Getting ember to run under docker on Windows Quickstart - ember.js

Working through this tutorial on setting up ember-cli in a Docker container:
Here are my steps:
Created docker-compose.yml in an empty folder on the host machine
Launched Docker Quickstart to get a terminal
Changed to the folder with the .yml
Ran the two docker-compose commands below from the terminal (added -d because without that you get a message that interactive mode is not supported)
Ran docker ps -a to verify that the container was running
Ran docker inspect CONTAINER_ID to find the ip address of the running container
Found the IP address at an odd location (
Attempted to access port 4200 on that IP from the host Windows machine browser and also from the Docker CL via curl but without success.
Ran docker ps -a and found that both containers that had been instantiated had exited.
Now if I try to start the container again it just exits immediately
docker-compose run -d --rm ember init
docker-compose run -d --rm ember server
What am I missing to get up and running? Do I need to open ports on the Default VM running in Virtualbox? How do I diagnose why the container keeps exiting?

First I would suggest using docker-compose up, that is most likely what you want.
To see the logs for a detached container you can run docker logs <container name>. If there are any errors you'll see them there.
A likely cause of the "container exit" is because the process goes into the background. Docker requires a process to stay in the foreground, but many serve commands will background by default. To keep the process in the foreground you can sometimes add use a flag like --foreground or --no-daemon, but I'm not sure if one exists for ember.
If that flag doesn't exist, it's likely that ember server is just checking if stdin/stdout are connected to a tty. By default they are not. You can add these lines to your docker-compose.yml to fix it:
stdin_open: True
tty: True

Ok finally resolved it. The issue with the module resolution may have been long file name resolution on windows because after I moved the source folder to the root of the host I was able to get ember serve running under windows.
Then from the terminal window I ran the commands to init and launch ember-server
docker-compose run -d --rm ember init
docker-compose run -d --rm ember server
Then did:
docker-compose up -d
which launched the containers successfully and then I was able to access the Ember page served up at the IP:Port specified earlier in the comments


Django port not open in container when starting Django Docker container via shell script

I'm trying to containerize my Django application, and everything is working fine, except in the situation where I try to run the container from a shell script. In this case, the Django server is running, but the port is not open inside the container.
Here's the command I'm running to start the container:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --net=mynet --name myapp -v $PWD:/myapp myimage ./ss
ss is a shell script that launches my Django app. It contains:
python3 runserver 0:8000
When I run the Docker RUN command from the command line, everything works fine; the port is mapped correctly, I can browse to my app from a browser in my host and it loads correctly, etc.
However, if I copy the above run command in a shell script ( for example), the container launches just fine, the ports are mapped correctly, but when I try to open the app in my browser, I get a connection reset error.
If open a shell to the container by running
docker exec -i -t myapp /bin/bash
I can get into the container. I check running processes with ps -eaf I do see the python process running my Django app. However, if I check open ports from within the container with netstat -a or netstat -l, port 8000 is NOT available.
If I then stop the container, then restart it from the command line, and inspect the container, netstat -a will show port 8000 as available, and I can connect to my app from a host browser.
I'm a bit at a loss to explain how launching the docker container from the host would have this impact on the container internally, and I'm not sure what my next debugging steps should be.
Note 1: When inside the container, if I run the start script ./ss, Django starts and the port opens as expected.
Note 2: I also tried using the CMD ["ss"] instruction in my container's Dockerfile, and I get the same result; if I launch the container from the commandline, it works fine. If I launch it from a shell script, the port inside the container doesn't open.

Cannot launch interactive session in Windows IIS Docker container

I'm using the AWS "Windows Server 2016 Base with Containers" image (ami-5e6bce3e).
Using docker info I can confirm I have the latest (Server Version: 1.12.2-cs-ws-beta).
From Powershell (running as Admin) I can successfully run the "microsoft/windowsservercore" container in interactive mode, connecting to CMD in the container:
docker run -it microsoft/windowsservercore cmd
When I attempt to run the "microsoft/iis" container in interactive mode, although I am able to connect to IIS (via browser), I am never connected to the interactive CMD session in the container.
docker run -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis cmd
Instead, I simply get:
Service 'w3svc' started
Using another Powershell window, I can:
docker container ls
...and see my container running.
Attempting to attach locks up and never returns.
I have since switched regions and found that there are different AMI's on each region:
us-east-1: ami-d08edfc7
us-west-2: ami-5e6bce3e
...both of these have the same result.
Relevant links used:
AWS announcement and simple Docker example
MSDN simple Docker example
MSDN IIS Docker example
Using the following link I was able to create my own Dockerfile based off the server base and installing IIS and this seems to work fine.
custom Dockerfile
This is not an issue with AWS AMI's, it was due to the way the Microsoft IIS Dockerfile was written / being new to Docker.
Link to Microsoft's IIS DockerFile
The last line (line 7):
ENTRYPOINT ["C:\\ServiceMonitor.exe", "w3svc"]
Difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT
So since this Dockerfile uses ENTRYPOINT, to launch an interactive powershell session, use the following command:
docker run --entrypoint powershell -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis
Note that it seems that the "--entrypoint" flag needs to be after run, as this won't work:
docker run -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis --entrypoint powershell
Here is another reference link regarding ENTRYPOINT and CMD differences

How do I provide credentials to the docker awslogs driver using Docker for Mac?

I'm trying to use the docker awslogs driver and getting the following error:
"docker: Error response from daemon: Failed to initialize logging
driver: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain.
According to this GitHub comment, I need to set the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable for the docker daemon, but I'm not sure how to do that when using Docker for Mac.
The command I'm using to start the container is:
docker run -d \
--log-driver=awslogs \
--log-opt awslogs-region=us-east-1 \
--log-opt awslogs-group=my-log-group \
Version information:
Docker for Mac 1.12.1-rc1-beta23 build 11375
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
but I'm not sure how to do that when using Docker for Mac.
With boot2docker, you would need to modify /var/lib/boot2docker/profile in order to add this variable.
See "Docker daemon config file on boot2docker".
It does persists across the TinyCore-based VM reboot, and the docker daemon would then take it into account.
With the new docker for Mac xhyve-based, the idea should be the same.
/var/lib/boot2docker/profile does exist as well, as shown in this answer.
The official docker dameon doc points to:
--config-file=/etc/docker/daemon.json Daemon configuration file
So try and modify this file.
By default, the comments mention:
Using information taken from this answer: Docker deamon config path under mac os
You can connect to the VM layer that runs the docker daemon using:
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
And you can modify /etc/docker/daemon.json to add the needed variables there.
Once you make your changes, you can just run:
service docker restart
from within the moby terminal to restart the docker daemon.
Do notice that if you restart docker from your mac, the changes will not persist.
On a side note, if you encounter a login screen when connecting with the screen command, try username: root to access the system.

AWS: CodeDeploy for a Docker Compose project?

My current objective is to have Travis deploy our Django+Docker-Compose project upon successful merge of a pull request to our Git master branch. I have done some work setting up our AWS CodeDeploy since Travis has builtin support for it. When I got to the AppSpec and actual deployment part, at first I tried to have an AfterInstall script do docker-compose build and then have an ApplicationStart script do docker-compose up. The containers that have images pulled from the web are our PostgreSQL container (named db, image aidanlister/postgres-hstore which is the usual postgres image plus the hstore extension), the Redis container (uses the redis image), and the Selenium container (image selenium/standalone-firefox). The other two containers, web and worker, which are the Django server and Celery worker respectively, use the same Dockerfile to build an image. The main command is:
CMD paver docker_run
which uses a file:
from paver.easy import task
from paver.easy import sh
def docker_run():
def migrate():
sh('./ makemigrations --noinput')
sh('./ migrate --noinput')
def collectStatic():
sh('./ collectstatic --noinput')
# find any updates to existing packages, install any new packages
def updateRequirements():
sh('pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt')
def startServer():
sh('./ runserver')
Here is what I (think I) need to make happen each time a pull request is merged:
Have Travis deploy changes using CodeDeploy, based on deploy section in .travis.yml tailored to our CodeDeploy setup
Start our Docker containers on AWS after successful deployment using our docker-compose.yml
How do I get this second step to happen? I'm pretty sure ECS is actually not what is needed here. My current status right now is that I can get Docker started with sudo service docker start but I cannot get docker-compose up to be successful. Though deployments are reported as "successful", this is only because the docker-compose up command is run in the background in the Validate Service section script. In fact, when I try to do docker-compose up manually when ssh'd into the EC2 instance, I get stuck building one of the containers, right before the CMD paver docker_run part of the Dockerfile.
This took a long time to work out, but I finally figured out a way to deploy a Django+Docker-Compose project with CodeDeploy without Docker-Machine or ECS.
One thing that was important was to make an alternate docker-compose.yml that excluded the selenium container--all it did was cause problems and was only useful for local testing. In addition, it was important to choose an instance type that could handle building containers. The reason why containers couldn't be built from our Dockerfile was that the instance simply did not have the memory to complete the build. Instead of a t1.micro instance, an m3.medium is what worked. It is also important to have sufficient disk space--8GB is far too small. To be safe, 256GB would be ideal.
It is important to have an After Install script run service docker start when doing the necessary Docker installation and setup (including installing Docker-Compose). This is to explicitly start running the Docker daemon--without this command, you will get the error Could not connect to Docker daemon. When installing Docker-Compose, it is important to place it in /opt/bin/ so that the binary is used via /opt/bin/docker-compose. There are problems with placing it in /usr/local/bin (I don't exactly remember what problems, but it's related to the particular Linux distribution for the Amazon Linux AMI). The After Install script needs to be run as root (runas: root in the appspec.yml AfterInstall section).
Additionally, the final phase of deployment, which is starting up the containers with docker-compose up (more specifically /opt/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose-aws.yml up), needs to be run in the background with stdin and stdout redirected to /dev/null:
/opt/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose-aws.yml up -d > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &
Otherwise, once the server is started, the deployment will hang because the final script command (in the ApplicationStart section of my appspec.yml in my case) doesn't exit. This will probably result in a deployment failure after the default deployment timeout of 1 hour.
If all goes well, then the site can finally be accessed at the instance's public DNS and port in your browser.

Where does dockerized jetty store its logs?

I'm packaging a project into a docker jetty image and I'm trying to access the logs, but no logs.
FROM jetty:9.2.10
ADD ./target/abc-1.0.0 /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ROOT
Bash script to start docker image:
docker pull me/abc
docker stop abc
docker rm abc
docker run --name='abc' -d -p 10908:8080 -v /var/log/abc:/var/log/jetty me/abc:latest
The image is running, but I'm not seeing any jetty logs in /var/log.
I've tried a docker run -it jetty bash, but not seeing any jetty logs in /var/log either.
Am I missing a parameter to make jetty output logs or does it output it somewhere other than /var/log/jetty?
Why you aren't seeing logs
2 things to note:
Running docker run -it jetty bash will start a new container instead of connecting you to your existing daemonized container.
And it would invoke bash instead of starting jetty in that container, so it won't help you to get logs from either container.
So this interactive container won't help you in any case.
But also...
JettyLogs are disabled anyways
Also, you won't see the logs in the standard location (say, if you tried to use docker exec to read the logs, or to get them in a volume), quite simply because the Jetty Docker file is aptly disabling logging entirely.
If you look at the jetty:9.2.10 Dockerfile, you will see this line:
&& sed -i '/jetty-logging/d' etc/jetty.conf \
Which nicely removes the entire line referencing the jetty-logging.xml default logging configuration.
What to do then?
Reading logs with docker logs
Docker gives you access to the container's standard output.
After you did this:
docker run --name='abc' -d -p 10908:8080 -v /var/log/abc:/var/log/jetty me/abc:latest
You can simply do this:
docker logs abc
And be greeted with somethig similar to this:
Running Jetty:
2015-05-15 13:33:00.729:INFO::main: Logging initialized #2295ms
2015-05-15 13:33:02.035:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting umask=02
2015-05-15 13:33:02.102:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Opened ServerConnector#73ec519{HTTP/1.1}{}
2015-05-15 13:33:02.102:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting GID=999
2015-05-15 13:33:02.106:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting UID=999
2015-05-15 13:33:02.133:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.10.v20150310
2015-05-15 13:33:02.170:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/var/lib/jetty/webapps/] at interval 1
2015-05-15 13:33:02.218:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#73ec519{HTTP/1.1}{}
2015-05-15 13:33:02.219:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started #3785ms
Use docker help logs for more details.
Obviously your other option is to revert what the default Dockerfile for jetty is doing, or to create your own dockerized Jetty.