how to add time stamp for each row in informatica? - informatica

I am trying to add time column in the target table and then add unique time for each record.
EX: time

You can use the SYSTIMESTAMP() function to get a timestamp for each record:
Port Name Port Type Expression
v_format Variable 'NS'
o_timestamp Output SYSTIMESTAMP(v_format)
Note that you have to use the format string ('SS','MS','NS' or 'US') as a variable for Informatica to evaluate the function for each row. If you specify the format string as a constant like this SYSTIMESTAMP('NS'), Informatica evaluates the function once and retains its value for each row in the transformation.


I want to Assign 'Y' to the Duplicate Records and 'N' to the Unque Records, And Display those 'Y' and 'N' Flags in 'Duplicate' Column

I want to Assign 'Y' to the Duplicate Records and 'N' to the Unique Records, And Display those 'Y' and 'N'
Flags in 'Duplicate' Column.
Like Below
Source Table:
Target Table:
How to Create a Mapping in Informatica Powercenter?
Which Logic I Should use?
[See the Image for More Clarification][1]
You need to calculate count grouping by key columns using aggregator. And then join back to original flow based on key columns.
use Sorter sort the data based on key columns like name and country in your example.
use Aggregator to calculate count() group by key columns.
out_count= count(*)
in_out - key_column
use Joiner to join aggregator data and sorter data based on key columns. Drag out_count and key columns from aggregator to joiner. Drag all columns from sorter. Do a inner join on key columns.
use Expression and create an out expression. Use out_count column to calculate your duplicate flag.
out_Duplicate = iif( out_count>1, 'Y','N')
Whole map should look like this
SRC -->SRT ---->AGG-->\
There's one more way to solve it without the Joiner, which is costly. I'm going to use the Name, Location sample columns from your example.
Use the Sorter on the Name and Location
Add an Expression with variable port for each key column called e.g. v_prev_Name and v_prev_Location.
Assign the expressions accordingly:
v_prev_Name = Name
v_prev_Location = Location
Next create another variable v_is_duplicate with following expression:
IIF(v_prev_Name = Name and v_prev_Location = Location, 1, 0)
Move v_is_duplicate up the list of ports so that it is before v_prev_Name and v_prev_Location - THIS IS IMPORTANT. The order needs to be:
Add output port is_duplicate with expression simply matching v_is_duplicate.

How to filter dates based on its time in Loopback 4?

I want to find out all the dates which have time more than 10.30 am.
let whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder();'sessionStartedOn', '10:30:00');
Obviously, this doesn't work. Are there any wildcard characters I should be adding?
The query in PostgreSQL would be something like this -
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_part('hour', sessionStartedOn) >= 10 AND date_part('minutes', sessionStartedOn) > 30;
I think the second parameter should be of the same type as the value contained by the variable named by the first parameter. In your case I presume it is date. For example: "2022-01-18T00:00:00.000Z"
PS. If you want to filter for values greater than the value passed as a parameter you should use .gt (>) or .gte (>=) methods.

Can we create Dynamic Date table in mapping Data Flow?

I have a query in Power BI that takes two parameter: Start Date and End Date.
Whenever I pass these Dates it return a table of Date that contain few columns created according to this range of date such as Date, QuarterofYear, Year, MonthName......etc.
Can we create a mapping data flow in ADF that takes two parameter as input and return a calculated table according to provided dates?
Is there any function that return the range of dates?
For your request: "I want that I pass two date Start Date and End Date in ADF Mapping Data Flow , and Data flow will Create a column such as "Date" that contain that number of Date rows. Is there any function for this? Exam. Start Date=20-01-2019, End Date=20-01-2020 Then Date Column Values should be: 20-01-2019 21-01-2019 ......... ......... 20-02-2020", according the Data Factory documents and my experience, the answer is no, we can't achieve it in Data Flow.
There is a solution to this, but it is a bit tricky.
The general data flow looks like this:
We need a dummy source with exactly one row which contains whatever.
Then we derive a column where we use the mapLoop() expression to create an array of all the dates we want to get rows for.
Finally, we need to flatten the array column which will result in one row per array entry and thus one row per date.
Source dummy
Each dataflow needs a source and we need exactly one row to make our dataflow work. To achieve this I've created a dataset called empty of type CSV in my data lake which has this content:
This is our source definition:
And its result looks like this:
Derived column days
This is where the magic happens!
We create a new column dates which is an array of all the dates we want to have in our date table:
In this scenario we want a date table starting on 2019-01-01 and reaching one year into the future. The full expression looks like this:
addDays(currentDate(), 365) - toDate(2019-01-01),
addDays(toDate(2019-01-01), #index)
This is what happens here:
the mapLoop() function builds an array of elements. You specify the number of elements you want to have and the lambda expression to calculate each of the elements. For example, mapIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], #item + 2 + #index) results in [4, 6, 8, 10]
addDays(currentDate(), 365) - toDate('2019-01-01') is the number of days between our start (2019-01-01) and end date (1 year in the future from now) and thus the number of dates we want to have in our resulting array.
addDays(toDate(2019-01-01), #index) calculates each array item by adding #index days to our start date. This is executed for the number of days we've calculated before and #index is the array position. Thus, the first element of the array will be 2019-01-01 + 1, the second 2019-01-01 + 2 and so on.
Our stream now has these columns:
Finally, you need a flatten transformation which will expand each item in your array to its dedicated row. We can also dismiss the useless empty column in this step:
And this finally results in what we wanted to achieve:
Data transformation expressions in mapping data flow

informatica datetime datatype format

I want to convert the string 20160101000000 into datetime format using expression. I have used below date function
But my table file is not loading. My session and workflow gets succeed. My target and source is also flatfile.
I want to change the string 20160101000000 into MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS for loading data into my target table.
You need to give exact format that looks so that to_date function can understand that format and converts it into date.
So here your date looks like YYYYMMDDHH24MISS (20160101000000).
There is often confusion with the TO_DATE function... it is in fact for converting a string into a date and the function itself is to describe the pattern of the incoming date. Now if you want to convert a date field to a specified date format you must use TO_CHAR

weka- replace null value in a nominal attribute with a string

I am cleaning a data set with google open refine and then trying to use it in Weka to do some cluster analysis. I am dealing with a nominal column that stores range of salaries.
I've specified the attribute as below
#ATTRIBUTE Income {'0-30000','30000-50000','50000-75000','75000-150000','>150000'}
In the data set there are rows in which the 'Income' column is null and I suppose that is the reason why I get the error:
'nominal value not declared in header, read Token line 13'
Is there a way I can replace null values with a string( and then specify the string in the attribute)? - If so how do i specify it in the #ATRRIBUTE row?
Or would it be possible to include the null in the set of attributes?