using some xml deserializer) to populate the data model you need for your application.
Then run validation on the result of the deserialized data. Something like:
public MessageResponse GetData(XmlElement requestElement)
var data = _xmlDeserializer.Deserialize(requestElement);
var validationResult = _validator.Validate(data);
if (validationResult.Errors.Count > 0)
//populate errors
return result;
Take a look at FluentValidation for a nice validation library.
If you go the above route, then your tests will be much simpler.
public void GetData_Returns_Correct_Message_When_EmployeeNo_Is_Null()
var inputWithoutEmployeeNo = GetElement(#"<input></input>");
var actual = GetData(inputWithoutEmployeeNo);
Assert.IsTrue(actual.Error, "Error should be true when employee no. is missing");
Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Messages.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("Attribute employeeNo is missing", actual.Messages[0]);
private XmlElement GetElement(string xml)
var doc = new XmlDocument();
return doc.DocumentElement;
While working on the unit test, I found out that the code throws a NullReferenceException.
The following unit test demonstrates the issue:
public void GetData_Throws_NullReferenceException_When_EmployeeNo_Is_Not_Null_And_XmlEmployeeName_Is_Null()
var inputWithoutEmployeeNo = GetElement(#"<input employeeNo='123'></input>");
Using Moq
using System;
using System.Xml;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MockXmlTest
public class MyServiceTests
private MockSetup _mockSetup;
public void Init()
_mockSetup = MockSetup.HappySetup();
public void MyService_Should_Return_Guid()
var myService = _mockSetup.MyService.Object;
var id = 42;
var expected = Guid.Empty.ToString();
var actual = myService.GetXml(id);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.FirstChild.InnerText);
public class MyService : IMyService
public XmlDocument GetXml(int id)
var doc = new XmlDocument();
//Do real stuff
return doc;
public interface IMyService
XmlDocument GetXml(int id);
public class MockSetup
public Mock<IMyService> MyService { get; set; }
public MockSetup()
MyService = new Mock<IMyService>();
public static MockSetup HappySetup()
var mockSetup = new MockSetup();
var mockDoc = CreateMockDoc();
//Matches any id of an integer, returns a XmlDocument mock
mockSetup.MyService.Setup(m => m.GetXml(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(mockDoc);
return mockSetup;
private static XmlDocument CreateMockDoc()
XmlDocument mockDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement el = (XmlElement)mockDoc.AppendChild(mockDoc.CreateElement("Main"));
el.AppendChild(mockDoc.CreateElement("MyGuid")).InnerText = It.IsAny<Guid>().ToString();
return mockDoc;

Mocking in Unit Tests

I am trying to test the AddCategory of the following CategoryService.
My problem is that I am having a hard time understanding what to mock/fake.
My attempt at the test is at the bottom.
I am using MOQ, xUnit and FluentAssertions.
I am using FluentValidation for the validators.
Category Service
public class CategoryService : ValidatingServiceBase, ICategoryService
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
private readonly IRepository<Category> categoryRepository;
private readonly IRepository<SubCategory> subCategoryRepository;
private readonly IValidationService validationService;
public CategoryService(
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
IRepository<Category> categoryRepository,
IRepository<SubCategory> subCategoryRepository,
IValidationService validationService)
: base(validationService)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
this.categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
this.subCategoryRepository = subCategoryRepository;
this.validationService = validationService;
public bool AddCategory(Category category)
var validationResult = validationService.Validate(category);
if (!validationResult.IsValid)
return false;
return true;
public bool DoesCategoryExist(string categoryName)
return categoryRepository.Query().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == categoryName) != null;
Validation Service
public class ValidationService : ServiceBase, IValidationService
private readonly IValidatorFactory validatorFactory;
public ValidationService(IValidatorFactory validatorFactory)
Enforce.ArgumentNotNull(validatorFactory, "validatorFactory");
this.validatorFactory = validatorFactory;
public ValidationResult Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity) where TEntity : class
var validator = validatorFactory.GetValidator<TEntity>();
return validator.Validate(entity);
Validator Factory
public class ValidatorFactory : IValidatorFactory
public IValidator GetValidator(Type type)
Enforce.ArgumentNotNull(type, "type");
return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(IValidator<>).MakeGenericType(type)) as IValidator;
public IValidator<T> GetValidator<T>()
return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IValidator<T>>();
Category Validator
public class CategoryValidator : AbstractValidator<Category>
public CategoryValidator(ICategoryService service)
RuleFor(x => x.Name)
.Must((category, name) =>
return service.DoesCategoryExist(name);
Unit Test Attempt
public void AddCategory_Should_ReturnTrue()
var category = new Category() { Name = "Cat1" };
var unitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
var categoryRepo = new Mock<IRepository<Category>>();
var subCategoryRepo = new Mock<IRepository<SubCategory>>();
var mockCategoryService = new Mock<ICategoryService>();
var categoryValidator = new CategoryValidator(mockCategoryService.Object);
var validatorFactory = new Mock<IValidatorFactory>();
validatorFactory.Setup(x => x.GetValidator<CategoryValidator>()).Returns(categoryValidator as IValidator<CategoryValidator>);
var validationService = new ValidationService(validatorFactory.Object);
var categoryService = new CategoryService(
Well for the AddCategory method, I think you really only need two mocks, one for the ValidationService, and one for the CategoryRepository, because the other dependencies aren't exercised in that function and therefore are irrelevant
(the story might be different of course if your ctor throws on null arguments but in this case I think you are OK - albeit you might consider adding these checks in the future :)
Anyway, being pedantic, I'd nearly be inclined to write two (or more - maybe one for null input to verify it throws or returns false or whatever) "unit" tests for this function;
One to verify that given an invalid category, the function returns false,
One to verify that given a valid category, the function calls Add on the CategoryRepository dependency.
So it would look like this (sorry, this is using MSTest syntax as I'm not familiar with xUnit but it's the same idea). Also have not tested below for typos, etc :)
public void AddCategory_InvalidCategory_ShouldReturnFalse()
var mockValidator = new Mock<IValidator>();
//no matter what we pass to the validator, it will return false
var sut= new CategoryService(null,null,null,mockValidator.Object);
bool expected = false;
bool actual = sut.AddCategory(new Category());
Assert.AreEqual(expected,actual,"Validator didn't return false as expected");
public void AddCategory_ValidCategory_ShouldCallRepositoryAdd()
var mockValidator = new Mock<IValidator>();
//no matter what we pass to the validator, it will return true
var mockRepo = new Mock<IRepository<SubCategory>>();
mockRepo.Setup(r=>r.Add(It.IsAny<Category>())); //do not know or care what happens as this is a void method.
var sut= new CategoryService(null,mockRepo.Object,null,mockValidator.Object);
bool expected = false;
bool actual = sut.AddCategory(new Category());
mockRepo.Verify(r=>r.Add(It.IsAny<Category>(),Times.Exactly(1),"Repo ADD method not called or called too many times, etc");
Assert.AreEqual(expected,actual,"Add was called BUT the AddCategoryMethod didn't return true as expected"); //and of course you could be totally pedantic and create a new test method for that last assert ;)
The reason I favour this approach is because it forces you to consider the behaviour of the method under test, as well as ensuring that you don't involve any dependencies that are not being tested plus it means your test methods only create exactly what they need to in order to run the tests (and of course you can create some setup/teardown helpers to pre-create those mocks for you);
Of course you could put all the above into a single method but for the sake of saving a few LOC I hope you'll agree that having two separate tests to verify two separate behaviours is a more robust approach.
Just my 2c. hope it helps! MVC Test of Create action method with NUnit and Nsubstitute always fails

I have this controller:
public ActionResult Create(Company company)
// try to save the record
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// create the command
var command = new CreateOrUpdateCompanyCommand
CompanyId = company.CompanyId,
Code = company.Code,
Name = company.Name
// check for errors
IEnumerable<ValidationResult> errors = _commandBus.Validate(command);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var result = _commandBus.Submit(command);
if (result.Success)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// if fail
return View("Create", company);
I have this test for NUnit:
public void Create()
const string expectedRouteName = "Index";
// Mock the arguments
var mockRepository = Substitute.For<ICompanyRepository>();
var mockProcessor = Substitute.For<ICommandBus>();
// Arrange
var controller = new CompanyController(mockProcessor, mockRepository);
// Act
var company = new Company
Code = "XXXXXXX",
CompanyId = 1,
Name = "Sample company"
var result = controller.Create(company) as RedirectToRouteResult;
// Assert
Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Should return a ViewResult");
Assert.AreEqual(expectedRouteName, result.RouteValues["action"],
"View name should have been '{0}'", expectedRouteName);
This is the Model:
public class Company
public int CompanyId { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "* (xxxx)")]
[RegularExpression("^([A-Z0-9]{7})$", ErrorMessage = "xxx")]
[Display(Name = "Code")]
public string Code { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "*")]
[Display(Name = "Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
When I Run the test, this function always return false: var result = _commandBus.Submit(command); and the test fails.
I don't know how to test it? Should I mock the _commandBus and set it to return true? I tried in this way but unsuccessfully:
var mockCommand = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
To create this project I have got inspiration from this
Any advise to me? Thanks.
The command you pass to mockProcessor.Submit(mockCommand).Success.Returns(true) needs to be the same one that the code-under-test passes. As the method news up its own command this will never be the case.
Easiest fix is to match any command when you set up your substitute:
var result = CreateSuccessfulResult(); // <-- fill this in as appropriate
Setting the Success field on result inline as per your original test should work too I think, but I find it a bit clearer to specify the result required.
You can improve this a bit by matching the expected command type:
You can also inspect the command passed if you'd like to test that:
.Submit(Arg.Is<CreateOrUpdateCompanyCommand>(x => x.CompanyId = ...))
A similar approach can be used to check the Validate call.
There's a bit more info in the NSubstitute docs.